Kim Potter Found Guilty

I did nothing of the sort. All Iā€™ve done is say that if this is a problem, it is a small problem, that is massively overblown. People act like there are tons of these kids who just canā€™t get a break because of black kids being given a leg up. Statistics show that simply cannot be the case.

In fact, itā€™s not a ā€˜problemā€™ at all ā€“ itā€™s just more lies and fearmongering from the racist right.
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he was nt being harassed. if he just followed the laws they never would have pulled him over,.
It was yet another unwarranted, unnecessary traffic stop mishandled by overzealous LEOs resulting in yet another needless death of a black citizen.

But you and others in the racist right donā€™t care about that; for you and others on the racist right, black lives donā€™t matter.
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If you watch the video, you can see that only Kim had free hands that could draw a weapon.
The other 2 cops were holding onto the suspect and trying to hold onto the car as it started moving.
There was some danger.
It happened very fast.
Again, an unwarranted, unnecessary traffic stop resulting in needless death the consequence of LEOsā€™ incompetence.
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It was yet another unwarranted, unnecessary traffic stop mishandled by overzealous LEOs resulting in yet another needless death of a black citizen.

But you and others in the racist right donā€™t care about that; for you and others on the racist right, black lives donā€™t matter.
man you have victim mentality . get help. thry have every right to pull him over for out of date tickets. he should just went ot jail an d not faight him. he was another gang banger who did not want to go to jail.
My concern is less with the judge because I donā€™t know what she instructed the jury. My concern is that regardless of what she charged, the evidence in the case doesnā€™t support the ā€œfindingā€ by the jury that the elements were met.

Many judges would feel obligated not to allow a defendant ā€œfoundā€ guilty of such serious crimes to be free on bail pending sentence. It appears to me that the judge actually agrees with the juryā€™s verdict. Thatā€™s a shame.
What;s with this " many judges " bullcrap.The only judge that matters as far
as We the People is Lady Justice the ultimate judge.
You can't have different forms of Justice for the metropolis inner city
and another form for mostly white suburbs.
Haven't we learned anything from Trayvon Martin and years of Al Sharpton
style justice.
The Country has proven to not be Racist by electing a half black man
Barack Obama TWICED.Then to add insult to injustice we are now being
lectured and our public schools are teaching White Priviledge and CRT.
Unless she ends her life nailed to a cross and screaming, she'll get off lightly.
Sorry, but he contributed to it. In addition, the thug shouldnā€™t have been out in the first place. I feel bad for her but heā€™s where he belongs
Again, an unwarranted, unnecessary traffic stop resulting in needless death the consequence of LEOsā€™ incompetence.
So then it's hunky dory and A-Ok for a person to have an outstanding warrant
for aggravated armed robbery.Same crap that put George Floyd behind bars in a texas
prison.This Skinny black punk " choked and robbed a woman at gunpoint.Before that
he shot a kid in the head at a gas station." Matt Walsh
Wright shot Caleb Livingston in the frontal part of the head and left him to
die at a Minneapolis gas station in May 2019.
" Caleb now suffers from a traumatic brain injury,respiratory arrest and is
permately diasbled."
So Shut yer mother-fucking piehole ... asswiper.
A dozen famous ones, most of which were committing crimes, proves they are all being ā€œtargetedā€? You really are dense.

None of those people were committing crimes bad enough to justify killing them.

If the cops went around shooting white people for jaywalking or domestic disturbances, you people would be throwing a shit fit. You throw a shit fit when someone tells you to wear a mask and get a shot.
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My question exactly! Why are liberals OK with racism when it goes against whites, and object when it goes against blacks? Racist policies are racist policies, and they should be considered wrong no matter who is being treated unfairly.

Well, here's the thing... we've had 400 years of racism against blacks, starting when the first black person was brought over here in 1619 as a slave. So maybe in 400 years, you can come back to me and whine about how whites are being discriminated against.

In the topic of college admissions, abso-fucking-lutely, there is some discrimination based on race. There is also discrimination based on gender, athletic ability, community involvement, legacies, contributions your parents made to the school, and so on. The whole Varsity Blues scandal has laid bare what a joke college admissions have become.

So okay, a white person didn't get into the school she wanted. So what. There are other schools. Does Harvard look better on your resume than UIC? You betcha. Maybe it shouldn't.
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Well, here's the thing... we've had 400 years of racism against blacks, starting when the first black person was brought over here in 1619 as a slave. So maybe in 400 years, you can come back to me and whine about how whites are being discriminated against.

In the topic of college admissions, abso-fucking-lutely, there is some discrimination based on race. There is also discrimination based on gender, athletic ability, community involvement, legacies, contributions your parents made to the school, and so on. The whole Varsity Blues scandal has laid bare what a joke college admissions have become.

So okay, a white person didn't get into the school she wanted. So what. There are other schools. Does Harvard look better on your resume than UIC? You betcha. Maybe it shouldn't.
In a meritocracy, the only students in places like Harvard would be whites and Asians.

