King Rat & His Rodents


Sep 23, 2010
John Kerry's secret meeting with the enemy
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 10/08/2004 @ 1:00 am

John Kerry’s secret meeting with the enemy

John Kerry should have been tried and convicted of treason. He has not changed one iota from what he was “. . . in 1970 while he was yet in the Naval Reserves.”.

Beginning with the first-ever Communist country, the Soviet Union, Democrats closed their eyes to Communist regimes slaughtering their own people. Question: Where was John Kerry when a Communist government was slaughtering its own people after he and his kind gave the butchers a political victory that resulted in a military victory? Answer: John Kerry was on the side of the butchers in Vietnam who did the very things Muslims are doing in Syria. In Kerry’s world, Communists and politically correct Muslims are freedom fighters, while politically incorrect Muslim butchers are bad guys:

So why did John Kerry commit treason rather than save the people in South Vietnam (a sovereign nation) from Communism? On the other hand, since the day he became secretary of state he has been whining about Americans not running off to save Muslims in Syria.

Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday condemned the use of chemical weapons against civilians in Syria, calling it a "moral obscenity" that could soon bring a military response.​

By Marshall Cohen CBS News August 26, 2013, 5:39 PM
Kerry: Use of chemical weapons in Syria "a moral obscenity"

Kerry: Use of chemical weapons in Syria "a moral obscenity" - CBS News

Everybody in Obama’s administration is a moral obscenity. John Kerry is the biggest moral obscenity of them all. Taking sides in a civil war in a Muslim country must come down to deciding who and how many Muslims have to be killed. Putin never hesitated.

Kerry’s treason after he returned from Vietnam caused far more deaths than Bashar Assad is killing in a civil war. Add the number of American deaths in a war Kerry & Company prolonged to the number of Vietnamese the Communists slaughtered after this terrible day:

NOTE: In the very near future there will be no aircraft carriers in the South China Sea thanks to our foreign policy. I suggest that China’s island-hopping is finishing the job Kerry & Company started in Vietnam:


USAF HH-53 helicopters on the deck of USS Midway during Operation Frequent Wind, April 1975,_April_1975.jpg/330px-CH-53_helicopters_on_USS_Midway_(CV-41),_April_1975.jpg


Operation Frequent Wind - Wikipedia

Finally, when King Rat leaves the White House next month all of his rodents will leave with him. John Kerry is the worst of them. No other rodent has to answer for Putin in Syria and Communist Vietnam.

I don't think America should have been at war with Vietnam but you side with your country when you are at war. You just do.

And that Jane Fonda seemed to just have gender issues.
Bozo (Flanders) would have been the type of German that would have called Rommel King Rat.

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