King of MAGA Twitter Turns on Republicans

Trump repeatedly sold you out, lied to you, and hung you out to dry, but by all means, keep worshiping your cult leader.

Look how much they hate you just for badmouthing their guy. You've been cast out. Shunned. Blacklisted. Turn in your member card on your way out, fucker.
MAGA exists only to worship at the altar of Donald Trump and nothing more. They continuously rail against the Democratic Party accusing them of ruining cities, states, and the country as a whole, but at the same time they refuse to oppose them if they don't get their way and advocate allowing them to keep control. What good would a Trump presidency be with a Democratic Congress? What good is a Trump candidacy if he can't win?

The anonymous social media account @catturd2, which has amassed more than 2 million followers for its MAGA tweets, said he would not vote for any Republican but former President Donald Trump in the next election, suggesting that the GOP could face losses in 2024, even if Trump were the party's nominee.

"The republican party isn't worth voting for anymore," @catturd2 wrote on Monday. "I'll vote for Trump next election and no Republican on the down ballot. And save your breath twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to tell me why this is a bad idea. They give me nothing - and they deserve nothing."

Proving, yet again, that you have no clue. MAGA isn't about Trump.

It is about AMERICA. You assholes want to destroy it.

We wish to preserve it.

Trump is the only candidate talking about that.

Few repubs are the same. Those that are will get my vote.

RINO's will not.

See how simple that is?
Proving, yet again, that you have no clue. MAGA isn't about Trump.

It is about AMERICA. You assholes want to destroy it.

We wish to preserve it.

Trump is the only candidate talking about that.

Few repubs are the same. Those that are will get my vote.

RINO's will not.

See how simple that is?
Why would somebody want to destroy the country they live in? Is this all left wingers? Is it everybody that doesn't support Trump? Please advise.
A category of people or things having common characteristics.

Cool. You’re learning. Now, let’s give you a little work-out. Kind of work off your progress. A bit of a stretching exercise.

Specifically, can you now tell the class whether a person can be a “liberal type”without being a liberal? Take Taz, for example. He happens to have espoused many liberal notions and seems to be quick to jump to the defense of Democratics. But he has also espoused some fairly clear conservative notions.

This is why I made a point of not labeling him a mere liberal.
Saying "you liberal types" is suggesting that he identifies with liberals and liberalism.
Unlike you, bud, I know precisely what I intended when I used the term.
I think you're just being a pedantic fool that doesn't want to own what he implied.

I don’t care much what you think. You’re wrong. But you’re also a dickweed. So, you know, there’s that. 😎

Class dismissed. And so are you. 👍
Cool. You’re learning. Now, let’s give you a little work-out. Kind of work off your progress. A bit of a stretching exercise.

Specifically, can you now tell the class whether a person can be a “liberal type”without being a liberal? Take Taz, for example. He happens to have espoused many liberal notions and seems to be quick to jump to the defense of Democratics. But he has also espoused some fairly clear conservative notions.

This is why I made a point of not labeling him a mere liberal.

Unlike you, bud, I know precisely what I intended when I used the term.

I don’t care much what you think. You’re wrong. But you’re also a dickweed. So, you know, there’s that. 😎

Class dismissed. And so are you. 👍
Cringe lord. I bet you're a riot at Thanksgiving.
Why would somebody want to destroy the country they live in? Is this all left wingers? Is it everybody that doesn't support Trump? Please advise.

Because they are stupid. "We want to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA!"

Remember those words?

Change into what?

The shitshoe happening now?

Certainly seems like that was their goal.


More power for the elite, less power for the rest of us.

What’s the cause of all your dull?

Mental retardation? Mental retardation? Mental retardation? All of the above?

Wow! I better watch my step. Wouldn't want to get cut by that dangerous wit of yours! I think you might almost have a triple-digit IQ.
Because they are stupid. "We want to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA!"

Remember those words?

Change into what?

The shitshoe happening now?

Certainly seems like that was their goal.


More power for the elite, less power for the rest of us.
I think our country is too resilient to be destroyed that easily. You lack faith. We built something great. Believe in it.
I think our country is too resilient to be destroyed that easily. You lack faith. We built something great. Believe in it.

Then explain the shitshow happening RIGHT NOW. Where Jews can't walk the streets or go to school, where the middle class is being strangled, where progressive DA's refuse to incarcerate violent felons, but go after peaceful demonstrators who happen to be conservatives.

And you built nothing.

My generation did. You people are trying to tear it down.
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Then explain the shitshow happening RIGHT NOW. Where Jews can't walk the streets or go to school, where the middle class is being strangled, where progressive DA's refuse to incarcerate violent felons, but go after peaceful demonstrators who happen to be conservatives.

And you built nothing.

My generation did. You people are trying to tear ot down.
I think you're exaggerating. I'm doing just fine out here. Bills are paid. I've got a decent car and a good job. There's enough money in the bank to take a year off work if I wanted to. I see you and others in an uproar about shit you have no influence over, but on the ground things still seem alright to me.

I don't know much about you, but I see you're a frequent internet user. I'm sure you live in an air conditioned home with food in the fridge. You're old as hell so you're probably retired with a decent chunk of change in the bank. How bad is your life?

You just come off as spiteful and ungrateful to me when you speak so ill of our nation. People like that don't deserve the gift of living here.
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You’ve bored me from the outset.

You’re delusional enough to imagine that you’re something of any quality. 😂

You’re not.

Toddle off, now.
I don't even have to reach a level that would be considered quality to dwarf your presence here.
I don't even have to reach a level that would be considered quality to dwarf your presence here.

You couldn’t ever achieve the heights.

Face reality. You’re a dullard, a dimwit and a godawful posting member.

You still haven’t managed to toddle off. :abgg2q.jpg:

Also, as seems to be your habit, you’re off topic.

Now, obviously, this thread’s “topic” is pretty fucking ignorant (starting from the miserably lame first sentence). But you’re still supposed to at least try to discuss it.

For example, maybe you could share your misunderstanding of what MAGA even means. Or you can tell us where the “orange man bad” touched you!
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