KKK Holds Parade To Celebrate Trump Win

The retards think this is a liberal Democrat:


Again, retard, no one disputes there were Democratic KKK.

But you tards are denying there were Republican Klansmen.

You're stupidity has been buried by actual American history. Facts.

Too bad for you.
The Republican and Democratic parties both had strong conservative wings at one time. Therefore, since the KKK is a right wing Christian terrorist organization, both parties were infected by them.

As the Democratic party became predominantly liberal, the KKK began gravitating more and more toward the GOP through attrition.


We're Republicans now. Go Trump!

Again, retard, no one disputes there were Democratic KKK.

But you tards are denying there were Republican Klansmen.

You're stupidity has been buried by actual American history. Facts.

Too bad for you.

Sorry, not buying your FAKE NEWS horse shit...

Oh the irony.

I provided the evidence, you willfully blind stupid monkey.

Good god, man. How you can be this ignorant of American history? Seriously. This was common knowledge. Don't you realize the people who lie to you day after day after day count on you being this stupid?

Wake up!

those old time racist Democrats were CONSERVATIVES. Right wing.


There was nothing "conservative" about slavery. It was exploited to the max. The fact that is currently blamed on "whites" is even more inaccurate. Farrakhan has documented the slave ships were owned overwhelmingly by Jews. The first act of "incarceration" was done on Africa by Obama's ancestors. You have to get to an auction to find the first non-Jewish white involved. Look at the Confederacy. Jefferson DAVIS - Jewish name. TN Gov - Ismael HARRIS - JEWISH NAME. This is part of the reason why the KKK hates Jews - they are blamed for bringing blacks over here. The KKK is mostly SEPARATIST.
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.
What a switch.....a peaceful parade by a hate group.
As opposed to the usual murder and mayhem of the left's favorite protestors....Blacklivesmatters.
Democrats BLM just shot a firefighter last night....
funny isnt it? The KKK that has not killed anyone in many years, at least 40, is considered violent hate group.
BLM that has been responsible for the killing of police for that last couple of years is a peaceful civil rights group.

That's because no members of Black Lives Matter shot any police officers. Those shootings were done by people not affiliated in any way by BLM, and condemned by them.

As opposed to many, many KKK members who admitted to killing blacks and Jews, or who have been arrested, tried and convicted of such killings

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ok, I'll give you that, but lets play fair on both of our parts.
In 1996 Hillary made a speech in which she referred to blacks as super predators that needed to be kept under heel. Im sure that we can both agree that this is an extremely racist statement that coming from someone actually in a position to bring change, could be an issue. Correct?
But the left is willing to over look this statement because of the time that had passed, and she apologized for it recently when confronted with her reasons for saying it.
So now using a fairly loose date stamp set by liberals that allow for comments and/or actions to be cast aside and not a concern, lets look at the KKK from 1996 to present and find the racist killing that can be directly linked to them.
Then, lets look at the police officers killed in just the last 2 years that were spurred on by BLM actions or words. We can also look at other known organized black groups and killings attributed to them. We will leave out the random black on white or white on black killings since we are looking at group sanctioned vs private individual.
Just use January 1 1996 as the start date. anything racially motivated that can be attributed to any organized group is fair play. However for the purpose of this, I say we focus mostly on KKK for that time period and then BLM for the much shorter time period they have been an organized group. I know it seems unfair the the KKK however I think that their distant past history is violent enough to say they brought this on themselves over the years.
you go first. Find a KKK sanctioned killing between 1/1/96 and today.
Duke was a DEM until 1988. He initially ran as a Dem, and got no media coverage. When he ran as a "Republican," he got infinite media coverage....
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.
What a switch.....a peaceful parade by a hate group.
As opposed to the usual murder and mayhem of the left's favorite protestors....Blacklivesmatters.
Democrats BLM just shot a firefighter last night....

Gun Control !!!!

Was the firefighter black ?
The guy who shot him was . .
Duke's expressed views, believe them or not, are libertarian, and 180 degrees from Bob KKKing of Pork Byrd's socialist views.
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.
What a switch.....a peaceful parade by a hate group.
As opposed to the usual murder and mayhem of the left's favorite protestors....Blacklivesmatters.
Democrats BLM just shot a firefighter last night....
funny isnt it? The KKK that has not killed anyone in many years, at least 40, is considered violent hate group.
BLM that has been responsible for the killing of police for that last couple of years is a peaceful civil rights group.

That's because no members of Black Lives Matter shot any police officers. Those shootings were done by people not affiliated in any way by BLM, and condemned by them.

As opposed to many, many KKK members who admitted to killing blacks and Jews, or who have been arrested, tried and convicted of such killings

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
ok, I'll give you that, but lets play fair on both of our parts.
In 1996 Hillary made a speech in which she referred to blacks as super predators that needed to be kept under heel. Im sure that we can both agree that this is an extremely racist statement that coming from someone actually in a position to bring change, could be an issue. Correct?
But the left is willing to over look this statement because of the time that had passed, and she apologized for it recently when confronted with her reasons for saying it.
So now using a fairly loose date stamp set by liberals that allow for comments and/or actions to be cast aside and not a concern, lets look at the KKK from 1996 to present and find the racist killing that can be directly linked to them.
Then, lets look at the police officers killed in just the last 2 years that were spurred on by BLM actions or words. We can also look at other known organized black groups and killings attributed to them. We will leave out the random black on white or white on black killings since we are looking at group sanctioned vs private individual.
Just use January 1 1996 as the start date. anything racially motivated that can be attributed to any organized group is fair play. However for the purpose of this, I say we focus mostly on KKK for that time period and then BLM for the much shorter time period they have been an organized group. I know it seems unfair the the KKK however I think that their distant past history is violent enough to say they brought this on themselves over the years.
you go first. Find a KKK sanctioned killing between 1/1/96 and today.
Maybe most of the Democrats left the KKK by 1996. Now they're Libertarians.
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.

Since 99% of the KKK is undercover FBI agents, I sure hope we're not paying them overtime for this......
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.
Unlike the liberals who burn cars, beat up old men and riot and loot, huh?
They have as much right to celebrate as anyone else does.

Just because they are the KKK doesn't mean they have no rights.

That's the beauty of this country. You don't have to like everyone or agree with em but they have the same rights you do.

Deal with it you fucking asshole.
Only disgusting black supremicists have Constitutional rights to riot/demonstrate
Seems that the left is the only ones paying attention to the KKK. I give zero fucks what the inbred morons do.
Are black groups you disagree with "inbreds"? It's important that we have particular distain for white racists while ignoring the real racist attacks against innocent whites.

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