Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate go

Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate goals
Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate goals

"When you talk about banning fracking. When you talk about a carbon-free economy by 2030 or 2050, you are saying 'we are going to kill every coal job in the country, every oil and gas job, all of the shipping jobs that they do -- we're talking about millions of positions," Strassel said during the "The Journal Editorial Report."

"That is not a vote-getter out at the polls," she said. Strassel speculated that progressives, upset with the Democratic establishment after the 2016 election, were flexing their muscles with their highly ambitious proposals and sought to have one of their candidates get the party's nomination in 2020.

"The problem here ... is that this was one of the reasons they did lose last time," she said. "Remember, [former Democratic presidential nominee] Hillary Clinton still says one of the bigger mistakes she made was promising to put a lot of coal workers out of a job.

ME: It is not outrageous to say that the Democrats aim to destroy jobs and the economy on Day One if they get elected. For decades we have been an energy importing country and the ragheads have had a hold over us. For the first time, under Trump, we finally became and energy exporting country, with all the jobs that come with that, and these IDIOTS are promising to destroy it all.

We have always exported oil which is done to keep the prices and profits high.
We have always exported oil which is done to keep the prices and profits high.

For decades OPEC has cause us grief because we are an overall importer. I was 17 years old in the 70's when gas lines went down the streets and you could only buy gas on odd or even days depending on your Lic. plate number.

Whatever you're talking about I am not sure, I just know we have been an importer for a long time and we just became an exporter of "energy", overall. The Democrats will destroy that boon. They will destroy jobs and wealth.
Yeah Trains use to be huge but it has declined since their heyday after WW2

Everything declines when new things take its place

Companies went bankrupt ,
Steam locomotive is history

its called progress

If coal meets its demise it will be replaced with something else

new jobs will be created

Oil production will not decline as long as automobiles and other user are still active

Fracking is just a way to increase production and it is relatively new technique for drilling. Other things will come that may or may not be better but will do what fracking does

Still Fracking uses a whole lot of water and in areas this high water use is in direct competition with farmers who grow products

Also in some areas water is so bad that many have to start using bottle water that have been purified thru several processes

Fracking also produces waste water that is eventually pumped back into the ground but is not usable

Fracking process has been improved with new technology that recycles this water so that it not pumped back into the ground so fast.

Still oil production will continue until oilfields dry up and then new sources of oil will have to be found
Sez the guy who never worked in an oil field in his life.
Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate goals
Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate goals

"When you talk about banning fracking. When you talk about a carbon-free economy by 2030 or 2050, you are saying 'we are going to kill every coal job in the country, every oil and gas job, all of the shipping jobs that they do -- we're talking about millions of positions," Strassel said during the "The Journal Editorial Report."

"That is not a vote-getter out at the polls," she said. Strassel speculated that progressives, upset with the Democratic establishment after the 2016 election, were flexing their muscles with their highly ambitious proposals and sought to have one of their candidates get the party's nomination in 2020.

"The problem here ... is that this was one of the reasons they did lose last time," she said. "Remember, [former Democratic presidential nominee] Hillary Clinton still says one of the bigger mistakes she made was promising to put a lot of coal workers out of a job.

ME: It is not outrageous to say that the Democrats aim to destroy jobs and the economy on Day One if they get elected. For decades we have been an energy importing country and the ragheads have had a hold over us. For the first time, under Trump, we finally became and energy exporting country, with all the jobs that come with that, and these IDIOTS are promising to destroy it all.

This thread should never die because the truth of it is true right up to election day: The Dems WILL destroy jobs and the economy ON PURPOSE on day one.
Your problem is dems want to short circuit natural progress of tech and declare crap as king and new normal before its rdy. People aren't against progress they are against govt interfering in the process

Thats exactly right. As I said: "The key is to let market forces and good old American ingenuity change them, not socialist authoritarians with an agenda. Some smart person will invent something and people will buy it and things will change. Thats what happened with cars.
/—-/ Correct. What Socialist/Prog bureaucrat would have envisioned and created the iPhone?
/—-/ Correct. What Socialist/Prog bureaucrat would have envisioned and created the iPhone?

No politician ever created anything, except Trump, who created a multi-billion dollar real estate empire and actually created job HIMSELF for thousands of people
Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate goals
Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate goals

"When you talk about banning fracking. When you talk about a carbon-free economy by 2030 or 2050, you are saying 'we are going to kill every coal job in the country, every oil and gas job, all of the shipping jobs that they do -- we're talking about millions of positions," Strassel said during the "The Journal Editorial Report."

"That is not a vote-getter out at the polls," she said. Strassel speculated that progressives, upset with the Democratic establishment after the 2016 election, were flexing their muscles with their highly ambitious proposals and sought to have one of their candidates get the party's nomination in 2020.

