Kim Potter Found Guilty

He beat an officer with a hammer. Then drove off.

And then what about the guy in florida I posted a link to who killed 4 people, including an infant, shot at police but was not killed.

You call somebody an animal white boy, but thats what whites like you have been.

Again, just because you shoot at police doesn't mean you get killed. If you shoot at police and then surrender you won't be shot dead.

You animals should try putting your hands up when told by police you're under arrest. More of you would survive if you did.

Doesn't matter what Kim Potter would have done. They discovered he had expired tags when they got behind him. Then he had no insurance. Then a warrant.

A good negro would have surrendered to police without violence. A dead negro would decide to fight off cops, attempt to get back into his car and run with a cop hanging out the right side of the car.

Dead negro is dead.
Yes, and the little shit shot 2 people. One is in a coma and the other is disabled from a gunshot to the thigh. He also held a woman at gunpoint and has a Drug arrest. IMO, the little thug is where he belongs.
No he didn't but this is what you scum do.
No, that's bullshit. Duante was trying to kill a cop. Luckily, that cop's partner, Potter, stopped it from happening. Like a lot of black thugs he felt entitled to try to run from his crimes. he already shot one person in the head and made another lame, got popped on drug charges and held a gun to a woman's head. The little thug lived a life of crime and probably would have been rubbed out sooner or later anyway by another black thug. Potter is an unfortunate victim of racism against white cops.
No he wasn't. Everything you say here is a lie.
Again, just because you shoot at police doesn't mean you get killed. If you shoot at police and then surrender you won't be shot dead.
Then explain all those black people who were shot / killed by police, who didn't have a firearm, and who never even fired at the police.

Yet the police fired 42 shots at them for holding a wallet.
I don’t see it as racist. The courts have agreed that colleges have right to select in such away as to promote a diverse student body as long as it isn’t a quota system. Schools have multiple criteria for admission, it is never based solely on gpa or test scores. Bringing in students from diverse backgrounds is generally beneficial to all. It is no different then selecting based on religion or first generation, it means some one else with better test scores, doesn’t get selected.

Isn‘t discrimination discrimination whether it is race or some other factor? Why does only race matter?
She's been radicalized and is brainwashed. They very things shes ranting about are protections to stop discrimination based on sex. You know that, but Lisa is too busy being a racist.
Then explain all those black people who were shot / killed by police, who didn't have a firearm, and who never even fired at the police.

Yet the police fired 42 shots at them for holding a wallet.

Prove they were shot and killed because they were black.
The problem is that January 6th protesters also chose to break down the front door with a battering ram, broke windows and doors, in forceable entry entry.

Which is why those charged with trespass weren't also charged with forceable entry, since some didn't have to force their way in.
Only whites who are racists and have not experienced the depth of systemic racism make dumb ass comments like the one you make here. Shut up about this until you turn black and face it.
You are a confirmed racist. But in fairness, you’re such a asshole, you might not understand it.
Prove they were shot and killed because they were black.
There are lots of stories of people in confrontation with police officers. The majority of white encounters end up with the person arrested, while a significant number of identical black encounters end up with the person shot or killed.

It's not just coincidence that their skin color made the difference.
There are lots of stories of people in confrontation with police officers. The majority of white encounters end up with the person arrested, while a significant number of identical black encounters end up with the person shot or killed.

It's not just coincidence that their skin color made the difference.

There are no two identical encounters with police officers.

White Man Kills 4, Including A Baby, Shoots At Cops, Attacks Another, And Wasn’t Killed By Police

Former Marines sharpshooter Bryan Riley got to have his day in court while Black suspects gunned down by police over suspicions of nonviolent crimes never had theirs.

So this is proper behavior.

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