Klobachar State Indoctrinating our Children

You are not standing in any direction except that of not know how to do a questionnaire for a specific research observation..

Not asking your parent for help on a questionnaire is different than being told to not tell your parent about it. It's hardly clear what exactly happened here and my point remains the same either way.
Not asking your parent for help on a questionnaire is different than being told to not tell your parent about it. It's hardly clear what exactly happened here and my point remains the same either way.
Why would they even have such a dumb questionnaire?
Whatever her name is, its not important that I get the Marxist name correct. How fucked-up can Minnesota get? Minnesota? Really? Brought all those goddamned Somalians over to Minn-St. Paul and screwed-up the entire state. Same thing with Chicago and Illinois, or NYC and New York state,or Washington State and shit-hole Seattle.
Sounds like you have a problem with a stupid teacher. It does not say, withholding survey questions from parents was in the survey or survey instructions. The teacher, undoubtedly knew it was wrong, but hoped her influence with the kids would keep her from being ratted out. The parents were informed about the survey, just not the content, whatever it was. Normal people would know, the knowledge would spark the interest of the parents and would not take the step to have children not discuss it, after they took it. Schools got it from a 3rd party, not the state.
Your real problem and one that should be addressed there, is with the school system in Sartell-St. Stephen School District and whoever the "unnamed" third party was that supplied the survey and got it agreed to administer to the 4th graders. For all we know it could have been a grad student son or daughter to somebody with connection to the school district to generate data for their graduate thesis.
The teacher that issued the instruction to her class should be disciplined. For a teacher to do anything with her class or an individual student that includes instructions "don't tell your parents about this" is totally Fkd up and unacceptable. Parents need to make sure their kids know this and to alert them if it ever occurs.
Sounds like you have a problem with a stupid teacher. It does not say, withholding survey questions from parents was in the survey or survey instructions. The teacher, undoubtedly knew it was wrong, but hoped her influence with the kids would keep her from being ratted out. The parents were informed about the survey, just not the content, whatever it was. Normal people would know, the knowledge would spark the interest of the parents and would not take the step to have children not discuss it, after they took it. Schools got it from a 3rd party, not the state.
Your real problem and one that should be addressed there, is with the school system in Sartell-St. Stephen School District and whoever the "unnamed" third party was that supplied the survey and got it agreed to administer to the 4th graders. For all we know it could have been a grad student son or daughter to somebody with connection to the school district to generate data for their graduate thesis.
The teacher that issued the instruction to her class should be disciplined. For a teacher to do anything with her class or an individual student that includes instructions "don't tell your parents about this" is totally Fkd up and unacceptable. Parents need to make sure their kids know this and to alert them if it ever occurs.
Rare as it is between me and you...I agree. Should never had the survey to begin with.
I doubt that Bush92 has ever set foot in the places that he barks about How does he know what is going on there?. What does this "indoctrinating" the children even mean?

I was in public elementary school 60 years ago. We began the day with the Pledge of Allegiance and the reciting of the Our Father, a prayer that I, at the time, did not realize existed only in the Christian faith, even though there were kids of other faiths in class. It wasn't until I was an adult that I understood that Jewish kids were being required to say the Our Father.

Be very careful when you talk about "indoctrinating" children that you do not endorse such indoctrination of children that I and my fellow kids experienced.
Rare as it is between me and you...I agree. Should never had the survey to begin with.
I once took a class in marketing and stats and had to generate a survey, enlist participants, graphically analyze the data and draw conclusions. Sounds fine, but hard to do without a preform opinion of what you are trying "find out". Not exactly pure research by any stretch of the imagination and bias comes into it in making or rejecting questions, wording, order of questions and survey instructions. The only thing harder, than coming up with a even reasonably intelligent half way unbiased survey is finding people willing to take time to take your stupid survey in the first place. Targeting students would be a great benefit, as having teachers assign student that had no choice but to participate would be a boon to data acquisition, but it is fraught with ethical problems, in the best of circumstance, especially in using students under 18 and 3rd party originators. My opinion is in that case is 3rd parties need not apply.
I doubt that Bush92 has ever set foot in the places that he barks about How does he know what is going on there?. What does this "indoctrinating" the children even mean?

I was in public elementary school 60 years ago. We began the day with the Pledge of Allegiance and the reciting of the Our Father, a prayer that I, at the time, did not realize existed only in the Christian faith, even though there were kids of other faiths in class. It wasn't until I was an adult that I understood that Jewish kids were being required to say the Our Father.

Be very careful when you talk about "indoctrinating" children that you do not endorse such indoctrination of children that I and my fellow kids experienced.
I have been around this world and around the United States. EVERYWHERE. So I have seen shit that you will never (I pray you don't) see. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance is 100% an American requirement. A must! Now I will read the riot act to you. I am a United States Marine combat veteran 0331 machine gunner. I had 6 uncles that served in WW2 and three were shot by Nazi's. Another survived Kamikaze attacks at Okinawa. I am Catholic but my nephew's side is Jewish by marriage. Don't pull your bullshit on me! You are an AFT piece of shit. OBTW I'm a high-school teacher.
I once took a class in marketing and stats and had to generate a survey, enlist participants, graphically analyze the data and draw conclusions. Sounds fine, but hard to do without a preform opinion of what you are trying "find out". Not exactly pure research by any stretch of the imagination and bias comes into it in making or rejecting questions, wording, order of questions and survey instructions. The only thing harder, than coming up with a even reasonably intelligent half way unbiased survey is finding people willing to take time to take your stupid survey in the first place. Targeting students would be a great benefit, as having teachers assign student that had no choice but to participate would be a boon to data acquisition, but it is fraught with ethical problems, in the best of circumstance, especially in using students under 18 and 3rd party originators. My opinion is in that case is 3rd parties need not apply.
Has to be neutral. PoliSci guy.
Whatever her name is, its not important that I get the Marxist name correct. How fucked-up can Minnesota get? Minnesota? Really? Brought all those goddamned Somalians over to Minn-St. Paul and screwed-up the entire state. Same thing with Chicago and Illinois, or NYC and New York state,or Washington State and shit-hole Seattle.

So where's the link to the Klobachar statement?

Guess you don't like anyone who doesn't look act or think like you?

Is that really your response to an OP about children being given surveys at school and told by the school to keep it secret from their parents? Did you think that made sense, or that it was some kind of clever zinger?

I don't like any school official who would tell my child to keep secrets from me (lie). I would never do that or think to do that. So to that extent, I suppose you are correct. Apparently you think that's ok. To me it is absolutely unacceptable.

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