**King's Dream And Today's Racial Nightmare

I cant screw you over on a message board unless you mean i am screwing with your head. Complaining is usually reserved for those that dont have solutions. Stop complaining and assist or hinder. I personally dont care which one you choose. I make sacrifices everyday and dont force anyone to do anything. I have never been the beneficiary of AA but I love what it does for women and miniorites. if you dont then it must be tough being you.

Supporting laws that screw me over IS screwing me over, just by proxy. My solution is simple, let merit be the judge.

What I support is a color blind society, what you support is revenge on innocent parties for past wrongs.

Are you unemployed because of AA? You do realize that merit based hiring is the end goal of what MLK stood for right? First we have to level the field. Not to your specific determination because you arent qualified to make that call. Congratulations on supporting a color blind society. However, your beliefs will only hinder the actions needed to get there. You cant have a color blind society if you are not willing to sacrifice to make that happen. Think about it.

There is no need to screw me over to create the color blind society. There is no reason to screw over white males other then petty revenge.

I want a level playing field, AA supporters want a leg up for thier own benefit or to calm thier own guilt.
No, AA supporters want preferential treatment, not the same. Keep spinning it, it doesnt make it true.

You want me screwed over to help someone else, because someone else got screwed over in the past. plus you want the government to do the screwing.

So blacks got screwed in the past and the way to fix that is to do nothing?

Whites benefitted from their own AA programs to get a leg up but that's not fair for others.

So basically you're saying that you got the chance, benefitted from the opportunity but if you give others that same opportunity that is wrong :lol:

If I was at the top I would feel the same way...You climbed up the ladder and now you want to kick it over out of fairness :lol:

What i want is a level playing field, not to kick the ladder away at all. What you want is to punish me for sins I never had a part in.

The way to fix it is to create the color blind society that King wanted, and to make sure the government is color blind, not preferential.

Punish? You're at the top of the mountain dude.

What you want has never and will never be possible. The case is that the playing field is not level.

A bear and a man are in the snow and the bear demands the guy walks in the snow naked to "make it fair"

You are the bear born with your priviledge (as much as you don't think so, it is) fur and demand that blacks get naked in the snow

As long as your solution entails getting the entire world to not see color then, my friend, you solution is as real as a Unicorn crying Elton John songs
Marty doesn't care who was screwed over or who benefitted in the past. He just wants the screwing and benefitting to stop after he's had his fill

You choose to live in the past, and you choose to punish people who had nothing to do with the crimes of the past. I want equality, you want revenge.

See the bear and the human example I just gave you
So blacks got screwed in the past and the way to fix that is to do nothing?

Whites benefitted from their own AA programs to get a leg up but that's not fair for others.

So basically you're saying that you got the chance, benefitted from the opportunity but if you give others that same opportunity that is wrong :lol:

If I was at the top I would feel the same way...You climbed up the ladder and now you want to kick it over out of fairness :lol:

What i want is a level playing field, not to kick the ladder away at all. What you want is to punish me for sins I never had a part in.

The way to fix it is to create the color blind society that King wanted, and to make sure the government is color blind, not preferential.

Punish? You're at the top of the mountain dude.

What you want has never and will never be possible. The case is that the playing field is not level.

A bear and a man are in the snow and the bear demands the guy walks in the snow naked to "make it fair"

You are the bear born with your priviledge (as much as you don't think so, it is) fur and demand that blacks get naked in the snow

As long as your solution entails getting the entire world to not see color then, my friend, you solution is as real as a Unicorn crying Elton John songs

This privilidge I am supposed to have is an illusion. its an excuse to make you feel better about screwing me over. Maybe if I had two harvard edcuated doctor parents you MIGHT have a case, but i didnt. All of the privilige that exists comes from the wealth held by those people, wealth I never had. If you think my white skin gives me any advantage in todays society if you stand me next to an equally well dressed, articulate and intellegent minority/woman then you are truly delusional.

The playing field can be level, but people like you dont want that, you want your petty revenge against people like me to satisfy your blood lust over crimes committed decades ago.
Marty doesn't care who was screwed over or who benefitted in the past. He just wants the screwing and benefitting to stop after he's had his fill

You choose to live in the past, and you choose to punish people who had nothing to do with the crimes of the past. I want equality, you want revenge.

