**King's Dream And Today's Racial Nightmare


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
August 27, 2013 -- by Edward Hudgins

Fifty years ago this week Martin Luther King led the March on Washington for black civil rights. Look at the aerial photos of the 200,000 participants in the rally, stretched out in front of the Lincoln Memorial, down the Mall, and around the Reflecting Pool. Now imagine double that crowd. That’s how many blacks have been murdered, mostly by other blacks, since King made his inspirational “I have a dream” speech.

As thousands more gather in Washington this week to mark the anniversary of that day that held so much hope, they must ask, “What happened to that dream? Why is so much of it a nightmare?” Much of the answer is found in the perverse persons on the podium who’ve worked against all that was right in King’s vision.

Content of character

In 1963 laws in many states actually mandated segregation of blacks, in schools, public facilities, retail outlets, you name it. And “separate” was never “equal.” Blacks were forcibly denied most opportunities to realize the American dream.

Worse were the actually racist attitudes toward blacks, the belief that they really were genetically inferior, degenerate, or just too stupid to take care of themselves. Best to keep them separate from genteel white culture lest they ruin it.

In this world, King voiced one of the most inspirational and aspirational speeches in American history. The highlight was: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

That should be the moral ideal for all. It’s not accidents of birth that are important. Rather, we should take our pride in what we as individuals make of ourselves.

Racist thinking continues

Since King’s speech, laws aimed at keeping blacks segregated have been struck down. Sadly, they were replaced by laws giving blacks special privileges. At first these were meant to make up for the past wrongs. But they soon created an entitlement mentality among blacks on the unspoken assumption that blacks can’t make it on their own and, thus, require special privileges.

With a few exceptions, explicit racist attitudes among whites have disappeared; whites were instrumental in electing the first black president. But black leaders have built on the entitlement mentality. They’ve foisted on their fellow blacks a world view based on black versus white, us versus them. They blame crime, broken and fatherless homes, drug abuse, and most of the miseries of life on a zero-sum game in which blacks suffer because whites haven’t given enough. Too few focus on the individual vices, perpetuated by culture, that are the real root problems. The demagogic leaders relegate virtues such as personal responsibility, self-discipline, and getting ahead through hard work to occasional throwaway lines at best. Too few stand up against it (but here's to you, Bill Cosby!).

The new oppressors

Consider a few of the morally corrupt usual suspects--self-proclaimed black leaders some of whom are keynoting the 50th anniversary rally to mark Dr. King’s march.

Jesse Jackson made a career as a shakedown artist. He demanded that businesses hand over money to his Operation PUSH, a financial and fraudulent mess, under the threat of being denounced as racist and subjected to black boycotts. Jesse can be found in front of the camera to exploit any situation into which he can insinuate race.

Al Sharpton has incited anti-Semitism. He was the leading loudmouth in the case of Tawana Brawley, a black teen who lied about being raped and abused by white police. Al still hasn’t apologized for his role in that hoax. Al can be found, standing next to Jesse, at any photo op to create racial divisions.

Barack Obama, as the first black president, could have made transcending race Job One. He could have used the bully pulpit to promote a values revolution in the black community. Instead, he has promoted the statist programs that have perpetuated its economic misery.

At the 1963 march, the great singer Marian Anderson inspired the crowd with “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” As a child I listened to her rich contralto on TV at my grandma’s house. By contrast, Obama has honored at the White House rapper Jay Z. The lyrics of his songs, replete with references to “niggas,” “motherfuckas,” and “shit,” would perhaps be appropriate for the 2013 event featuring Jesse and Al.

Speaking of gangsta culture, in the week before the 50th anniversary of the march, two black teens and a white teen shot to death a white jogger in Oklahoma City because they were “bored.” In Spokane two black teens beat to death an 88-year-old white World War Two veteran. No sign of Jesse or Al on the scene. But, then, they’ve been equally unconcerned about some 400,000 blacks murdered by other blacks since King’s march.

