Know-it-all Liberal Pinheads

The global warming doggerel is not working out. Its getting colder not warmer--over the last 15 years or so.
Its called an inconvenient fact. But the Pinheads are untroubled. They simply come up with new Bullshit.

The article below, from NBC, says they have the cooling phenomena aspect of Global Warming figured out.

It seems the Pacific Ocean is getting colder. The skeptic asks why? But the Pinhead is ready. He says the wind is blowing too hard, and blowing the cold air, it seems, down into the Pacific, deep down...which of course is forcing the cool air up to the surface and cooling off the air all over the globe....but its still global warming, according to this yahoo.

They sell us that, and then the damn Pinheads wonder why we won't believe a word they say.

"The finding reported Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change helps the climate science community explain a head-scratcher of a discrepancy between the temperature trends churned out by climate models and those observed in the real world.

Global Warming Pause? The Answer Is Blowin' Into the Ocean - NBC News

They sell us that non sense, and then the damn Pinheads wonder why we won't believe a word they say.

You really ought to read articles before you post links to them and attempt to tell us what they say. And if that's a problem, you could ask a grownup to help. The article tells us that the heated waters at the surface are being subducted which brings cooler water to the surface. The surface of the Pacific Ocean has gotten cooler. The Pacific Ocean as a whole has gotten warmer. Significantly so. If - as is likely - you don't believe me, go back and read the article at your link. Or search for discussion of the issue on Google. There are actually better reference sources than NBC, but at least they makes some attempt to be objective and, unlike Fox, don't make a point out of rejecting mainstream science when it disagrees with their politics.

The far left AGW cult propaganda as at work, next he will be telling us that 1998 was the hottest year on record.
The global warming doggerel is not working out. Its getting colder not warmer--over the last 15 years or so.
Its called an inconvenient fact. But the Pinheads are untroubled. They simply come up with new Bullshit.

The article below, from NBC, says they have the cooling phenomena aspect of Global Warming figured out.

It seems the Pacific Ocean is getting colder. The skeptic asks why? But the Pinhead is ready. He says the wind is blowing too hard, and blowing the cold air, it seems, down into the Pacific, deep down...which of course is forcing the cool air up to the surface and cooling off the air all over the globe....but its still global warming, according to this yahoo.

They sell us that, and then the damn Pinheads wonder why we won't believe a word they say.

"The finding reported Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change helps the climate science community explain a head-scratcher of a discrepancy between the temperature trends churned out by climate models and those observed in the real world.

Global Warming Pause? The Answer Is Blowin' Into the Ocean - NBC News

They sell us that non sense, and then the damn Pinheads wonder why we won't believe a word they say.

You really ought to read articles before you post links to them and attempt to tell us what they say. And if that's a problem, you could ask a grownup to help. The article tells us that the heated waters at the surface are being subducted which brings cooler water to the surface. The surface of the Pacific Ocean has gotten cooler. The Pacific Ocean as a whole has gotten warmer. Significantly so. If - as is likely - you don't believe me, go back and read the article at your link. Or search for discussion of the issue on Google. There are actually better reference sources than NBC, but at least they makes some attempt to be objective and, unlike Fox, don't make a point out of rejecting mainstream science when it disagrees with their politics.
The global warming doggerel is not working out. Its getting colder not warmer--over the last 15 years or so.
Its called an inconvenient fact. But the Pinheads are untroubled. They simply come up with new Bullshit.

The article below, from NBC, says they have the cooling phenomena aspect of Global Warming figured out.

It seems the Pacific Ocean is getting colder. The skeptic asks why? But the Pinhead is ready. He says the wind is blowing too hard, and blowing the cold air, it seems, down into the Pacific, deep down...which of course is forcing the cool air up to the surface and cooling off the air all over the globe....but its still global warming, according to this yahoo.

They sell us that, and then the damn Pinheads wonder why we won't believe a word they say.

"The finding reported Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change helps the climate science community explain a head-scratcher of a discrepancy between the temperature trends churned out by climate models and those observed in the real world.

Global Warming Pause? The Answer Is Blowin' Into the Ocean - NBC News

They sell us that non sense, and then the damn Pinheads wonder why we won't believe a word they say.

You really ought to read articles before you post links to them and attempt to tell us what they say. And if that's a problem, you could ask a grownup to help. The article tells us that the heated waters at the surface are being subducted which brings cooler water to the surface. The surface of the Pacific Ocean has gotten cooler. The Pacific Ocean as a whole has gotten warmer. Significantly so. If - as is likely - you don't believe me, go back and read the article at your link. Or search for discussion of the issue on Google. There are actually better reference sources than NBC, but at least they makes some attempt to be objective and, unlike Fox, don't make a point out of rejecting mainstream science when it disagrees with their politics.

The far left AGW cult propaganda as at work, next he will be telling us that 1998 was the hottest year on record.
Kosh, you sound like a broken record now over multiple threads.

But then, you know you can't discuss science, so disrupting threads all you can do. Fortunately for your cult, its cultists don't have to be intelligent to aid the cult. Simply working like you do to destroy intelligent discussions serves the purpose of your cult of ignorance.
The fact remains that satellites show LW leaving the ToA increasing

No they don't. Satellite show OLR decreasing. I've debunked this to you directly before, causing you to ... pretend you never saw the debunking. I guess it's not like you had much choice, given how thorough of a spanking it was.

So now here you are, repeating the same debunked trash. Did you think no one would notice?

Thank you for once more so aptly illustrating why denialists are called denialists. When they see data that contradicts them -- which is basically all the data -- they either deny it exists, or claim it's all faked. Hence the world has basically written them all off as dishonest cultists.
Kosh, you sound like a broken record now over multiple threads.

But then, you know you can't discuss science, so disrupting threads all you can do. Fortunately for your cult, its cultists don't have to be intelligent to aid the cult. Simply working like you do to destroy intelligent discussions serves the purpose of your cult of ignorance.

Then stop posting AGW religious beliefs and post actual science then we can discuss it.

Until the AGW cultist can post one link with datasets and source code that proves CO2 drives climate, you can not discuss anything.

Then again I could resort to the far left /AGW cult way of doing things and just hurl insults. Maybe I should follow your example and do that.
You could, or you just keep on pouting. After all, it's what you do best. Heck, it's basically all you do.

It's funny that you still refuse to use a search engine to find the temperature datasets. Raging about how we won't hold your hand for such a simple task makes you look especially pissy. Of course, if we did link to them, you'd just adjust your tinfoil and claim it was all faked. Please don't lie by claiming otherwise. You should try to keep all of your lies at least semi-believable.

Oh heck, here's one set. You may now proceed to rant about the great conspiracy to fake data.

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