Know anybody who quit the 9-5 and pursued what they love to do?

Feb 29, 2012
I'm sitting here thinking about my life after reading Steve Jobs speech.

Text of Steve Jobs' Commencement address (2005)

It made me realize that health is so important (even his billions couldn't save him) but also the importance of not conforming.

I am unemployed now, had the dreaded 9-5 and don't ever want to go back. I want to do something I love, even if it means I don't make that much. I'm frugal anyways. I was inspired by his speech to find what I love to do so I googled it and read this

How to Find What You Love to Do » The Definitive Self Improvement Blog -

I have an idea that might prove to be a way out of the rat race but I'm having a mental battle. Would really help if anybody here who followed their heart can give some encouragement on what it's like or if you know anybody, that can help too.

Something tells me we're not here to be cubicle slaves the majority of our life. There's got to be more than that right?
There's got to be someone here who escaped the 9-5 matrix or at least knows somebody who did. Speak! (please :))

I remember a Ron Paul clip on youtube where they ask him on what kind of advice he would give to young people and finding what you love to do is exactly what he says. Invest in yourself, find a skill, help people - something along those lines so I want to follow his advice.
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There's got to be someone here who escaped the 9-5 matrix or at least knows somebody who did. Speak! (please :))

I remember a Ron Paul clip on youtube where they ask him on what kind of advice he would give to young people and finding what you love to do is exactly what he says. Invest in yourself, find a skill, help people - something along those lines so I want to follow his advice.

One of the ways I have stayed excited about life, is to indulge in variety. I like starting businesses, selling them, moving on, and repeat. Always following a new idea and having the courage to go for it and never settling for anything that is making my life stale or repetitive.

I am the same way when it comes to the men in my life and the life in my men....( M.W.? )

Variety IS the spice.....:)

Stay true to yourself, and have the courage to follow your dreams. The valley's only make the destination, more valuable and exciting. To me, it is all in the adventure.

"Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others"......Aristotle

"Lose your wealth and you've lost nothing. Lose your health and you've lost something. Lose your character and you've lost everything."---Ben Lapadula
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I gave up a potentially lucrative career dominated by progressives because I was a conservative..

Then I get called a "greedy republican."
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And you let all those years of training as a 'fluffer' go to waste?
Just in case UK is in denial...

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Did you think this thread needed the input of a fucking racist, asshole?
I'm sitting here thinking about my life after reading Steve Jobs speech.

Text of Steve Jobs' Commencement address (2005)

It made me realize that health is so important (even his billions couldn't save him) but also the importance of not conforming.

I am unemployed now, had the dreaded 9-5 and don't ever want to go back. I want to do something I love, even if it means I don't make that much. I'm frugal anyways. I was inspired by his speech to find what I love to do so I googled it and read this

How to Find What You Love to Do » The Definitive Self Improvement Blog -

I have an idea that might prove to be a way out of the rat race but I'm having a mental battle. Would really help if anybody here who followed their heart can give some encouragement on what it's like or if you know anybody, that can help too.

Something tells me we're not here to be cubicle slaves the majority of our life. There's got to be more than that right?

moi. I realized long ago that material things meant very little. Frugal? I can and have lived for months on so little...but have been elated with life for years.

I even gave up trying to keep digital toys and services as priority.

find your bliss. Your inner self may be calling to you. Just do something, and if you like it .. great. If not, walk the fuck away. no regrets.

life doesn't just happen to people. it's like a train is going by and you're watching it wondering what it would be like to hitch a ride. all kinds of reasons not to.

I grabbed hold and took a ride. Never end up where I don't want to be doing what I don't want to do.

I have few possessions and many friends. I love life.

go for IT


btw, I remember meeting Jobs a few times in the 80s. I worked for an agency and a friend of his. I always thought he had nothing I didn't have except millions in the bank, and I said that about him right in front of his face. I am free in my opinions and thoughts. He seems to have done what he loved doing. I bet that meant more to him than any material things. Things just make the road smoother is all. - I like the rough rode. always have. Less demands.


maybe you like material things more than I do. if so figure out a way to make the road smoother and just do it.
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Go for it op. I know a guy who quit his corporate job and makes about 50% less but he's happy. He can even save as much as he did becuase he's not spending money on gas, insurance, eating out, dry cleaning, etc.

Do you want to be known as a sheep? That is why nobody will remember your name.
I'm sitting here thinking about my life after reading Steve Jobs speech.

Text of Steve Jobs' Commencement address (2005)

It made me realize that health is so important (even his billions couldn't save him) but also the importance of not conforming.

I am unemployed now, had the dreaded 9-5 and don't ever want to go back. I want to do something I love, even if it means I don't make that much. I'm frugal anyways. I was inspired by his speech to find what I love to do so I googled it and read this

How to Find What You Love to Do » The Definitive Self Improvement Blog -

I have an idea that might prove to be a way out of the rat race but I'm having a mental battle. Would really help if anybody here who followed their heart can give some encouragement on what it's like or if you know anybody, that can help too.

Something tells me we're not here to be cubicle slaves the majority of our life. There's got to be more than that right?

moi. I realized long ago that material things meant very little. Frugal? I can and have lived for months on so little...but have been elated with life for years.

I even gave up trying to keep digital toys and services as priority.

find your bliss. Your inner self may be calling to you. Just do something, and if you like it .. great. If not, walk the fuck away. no regrets.

life doesn't just happen to people. it's like a train is going by and you're watching it wondering what it would be like to hitch a ride. all kinds of reasons not to.

I grabbed hold and took a ride. Never end up where I don't want to be doing what I don't want to do.

I have few possessions and many friends. I love life.

go for IT


btw, I remember meeting Jobs a few times in the 80s. I worked for an agency and a friend of his. I always thought he had nothing I didn't have except millions in the bank, and I said that about him right in front of his face. I am free in my opinions and thoughts. He seems to have done what he loved doing. I bet that meant more to him than any material things. Things just make the road smoother is all. - I like the rough rode. always have. Less demands.


maybe you like material things more than I do. if so figure out a way to make the road smoother and just do it.
Stopped working as an employee for another almost 20 years ago. Walked away from an unbelievable good job for a top 100 corporation. Doing what I enjoy ever since and making good money at it. No regrets. Can't imagine ever having a BOSS ever again. It's like I've been on vacation for 20 years. I'm in control. I'm the boss of me.
There's got to be someone here who escaped the 9-5 matrix or at least knows somebody who did. Speak! (please :))

I left my QA data/telecomm job to privately trade the Emini Stock Index and Treasury Bond Futures. It was a passion. All my bridges are still in place just in case because, for me, it's difficult not to trade with emotion. And that can lead to blowing out an account.

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