Kim Potter Found Guilty

He could have killed the cop doing an illegal act. As far as I'm concerned, he tried to kill that cop, he didn't give a shit about that man's life. Why do you support such a criminal?
He wasn’t trying to kill a cop? Another stupid answer. He was trying to flee with the Cop halfway inside the Car. If he had killed him do you think he would give a S..T?
Just ask the one who he shot that’s permanently disabled in a wheelchair
He wasn’t trying to kill a cop? Another stupid answer. He was trying to flee with the Cop halfway inside the Car. If he had killed him do you think he would give a S..T?
Just ask the one who he shot that’s permanently disabled in a wheelchair
Yes, and the little shit shot 2 people. One is in a coma and the other is disabled from a gunshot to the thigh. He also held a woman at gunpoint and has a Drug arrest. IMO, the little thug is where he belongs.
A “bad cop” is corrupt and would have meant to kill the perp and lied about the motive. There is zero evidence of anything close to that and she never lied. It was a lethal accident. I will continue to use the word accident but mistakes can have legal consequences. The verdict was overboard, but what’s new that’s our society for us currently.
Corrupt, stupid, lazy, or just incompetent...she's still a bad cop. Fry her.
Hey dumb ass, he was a criminal, or did you not pay attention to the trial??? :auiqs.jpg: You fascists are quite literally impossibly fucking stupid, you cannot help selves you are so devoid of ability to critically think! "Daunte" is right where he belongs, the cop is not!
Definitely not...she is sitting in a cell instead of rotting in a grave.
I assume you also are pleased that a Colorado truck driver, who was involved in an accident completely beyond his control, deserves the 110-year prison term the democrat judge slapped him with, no??? How about your hero Alec Baldwin, I would imagine you and all other democratic party fascists are chomping at bit to see his ass packed off to "maximum security" for a cool 15-years too, no??? :fu:

The Colorado idiot should get 20 years, and your claim is, entirely, wrong.

Alec Baldwin should get...whatever negligent homicide gets.
Trump voters voted for Trump because of Trump’s racism.

Finally, there was a presidential candidate who understood and pandered to the right’s unwarranted fear of nonwhites, diversity, and inclusion – someone who would fight for ‘white culture,’ someone who embraced white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.
Liar. You are an Idiot.

Trump voters voted for Trump for many reasons. None of the reasons included racism. One excellent reason? In fact, is that he was an alternative to Shrillary Rotten Clinton. Now that bitch is a racist.
I know your white ass didn't say this. Are you on crack?

Whites have never competed on a level playing field and have been crying for the last 56 years because the government is trying to level it. So apparently you believe whites are not smart enough to compete on a level playing field.
Hey, I'm not the one that believes blacks are not smart enough to get ID and are not smart enough to get into good schools...that's Joey.
And when is Michael Byrd the scum who killed Ashli Babbitt going to be found guilty?
He could have killed the cop doing an illegal act. As far as I'm concerned, he tried to kill that cop, he didn't give a shit about that man's life. Why do you support such a criminal?
She’s a Liberal

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