Those gathered in D.C. this week should celebrate the knocking down of legal barriers to black opportunity since Dr. King’s time. But they must also reject the race-based world views perpetuated by their new oppressors. Whatever their race, they must accept the morality of individualism that will allow them to build strong moral characters so they can both prosper as well as take pride in their achievements.
August 27, 2013 -- by Edward Hudgins

Fifty years ago this week Martin Luther King led the March on Washington for black civil rights. Look at the aerial photos of the 200,000 participants in the rally, stretched out in front of the Lincoln Memorial, down the Mall, and around the Reflecting Pool. Now imagine double that crowd. That’s how many blacks have been murdered, mostly by other blacks, since King made his inspirational “I have a dream” speech.

As thousands more gather in Washington this week to mark the anniversary of that day that held so much hope, they must ask, “What happened to that dream? Why is so much of it a nightmare?” Much of the answer is found in the perverse persons on the podium who’ve worked against all that was right in King’s vision.

Content of character

In 1963 laws in many states actually mandated segregation of blacks, in schools, public facilities, retail outlets, you name it. And “separate” was never “equal.” Blacks were forcibly denied most opportunities to realize the American dream.

Worse were the actually racist attitudes toward blacks, the belief that they really were genetically inferior, degenerate, or just too stupid to take care of themselves. Best to keep them separate from genteel white culture lest they ruin it.

In this world, King voiced one of the most inspirational and aspirational speeches in American history. The highlight was: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

That should be the moral ideal for all. It’s not accidents of birth that are important. Rather, we should take our pride in what we as individuals make of ourselves.

Racist thinking continues

Since King’s speech, laws aimed at keeping blacks segregated have been struck down. Sadly, they were replaced by laws giving blacks special privileges. At first these were meant to make up for the past wrongs. But they soon created an entitlement mentality among blacks on the unspoken assumption that blacks can’t make it on their own and, thus, require special privileges.

With a few exceptions, explicit racist attitudes among whites have disappeared; whites were instrumental in electing the first black president. But black leaders have built on the entitlement mentality. They’ve foisted on their fellow blacks a world view based on black versus white, us versus them. They blame crime, broken and fatherless homes, drug abuse, and most of the miseries of life on a zero-sum game in which blacks suffer because whites haven’t given enough. Too few focus on the individual vices, perpetuated by culture, that are the real root problems. The demagogic leaders relegate virtues such as personal responsibility, self-discipline, and getting ahead through hard work to occasional throwaway lines at best. Too few stand up against it (but here's to you, Bill Cosby!).

The new oppressors

Consider a few of the morally corrupt usual suspects--self-proclaimed black leaders some of whom are keynoting the 50th anniversary rally to mark Dr. King’s march.

Jesse Jackson made a career as a shakedown artist. He demanded that businesses hand over money to his Operation PUSH, a financial and fraudulent mess, under the threat of being denounced as racist and subjected to black boycotts. Jesse can be found in front of the camera to exploit any situation into which he can insinuate race.

Al Sharpton has incited anti-Semitism. He was the leading loudmouth in the case of Tawana Brawley, a black teen who lied about being raped and abused by white police. Al still hasn’t apologized for his role in that hoax. Al can be found, standing next to Jesse, at any photo op to create racial divisions.

Barack Obama, as the first black president, could have made transcending race Job One. He could have used the bully pulpit to promote a values revolution in the black community. Instead, he has promoted the statist programs that have perpetuated its economic misery.

At the 1963 march, the great singer Marian Anderson inspired the crowd with “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” As a child I listened to her rich contralto on TV at my grandma’s house. By contrast, Obama has honored at the White House rapper Jay Z. The lyrics of his songs, replete with references to “niggas,” “motherfuckas,” and “shit,” would perhaps be appropriate for the 2013 event featuring Jesse and Al.

Speaking of gangsta culture, in the week before the 50th anniversary of the march, two black teens and a white teen shot to death a white jogger in Oklahoma City because they were “bored.” In Spokane two black teens beat to death an 88-year-old white World War Two veteran. No sign of Jesse or Al on the scene. But, then, they’ve been equally unconcerned about some 400,000 blacks murdered by other blacks since King’s march.

