Kitty rescue stories....

It took a kind young man three days to finally rescue an orphan kitten from a construction site. The kitten sat on his shoulder and gave him a lot of headbutts.
“Heard her for two days on site meowing incessantly. Finally found her day 3, in the morning,” kitten’s rescuer wrote via imgur.
Meet Annie!
After he found the kitten from the construction site, she was all headbutts from the get-go.

This is where she was first seen.

She kept meowing until she got some water and head rubs.

Then she fell asleep in her rescuer’s lap in his work truck. “She slept the entire 3 hour drive home.”

He gave the little one food and introduced her to the other cats he rescued/adopted. “Got her home and fed, the other cats took to her right away.”

“Almost two weeks, several baths, flea removal, and a trip to the vet later… She’s queen of the couch.”
Meet Kairi, a tiny survivor, who was found on the road just hours after she was born. “She’s almost four weeks old now. My husband and I found her crawling across the road a few hours after she was born. She had her umbilical cord and placenta still attached,” said Rachel via reddit.
They took the tiny baby home and gave her food, a warm place to nap and plenty of love. “She sleeps in a rubbermaid tub next to me and gets fed every 2-3 hours,” she said. “I haven’t gotten much sleep in a while, but she’s so worth it.”
“We decided not to name her until she opened her eyes in case she didn’t make it. Her name is Kairi!”
“I’m crazy in love with her and she’s been doing great!”
Meet Kairi, a tiny survivor, who was found on the road just hours after she was born. They gave her a lot of food, a warm place to nap, and a little buddy to snuggle with.

She was fed 2-3 hours round-the-clock. “I haven’t gotten much sleep in a while, but she’s so worth it,” Rachel said.

Snuggling with mom.

Finally her eyes opened.

Seeing the world for the first time.
Meet Kairi, a tiny survivor, who was found on the road just hours after she was born. “She’s almost four weeks old now. My husband and I found her crawling across the road a few hours after she was born. She had her umbilical cord and placenta still attached,” said Rachel via reddit.
They took the tiny baby home and gave her food, a warm place to nap and plenty of love. “She sleeps in a rubbermaid tub next to me and gets fed every 2-3 hours,” she said. “I haven’t gotten much sleep in a while, but she’s so worth it.”
“We decided not to name her until she opened her eyes in case she didn’t make it. Her name is Kairi!”
“I’m crazy in love with her and she’s been doing great!”
Meet Kairi, a tiny survivor, who was found on the road just hours after she was born. They gave her a lot of food, a warm place to nap, and a little buddy to snuggle with.

She was fed 2-3 hours round-the-clock. “I haven’t gotten much sleep in a while, but she’s so worth it,” Rachel said.

Snuggling with mom.

Finally her eyes opened.

Seeing the world for the first time.

OMG, what a tiny cute little kitty! :)
“I was working at a vegetarian restaurant downtown. A customer came in and told us there were some baby kittens in the parking lot (really, it was just a dirt lot next to the restaurant),” said Adriana via reddit. “Our manage went and put them in a box behind the restaurant. It used to be a house, so they were in a fenced in, grassy area.
No one could take this last little guy, so I did despite knowing that my family wouldn’t be happy.”
When she was told that the kitten might not survive, Adriana didn’t give up hope. “When I took him to the vet they told me that he was two weeks old and likely wouldn’t live. Not because he was ill, but because he was so young, and I don’t think the vet had confidence in me. I had to fee him every 4 hours, and make him poop/pee in the first few weeks but he is super healthy and happy now. He constantly want to be held, and likes to sit on my shoulder when I’m up. His name is Oatmeal,” she added.
Oatmeal became very affectionate with Adriana. “We bottle fed him and he didn’t really know his mom.” Adriana became the kitten’s surrogate mom.
“I’m so glad to have him! Even though my family initially didn’t want him, they really wouldn’t be happy without him, now,” she said.
Meet Oatmeal. He was found in a parking lot outside a vegetarian restaurant. “No one could take this last little guy, so I did despite knowing that my family wouldn’t be happy,” said Adriana.

Curious Oatmeal checking out things at his new home.

“I saved a kitten from the parking lot at work. He’s become the most loving pet I’ve ever had,” she said.
A tiny calico kitten who was rescued with an injured leg was adopted by a US army veteran who became disabled in combat.
Sophia (formerly Sprinkles) came to San Diego Humane Society with a severely injured leg. “We believe her umbilical cord wrapped around her rear leg and cut off her circulation,” the shelter said.
Karolyn Smith, a US army veteran who was injured in combat, was looking to adopt a cat. When she came to the shelter, she saw Sophia, it was love at first sight.

