"Knockout"... Tell me why these aren't Hate Crimes?...

The major problem will be to convince non blacks that they deserve getting beaten. If the victims fight back, they will be just another George Zimmerman. Best die like Oprah says you should and shut up about it.

Said katznliar, conveniently forgetting that it has been blacks who were and are killed much more often by whites and conveniently forgetting that it was rw's who said all Americans should die without health care.

AND, forgetting that he/she/it agreed with all of that and more.

Or, in a word - YOU are a LIAR.

Please provide the link showing rw's saying all Americans should die without health care.

I'm sure you have the links right? If not you shall be declared both LIAR and hypocrite.

But that's just how you roll, right?

Find it yourself. It shouldn't be hard. It was at the pub "debate" and brought down the house with applause and hooting.

I would say its pretty likely that every rw posting here at that time agreed with the Clown Car Candidates. If you look at current postings, you'll find that most here are against ObamaCare and want to keep the free care they get with Reagan's socialist EMTALA.
CBS did a story on this today. Saying that the fad is spreading and that 4 people have died as a result of these innocent fun and games. You people who are blaming the victims and "white people" need to get a fucking life.

Ask that Sucker Punching Faggot [MENTION=19867]G.T.[/MENTION] if it's OK to run up and Sock and Elderly Jewish Woman for no reason...

I bet he says people need to stop being pussies... :rofl:



Nah, just you.
Said katznliar, conveniently forgetting that it has been blacks who were and are killed much more often by whites and conveniently forgetting that it was rw's who said all Americans should die without health care.

AND, forgetting that he/she/it agreed with all of that and more.

Or, in a word - YOU are a LIAR.

Please provide the link showing rw's saying all Americans should die without health care.

I'm sure you have the links right? If not you shall be declared both LIAR and hypocrite.

But that's just how you roll, right?

Find it yourself. It shouldn't be hard. It was at the pub "debate" and brought down the house with applause and hooting.

I would say its pretty likely that every rw posting here at that time agreed with the Clown Car Candidates. If you look at current postings, you'll find that most here are against ObamaCare and want to keep the free care they get with Reagan's socialist EMTALA.

And, I misspoke -

I should have included the word, "insurance" along with the words I did include - "ObamaCare" and "EMTALA".

Like I said, rw's want to keep their free care. They don't want to have to pay for their own insurance. And they don't want others to be able to afford their own insurance.
While all blacks do not commit these kinds of crimes. These kinds of crimes are only committed by blacks. So, here's what's going to happen, ALL blacks will be suspected of POSSIBLY intending to commit these kinds of crimes. More people will be armed, more people will be suspicious, they will avoid black teenagers, cross the street, go into a building, turn around to watch them more often. A massive increase in racist behavior, in discrimination and in avoidance.

Yes, people will fight back, they won't go anywhere alone and every one will be armed with something, a gun, knife, lead pipe, something. Kids who merely intend to ask for directions will end up dead in the streets. A woman asking for help may end up dead on someone's porch.

This is the future of the knockout game.

Man who stabbed Meriden teens called 'innocent victim' - WFSB 3 Connecticut

A state's attorney has ruled the man responsible for stabbing two teenagers in Meriden in September, killing one of them, will not face charges.

According to the witnesses and Dearington's report, both DeAndre and DeShawn discussed smoking marijuana and appeared to most of the group as being "high." It was also stated DeAndre had "red eyes" and was "acting weird."

Probably in many cases the teens got high on pot before they made their attacks. So much for pot users are peaceful and don't hurt anyone. Another myth busted to hell.

As more people are victims, think they might become victims, or know that someone near them might be a victim, there will be more incidents of self defense.

Many black thugs victimize blacks as well as whites.


We know that. Blacks kill and assault other Blacks all the time. But that is a separate issue which I'm willing to discuss with you if you wish. For now, are you suggesting that phenomenon justifies the issue we are discussing here, which is the so-called "Knockout Game?"

