KKK in Trump's America

Chumpsky is nothing but a fking commie but Belafonte is old enough to remember when the KKK was the muscle of the democrat party.
The actual violence during the election cycle was all from the democrats and their supporters, they shot people, they beat people, they tried to assassinate Trump.......and it the violence at the rallies....was coordinated by bob craemer and scott foval under the pay and direction of the democrat national committee and the hilary campaign...this is not a theory, this is a fact.......they admitted on video hiring people to incite violence and took credit for the various actions at the Trump rallies...they are the real fascists and the real racists....
So true, but facts no longer matter in the Age of Liberalism (aka Age of Ignorance).

The Left likes to condemn their political opponents for EXACTLY what they are guilty of. Too many brainwashed Americans fall for their distortions.
Does anyone know how to become a KKK member? PM me PLEASE!

My one wish in life is to be a Grand Wizard. Love their outfits.
Contact your local Democrat Senator from West Virginia.
What the hell does West Va have to do with the Klan? The Klan is in EVERY state.

In numbers too small to matter.
Not to the leftist. To them, a KKK member is around every corner. To them, the KKK is any white, Christian, and non-liberal American.

Noam Chomsky and Harry Belafonte are Communists.

The KKK are irrelevant in America, they number only about 10,000 people, it's not 1926 darling where they numbered several million people and had parades down Pennsylvania Avenue.


Estimates I see say 5 to 8 thousand.

There are more people who believe that space lizards control the world.

Republicans love to push the racism topic because it divides us.

Sen. Ted Cruz Calls Democrats 'The Party Of The KKK' | The Huffington Post

“The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today,” Carole Emberton, an associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo, told PolitiFact. “Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

Republicans love to push the racism topic because it divides us.

Sen. Ted Cruz Calls Democrats 'The Party Of The KKK' | The Huffington Post

“The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today,” Carole Emberton, an associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo, told PolitiFact. “Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

That same bullshit natrative is preached in this forum daily. The same screwball wingnuts who would like nothing better to repeal everything that the "old" Republican party stood for are the same ones who insist that the party "never changed".

The goal of many present day Klans is to create a White People's Caucus. A Caucasian Caucus if you will. Much like non white influences ; think NAACP , the Klan will then carry the interests of Whites to the Federal arena. Until recently Whites have been denied the Right to be White. Assimilating with a multi cult amerika brings nothing to the table of a Future for White Children.
The goal of many present day Klans is to create a White People's Caucus. A Caucasian Caucus if you will. Much like non white influences ; think NAACP , the Klan will then carry the interests of Whites to the Federal arena. Until recently Whites have been denied the Right to be White. Assimilating with a multi cult amerika brings nothing to the table of a Future for White Children.
I do agree with you that for the longest times whites weren't allowed to complain because it would be silly for the people in charge to complain that things aren't fair. That was back when whites got all the good jobs in the factories and offices of America. Those days are gone. Those good factory jobs are gone. So what is happening now with whites sort of vindicates what I've been telling white people for a very long time. To the rich we are all ni*#ers. Trump winning proves that poor and middle class whites are starting to get it. Being white doesn't make you special or privileged. You have to have money to be privileged. Gone are the days where just being a white guy got you the job as foreman. And your dad or uncle can't get you into a job that no longer exists. You have to have skills today. Sorry angry uneducated blue collar white male slackers.

The KKKers here on USMB are cowards who hide behind coded language and avatars.

But we see you.

The ugly grotesque stench of racism is not hard to miss.
By coded language, do you really mean "problematic heteronormative islamophobic microaggressions"?
Wait and see. Islamification/negrofication will lead the racially aware and judeowise to an Aryan elite society. Mud races and their mavens will be found in inner city , UN controlled multi culti cesspools.
Wait and see. Islamification/negrofication will lead the racially aware and judeowise to an Aryan elite society. Mud races and their mavens will be found in inner city , UN controlled multi culti cesspools.

Stormfront parrot propaganda for brainwashed sheep.

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