See the bear and the human example I just gave you

an example that does not apply to me.

its interesting you lump all white people together. pretty racist of you.
What i want is a level playing field, not to kick the ladder away at all. What you want is to punish me for sins I never had a part in.

The way to fix it is to create the color blind society that King wanted, and to make sure the government is color blind, not preferential.

Punish? You're at the top of the mountain dude.

What you want has never and will never be possible. The case is that the playing field is not level.

A bear and a man are in the snow and the bear demands the guy walks in the snow naked to "make it fair"

You are the bear born with your priviledge (as much as you don't think so, it is) fur and demand that blacks get naked in the snow

As long as your solution entails getting the entire world to not see color then, my friend, you solution is as real as a Unicorn crying Elton John songs

This privilidge I am supposed to have is an illusion. its an excuse to make you feel better about screwing me over. Maybe if I had two harvard edcuated doctor parents you MIGHT have a case, but i didnt. All of the privilige that exists comes from the wealth held by those people, wealth I never had. If you think my white skin gives me any advantage in todays society if you stand me next to an equally well dressed, articulate and intellegent minority/woman then you are truly delusional.

The playing field can be level, but people like you dont want that, you want your petty revenge against people like me to satisfy your blood lust over crimes committed decades ago.

Thats a cop out. Your privilege comes from the fact that you as a white man will be hired by another white man more often than any other demographic if AA is eliminated. You have more opportunities because your race is the gate keeper to those opportunities because you own the system. Your white biased ideals of what constitutes a good worker, manager, CEO etc set the standard. When that dynamic no longer exists and more opportunities are around for everyone then AA can be eliminated.
What i want is a level playing field, not to kick the ladder away at all. What you want is to punish me for sins I never had a part in.

The way to fix it is to create the color blind society that King wanted, and to make sure the government is color blind, not preferential.

Punish? You're at the top of the mountain dude.

What you want has never and will never be possible. The case is that the playing field is not level.

A bear and a man are in the snow and the bear demands the guy walks in the snow naked to "make it fair"

You are the bear born with your priviledge (as much as you don't think so, it is) fur and demand that blacks get naked in the snow

As long as your solution entails getting the entire world to not see color then, my friend, you solution is as real as a Unicorn crying Elton John songs

This privilidge I am supposed to have is an illusion. its an excuse to make you feel better about screwing me over. Maybe if I had two harvard edcuated doctor parents you MIGHT have a case, but i didnt. All of the privilige that exists comes from the wealth held by those people, wealth I never had. If you think my white skin gives me any advantage in todays society if you stand me next to an equally well dressed, articulate and intellegent minority/woman then you are truly delusional.

The playing field can be level, but people like you dont want that, you want your petty revenge against people like me to satisfy your blood lust over crimes committed decades ago.

Its an illusion to you...but you still have it like the bear and his fur. The privilege you have doesn't mean you can only have rich parents and if not then none exists. Wealth isn't the privilege....opportunity is.

You call it revenge I call it leveling the playing field....Tomato tomahto
Punish? You're at the top of the mountain dude.

What you want has never and will never be possible. The case is that the playing field is not level.

A bear and a man are in the snow and the bear demands the guy walks in the snow naked to "make it fair"

You are the bear born with your priviledge (as much as you don't think so, it is) fur and demand that blacks get naked in the snow

As long as your solution entails getting the entire world to not see color then, my friend, you solution is as real as a Unicorn crying Elton John songs

This privilidge I am supposed to have is an illusion. its an excuse to make you feel better about screwing me over. Maybe if I had two harvard edcuated doctor parents you MIGHT have a case, but i didnt. All of the privilige that exists comes from the wealth held by those people, wealth I never had. If you think my white skin gives me any advantage in todays society if you stand me next to an equally well dressed, articulate and intellegent minority/woman then you are truly delusional.

The playing field can be level, but people like you dont want that, you want your petty revenge against people like me to satisfy your blood lust over crimes committed decades ago.

