Klobachar State Indoctrinating our Children


May 23, 2014
Whatever her name is, its not important that I get the Marxist name correct. How fucked-up can Minnesota get? Minnesota? Really? Brought all those goddamned Somalians over to Minn-St. Paul and screwed-up the entire state. Same thing with Chicago and Illinois, or NYC and New York state,or Washington State and shit-hole Seattle.
Minnesnowta is being run by cultural Marxists, or useful idiots, from front to back....The real bad news is that the MNGOP is one of the most corrupt and impotent state republican organizations in the nation.
“My teacher said that I could not skip any questions even when I didn’t understand them. One question asked us what gender we identify with. I was very confused along with a lot of other classmates,” Yasgar said during Monday night’s meeting.
They are confused what gender they are...hmmm.....

Defenders of the audit aimed their claims at enforcing anti-bullying rules and combating mental health issues. They did not specifically reference CRT.

That makes sense if you do want to have a control group for a test group.

Guess you don't like anyone who doesn't look act or think like you?
Wrong. I am opposed to cultural communism as promoted by Grambling University, Southern Poverty Marxist Center, or public education as a whole. Our nation was founded to reward those that work hardest...not those that cry and scream the loudest.
Wrong. I am opposed to cultural communism as promoted by Grambling University, Southern Poverty Marxist Center, or public education as a whole. Our nation was founded to reward those that work hardest...not those that cry and scream the loudest.
The system doesn't reward on hard work alone, sorry.
Minnesota clearly has a major problem where it comes to dealing with minorities and that most certainly needs addressed but students should never be told they can't inform parents what they are being instructed.
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Minnesota clearly have a major problem where it comes to dealing with minorities and that most certainly needs addressed but students should never be told they can't inform parents what they are being instructed.
It would be no different than if the questionnaire was in class only the kids could not ask their parents then either. This questionnaire was done by a third party hired by the school for an untainted response control outcome.
It would be no different than if the questionnaire was in class only the kids could not ask their parents then either. This questionnaire was done by a third party hired by the school for an untainted response control outcome.

Kids can still tell their parents what they did in class that day. A kid should never be told to not repeat what was taught in class. (assuming this even actually happened)
Kids can still tell their parents what they did in class that day. A kid should never be told to not repeat what was taught in class. (assuming this even actually happened)
I agree. But liberal media and Democrats don't think so.
Kids can still tell their parents what they did in class that day. A kid should never be told to not repeat what was taught in class. (assuming this even actually happened)
They didn't direct them to never tell their parents, they ask them to fill out the questionnaire without any help and to not ask their parents..How difficult is that to understand?

Kids don't tell their parents every damn thing that happens in their life, it would be illogical to assume that they would.
They didn't direct them to never tell their parents, they ask them to fill out the questionnaire without any help and to not ask their parents..How difficult is that to understand?

Kids don't tell their parents every damn thing that happens in their life, it would be illogical to assume that they would.

I only have what has been presented.

and students were told not to tell her parents about the activity.

Whether a kid tells their parents everything (they do not), they should never be told to not tell their parents about something that went on in class.
I only have what has been presented.

and students were told not to tell her parents about the activity.

Whether a kid tells their parents everything (they do not), they should never be told to not tell their parents about something that went on in class.

That is not what was said in the viddy.

“My teacher said that I could not skip any questions even when I didn’t understand them. One question asked us what gender we identify with. I was very confused along with a lot of other classmates,” Yasgar said during Monday night’s meeting.

She said students were told they could not “repeat any of the questions to our parents.”

When you use a survey for personal verification of perspectives outside sources would sour the quantifications of reasoning to a conclusion.
It's not very clear nor is it real clear what they were told.

More info is clearly needed but what I said would stand either way.
You are not standing in any direction except that of not know how to do a questionnaire for a specific research observation..

That is not what was said in the viddy.

When you use a survey for personal verification of perspectives outside sources would sour the quantifications of reasoning to a conclusion.

Racist attack on a white girl. If she were black I bet you would go ballistic and shout racism if issue was flipped. What a shit-bag you are.

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