If so, can you show us examples of Blacks being targeted by this specific criminal activity?
CBS did a story on this today. Saying that the fad is spreading and that 4 people have died as a result of these innocent fun and games. You people who are blaming the victims and "white people" need to get a fucking life.

Ask that Sucker Punching Faggot [MENTION=19867]G.T.[/MENTION] if it's OK to run up and Sock and Elderly Jewish Woman for no reason...

I bet he says people need to stop being pussies... :rofl:



Nah, just you.

^Shorty can quit me... I say jump, Sucker Punching Faggots asks, "how hi?"... :rofl:

Tell me again there Baldy... A guy who is honking his horn at what you assume he knows is a funeral and not a Gang Meeting Deserves to get Assualted... Correct?...

Pussy you are. :thup:


Please provide the link showing rw's saying all Americans should die without health care.

I'm sure you have the links right? If not you shall be declared both LIAR and hypocrite.

But that's just how you roll, right?

Find it yourself. It shouldn't be hard. It was at the pub "debate" and brought down the house with applause and hooting.

I would say its pretty likely that every rw posting here at that time agreed with the Clown Car Candidates. If you look at current postings, you'll find that most here are against ObamaCare and want to keep the free care they get with Reagan's socialist EMTALA.

And, I misspoke -

I should have included the word, "insurance" along with the words I did include - "ObamaCare" and "EMTALA".

Like I said, rw's want to keep their free care. They don't want to have to pay for their own insurance. And they don't want others to be able to afford their own insurance.
We get it. Never very stable in the first place, you're becoming completely unraveled as the Obama administration goes into its death spiral.
you @'d me you obsessive weirdo.

No self control?... :rofl:

And what's your excuse for the last dozen times you looked for me mentioning you and responded you inscure roided out Queen?... :dunno:



Why exactly do you think I should be controlling myself from responding to my @'s, exactly? My gosh you're a loon.
Play with them fingir cut game . Cut their one finger when they knock someone for no reason , if they continue to play knockout game , then cut their one hand . If still they continue , execute them .

and circumcise women and make them wear veils? get rid of them on boards with men discussing things? No pc whines from beatches like you?

yeah baby!


They didn't have youtube in the 1930's, when packs whites played hangman with blacks.

what a great time that was in America, the problem is/was my/our Great-Grandfathers didn't do enough to teach them "Darkies" not to fuck with us Whities !! :eek:

Lynching rates during "Jim Crow" are pretty much equal to execution rates today. Lynchings were very overblown, with only a couple thousand occuring from 1882 to 1968. This is about 40 a year. This is to say, most were probably criminals, and it pales in comparison to the black on white crime rate occuring today.
Richard Morin - The Legacy of Lynching: Part I
They didn't have youtube in the 1930's, when packs whites played hangman with blacks.

what a great time that was in America, the problem is/was my/our Great-Grandfathers didn't do enough to teach them "Darkies" not to fuck with us Whities !! :eek:

Lynching rates during "Jim Crow" are pretty much equal to execution rates today. Lynchings were very overblown, with only a couple thousand occuring from 1882 to 1968. This is about 40 a year. This is to say, most were probably criminals, and it pales in comparison to the black on white crime rate occuring today.
Richard Morin - The Legacy of Lynching: Part I
Obviously lynching was a travesty of justice, but a lot of people seem to think that everyone lynched was purely innocent and they imagine that those who actually committed crimes were given due process. It is a legacy of US public education (read indoctrination) and political correctness.
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The major problem will be to convince non blacks that they deserve getting beaten. If the victims fight back, they will be just another George Zimmerman. Best die like Oprah says you should and shut up about it.

Said katznliar, conveniently forgetting that it has been blacks who were and are killed much more often by whites and conveniently forgetting that it was rw's who said all Americans should die without health care.

AND, forgetting that he/she/it agreed with all of that and more.

