Know-it-all Liberal Pinheads

Did you know Al Gore's Climate Change materials have been removed from all school libraries in the EU and particularly, the UK?

It pissed off the education people when a scientific review of his theses had over 600 errors in them, so all that "free stuff" he gave school children have been thoroughly debunked in their science classes because Global changes are 99.9993% caused by nature and are a far cry from being anthropogenic.



I found some pictures that preceded further looking into Al Gore's fiction by teachers in the UK, who were first to give it the heist, followed byothers in the EU. I'll keep looking if you're not quite fully satisfied, OldRocks:

Britain and America: British judge finds nine errors in Al Gore's "alarmist and exaggerated" Inconvenient Truth movie
Your own link says 9 (NINE) errors not 600 (SIX HUNDRED), and that was the OPINION of a judge, not a scientific panel.
The global warming doggerel is not working out. Its getting colder not warmer--over the last 15 years or so.
Its called an inconvenient fact. But the Pinheads are untroubled. They simply come up with new Bullshit.

The article below, from NBC, says they have the cooling phenomena aspect of Global Warming figured out.

It seems the Pacific Ocean is getting colder. The skeptic asks why? But the Pinhead is ready. He says the wind is blowing too hard, and blowing the cold air, it seems, down into the Pacific, deep down...which of course is forcing the cool air up to the surface and cooling off the air all over the globe....but its still global warming, according to this yahoo.

They sell us that, and then the damn Pinheads wonder why we won't believe a word they say.

"The finding reported Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change helps the climate science community explain a head-scratcher of a discrepancy between the temperature trends churned out by climate models and those observed in the real world.

Global Warming Pause? The Answer Is Blowin' Into the Ocean - NBC News

They sell us that non sense, and then the damn Pinheads wonder why we won't believe a word they say.

I don't do the slightest bit of wondering why you believe whatever it is you believe. You're sufficiently ignorant to believe it's a political issue and that all those scientists telling you that the world's still getting warmer are doing so because they are liberals.
Global Warming: Stages of Republican denial

Stage 1: There is no global warming. No need to do anything about it

Stage 2: Global warming does exist but man has nothing to do with it. No need to do anything about it

Stage 3: There is actually manmade global warming but it is too late to do anything to reverse it. No need to do anything about it
My solution to the problem.....

Drill 20 mile deep hole into Yellowstone
Drop a dozen 1-3 megaton nukes at 10 sec apart so they go off at different times...This way they'll expand the drill hole and cause the upper crust to fracture.
Solution had as the volcanic shit blocks out the sun.
Deniers were the "climate change alarmists" who were claiming global cooling in the 1970s and they were as wrong then as they are now. Then as now, the majority of scientists predicted global warming.


I think you actually believe what you said here. It's patently false, but you actually believe it. It's really cute. :lol:
Deniers were the "climate change alarmists" who were claiming global cooling in the 1970s and they were as wrong then as they are now. Then as now, the majority of scientists predicted global warming.


I think you actually believe what you said here. It's patently false, but you actually believe it. It's really cute. :lol:
I know even you do not believe the crap you post!

Well, either the Ice Age you deniers predicted in the 1970s is finally happening, or.........
It's Winter in America.

1. We have been in an ice age for more than 2 million years.

2. Until you learn how to have this discussion without stupid titles like "deniers" nothing you can say has any merit or deserves any consideration of value.

3. Overall, the people who claimed back then that the world was about to dive into a glacial period are now part of the group of people who are claiming today that the earth is warming.

4. Even if #3 were false, your response still is irrelevant. Because if you will recall the point is that the argument "consensus of scientists believe ... " does not make something true.
Did anyone ever figure out how Increased Winds in the Pacific are caused by CO2?
I thought the Oceans were eating your GW.. They cant' eat much if the winds are sweeping it off the surface.. Is the ocean on a diet? Is it gonna burp CO2? When the winds sweep it away -- where does it go?

So many questions. Even a child could be a good skeptic.. :lol:
Think I'm gonna change sides just to make it fair..
Well, either the Ice Age you deniers predicted in the 1970s is finally happening, or.........
It's Winter in America.

1. We have been in an ice age for more than 2 million years.

3. Overall, the people who claimed back then that the world was about to dive into a glacial period are now part of the group of people who are claiming today that the earth is warming.
Bullshit and more bullshit!
Did anyone ever figure out how Increased Winds in the Pacific are caused by CO2?
I thought the Oceans were eating your GW.. They cant' eat much if the winds are sweeping it off the surface.. Is the ocean on a diet? Is it gonna burp CO2? When the winds sweep it away -- where does it go?