Those gathered in D.C. this week should celebrate the knocking down of legal barriers to black opportunity since Dr. King’s time. But they must also reject the race-based world views perpetuated by their new oppressors. Whatever their race, they must accept the morality of individualism that will allow them to build strong moral characters so they can both prosper as well as take pride in their achievements.

With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' has come to fruition. God Bless America!
Race baiters and poverty pimps have a vested financial interest in keeping racial fissures open. Without the perception of racism their financial coffers dry up.
August 27, 2013 -- by Edward Hudgins

Fifty years ago this week Martin Luther King led the March on Washington for black civil rights. Look at the aerial photos of the 200,000 participants in the rally, stretched out in front of the Lincoln Memorial, down the Mall, and around the Reflecting Pool. Now imagine double that crowd. That’s how many blacks have been murdered, mostly by other blacks, since King made his inspirational “I have a dream” speech.

As thousands more gather in Washington this week to mark the anniversary of that day that held so much hope, they must ask, “What happened to that dream? Why is so much of it a nightmare?” Much of the answer is found in the perverse persons on the podium who’ve worked against all that was right in King’s vision.

Content of character

In 1963 laws in many states actually mandated segregation of blacks, in schools, public facilities, retail outlets, you name it. And “separate” was never “equal.” Blacks were forcibly denied most opportunities to realize the American dream.

Worse were the actually racist attitudes toward blacks, the belief that they really were genetically inferior, degenerate, or just too stupid to take care of themselves. Best to keep them separate from genteel white culture lest they ruin it.

In this world, King voiced one of the most inspirational and aspirational speeches in American history. The highlight was: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

That should be the moral ideal for all. It’s not accidents of birth that are important. Rather, we should take our pride in what we as individuals make of ourselves.

Racist thinking continues

Since King’s speech, laws aimed at keeping blacks segregated have been struck down. Sadly, they were replaced by laws giving blacks special privileges. At first these were meant to make up for the past wrongs. But they soon created an entitlement mentality among blacks on the unspoken assumption that blacks can’t make it on their own and, thus, require special privileges.

With a few exceptions, explicit racist attitudes among whites have disappeared; whites were instrumental in electing the first black president. But black leaders have built on the entitlement mentality. They’ve foisted on their fellow blacks a world view based on black versus white, us versus them. They blame crime, broken and fatherless homes, drug abuse, and most of the miseries of life on a zero-sum game in which blacks suffer because whites haven’t given enough. Too few focus on the individual vices, perpetuated by culture, that are the real root problems. The demagogic leaders relegate virtues such as personal responsibility, self-discipline, and getting ahead through hard work to occasional throwaway lines at best. Too few stand up against it (but here's to you, Bill Cosby!).

The new oppressors

Consider a few of the morally corrupt usual suspects--self-proclaimed black leaders some of whom are keynoting the 50th anniversary rally to mark Dr. King’s march.

Jesse Jackson made a career as a shakedown artist. He demanded that businesses hand over money to his Operation PUSH, a financial and fraudulent mess, under the threat of being denounced as racist and subjected to black boycotts. Jesse can be found in front of the camera to exploit any situation into which he can insinuate race.

Al Sharpton has incited anti-Semitism. He was the leading loudmouth in the case of Tawana Brawley, a black teen who lied about being raped and abused by white police. Al still hasn’t apologized for his role in that hoax. Al can be found, standing next to Jesse, at any photo op to create racial divisions.

Barack Obama, as the first black president, could have made transcending race Job One. He could have used the bully pulpit to promote a values revolution in the black community. Instead, he has promoted the statist programs that have perpetuated its economic misery.

At the 1963 march, the great singer Marian Anderson inspired the crowd with “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” As a child I listened to her rich contralto on TV at my grandma’s house. By contrast, Obama has honored at the White House rapper Jay Z. The lyrics of his songs, replete with references to “niggas,” “motherfuckas,” and “shit,” would perhaps be appropriate for the 2013 event featuring Jesse and Al.

