Kim Potter Found Guilty

At that time, she wasn't preventing an assault. There was no threat of a murder being committed.

She made a mistake as a result of her negligence and poor training.
But the Black Skinny Prick was not making a mistake when he
robbed a girl at gunspoint.Or this Kid he shot and left to die.

George Floyd did his time. That means his past is irrelevant.

So let me help you realize your punk ass racist didingenuous attitude.

Whites are killing each other in virtually the same numbers. 85 percent of whites who are murdered are murdered by another white person. Black females are not having 5 times the abortions as white females and whites lead in 28 out of the 30 categories of crime listed by the FBI.

In 2020 8,600 people wekilled by blacks.. According to the American Heart Association, hypertension related deaths in the black community increased from 171,259 to 270,839 annually from 2000-2018. These numbers are 20 and 31 times the number of blacks who were murdered in ways that “bother” people like you. Most of these people died from hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. Racism was outlawed on paper in 1965. That makes racism a crime. A crime that continues to be perpetrated against blacks and all people of color in the United States. 8,600 is about.0004 percent of the total American population. According to people like you, 90 percent of those 8,600 murders of blacks were done by blacks. If you use 8,600 as basis, 7,740 blacks were killed by other blacks in 2020. You and other racists claim this is a number that must immediately be addressed by blacks. More than 270,000 blacks died due to hypertension in 2020 judging by the trends shown by the American Heart Association. If we are generous and conclude that just 10 percent of these deaths are directly attributed to racist actions by whites, over 27,000 such deaths in 2020 were caused by white racism. That means 3.5 times more black people died from stress induced by white racism than blacks murdering each other on the streets of America. That’s white on black crime and it’s a real problem that must be dealt with by the white community. Since you are so concerned with blacks dying maybe it’s time to stop wasting space and bandwidth with the bs we see authored and posted by the American right.
Yer thicker in the brain than a lump of coal from the dirtest part of 1900's London.
All you know is the color of the skin and how to Lie.
But then that's whast taught today in the Hood,and why the hood is not fit to
live in or drive thru.

Mom Of Wheelchair Bound Son Claims “Evil human being” Daunte Wright Told Friends He “Accidentally” Shot Her Son In The Head After MN Cop Who Accidentally Shot And Killed Wright Is Convicted of Murder​

23 Dec 2021 ~~ By Patty McMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Yesterday, Minneapolis-area police officer Kim Potter was found guilty of first and second-degree manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of Daunte Wright in April 2021.
New testimony from the victims of Wright’s horrifying crimes paints a different picture of the criminal Kim Potter was convicted of murder for killing when she accidentally shot him with her Glock instead of her stun gun during a traffic stop.
49-year-old Kim Potter now faces a maximum of 15 years in prison. She is scheduled for sentencing on February 18.
As usual, the dishonest media is carrying the water for BLM, as they celebrate the murder conviction of former Officer Potter while ignoring Daunte Wright’s alleged “accidental” shooting of Caleb LeMay. According to the victim’s mother, Wright claimed to have “accidentally” shot her son in the head at a convenience store, causing him to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair and requiring 24/7 care.
Wright was never arrested or charged with shooting Caleb.
‘The local police really didn’t work that hard on my son’s case. To the best of my knowledge, they haven’t spoken with anyone on the case since May 15, 2019.’

Yes, that upstanding citizen Duante Wright Had a lengthy rap sheet and put Caleb Livingston (LeMay) into a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
"Wright was never arrested or charged with shooting Caleb."
And that my friends is why Blue Plantation cities will never be safe again. Stay out and don't let the city maggots out of the Shithole they've created.
A humongous miscarriage of justice because or the Climate created by
BLM. If BLM protests and an entire summer of Love { 2020 } were any example
of how to deal with Radical elements like BLM. Instead the left and an entire
Democrat Party looked the other way in 2020 when Violence sparked the nation.
In August of 2020 the DNC Convention purposedly did not mention Violoence
gripping the NAtion.Whereas the RNC Convention in July focused heavily on
that Summer of Love that was on our Boob Tubes nearly every night { especially on
the weekends }.
I guess the feeling was that if it's ignored by the Democrats than their adjunct
{ The Mainstream Media } should do likewise.Democrats and the MSM are the ones
allowing inner big city's to foment and get away with record levels of violence.
I hope this disabled kids Mother gets a good lawyer and makes the case about
this Skinny Black Punk who got away with crippling her son.
It cannot be ignored.Should not be ignored.Ignoring it will be a 5 alarm fire bell
going off.That our Country is about to Fall.
W/O justice or fair and evenly dispensed 4th Amendment rights and undertanding
the Country is almost beyond help.
Do The Right Thing ... ain't just a movie ... Folks.
It's being made into a tragic comedy of errors.
I want to revisit what I first posted.
That being how this Police Woman must have felt when she heard
the verdict.The look on her face.It was not hysterical or even worried looking.
It was total despondency.Meaning loss of all hope.Her life was going to
end almost instantly.She will probably never again have a peaceful nights sleep.
It was that look on her face.
Almost like the look on Jesus Christs face when he was on the cross
being jeered and mocked and helpless.All he could do was wait until
his final breath.
I did not make the charge ,,, Matt

