Kirsten Gillibrand Town Hall


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Watching the zero head give her opinion on gun violence. She is in Iowa preaching confiscation. I know Iowa Democrats and they like their guns. This reminds me of Her Thighness Clinton railing against coal miners while campaigning in coal miner country

You can't make this stuff up

How come no democrat will answer the late term abortion question.. are you for killing babies or not?
She dodged it like all the rest
Unlike Trump, she has no intention of doing what she says

She is a real,piece of work. She will take every side of an issue in one sentence.

She is a fucking weathervane in a hurricane,
She is a real,piece of work. She will take every side of an issue in one sentence.

She is a fucking weathervane in a hurricane,
i am just as exited to watching this event as exited as i get when i have to go to the ER to remove an small animal from one of my body parts
Watching the zero head give her opinion on gun violence. She is in Iowa preaching confiscation. I know Iowa Democrats and they like their guns. This reminds me of Her Thighness Clinton railing against coal miners while campaigning in coal miner country. You can't make this stuff up.
When the narrator asked Gillibrand how her gun control laws would have impacted on this week's massacre - the perp having obtained his legal guns legally - she went on a rant about destroying the NRA. She was unwilling or unable to just say they would not have made a lick of difference.

I changed the channel.
How come no democrat will answer the late term abortion question.. are you for killing babies or not? She dodged it like all the rest
She is a real,piece of work. She will take every side of an issue in one sentence. She is a fucking weathervane in a hurricane,
She has a script and stuck to it. Deflect and obfuscate.

According to new DNC rules the bottom-feeders will not be included in their debates. It's the kiss of death. She is toast and must by now know it.
Kerston talks like the 350 pound neighbor who bangs on your door because she needs to borrow 20 dollars for a pizza
Watching the zero head give her opinion on gun violence. She is in Iowa preaching confiscation. I know Iowa Democrats and they like their guns. This reminds me of Her Thighness Clinton railing against coal miners while campaigning in coal miner country

You can't make this stuff up


Meh, the FUD population is high in Iowa. Her people probably polled it before she went.
She's just another leftist hypocrite in a long line of anti-American leftist hypocrites running for POTUS. Good luck, bitch. the DNC will throw you under the bus for whoever Soros and Obama tell them to nominate.
Can't wait to see them (leftist) come after Joe..... the clock is ticking JOe....

Gillibrand is a joke. She is just awful.

Isn’t she one of those hysterical cvnts who said that anyone who accused Cavanaugh of rape should be believed?
Those bat shit crazy Democrats try to outdo themselves with stupidity, don't they? Every one tries to be more crazy than the other one.

I guess they have to do that in order to get the Moon Bats to vote for them.
Watching the zero head give her opinion on gun violence. She is in Iowa preaching confiscation. I know Iowa Democrats and they like their guns. This reminds me of Her Thighness Clinton railing against coal miners while campaigning in coal miner country

You can't make this stuff up

Gillibrand: “The NRA Is The Worst Organization In This Country”; NRA: Gee, That’s Not What She Told Us!


C’mon, man — the worst? Not the Klan, not the Mafia, not biker drug gangs? Let’s go back to Kirsten Gillibrand, who seemed determined to issue incoherent attacks on progressive betes noires. The worst organization in the country, Gillibrand declares, is the group that defends an explicitly enumerated constitutional right through public engagement on policy.

Gillibrand spews a stream of ignorance to support this thesis

When Gillibrand represented NY20, she wrote the NRA: “I appreciate the work that the NRA does to protect gun owners rights, and I look forward to working with you for many years.”

Now that she’s looking to crack 1%, she’ll say anything.

Gillibrand, political crack whore.
She fits right in with the other KOOKS in the Democrat candidate clown car.

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