Speaking of gangsta culture, in the week before the 50th anniversary of the march, two black teens and a white teen shot to death a white jogger in Oklahoma City because they were “bored.” In Spokane two black teens beat to death an 88-year-old white World War Two veteran. No sign of Jesse or Al on the scene. But, then, they’ve been equally unconcerned about some 400,000 blacks murdered by other blacks since King’s march.

Those gathered in D.C. this week should celebrate the knocking down of legal barriers to black opportunity since Dr. King’s time. But they must also reject the race-based world views perpetuated by their new oppressors. Whatever their race, they must accept the morality of individualism that will allow them to build strong moral characters so they can both prosper as well as take pride in their achievements.

With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' has come to fruition. God Bless America!

Are you saying we can call it even and move on?
August 27, 2013 -- by Edward Hudgins

Fifty years ago this week Martin Luther King ...... them to build strong moral characters so they can both prosper as well as take pride in their achievements.

With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' has come to fruition. God Bless America!

Until we rid this nation of racists of all persuasions, drive them underground like a disease, punish their unAmerican actions as traitors and subversives to the American way of life, we will not cure the need for minority support from our gov-lite.

Generations of these inbred scum bags continue to survive and flourish in freedom. They don't offer freedom to all Americans, they offer disease. They destroy the fabric of Americanism, soil our flag and spit on the Constitution as they seek division and outright hate of people based on their skin color. So there will be continue to be generations of social programs aimed at hateful discriminatory practices in this country.

I am white, and I am appalled and dismayed by these racist bastards who are allowed to bred and walk among us.
August 27, 2013 -- by Edward Hudgins

Fifty years ago this week Martin Luther King ...... them to build strong moral characters so they can both prosper as well as take pride in their achievements.

With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' has come to fruition. God Bless America!

Until we rid this nation of racists of all persuasions, drive them underground like a disease, punish their unAmerican actions as traitors and subversives to the American way of life, we will not cure the need for minority support from our gov-lite.

Generations of these inbred scum bags continue to survive and flourish in freedom. They don't offer freedom to all Americans, they offer disease. They destroy the fabric of Americanism, soil our flag and spit on the Constitution as they seek division and outright hate of people based on their skin color. So there will be continue to be generations of social programs aimed at hateful discriminatory practices in this country.

I am white, and I am appalled and dismayed by these racist bastards who are allowed to bred and walk among us.

Can we start with King Shabazz?

August 27, 2013 -- by Edward Hudgins

Fifty years ago this week Martin Luther King ...... them to build strong moral characters so they can both prosper as well as take pride in their achievements.

With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' has come to fruition. God Bless America!

Until we rid this nation of racists of all persuasions, drive them underground like a disease, punish their unAmerican actions as traitors and subversives to the American way of life, we will not cure the need for minority support from our gov-lite.

Generations of these inbred scum bags continue to survive and flourish in freedom. They don't offer freedom to all Americans, they offer disease. They destroy the fabric of Americanism, soil our flag and spit on the Constitution as they seek division and outright hate of people based on their skin color. So there will be continue to be generations of social programs aimed at hateful discriminatory practices in this country.

I am white, and I am appalled and dismayed by these racist bastards who are allowed to bred and walk among us.

This is one of the reasons integration will either never work or will be long delayed. As long as those that are racist are given free reign it delays the process by causing anger in both races.
A reminder or a new lesson for some on King Shabazz...

According to National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz:

“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”

“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”

“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”

He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”

“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army

Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”

Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them

“We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”

New Black Panther Leader Shabazz: Be Thankful We?re ?Not Hanging Crackers By Nooses?Yet? | The Gateway Pundit
August 27, 2013 -- by Edward Hudgins

Fifty years ago this week Martin Luther King led the March on Washington for black civil rights. Look at the aerial photos of the 200,000 participants in the rally, stretched out in front of the Lincoln Memorial, down the Mall, and around the Reflecting Pool. Now imagine double that crowd. That’s how many blacks have been murdered, mostly by other blacks, since King made his inspirational “I have a dream” speech.