Thats a cop out. Your privilege comes from the fact that you as a white man will be hired by another white man more often than any other demographic if AA is eliminated. You have more opportunities because your race is the gate keeper to those opportunities because you own the system. Your white biased ideals of what constitutes a good worker, manager, CEO etc set the standard. When that dynamic no longer exists and more opportunities are around for everyone then AA can be eliminated.

So only white men own business, or work in HR and do hirings?

Its funny because of the three people that interviewed me only one was a white male. the others were a white female and a gay filipino male.

I judge people on thier actions, not thier color. you want me to be penalized because I am a white male in the hopes that will make society better, when in reality your position is no better than those of the whites prior to the 60's discriminating against non-whites.
Punish? You're at the top of the mountain dude.

What you want has never and will never be possible. The case is that the playing field is not level.

A bear and a man are in the snow and the bear demands the guy walks in the snow naked to "make it fair"

You are the bear born with your priviledge (as much as you don't think so, it is) fur and demand that blacks get naked in the snow

As long as your solution entails getting the entire world to not see color then, my friend, you solution is as real as a Unicorn crying Elton John songs

This privilidge I am supposed to have is an illusion. its an excuse to make you feel better about screwing me over. Maybe if I had two harvard edcuated doctor parents you MIGHT have a case, but i didnt. All of the privilige that exists comes from the wealth held by those people, wealth I never had. If you think my white skin gives me any advantage in todays society if you stand me next to an equally well dressed, articulate and intellegent minority/woman then you are truly delusional.

The playing field can be level, but people like you dont want that, you want your petty revenge against people like me to satisfy your blood lust over crimes committed decades ago.

Its an illusion to you...but you still have it like the bear and his fur. The privilege you have doesn't mean you can only have rich parents and if not then none exists. Wealth isn't the privilege....opportunity is.

You call it revenge I call it leveling the playing field....Tomato tomahto

Levelling the playing field is not done by punishing people, its done by eliminating preferences all together and letting people win on merit.

What you want is reverse discrimination to satisfy your blood lust against people like me, nothing more.
This privilidge I am supposed to have is an illusion. its an excuse to make you feel better about screwing me over. Maybe if I had two harvard edcuated doctor parents you MIGHT have a case, but i didnt. All of the privilige that exists comes from the wealth held by those people, wealth I never had. If you think my white skin gives me any advantage in todays society if you stand me next to an equally well dressed, articulate and intellegent minority/woman then you are truly delusional.

The playing field can be level, but people like you dont want that, you want your petty revenge against people like me to satisfy your blood lust over crimes committed decades ago.

Its an illusion to you...but you still have it like the bear and his fur. The privilege you have doesn't mean you can only have rich parents and if not then none exists. Wealth isn't the privilege....opportunity is.

You call it revenge I call it leveling the playing field....Tomato tomahto

Levelling the playing field is not done by punishing people, its done by eliminating preferences all together and letting people win on merit.

What you want is reverse discrimination to satisfy your blood lust against people like me, nothing more.

How do you eliminate racial preferences In people?

Its an illusion to you...but you still have it like the bear and his fur. The privilege you have doesn't mean you can only have rich parents and if not then none exists. Wealth isn't the privilege....opportunity is.

You call it revenge I call it leveling the playing field....Tomato tomahto

Levelling the playing field is not done by punishing people, its done by eliminating preferences all together and letting people win on merit.

What you want is reverse discrimination to satisfy your blood lust against people like me, nothing more.

How do you eliminate racial preferences In people?


Time and education, not government mandates to screw one group of people over due to crimes committed in the past.
This privilidge I am supposed to have is an illusion. its an excuse to make you feel better about screwing me over. Maybe if I had two harvard edcuated doctor parents you MIGHT have a case, but i didnt. All of the privilige that exists comes from the wealth held by those people, wealth I never had. If you think my white skin gives me any advantage in todays society if you stand me next to an equally well dressed, articulate and intellegent minority/woman then you are truly delusional.

The playing field can be level, but people like you dont want that, you want your petty revenge against people like me to satisfy your blood lust over crimes committed decades ago.

Thats a cop out. Your privilege comes from the fact that you as a white man will be hired by another white man more often than any other demographic if AA is eliminated. You have more opportunities because your race is the gate keeper to those opportunities because you own the system. Your white biased ideals of what constitutes a good worker, manager, CEO etc set the standard. When that dynamic no longer exists and more opportunities are around for everyone then AA can be eliminated.