"The problem here ... is that this was one of the reasons they did lose last time," she said. "Remember, [former Democratic presidential nominee] Hillary Clinton still says one of the bigger mistakes she made was promising to put a lot of coal workers out of a job.

ME: It is not outrageous to say that the Democrats aim to destroy jobs and the economy on Day One if they get elected. For decades we have been an energy importing country and the ragheads have had a hold over us. For the first time, under Trump, we finally became and energy exporting country, with all the jobs that come with that, and these IDIOTS are promising to destroy it all.

Trump Campaign Spotlights Biden's Vow to Ban Fossil Fuels | RealClearPolitics
Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate goals
Kimberley Strassel: 2020 Dems vowing to 'kill every coal job, every oil and gas job' with climate goals

"When you talk about banning fracking. When you talk about a carbon-free economy by 2030 or 2050, you are saying 'we are going to kill every coal job in the country, every oil and gas job, all of the shipping jobs that they do -- we're talking about millions of positions," Strassel said during the "The Journal Editorial Report."

"That is not a vote-getter out at the polls," she said. Strassel speculated that progressives, upset with the Democratic establishment after the 2016 election, were flexing their muscles with their highly ambitious proposals and sought to have one of their candidates get the party's nomination in 2020.

"The problem here ... is that this was one of the reasons they did lose last time," she said. "Remember, [former Democratic presidential nominee] Hillary Clinton still says one of the bigger mistakes she made was promising to put a lot of coal workers out of a job.

ME: It is not outrageous to say that the Democrats aim to destroy jobs and the economy on Day One if they get elected. For decades we have been an energy importing country and the ragheads have had a hold over us. For the first time, under Trump, we finally became and energy exporting country, with all the jobs that come with that, and these IDIOTS are promising to destroy it all.
Shhhhhhhh!!!!! Don't give them a chance to correct the imbecile strategy.
Yeah Trains use to be huge but it has declined since their heyday after WW2

Everything declines when new things take its place

Companies went bankrupt ,
Steam locomotive is history

its called progress

If coal meets its demise it will be replaced with something else

new jobs will be created

Oil production will not decline as long as automobiles and other user are still active

Fracking is just a way to increase production and it is relatively new technique for drilling. Other things will come that may or may not be better but will do what fracking does

Still Fracking uses a whole lot of water and in areas this high water use is in direct competition with farmers who grow products

Also in some areas water is so bad that many have to start using bottle water that have been purified thru several processes

Fracking also produces waste water that is eventually pumped back into the ground but is not usable

Fracking process has been improved with new technology that recycles this water so that it not pumped back into the ground so fast.

Still oil production will continue until oilfields dry up and then new sources of oil will have to be found

People can buy electric cars, but personal cars are just one of many users of oil and gas. Think of the military, of all the farms and farming equipment, airplanes, ships of all kinds, not to mention petroleum based products. Oil is here to stay, so the best thing to do is drill and frack and keep it cheap.

(By the way, trains are still the main choice for land based transportation of goods. Trucks are far more costly.)

Still the point I was making is that they were huge prior to around 1930 and have lost their premiere status.
They are not dead yet but

Things change over time

Still the US imports about 78% of U.S. gross petroleum imports in 2018, and non-crude oil petroleum accounted for about 22% of gross petroleum imports.

In 2018, the United States exported about 7.59 MMb/d of petroleum to 190 countries and 4 U.S. territories, of which about 26% was crude oil and 74% was non-crude oil petroleum.

US oil reserves are rated 10th on the list of Countries with Proven reserves

At 10 on the list, it is nothing compared to SA and Venzuela, even canada has more oil. Numbers are billion. Compared to Venezuela which has about 80 percent more Proven Oil reserves. If you were to add up all those above US proven reserves it would look pretty small.

1 Venezuela 300,878
2 Saudi Arabia 266,455
3 Canada 169,709
4 Iran 158,400
5 Iraq 142,503
6 Kuwait 101,500
7 United Arab Emirates 97,800
8 Russia 80,000
9 Libya 48,363
10 United States 39,230
11 Nigeria 37,062
12 Kazakhstan 30,000
13 China 25,620
14 Qatar 25,244
15 Brazil 12,999
16 Algeria 12,200
17 Angola 8,273
18 Ecuador 8,273
19 Mexico 7,640

Unless more oil is found it is not sustainable

Oil prices are affected by OPEC decisions

US can produce all the oil that they need but it is not sustainable

As Electric cars become better they will probably will take over eventually

Yes there is ethanol and who knows what else can be used.

Oil is a short term fix when compared with Father Time. Other countries can wait us out even as the US is currently the top producer but Venezuela and SA are laughing because they will be producing longer than the US can sustain this output.

