King of MAGA Twitter Turns on Republicans

Nope. Not something I’ve ever said, suggested or implied. But, at least you ask a silly question. 👍
Okay, well, you called the OP a liberal when he's not. He just doesn't support Trump. Maybe you have some cognitive dissonance here.
Okay, well, you called the OP a liberal when he's not. He just doesn't support Trump. Maybe you have some cognitive dissonance here.
No. I didn’t. But maybe you can get back after reading it with a hint of comprehension.

I believe the real problem is that you’re just not very smart. 👍
No. I didn’t. But maybe you can get back after reading it with a hint of comprehension.

I believe the real problem is that you’re just not very smart. 👍
You said "you liberal types" in reference to him. You weren't actually suggesting that he's a liberal?
Do you know what “type” means?

I ask because it doesn’t appear that you do. 🤣
A category of people or things having common characteristics. Saying "you liberal types" is suggesting that he identifies with liberals and liberalism. I think you're just being a pedantic fool that doesn't want to own what he implied. You dishonest, angry and stupid types do this sort of thing frequently. I'm not actually calling you dishonest, angry or stupid though. 😂

Wait, yes I am.
Any meme, gif, or whatever that I post, whether original or borrowed, is free for the taking and you are welcome to it.

Even if you're gonna use it on me, lol.
Thanks man! We were totally worried about your approval!
When Taz starts a thread with a dishonest premise — as he has in his OP here — there’s no reason to bother reading the rest of his typically mindless spew.
That means he got a bottle of tequila.
So anybody that's not on team Trump is a liberal?
No, the vast majority are Social Marxists and Liberals are in a smaller minority than White Supremacists.

Bill Maher is a liberal.
Liberals are in a smaller minority than White Supremacists.

Bill Maher is a liberal.
I guess that's true. Everybody seems to have their own take on what these labels mean anymore. To many it's just synonymous with left thinking, and so it's used far more broadly.

It's actually kind of annoying sometimes, the way these labels muddy the water and cripple communication.
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MAGA exists only to worship at the altar of Donald Trump and nothing more.
A highly ignorant statement. MAGA is the portion of American people who are fed up with government's bullshit, FACT! Trump is only the figurehead they rallied around, as he's rich enough that the corrupt government swamp wasn't able to buy the guy off.
Thanks man! We were totally worried about your approval!
I know you were. I cut thoroughly intimidating figure on the internet.

Yeah, traditional America. When we could keep slaves and have our women cooking and cleaning after us while we fuck the pretty little secretary in the office. Bliss. AmIright?
So you prefer freaks and trannys. To each his own.
Trump supporters don’t care about that – the Trump ‘campaign’ is solely about revenge, vengeance, and getting even.
And your point. Its only logical. Republican voters have given our elected politicians enough time. Prog politicians have run roughshod over half the nation since the 1960's easily. They may have killed Kennedy to jumpstart their agendas into third gear. It's not to say that Republicans did not have some tenure. However, our nation is locked in with social agendas enacted then and newer ones that keep increasing every year more than the inflation rate. The costs have escalated in huge ways. The Federal government is massive compared to the 1960's. The State, City and Local governments are massive compared to the 1960's. The ingenious number of taxes that are hidden, in front or included in everything we do is massive. So, if someone keeps demeaning you every day and no one is giving it back how long do you take it for? Turn on the TV. It's just a fun time.
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A highly ignorant statement. MAGA is the portion of American people who are fed up with government's bullshit, FACT! Trump is only the figurehead they rallied around, as he's rich enough that the corrupt government swamp wasn't able to buy the guy off.

Trump repeatedly sold you out, lied to you, and hung you out to dry, but by all means, keep worshiping your cult leader.
MAGA exists only to worship at the altar of Donald Trump and nothing more. They continuously rail against the Democratic Party accusing them of ruining cities, states, and the country as a whole, but at the same time they refuse to oppose them if they don't get their way and advocate allowing them to keep control. What good would a Trump presidency be with a Democratic Congress? What good is a Trump candidacy if he can't win?

The anonymous social media account @catturd2, which has amassed more than 2 million followers for its MAGA tweets, said he would not vote for any Republican but former President Donald Trump in the next election, suggesting that the GOP could face losses in 2024, even if Trump were the party's nominee.

"The republican party isn't worth voting for anymore," @catturd2 wrote on Monday. "I'll vote for Trump next election and no Republican on the down ballot. And save your breath twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to tell me why this is a bad idea. They give me nothing - and they deserve nothing."

Wow some anonymous poster…the gop is doomed
Bed wetters like you exist in spite of natural selection, and the only thing you contribute is reduced oxygen level. MAGATS, as you sniveling bed wetters like to refer to us, promote prosperity and stability at the top of the pile. Trump may not have been perfect, but compared to the criminal traitors stupid cock suckers like you empower he was Charlemagne.

Fuck you and all your malevolent troll threads.
^^^Best post of 2023.

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