So only white men own business, or work in HR and do hirings?

Its funny because of the three people that interviewed me only one was a white male. the others were a white female and a gay filipino male.

I judge people on thier actions, not thier color. you want me to be penalized because I am a white male in the hopes that will make society better, when in reality your position is no better than those of the whites prior to the 60's discriminating against non-whites.

Your anecdotes are not what determines the amount of opportunity for everyone. Those are your personal experiences. When i was in the workforce I was always hired by a white male. However, I dont assume thats how it is everywhere. Like I said before I dont want you to be penalized. I want you to take one on the chin if necessary to reach your goal of a colorblind society. Now are you willing to do that or was all that talk just a lot of hot air?
Levelling the playing field is not done by punishing people, its done by eliminating preferences all together and letting people win on merit.

What you want is reverse discrimination to satisfy your blood lust against people like me, nothing more.

How do you eliminate racial preferences In people?


Time and education, not government mandates to screw one group of people over due to crimes committed in the past.

If that was true why did educated Blacks, women, and other minorities have problems getting hired before AA?
Thats a cop out. Your privilege comes from the fact that you as a white man will be hired by another white man more often than any other demographic if AA is eliminated. You have more opportunities because your race is the gate keeper to those opportunities because you own the system. Your white biased ideals of what constitutes a good worker, manager, CEO etc set the standard. When that dynamic no longer exists and more opportunities are around for everyone then AA can be eliminated.

So only white men own business, or work in HR and do hirings?

Its funny because of the three people that interviewed me only one was a white male. the others were a white female and a gay filipino male.

I judge people on thier actions, not thier color. you want me to be penalized because I am a white male in the hopes that will make society better, when in reality your position is no better than those of the whites prior to the 60's discriminating against non-whites.

Your anecdotes are not what determines the amount of opportunity for everyone. Those are your personal experiences. When i was in the workforce I was always hired by a white male. However, I dont assume thats how it is everywhere. Like I said before I dont want you to be penalized. I want you to take one on the chin if necessary to reach your goal of a colorblind society. Now are you willing to do that or was all that talk just a lot of hot air?

So how is "taking it on the chin" different then being penalized? I want preferences removed, and decsions based on merit. You want revenge for past crimes, revenge on people who had nothing to do with these crimes.
Levelling the playing field is not done by punishing people, its done by eliminating preferences all together and letting people win on merit.

What you want is reverse discrimination to satisfy your blood lust against people like me, nothing more.

How do you eliminate racial preferences In people?


Time and education, not government mandates to screw one group of people over due to crimes committed in the past.

So we have to hope while you continue to reap the benes?
How do you eliminate racial preferences In people?


Time and education, not government mandates to screw one group of people over due to crimes committed in the past.

If that was true why did educated Blacks, women, and other minorities have problems getting hired before AA?

Because of a combination of racsim, sexism and in some cases actual laws that created an unlevel playing field. The Civil rights/womens rights movements removed the legal impediments, and time is needed to remove the cultural ones. What is not needed is vengeful laws that punish people that had nothing to do with the past discrimination.
So only white men own business, or work in HR and do hirings?

Its funny because of the three people that interviewed me only one was a white male. the others were a white female and a gay filipino male.

I judge people on thier actions, not thier color. you want me to be penalized because I am a white male in the hopes that will make society better, when in reality your position is no better than those of the whites prior to the 60's discriminating against non-whites.

Your anecdotes are not what determines the amount of opportunity for everyone. Those are your personal experiences. When i was in the workforce I was always hired by a white male. However, I dont assume thats how it is everywhere. Like I said before I dont want you to be penalized. I want you to take one on the chin if necessary to reach your goal of a colorblind society. Now are you willing to do that or was all that talk just a lot of hot air?

So how is "taking it on the chin" different then being penalized? I want preferences removed, and decsions based on merit. You want revenge for past crimes, revenge on people who had nothing to do with these crimes.

Its a mindset thing. Taking it on the chin is knowing its coming and dealing with it knowing its for the greater good. Being penalized means you are unwilling victim of a rule or law. Sort of like how Black people were lynched for talking back to whites.

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