Know-it-all Liberal Pinheads

97% of climate scientists support the theory of man made global warming (climate change)



97% of all climate scientists get paid to support climate alarm.

So, dumb ass, you are accusing millions of scientists worldwide, in all the differant nations and political systems of being in on a grand conspriracy? And what is the purpose of this conspiracy? And how are all these scientists keeping this conspiracy secret?

You see, there is not a single Scientific Society, not a single National Academy of Science, and not a single major University in the world that challenges AGW in their policy statements. In fact, virtually all of them state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

You had better buy a lot of aluminum foil for those little tin hats you are wearing.
Actually, Phil Jones admitted to the BBC that it hasn't been warming for at least 15 years.

How does that dispute anything I said?
Well, with all the CO2 that keeps getting released into the atmosphere, the models predicted steadily climbing temps, which hasn't happened.

The models haven't ever been right, as a matter of fact.

9 of the 10 hottest years on record have been in the last 15 years. The 1 year that hasn't was 1998. That's going back to 1890. Does that indicate that temps haven't climbed????

When they say "steadily climbing temps" they mean 0.1 degree every 1-2 years....what we've been getting instead is 0.03 or 0.02 every 1-2 years for the past 15 years. Hence there is still "Warming" just not as high as the original models predicted.

That doesn't mean there is no man-made climate change (there is virtually a 100% chance there is...). What that means is there is variation in the Earth's weather patterns we don't fully understand. Stronger trade winds in the Pacific in the last 15 years is a way of understanding those odd variations.
97% of climate scientists support the theory of man made global warming (climate change)



97% of all climate scientists get paid to support climate alarm.

So, dumb ass, you are accusing millions of scientists worldwide, in all the differant nations and political systems of being in on a grand conspriracy? And what is the purpose of this conspiracy? And how are all these scientists keeping this conspiracy secret?

You see, there is not a single Scientific Society, not a single National Academy of Science, and not a single major University in the world that challenges AGW in their policy statements. In fact, virtually all of them state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

You had better buy a lot of aluminum foil for those little tin hats you are wearing.

Millions of scientists????
You smoking crack again, Rox?
I love it when conservatives try and tell everyone about how they know these scientists are wrong. It is like they actually think they are making sense.


Did you know Al Gore's Climate Change materials have been removed from all school libraries in the EU and particularly, the UK?

It pissed off the education people when a scientific review of his theses had over 600 errors in them, so all that "free stuff" he gave school children have been thoroughly debunked in their science classes because Global changes are 99.9993% caused by nature and are a far cry from being anthropogenic.

What a bunch of absolute willfully ignorant dumb asses. Every Scientfic Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But you anonymous posters on a message board are so much smarter than these millions of scientists from all the differant nations and political systems in the world.
I love it when conservatives try and tell everyone about how they know these scientists are wrong. It is like they actually think they are making sense.


Did you know Al Gore's Climate Change materials have been removed from all school libraries in the EU and particularly, the UK?

It pissed off the education people when a scientific review of his theses had over 600 errors in them, so all that "free stuff" he gave school children have been thoroughly debunked in their science classes because Global changes are 99.9993% caused by nature and are a far cry from being anthropogenic.


97% of climate scientists support the theory of man made global warming (climate change)


No....not 97% of climate scientists support the theory. Only the cherry picked scientists.

Now that is a nice peice of lying. Name one Scientific Society that supports your point of view.One National Academy of Science, even Outer Slobovia. How about one major University. You cannot, because there are none.
I love it when conservatives try and tell everyone about how they know these scientists are wrong. It is like they actually think they are making sense.


Did you know Al Gore's Climate Change materials have been removed from all school libraries in the EU and particularly, the UK?

It pissed off the education people when a scientific review of his theses had over 600 errors in them, so all that "free stuff" he gave school children have been thoroughly debunked in their science classes because Global changes are 99.9993% caused by nature and are a far cry from being anthropogenic.



It's in one of my posts in the Environment section, Old Rocks, except I selected a reverse. My source mentioned something like .0006% (and some change) is anthropogenic, which means nature is 99.9993 give or take a ten-thousandth responsible for climate on this planet.

Seems the climate change perpetrators of the warming fable were somewhat pleonectic with regard to winning grants from large, impersonal foundations looking to do good for scientists, not knowing that data was withheld to "prove" certain fictional hopes they held. :lol:

I'm not sure which environment thread I posted it on, but I remembered it vaguely.

This could take a week of backtracking as time permits. ;)
Did you know Al Gore's Climate Change materials have been removed from all school libraries in the EU and particularly, the UK?