Sophia the kitten who was rescued with an injured leg was adopted by a US army veteran Karolyn who became disabled in combat.

Sprinkles moves around just fine in spite of her cast.

She made a friend Leo (formerly Leprechaun). They became inseparable.

Karolyn met the two kittens. It was love at first sight. She ended up taking both home.

Sophia the special kitty loves her new mom.

“I came to the shelter to save a cat, but she really saved me,” said Karolyn.
These three tiny kittens may be a little clumsy and wobbly, but they are so happy and can’t wait for their forever homes.
[Scroll down for videos]
“As soon as we brought them home, we knew there was something special about Groot, Gamora, and Nova. From their stubby little tails to their “drunken sailor” walks, they were quick to steal our hearts,” said Jennifer MacMillan of Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (VOKRA).

“The kittens and their momma were left at a local pet store. A kind man named Bob brought the family home to care for, but then when the kittens were about 5 weeks old their momma cat became ill and stopped nursing the babies. Since VOKRA has so many excellent bottle feeders, the kittens came to us to be bottle fed! They quickly put on weight, developing the cutest little tummies. Once they were feeling better, they started exploring their new digs and haven’t looked back since,” she added.

“There are several conditions that can cause kittens to have the “wobblies”. Cerebellar hypoplasia occurs when the momma cat is ill during pregnancy and the development of the kitten’s cerebellum is affected leading to balance and coordination issues. Spina bifida (associated with manx kitties) affects the development of the spine and spinal cord, often causing hind end weakness. They are non-degenerative conditions, so their condition won’t deteriorate, and most cats get stronger and learn to compensate for their weaknesses as they get older.”

These kitties are such spunky little ones with a love for life. “Despite their mobility issues they get where they want to go – they were even some of my quickest fosters when it came to learning how to use the litter box! The next step was getting them to eat on their own.”

They invented a method to help the kitties eat. “At first they were very skeptical about eating off of a plate and insisted on being hand fed. One morning I was sitting with the kittens feeding them one at a time – and if you’ve ever heard a hungry kitten you’ll know they aren’t too patient about waiting their turn – and I knew that I had to come up with a way for them to eat all at once. I saw the empty cat food boxes sitting on the floor and decided to put them to good use as ‘dining tables’.”
These three tiny kittens may be a little clumsy and wobbly, but they are so happy and can’t wait for their forever homes.
[Scroll down for videos]
“As soon as we brought them home, we knew there was something special about Groot, Gamora, and Nova. From their stubby little tails to their “drunken sailor” walks, they were quick to steal our hearts,” said Jennifer MacMillan of Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (VOKRA).

“The kittens and their momma were left at a local pet store. A kind man named Bob brought the family home to care for, but then when the kittens were about 5 weeks old their momma cat became ill and stopped nursing the babies. Since VOKRA has so many excellent bottle feeders, the kittens came to us to be bottle fed! They quickly put on weight, developing the cutest little tummies. Once they were feeling better, they started exploring their new digs and haven’t looked back since,” she added.

“There are several conditions that can cause kittens to have the “wobblies”. Cerebellar hypoplasia occurs when the momma cat is ill during pregnancy and the development of the kitten’s cerebellum is affected leading to balance and coordination issues. Spina bifida (associated with manx kitties) affects the development of the spine and spinal cord, often causing hind end weakness. They are non-degenerative conditions, so their condition won’t deteriorate, and most cats get stronger and learn to compensate for their weaknesses as they get older.”

These kitties are such spunky little ones with a love for life. “Despite their mobility issues they get where they want to go – they were even some of my quickest fosters when it came to learning how to use the litter box! The next step was getting them to eat on their own.”

They invented a method to help the kitties eat. “At first they were very skeptical about eating off of a plate and insisted on being hand fed. One morning I was sitting with the kittens feeding them one at a time – and if you’ve ever heard a hungry kitten you’ll know they aren’t too patient about waiting their turn – and I knew that I had to come up with a way for them to eat all at once. I saw the empty cat food boxes sitting on the floor and decided to put them to good use as ‘dining tables’.”

Glad to hear their condition is not progressive or fatal. :)
A farm cat mama adopted a big kitten who needed some mother’s love. How adorable is that!

“About a year ago we adopted little Monty from an animal shelter. The previous owner had too many cats and were forced to put some of them up for adoption, one of them being Monty. We were already housing two cats, Mikkel the three-legged cat and Malle the gentle giant,” said Mikala and Michael via Facebook.
“The first time we met Monty, there was no doubt in our minds that he was to come live with us. His special appearance makes him look so incredibly cute, but his personality, he showed from the very beginning, is rare as a diamond! Monty shared a room with some of the other cats from the animal shelter and even though a few of them acted a little aggressive and lashed out at him, Monty continued to lay calm and quiet, uneager to pick a fight.”
Meet Monty. He’s a little special.