But then "meritocracy" is a dirty word I suppose.
man you have victim mentality . get help. thry have every right to pull him over for out of date tickets. he should just went ot jail an d not faight him. he was another gang banger who did not want to go to jail.
I notice you don't say anything about the two white men I posted who actually did fight the police while resisting arrest that did not get shot. So you're just another racist trying to talk your anti black bullshit.
So then it's hunky dory and A-Ok for a person to have an outstanding warrant
for aggravated armed robbery.Same crap that put George Floyd behind bars in a texas
prison.This Skinny black punk " choked and robbed a woman at gunpoint.Before that
he shot a kid in the head at a gas station." Matt Walsh
Wright shot Caleb Livingston in the frontal part of the head and left him to
die at a Minneapolis gas station in May 2019.
" Caleb now suffers from a traumatic brain injury,respiratory arrest and is
permately diasbled."
So Shut yer mother-fucking piehole ... asswiper.
Again we see another racist who doesn't comment about a white man who murdered 4 people including an infant wh the fires shots at police, fights police and resists arrest but doesn't get killed.

Daunte Wright didn't shoot anybody in the head leaving them fhr dead or he would have been in prision. Stop reading made up. racist bullshit
That's true, but that doesn't relieve her of responsibility.
In the act of DOING her duty { Job } she made an error.An error caused
by responce.She reacted too fast.Cops sometimes have to react lightening quick.
To stop a murder or mayhem.
That shouldn't be so hard to understand.
But we are now dealing with a numbed society.
That too often have to be treated as if in Kindergarten.
Or sometimes Nursery School.Like Trayvon Martin girlfriend
Rachel Jeantel { goes by Dee Dee }. I have yet to see such a belligerent
and disresptful person take the stand.
In the act of DOING her duty { Job } she made an error.An error caused
by responce.She reacted too fast.Cops sometimes have to react lightening quick.
To stop a murder or mayhem.
That shouldn't be so hard to understand.
But we are now dealing with a numbed society.
That too often have to be treated as if in Kindergarten.
Or sometimes Nursery School.Like Trayvon Martin girlfriend
Rachel Jeantel { goes by Dee Dee }. I have yet to see such a belligerent
and disresptful person take the stand.
That mistake killed somebody. That's manslaughter.

Spare us your racist imaginary version of American society pampered white man.
Not that I really give a crap about Potter, but I really don't give a shit about the thug Saint Duante.
If it wasn't a cop who shot him, he would have been dead within a couple of years by another hood rat.
Then no one would have gave a shit about him.
I notice you don't say anything about the two white men I posted who actually did fight the police while resisting arrest that did not get shot. So you're just another racist trying to talk your anti black bullshit.
The truly amazing thing is how taking the stand ends up meaning nothing.
If the Police Woman took the stand and never wept but instead said she
made a mistake but the Skinny Prick kid was a threat to society and
had already shot and permanently disabled a fellow student at a gas station
in 2019 along with an arrest warrant for armed robbery.
The verdict would be the same.
That is what's called Frontier Justice.
That mistake killed somebody. That's manslaughter.

Spare us your racist imaginary version of American society pampered white man.
Now run along little Lying punk and join Al Sharpton for breakfast and
make sure it's at some Soul Food joint.
I suppose George Floyd dint have a rap sheet.
Or Trayvon Martin was merely skipping home with his skittles
and Iced tea when according to Jesse Jackson he was shot in the back of the
head.Trayon Martin nor his father Lived in that Sanford Gated Community.
Trayvons Father { who couldn't be reached till many hours after the
incident } ,was shacking up with his Girlfriend who lived there.
You brick stupid piece of shit.
The truly amazing thing is how taking the stand ends up meaning nothing.
If the Police Woman took the stand and never wept but instead said she
made a mistake but the Skinny Prick kid was a threat to society and
had already shot and permanently disabled a fellow student at a gas station
in 2019 along with an arrest warrant for armed robbery.
The verdict would be the same.
That is what's called Frontier Justice.
If Wright had done what you say he'd been in jail.

You racists try criminalizing all blacks. Hat you say wright did 2 years ago has nothing to do with this. This officer committed manslaughter. And she will be penalized. She took the stand and told the jury she ordinarily would not have stopped Wright. So all your bullshit about what he was supposed to have done in 2019 is irrelevant.
Now run along little Lying punk and join Al Sharpton for breakfast and
make sure it's at some Soul Food joint.
I suppose George Floyd dint have a rap sheet.
Or Trayvon Martin was merely skipping home with his skittles
and Iced tea when according to Jesse Jackson he was shot in the back of the
head.Trayon Martin nor his father Lived in that Sanford Gated Community.
Trayvons Father { who couldn't be reached till many hours after the
incident } ,was shacking up with his Girlfriend who lived there.
You brick stupid piece of shit.
Go to your klan meeting white boy. Because you're out of your league trying to talk shit to me.

Derek Chauvin had some alnost 20 complaints for criminal behavior on the job. Since your punk ass wants to bring up such things. And Martins father did live in that community. Futhermore Zimmerman was told not to continue pursiut.

So just shut the fuck up and eat you malt o meal.
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