Or, in a word - YOU are a LIAR.
Where are you getting your numbers? Interracial crimes are 90% black on white.
A Discussion On Race, Crime, Bigotry And The Inconvenient Facts - Investors.com
They didn't have youtube in the 1930's, when packs whites played hangman with blacks.

what a great time that was in America, the problem is/was my/our Great-Grandfathers didn't do enough to teach them "Darkies" not to fuck with us Whities !! :eek:

Lynching rates during "Jim Crow" are pretty much equal to execution rates today. Lynchings were very overblown, with only a couple thousand occuring from 1882 to 1968. This is about 40 a year. This is to say, most were probably criminals, and it pales in comparison to the black on white crime rate occuring today.
Richard Morin - The Legacy of Lynching: Part I
Obviously lynching was a travesty of justice, but a lot of people seem to think that everyone lynched was purely innocent and they imagine that those who actually committed crimes were given due process. It is a legacy of US public education (read indoctrination) and political correctness.
Agreed. Many whites were lynched as well.
you @'d me you obsessive weirdo.

No self control?... :rofl:

And what's your excuse for the last dozen times you looked for me mentioning you and responded you inscure roided out Queen?... :dunno:



Why exactly do you think I should be controlling myself from responding to my @'s, exactly? My gosh you're a loon.

You dave as much as you are Defensive... Maybe you should get Counseling?...


In my book? Yes.
How so? You have a link showing linking comparable crime rates between Irish/Italians and Blacks? In which time period did Irish and Italians have similar crime rates to blacks and for how long?

Like Irish and Italians as a sub group of Americans. Inner cities were flooded with poor ignorant immigrants from Italy and Ireland and old newspapers are full of the stats and more.
While there are elevated crime statistics associated with the early stages of the Irish and Italian migrations we are not talking about comparative quantitative levels of crime but rather the qualitative nature of crimes associated with the various ethnicities. So rather than embark on a statistical pissing contest to show which group committed most crimes, let us settle this element of the discussion by saying neither the Irish nor the Italians were ever associated with sneaking up on innocent persons, including old women, punching them from behind and running away.

While it's true that movies such as The Godfather and The Departed have been made about Italian and Irish criminal activities, I don't think movies will be made that include "Knockout Game" scenarios and the like.

wtf do you think the term Paddy Wagon came from?
"Paddy" was a common nickname for working class Irishmen. The New York City Police Department was staffed almost entirely by Irishmen from its early years and continuing into the thirties. During those decades the cops in New York City were referred to in common parlance as "Paddies." Thus "Paddy Wagon."
How so? You have a link showing linking comparable crime rates between Irish/Italians and Blacks? In which time period did Irish and Italians have similar crime rates to blacks and for how long?

Like Irish and Italians as a sub group of Americans. Inner cities were flooded with poor ignorant immigrants from Italy and Ireland and old newspapers are full of the stats and more.
While there are elevated crime statistics associated with the early stages of the Irish and Italian migrations we are not talking about comparative quantitative levels of crime but rather the qualitative nature of crimes associated with the various ethnicities. So rather than embark on a statistical pissing contest to show which group committed most crimes, let us settle this element of the discussion by saying neither the Irish nor the Italians were ever associated with sneaking up on innocent persons, including old women, punching them from behind and running away.

While it's true that movies such as The Godfather and The Departed have been made about Italian and Irish criminal activities, I don't think movies will be made that include "Knockout Game" scenarios and the like.

wtf do you think the term Paddy Wagon came from?
"Paddy" was a common nickname for working class Irishmen. The New York City Police Department was staffed almost entirely by Irishmen from its early years and continuing into the thirties. During those decades the cops in New York City were referred to in common parlance as "Paddies." Thus "Paddy Wagon."

You forgot to mention Paddy Wagon is also thought to come about specifically for the criminal element of the Irish the police frequently arrested before they became white. There seems to be no definitive answer one way or the other I can find.

But immigrating to the U.S. didn’t end the hardships the Irish experienced across the pond. Americans stereotyped the Irish as lazy, unintelligent, carefree criminals and alcoholics. Daniels points out that the term “paddy wagon” comes from the derogatory “paddy,” a nickname for “Patrick” widely used to describe Irish men. Given this, the term “paddy wagon” basically equates being Irish to criminality.

Discrimination and the Irish American Experience

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