“Monty was born without a nasal bridge (the bone in the nose) which affects him now and then and makes him sneeze a bit.”

“He loves lying on your lap and at night he’ll keep you company, not leaving you side until you wake up, but favorite place to cuddle is by far in the arms of (his dad) Michael.”

“Monty is almost never afraid, he even loves being at the vet, a brave little fella.”

“Is that for me?”

Monty is happy for the comfy bed.

“I want attention meow!”

“When it comes to love, nothing reaches the love he’s got for Malle and Mikkel!”

“We wish for Monty to be an ambassador for ‘crooked’ cat or cats that may not look perfect in everyone’s eyes!”

“We also want to raise attention to the fact that looking different doesn’t mean you can’t be fantastic.”

“And we believe that our sweet little Monty is a perfect example to just that and in every way is: FANTASTIC!”
“About a year ago we adopted little Monty from an animal shelter. The previous owner had too many cats and were forced to put some of them up for adoption, one of them being Monty. We were already housing two cats, Mikkel the three-legged cat and Malle the gentle giant,” said Mikala and Michael via Facebook.
“The first time we met Monty, there was no doubt in our minds that he was to come live with us. His special appearance makes him look so incredibly cute, but his personality, he showed from the very beginning, is rare as a diamond! Monty shared a room with some of the other cats from the animal shelter and even though a few of them acted a little aggressive and lashed out at him, Monty continued to lay calm and quiet, uneager to pick a fight.”
Meet Monty. He’s a little special.

“Monty was born without a nasal bridge (the bone in the nose) which affects him now and then and makes him sneeze a bit.”

“He loves lying on your lap and at night he’ll keep you company, not leaving you side until you wake up, but favorite place to cuddle is by far in the arms of (his dad) Michael.”

“Monty is almost never afraid, he even loves being at the vet, a brave little fella.”

“Is that for me?”

Monty is happy for the comfy bed.

“I want attention meow!”

“When it comes to love, nothing reaches the love he’s got for Malle and Mikkel!”

“We wish for Monty to be an ambassador for ‘crooked’ cat or cats that may not look perfect in everyone’s eyes!”

“We also want to raise attention to the fact that looking different doesn’t mean you can’t be fantastic.”

“And we believe that our sweet little Monty is a perfect example to just that and in every way is: FANTASTIC!”

That is so sweet. He looks like the sweetest kitty.

This is the face that Lorene saw when she met the little orphan kitten named Trixie at the shelter, waiting for a foster home.
“About a week ago someone is Osler found a kitten who was abandoned by her mother. The kitten was about two weeks old. I was at the SPCA and wasn’t really intending to foster because we still have Paige (another rescue cat they care for) in the basement,” said Lorene of Saskatoon SPCA.
But when she saw those eyes looking at her…. “And now we have Trixie in a large enclosure upstairs!”

“Shelter staff had hoped she was old enough to eat solid food, but that just gave her the runs. After some kitten milk replacer her problems cleared up, but it was definitely bath time,” Lorene added.

“So far Trixie’s life has mostly been eat, burp, sleep. We’ve very recently added some playtime in there after eating, because she’s getting more active.”

Trixie is getting a lot of love and cuddles from her foster mom. “We have a little pillow that contains a sound chip that makes a heartbeat sound, and that seems to keep her from getting lonely.”

When a rescue ginger kitten, who desperately needed friends, was introduced to a litter of kittens, he became the happiest kitty he could be.
“PW was a singleton who’d been at the shelter for a few weeks, and desperately needed to be around other kittens his own age,” said Robyn Anderson via Love and Hisses. “Ralph, Trader Joe, Von and Winn Dixie were a litter born at a vet’s office, and were about a week younger than PW.”
Robyn knew they would make the perfect siblings for PW.
PW was found at a grocery store. “PW came to us prenamed – so named because he was found at a Piggly Wiggly – and so we went with grocery store names as our naming theme,” Robyn added.
Now PW can’t get enough of playtime with his new fur friends. “They’re sweet, friendly, extremely playful kittens, and after some initial hissiness between PW and the other four, they get along great and play together like crazy.”
Meet PW, a tiny ginger kitten found at a grocery store (Piggly Wiggly). He was at the shelter for a few weeks, desperately needed friends.

Robyn, the fosterer, picked up the little guy and introduced him to a litter of foster kittens. PW became the happiest kitty he could be.

“Excuse me! Can you play with me?”

“Can you play with me now?”