Still for the Me Me's that is all that counts is what is happening now
are you saying that oil will be dried up? how?

the term economically recoverable oil is thrown around and some say that the oil is finite and estimates when will it end

we can argue when that will happen or if any new oil will be found but the below graph show new oil found over the years and it is declining drastically


At least with certainty we can say nobody knows how much the earth holds

We use Proven reserves because we know where this oil is and can reach it

but it has to be accessible for it to be usable. Looking at usage and proven reserves it does paint a grim picture for the future generation

Still we know that hydrocarbons are just dead animals and plants that are compressed in the earth crust and that it is non renewable. So it is finite.

We can argue when it will be depleted and how much is still there but obviously it is not sustainable for the long haul
you don't think the earth replenishes the oil? No one knows where it comes from, it isn't from dinosaur fossils as we were taught in school. That would indeed be finite. What we do know is wells that were once dry, are back producing. Another point, the earth is huge compared to what we've already drilled. the scare mongers will always exist. the fact is there are no facts. What we know right now is there is plenty for a very long time. scare monger somewhere else.

Your 100% correct. God put enough resources in the earth to use until the end. We have coal here in eastern PA to last 500 years, they have enough natural gas wells capped in PA to last us 100 years....that's capped wells.
People can buy electric cars, but personal cars are just one of many users of oil and gas. Think of the military, of all the farms and farming equipment, airplanes, ships of all kinds, not to mention petroleum based products. Oil is here to stay, so the best thing to do is drill and frack and keep it cheap.

(By the way, trains are still the main choice for land based transportation of goods. Trucks are far more costly.)

Still the point I was making is that they were huge prior to around 1930 and have lost their premiere status.
They are not dead yet but

Things change over time

Still the US imports about 78% of U.S. gross petroleum imports in 2018, and non-crude oil petroleum accounted for about 22% of gross petroleum imports.

In 2018, the United States exported about 7.59 MMb/d of petroleum to 190 countries and 4 U.S. territories, of which about 26% was crude oil and 74% was non-crude oil petroleum.

US oil reserves are rated 10th on the list of Countries with Proven reserves

At 10 on the list, it is nothing compared to SA and Venzuela, even canada has more oil. Numbers are billion. Compared to Venezuela which has about 80 percent more Proven Oil reserves. If you were to add up all those above US proven reserves it would look pretty small.

1 Venezuela 300,878
2 Saudi Arabia 266,455
3 Canada 169,709
4 Iran 158,400
5 Iraq 142,503
6 Kuwait 101,500
7 United Arab Emirates 97,800
8 Russia 80,000
9 Libya 48,363
10 United States 39,230
11 Nigeria 37,062
12 Kazakhstan 30,000
13 China 25,620
14 Qatar 25,244
15 Brazil 12,999
16 Algeria 12,200
17 Angola 8,273
18 Ecuador 8,273
19 Mexico 7,640

Unless more oil is found it is not sustainable

Oil prices are affected by OPEC decisions

US can produce all the oil that they need but it is not sustainable

As Electric cars become better they will probably will take over eventually

Yes there is ethanol and who knows what else can be used.

Oil is a short term fix when compared with Father Time. Other countries can wait us out even as the US is currently the top producer but Venezuela and SA are laughing because they will be producing longer than the US can sustain this output.

Still for the Me Me's that is all that counts is what is happening now
are you saying that oil will be dried up? how?

the term economically recoverable oil is thrown around and some say that the oil is finite and estimates when will it end

we can argue when that will happen or if any new oil will be found but the below graph show new oil found over the years and it is declining drastically


At least with certainty we can say nobody knows how much the earth holds

We use Proven reserves because we know where this oil is and can reach it

but it has to be accessible for it to be usable. Looking at usage and proven reserves it does paint a grim picture for the future generation

Still we know that hydrocarbons are just dead animals and plants that are compressed in the earth crust and that it is non renewable. So it is finite.

We can argue when it will be depleted and how much is still there but obviously it is not sustainable for the long haul
you don't think the earth replenishes the oil? No one knows where it comes from, it isn't from dinosaur fossils as we were taught in school. That would indeed be finite. What we do know is wells that were once dry, are back producing. Another point, the earth is huge compared to what we've already drilled. the scare mongers will always exist. the fact is there are no facts. What we know right now is there is plenty for a very long time. scare monger somewhere else.

Your 100% correct. God put enough resources in the earth to use until the end. We have coal here in eastern PA to last 500 years, they have enough natural gas wells capped in PA to last us 100 years....that's capped wells.
I know
Your 100% correct. God put enough resources in the earth to use until the end. We have coal here in eastern PA to last 500 years, they have enough natural gas wells capped in PA to last us 100 years....that's capped wells.

Ant we are a planet full of water. I still like hydrogen cars.

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