Kirk Cameron Street Witnessing


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014

Kirk and Ray Comfort have their own ministry. Please share with others. Way of the Master is their program.
I love this......More Christians could benefit from learning how to better witness to the lost... This is a considerate, loving, caring way to relate to people . IMO, too many Christians with good intentions try to force the issue,,,,,thus derailing their own train....causing a stumbling block instead of a bridge.....
exactly house mouse. You see Kirk has a genuine compassion and love for others...

Aha... a Geoduck perhaps....or maybe a penis fish, popular in Korea.. LOL Off topic don't you think ??
Kirk Cameron is a homophobic monster. A douche. You know he used to demand the producers of that show he used be on change the script because he didn't like it?
Kirk Cameron is a lying charltan or the biggest idiot out there. Let's hear about the crocoduck again Kirk.

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