“Don’t go! Let’s play!”

Food time between play times.

“Yay! You are playing with me!”

“I love you!”
Marco the little kitten was only half the size of his siblings when he was found. It’s amazing how far he’s come.
“Marco was rescued by Annie, of Kitty Loft. He was 1 of 5 kittens nursing from a mama who had a broken leg and only weighed 4 lbs. Needless to say, their mom was not providing her FIVE kittens with the nutrients they desperately needed, so the kittens had a rough start. 2 did not make it, 2 did very well and Marco was in bad shape. He was half the size (14 oz) of his sisters (30 oz) and not eating at all,” said Stephanie from Big City Little Kitty. “I asked if I could take him for a bit as I can take him to work and provide round the clock care, syringe feeding and a close eye. It worked!”
“Here he is at my office with his napkin bib on for a syringe feeding, one of his most famous photos”

“Marco was soon eating on his own and thriving! He quickly mastered the art of snuggling and his cuteness level was through the roof!”

“Marco’s a mush! He is content to lay on someone’s lap ALL day!”

He’s a lovebug.

Marco “The Mush” has a forever home, with a mama and a papa and a big sis!

“I first met Marco when he was about 10 oz! (His new) mom says he is doing great, his official name is still Marco, but he’s mostly called Little Guy. And he still has that awesome bushy tail! “
A taxi driver stopped in traffic to rescue a kitten stuck in the middle of highway. When Bill Cannon, co-owner of Beech Street Taxi, was driving home, he saw a little ginger kitten stuck in traffic on the Van Wyck Expressway in Queens.
“I was going by slow enough that I could hear it crying,” he said to WCBS 880’s Ginny Kosola
“I stopped and jumped out and grabbed it and put it in the car. It was ready to jump into traffic when I jumped out of the car.”
He called his wife, Renee, before bringing the kitten home. “I said, ‘You’re either going to love me or you’re going to hate me,” he said.
When he got home with the kitten, they all fell in love. “I’m not allowed to give it away.”
The kitten hid under the dashboard from the passenger seat. It took them about two hours, some cat food and removing part of the dashboard to get the kitty out of the car according to Kosola.
They named the kitten Autumn and took him to the vet for a checkup. “The cat’s nose was bloody and we washed that up and it seems OK,” Cannon said. “(Autumn’s) just kind of limping around a little bit.”

A cabbie stopped in traffic to save a kitten in busy highway.

He brought the kitten home and gave him a new home. The family fell in love with the little one.

They named the kitty Autumn. He’s now feeling happy and comfortable.
This is how a tiny little kitten turns into a majestic fluffy Norwegian Forest cat.

Simply Majestic!


A tiny ginger kitten was rescued from a vehicle’s wheel well at a Canadian oil refinery by the workers there. “She was found in a wheel well of a vehicle at work this morning, hiding from a hungry fox,” said an employee via reddit.
“For several weeks lately a fox has been showing up at night in the parking lot and some of the workers have been feeding it scraps of food. Anyway, a worker reported that they could hear a cat in the parking lot and thought it might have been locked in someone’s car. My co-worker went to investigate and found the poor little kitten up in the wheel well; the fox was nearby looking for hand-outs so we assumed that the kitten was cornered and crying for help…”
“She found an awesome home with a lady that works on our site,” he added. “Her new owner left work at noon and the first stop was the vets office…She’s an animal lover and wants to be sure that it’s not chipped and that she’s healthy.”
A tiny ginger kitten was spotted by the workers at an oil refinery in Canada.

“My co-worker went to investigate and found the poor little kitten up in the wheel well.”

This is kitty clinging to her new mama.
A tiny ginger kitten was rescued from a vehicle’s wheel well at a Canadian oil refinery by the workers there. “She was found in a wheel well of a vehicle at work this morning, hiding from a hungry fox,” said an employee via reddit.
“For several weeks lately a fox has been showing up at night in the parking lot and some of the workers have been feeding it scraps of food. Anyway, a worker reported that they could hear a cat in the parking lot and thought it might have been locked in someone’s car. My co-worker went to investigate and found the poor little kitten up in the wheel well; the fox was nearby looking for hand-outs so we assumed that the kitten was cornered and crying for help…”
“She found an awesome home with a lady that works on our site,” he added. “Her new owner left work at noon and the first stop was the vets office…She’s an animal lover and wants to be sure that it’s not chipped and that she’s healthy.”
A tiny ginger kitten was spotted by the workers at an oil refinery in Canada.

“My co-worker went to investigate and found the poor little kitten up in the wheel well.”

This is kitty clinging to her new mama.

Awww. I love your kitty rescue stories. They make me feel so happy. :)

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