KKK Holds Parade To Celebrate Trump Win

Again, retard, no one disputes there were Democratic KKK.

But you tards are denying there were Republican Klansmen.

You're stupidity has been buried by actual American history. Facts.

Too bad for you.

They may be denying there were Republican Klansmen, but in reality most of them (the ones on here anyway) support both organizations, but only one of them publicly.

That's why the KKK is a secret organization.

Hmmm...a secret organization holding parades in public.....jee...your definition of secret and everyone else's must be really different.....
LOL! It must really frighten these Moon Bats dimwits to think the KKK Grand Wizard of Manhattan is going to be President of the US for the next eight year.
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.
What a switch.....a peaceful parade by a hate group.
As opposed to the usual murder and mayhem of the left's favorite protestors....Blacklivesmatters.
Democrats BLM just shot a firefighter last night....
funny isnt it? The KKK that has not killed anyone in many years, at least 40, is considered violent hate group.
BLM that has been responsible for the killing of police for that last couple of years is a peaceful civil rights group.

Anyone claiming to be KKK is scum. But the KKK is at best a joke. They haven't really existed in nearly 50 years.

Hate groups like the SPLC on the other hand, are highly active.
David Duke is a Republican. The KKK endorses the Republican Party, and its candidates. The Republican Party has tried to overturn the Voters' Rights Act, has gerrymandered the country so that non-white voters get fewer representatives than white voters, with the full endorsement of white nationalists and Nazis, as well as the Klan.
The GOP doesn’t endorse the KKK.

However, the Democratic Party quietly or openly endorses Blacklivesmatter, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, The Communist Party, The NAACP, ACORN, The New Black Panther Party, and The Nation of Islam
Well, if the Democratic Party endorses the Nation of Islam and Farrakhan, then they not only endorse someone who is against their own party, but also someone who believed Trump was a Clinton plant.
Are there racists in America? Yes.

Is America a racist country? No.

Learn the difference.

Merry Christmas.
white nationalists made the difference and got Trump elected.

he only won by 110,000 votes...the white nationalists made all the difference.

and this was just a warning...there is more to come!
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.

Here's what most people don't understand......

The KKK doesn't 'like' Republicans, they HATE dimocraps.

After nearly 100 years of dimocrap party support, dimocrap party funding, dimocrap party coddling, KKK members running for and gaining political office on the dimocfrap ticket --

The dimocraps boot them into the street.

dimocrap scum made a deal with MLK. MLK would bring Blacks into the dimocrap party but they had to boot the KKK.

So they did.

So yeah, they're gonna cheer any time dimocraps get their asses handed to them.

That doesn't mean we want them. We don't.

The KKK started out as an Anti-Republican group. Just a fact. They lynched way more white Republicans for their first 20 years than they did Blacks.


The KKK is a fringe group without a home. Their last known residence was the dimocrap scum party.

But dimocrap scum sold them out because there's more Blacks than there are racist whites.

If dimocrap scum see the need to sell Blacks out -- They will if they can.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. They would sell their own Mothers into slavery if they thought it would gain them any power
Are there racists in America? Yes.

Is America a racist country? No.

Learn the difference.

Merry Christmas.

Are there racists in the dimocrap scum party? Yes

Is the dimocrap scum party racist? Yes

Not complicated at all
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.
Bet that was the highlight of your day huh?

You know who promotes the racists cause more than anyone? Fools like you.
white nationalists made the difference and got Trump elected.

he only won by 110,000 votes...the white nationalists made all the difference.

and this was just a warning...there is more to come!
So you admit you support them?

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