As thousands more gather in Washington this week to mark the anniversary of that day that held so much hope, they must ask, “What happened to that dream? Why is so much of it a nightmare?” Much of the answer is found in the perverse persons on the podium who’ve worked against all that was right in King’s vision.

Content of character

In 1963 laws in many states actually mandated segregation of blacks, in schools, public facilities, retail outlets, you name it. And “separate” was never “equal.” Blacks were forcibly denied most opportunities to realize the American dream.

Worse were the actually racist attitudes toward blacks, the belief that they really were genetically inferior, degenerate, or just too stupid to take care of themselves. Best to keep them separate from genteel white culture lest they ruin it.

In this world, King voiced one of the most inspirational and aspirational speeches in American history. The highlight was: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

That should be the moral ideal for all. It’s not accidents of birth that are important. Rather, we should take our pride in what we as individuals make of ourselves.

Racist thinking continues

Since King’s speech, laws aimed at keeping blacks segregated have been struck down. Sadly, they were replaced by laws giving blacks special privileges. At first these were meant to make up for the past wrongs. But they soon created an entitlement mentality among blacks on the unspoken assumption that blacks can’t make it on their own and, thus, require special privileges.

With a few exceptions, explicit racist attitudes among whites have disappeared; whites were instrumental in electing the first black president. But black leaders have built on the entitlement mentality. They’ve foisted on their fellow blacks a world view based on black versus white, us versus them. They blame crime, broken and fatherless homes, drug abuse, and most of the miseries of life on a zero-sum game in which blacks suffer because whites haven’t given enough. Too few focus on the individual vices, perpetuated by culture, that are the real root problems. The demagogic leaders relegate virtues such as personal responsibility, self-discipline, and getting ahead through hard work to occasional throwaway lines at best. Too few stand up against it (but here's to you, Bill Cosby!).

The new oppressors

Consider a few of the morally corrupt usual suspects--self-proclaimed black leaders some of whom are keynoting the 50th anniversary rally to mark Dr. King’s march.

Jesse Jackson made a career as a shakedown artist. He demanded that businesses hand over money to his Operation PUSH, a financial and fraudulent mess, under the threat of being denounced as racist and subjected to black boycotts. Jesse can be found in front of the camera to exploit any situation into which he can insinuate race.

Al Sharpton has incited anti-Semitism. He was the leading loudmouth in the case of Tawana Brawley, a black teen who lied about being raped and abused by white police. Al still hasn’t apologized for his role in that hoax. Al can be found, standing next to Jesse, at any photo op to create racial divisions.

Barack Obama, as the first black president, could have made transcending race Job One. He could have used the bully pulpit to promote a values revolution in the black community. Instead, he has promoted the statist programs that have perpetuated its economic misery.

At the 1963 march, the great singer Marian Anderson inspired the crowd with “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” As a child I listened to her rich contralto on TV at my grandma’s house. By contrast, Obama has honored at the White House rapper Jay Z. The lyrics of his songs, replete with references to “niggas,” “motherfuckas,” and “shit,” would perhaps be appropriate for the 2013 event featuring Jesse and Al.

Speaking of gangsta culture, in the week before the 50th anniversary of the march, two black teens and a white teen shot to death a white jogger in Oklahoma City because they were “bored.” In Spokane two black teens beat to death an 88-year-old white World War Two veteran. No sign of Jesse or Al on the scene. But, then, they’ve been equally unconcerned about some 400,000 blacks murdered by other blacks since King’s march.

Those gathered in D.C. this week should celebrate the knocking down of legal barriers to black opportunity since Dr. King’s time. But they must also reject the race-based world views perpetuated by their new oppressors. Whatever their race, they must accept the morality of individualism that will allow them to build strong moral characters so they can both prosper as well as take pride in their achievements.

With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' has come to fruition. God Bless America!

Are you saying we can call it even and move on?