Answer a really simple question.IF Black Lives Matter than how come Blacks
are murdering each other in record numbers.Every weekend in Liberal run
big cities Like Phily { just set an all time high for Violence in a year } and
Chicago.Plus why Black Females have 5 times the number of Abortions than
White females.Blacks also commit over 50 % of homicides each year in the U.S.
Or don't Blacks use guns.Because the left never makes a big deal about gun
ownership when blacks are caught killing with a gun.
George Floyd robbed a woman and got 5 years in Texas.His accomplices
pistol whipped that woman.Not a word was made about it.
Save it.

Your racism and that of others on the right is well-documented – here and in scores of other threads.
  • Thanks
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Mom Of Wheelchair Bound Son Claims “Evil human being” Daunte Wright Told Friends He “Accidentally” Shot Her Son In The Head After MN Cop Who Accidentally Shot And Killed Wright Is Convicted of Murder​

23 Dec 2021 ~~ By Patty McMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Yesterday, Minneapolis-area police officer Kim Potter was found guilty of first and second-degree manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of Daunte Wright in April 2021.
New testimony from the victims of Wright’s horrifying crimes paints a different picture of the criminal Kim Potter was convicted of murder for killing when she accidentally shot him with her Glock instead of her stun gun during a traffic stop.
49-year-old Kim Potter now faces a maximum of 15 years in prison. She is scheduled for sentencing on February 18.
As usual, the dishonest media is carrying the water for BLM, as they celebrate the murder conviction of former Officer Potter while ignoring Daunte Wright’s alleged “accidental” shooting of Caleb LeMay. According to the victim’s mother, Wright claimed to have “accidentally” shot her son in the head at a convenience store, causing him to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair and requiring 24/7 care.
Wright was never arrested or charged with shooting Caleb.
‘The local police really didn’t work that hard on my son’s case. To the best of my knowledge, they haven’t spoken with anyone on the case since May 15, 2019.’

Yes, that upstanding citizen Duante Wright Had a lengthy rap sheet and put Caleb Livingston (LeMay) into a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
"Wright was never arrested or charged with shooting Caleb."
And that my friends is why Blue Plantation cities will never be safe again. Stay out and don't let the city maggots out of the Shithole they've created.
daunte was thug gang banger bieng sued to death.
But the Black Skinny Prick was not making a mistake when he
robbed a girl at gunspoint.Or this Kid he shot and left to die.

Yer thicker in the brain than a lump of coal from the dirtest part of 1900's London.
All you know is the color of the skin and how to Lie.
But then that's whast taught today in the Hood,and why the hood is not fit to
live in or drive thru.
Since he wasn't arrested for that I'll let you keep showing your racism and tell you how that had NOTHING to do with his being stopped.
Since he wasn't arrested for that I'll let you keep showing your racism and tell you how that had NOTHING to do with his being stopped.
There was a warrant for his arrest. The other incident was under investigation.

But that's racist.
“The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project documented the summer protests. The project recorded over 7,500 protests and found that more than 93 percent were peaceful. The cited over 2,400 locations and found that violence occurred in less than 220. The violence ranged from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.”This report also found that the over the top government response from president number 45 contributed to the violence. The federal response basically increased tension and violence. For example, in Portland the violence increased by 9 percent after President number 45 sent troops to that city. What ACLED found was that government intervened 3 times more in BLM demonstrations than any other.

“ ACLED also highlights a violent government response, in which authorities use force more often than not when they are present at protests and that they disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.”

A funny thing was discovered during these protests,(well actually not so funny). The violence in many of these protests were from people who were more than likely not associated with Black Lives Matter. Seems that most of the violence came from infiltrators and counter protesters, many who were associated with white nationalist and paramilitary organization. These groups had an ally that often times helped to escalate the situation, then used violence to settle things down. That ally was law enforcement.
When you are discussing any issue with a liberal, if you respond with "I disagree," "that's not true," or "you're wrong," they respond with......"you're a racist."
That's untrue. But when your disagreement comes attached with a racist opinion, you are going to be called a racist. You right wingers will deny legally documented information that doesn't meet your beliefs.
There was a warrant for his arrest. The other incident was under investigation.

But that's racist.
No, the profiling him and making a stop for something minor like an air freshener tree on the rear view mirror is.

Being black and having been stopped for nothing enough times to know when I see it.
That's untrue. But when your disagreement comes attached with a racist opinion, you are going to be called a racist. You right wingers will deny legally documented information that doesn't meet your beliefs.
No. It’s true. Like raps automatically throw out the racist accusation as a way to put their opposition on the defense. That’s because their ideas can’t be supported on their merits.

The racist accusation no longer means anything.

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