So many questions. Even a child could be a good skeptic.. :lol:
Think I'm gonna change sides just to make it fair..

Horizontal pressure differences are caused by changes in temperature(avg kinetic energy of a molecules within solution(gas)) and change in temperature causes change in density of the gas. So you can change the wind as it flows from the more dense(sinking air over cooler oceans) to less dense(warmer oceans then avg and rises) ;)

A warmer ocean would have more energy and we both know about the enso that moves the cold and warm water around to different parts of the Pacific depending on its phase.....
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No....not 97% of climate scientists support the theory. Only the cherry picked scientists.

Cherry picked from the International Academies of Science institutes????

Cherry picked from the IPCC. Might want to catch up to speed, dude when you're quoting your "facts".
You need to start following the money and also, why scietists are jumping your ship.
The scientists in this bogus 97% number self-selected to answer a questionnaire.

I'm certain that [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] or [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] can fill us in on the details. They're pretty good like that.
Cherry picked from the International Academies of Science institutes????

Cherry picked from the IPCC. Might want to catch up to speed, dude when you're quoting your "facts".
You need to start following the money and also, why scietists are jumping your ship.
The scientists in this bogus 97% number self-selected to answer a questionnaire.

I'm certain that [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] or [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] can fill us in on the details. They're pretty good like that.

I am seeing more papers and reports of the stall. Maybe there is something wrong.:eek:
Well, either the Ice Age you deniers predicted in the 1970s is finally happening, or.........
It's Winter in America.

1. We have been in an ice age for more than 2 million years.

3. Overall, the people who claimed back then that the world was about to dive into a glacial period are now part of the group of people who are claiming today that the earth is warming.
Bullshit and more bullshit!

Not really, scientists call this period that we happen to be living in an "interglacial" for a reason.
Cherry picked from the IPCC. Might want to catch up to speed, dude when you're quoting your "facts".
You need to start following the money and also, why scietists are jumping your ship.
The scientists in this bogus 97% number self-selected to answer a questionnaire.

I'm certain that [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] or [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] can fill us in on the details. They're pretty good like that.

I am seeing more papers and reports of the stall. Maybe there is something wrong.:eek:

The stall has now become so obvious that the fraudsters can no longer hide it. Their goose is cooked which is why they are so desperate to get the carbon taxes passed ASAP, soon, in fact I believe their window has already closed, there will be zero chance to get the laws passed so yet another avenue of citizen impoverishment and control will be closed to the politicians interested in that sort of thing.
1. We have been in an ice age for more than 2 million years.

3. Overall, the people who claimed back then that the world was about to dive into a glacial period are now part of the group of people who are claiming today that the earth is warming.
Bullshit and more bullshit!

Not really, scientists call this period that we happen to be living in an "interglacial" for a reason.
Yeah, because it is the period in between Ice Ages and therefore not an Ice Age!
Bullshit and more bullshit!

Not really, scientists call this period that we happen to be living in an "interglacial" for a reason.
Yeah, because it is the period in between Ice Ages and therefore not an Ice Age!

Yes, but the planet is STILL considerably cooler than it has been for over 75% of its history. That implies that the planet is currently a tad bit warmer than ice age temps, but hovering at the fine edge. Empirical evidence supports this hypothesis.
The scientists in this bogus 97% number self-selected to answer a questionnaire.

I'm certain that @westwall or @flacaltenn can fill us in on the details. They're pretty good like that.

I am seeing more papers and reports of the stall. Maybe there is something wrong.:eek:
The stall has now become so obvious that the fraudsters can no longer hide it. Their goose is cooked which is why they are so desperate to get the carbon taxes passed ASAP, soon, in fact I believe their window has already closed, there will be zero chance to get the laws passed so yet another avenue of citizen impoverishment and control will be closed to the politicians interested in that sort of thing.
Funny how the "stall" has produced 9 of the top 10 warmest years! The warming has slowed down but not stopped, but to deniers a slower warming is global cooling! :cuckoo:

Not really, scientists call this period that we happen to be living in an "interglacial" for a reason.
Yeah, because it is the period in between Ice Ages and therefore not an Ice Age!

Yes, but the planet is STILL considerably cooler than it has been for over 75% of its history. That implies that the planet is currently a tad bit warmer than ice age temps, but hovering at the fine edge. Empirical evidence supports this hypothesis.
A typically meaningless stat. Ice Ages are considerably longer, 100,000 to 150,000 years, than interglacial warm periods, 2,000 to 12,000 years. This current warm period is 12,000 years old, so we should be cooling by the empirical evidence you trust so much. Something appears to be overriding that natural empirical evidence. I wonder what it could be???

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