Kinzinger - Trump “Basically Insane”

A Chicago based RINO who voted to impeach Trump. Lefties continue to behave as if they lost the election.
Rep. Kinzinger is really the one who is "insane".

His preoccupation with demonizing the 74 million Little Trumpsters instead of working to resist the neomarxist Brandon Regime is why the Republicans are losing credibility.

Not the retired statesman who lives in the city of Palm Beach
Actually he’s only denigrating Trump.

People that voted for that insane clown denigrate themselves
During a Friday afternoon interview with MSNBC, Kinzinger was asked if he recognizes his political party a year after the violence of the pro-Trump attack on the Capitol.​
"No, I don't," he responded. The Republican lawmaker said he's identified with the GOP since he was six years old. "What has changed is the use of conspiracy, the absolute lack of courage to call it out, the fear that permeates leaders of the Republican Party against a man [Trump] that is basically insane," he said.​

Totally correct.
I didn't think Trump actually believed he lost the election but this new book coming out makes me think he's nuttier than maybe I thought.

A Chicago based RINO who voted to impeach Trump. Lefties continue to behave as if they lost the election.
The funny thing is, Republicans stole 2000. And Trump tried to use many of the tactics Republicans used in 2000 to steal 2020. And who was involved in both elections? Roger Stone. Trump pardoned that criminal.

The American people don't realize what a criminal Roger Stone is. Republicans cry about Soros? He never stole an election. And Roger Stone is still running around.

Look at Trump's other close advisor. Steve Bannon. Just got caught ripping off the Build the Wall fund. No surprise right? Republicans are so brainwashed.
During a Friday afternoon interview with MSNBC, Kinzinger was asked if he recognizes his political party a year after the violence of the pro-Trump attack on the Capitol.​
"No, I don't," he responded. The Republican lawmaker said he's identified with the GOP since he was six years old. "What has changed is the use of conspiracy, the absolute lack of courage to call it out, the fear that permeates leaders of the Republican Party against a man [Trump] that is basically insane," he said.​

Totally correct.
Any adults that those tantrums, has delusions about himself and can't accept the truth is insane. Trump is certifiably insane and he needs to be locked up in a institution for the criminally insane my before he does any more damage to our nation.
True. Not to let trump off, but I have always thought trying to become president of the US involved a certain amount of megalomania. Levels of insanity more apparent in some more than others.
Look up what Ike said and you will realize you are saying what he kind of said…

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