Not quite yet, too many haters out there on all sides, but it is a new beginning.
Really? another thread about Affirmative action that ignores white bitches use it more than anyone else. Asians use it 2nd most but but but...lets talk about how its racist (see first group then hold laughter) and is specially made for black people. The THIRD on the list.

Sure sure sure....it's not racism. These people just keep forgetting over and over and over that white women benefit from AA. Short memory...uh...yeah
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm how about the Jew Haters Al Sharpton. JJ and Calypso Louie along with Jeramiah Wright oh and let us never forget Ward Churchill.

Those racists are horrible men.
A reminder or a new lesson for some on King Shabazz...

According to National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz:

“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”

“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”

“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”

He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”

“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army

Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”

Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them

“We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”

New Black Panther Leader Shabazz: Be Thankful We?re ?Not Hanging Crackers By Nooses?Yet? | The Gateway Pundit

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the Introduction to Stormfront. You are also welcome to browse our other nine million posts, but you must register before you can post anywhere except the Open Forums.
Stormfront - White Nationalist Community
Really? another thread about Affirmative action that ignores white bitches use it more than anyone else. Asians use it 2nd most but but but...lets talk about how its racist (see first group then hold laughter) and is specially made for black people. The THIRD on the list.

Sure sure sure....it's not racism. These people just keep forgetting over and over and over that white women benefit from AA. Short memory...uh...yeah

White bitches?

Really? another thread about Affirmative action that ignores white bitches use it more than anyone else. Asians use it 2nd most but but but...lets talk about how its racist (see first group then hold laughter) and is specially made for black people. The THIRD on the list.

Sure sure sure....it's not racism. These people just keep forgetting over and over and over that white women benefit from AA. Short memory...uh...yeah

White bitches?


I knew it!!! :lol::lol:

I've said the same thing in at least 4 other threads. I knew if I changed out women for bitches someone would notice. Not the facts, don't be silly someone would notice the name and ignore the rest entirely. Now I know that you know AA favors white women more than anyone else.

Really? another thread about Affirmative action that ignores white bitches use it more than anyone else. Asians use it 2nd most but but but...lets talk about how its racist (see first group then hold laughter) and is specially made for black people. The THIRD on the list.

Sure sure sure....it's not racism. These people just keep forgetting over and over and over that white women benefit from AA. Short memory...uh...yeah

White bitches?


I knew it!!! :lol::lol:

I've said the same thing in at least 4 other threads. I knew if I changed out women for bitches someone would notice. Not the facts, don't be silly someone would notice the name and ignore the rest entirely. Now I know that you know AA favors white women more than anyone else.


I thought you were having a meltdown! That was wrong! :lol:
A reminder or a new lesson for some on King Shabazz...

According to National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz:

“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”

“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”

“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”

He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”

“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army

Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”

Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them

“We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”

New Black Panther Leader Shabazz: Be Thankful We?re ?Not Hanging Crackers By Nooses?Yet? | The Gateway Pundit

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the Introduction to Stormfront. You are also welcome to browse our other nine million posts, but you must register before you can post anywhere except the Open Forums.
Stormfront - White Nationalist Community

What's your point?
White bitches?


I knew it!!! :lol::lol:

I've said the same thing in at least 4 other threads. I knew if I changed out women for bitches someone would notice. Not the facts, don't be silly someone would notice the name and ignore the rest entirely. Now I know that you know AA favors white women more than anyone else.


I thought you were having a meltdown! That was wrong! :lol:

Never that, I set the trap and these fools are as predictable as the sun rise. Tiny just saw the cheese and not the trap :lol:
A reminder or a new lesson for some on King Shabazz...

According to National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz:

“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”

“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”

“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”

He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”

“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army

Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”

Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them

“We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”

New Black Panther Leader Shabazz: Be Thankful We?re ?Not Hanging Crackers By Nooses?Yet? | The Gateway Pundit

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the Introduction to Stormfront. You are also welcome to browse our other nine million posts, but you must register before you can post anywhere except the Open Forums.
Stormfront - White Nationalist Community

What's your point?

I guess my point is the same as yours...What was your point?

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