It pissed off the education people when a scientific review of his theses had over 600 errors in them, so all that "free stuff" he gave school children have been thoroughly debunked in their science classes because Global changes are 99.9993% caused by nature and are a far cry from being anthropogenic.



It's in one of my posts in the Environment section, Old Rocks, except I selected a reverse. My source mentioned something like .0006% (and some change) is anthropogenic, which means nature is 99.9993 give or take a ten-thousandth responsible for climate on this planet.

Seems the climate change perpetrators of the warming fable were somewhat pleonectic with regard to winning grants from large, impersonal foundations looking to do good for scientists, not knowing that data was withheld to "prove" certain fictional hopes they held. :lol:

I'm not sure which environment thread I posted it on, but I remembered it vaguely.

This could take a week of backtracking as time permits. ;)

Claims without a link are just flap-yap. Whether pro or con, one has to know the source, and the credibility of the source before accepting it as having any value.
I am aware of what you are saying, OldRocks, and I appreciate your frustration that I just dropped something that I posted weeks and weeks ago without recollecting where exactly it was. I'm very concerned about the environment being a tool for entities using Green industries to communize the world. It's a failed system, and like many of the Green industries fail to deliver, making people think they're doing something they're not is very profitable to avaricious men. Some people have made zillions using the Green deception tactic, based on withheld data so nobody will know they're spliffin' for cash.
The global warming doggerel is not working out. Its getting colder not warmer--over the last 15 years or so.
There has been no "COOLING" in 100 years. There is a warming trend and then a flat trend without any cooling, followed by another warming trend that starts where the last warming trend left off.

Apparently you slept through the 1970s and the climate change alarmists telling us that the planet was about to plunge into another glacial period.
9 of the 10 hottest years on record have been in the last 15 years. The 1 year that hasn't was 1998.

That's like saying that 9 of the 10 healthiest seconds on record in George Burns' life happened took place the day before he died.
I love it when conservatives try and tell everyone about how they know these scientists are wrong. It is like they actually think they are making sense.


Did you know Al Gore's Climate Change materials have been removed from all school libraries in the EU and particularly, the UK?

It pissed off the education people when a scientific review of his theses had over 600 errors in them, so all that "free stuff" he gave school children have been thoroughly debunked in their science classes because Global changes are 99.9993% caused by nature and are a far cry from being anthropogenic.



I found some pictures that preceded further looking into Al Gore's fiction by teachers in the UK, who were first to give it the heist, followed byothers in the EU. I'll keep looking if you're not quite fully satisfied, OldRocks:

Britain and America: British judge finds nine errors in Al Gore's "alarmist and exaggerated" Inconvenient Truth movie
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97% of climate scientists support the theory of man made global warming (climate change)


No....not 97% of climate scientists support the theory. Only the cherry picked scientists.

Now that is a nice peice of lying. Name one Scientific Society that supports your point of view.One National Academy of Science, even Outer Slobovia. How about one major University. You cannot, because there are none.
Here's another source from Down Under about the whole anthropogenic thing:

This is a disgraceful bit of misanthropy made nonsensical by the fact that the natural energy of the system on Earth is a million times greater than the energy produced by humans and that the energy produced by humans is incremental. We don’t set off atomic bombs when we walk out the door; our energy is expended over time.

Such is the insignificance of the energy impact of humans on the Earth’s system that if humanity were to disappear tomorrow all traces of our energy would be gone in a geological blink of an eye.
(This was about a lie told by some guy named Holmes) The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog: AGW lies, Hiroshima and academics.
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97% of climate scientists support the theory of man made global warming (climate change)


No....not 97% of climate scientists support the theory. Only the cherry picked scientists.

Now that is a nice peice of lying. Name one Scientific Society that supports your point of view.One National Academy of Science, even Outer Slobovia. How about one major University. You cannot, because there are none.

You have been shown over and over that the science isn't settled. You wish to ignore the facts, that's on you rockz.
As many times you have played your old outdated record, you have not changed one person's opinion on this subject. You only play to your choir.

PS....the 97% number was from the IPCC, and they are the ones who cherry picked the lie rocz. :eusa_eh:
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97% of climate scientists support the theory of man made global warming (climate change)


No....not 97% of climate scientists support the theory. Only the cherry picked scientists.

Cherry picked from the International Academies of Science institutes????

Cherry picked from the IPCC. Might want to catch up to speed, dude when you're quoting your "facts".
You need to start following the money and also, why scietists are jumping your ship.
The global warming doggerel is not working out. Its getting colder not warmer--over the last 15 years or so.
There has been no "COOLING" in 100 years. There is a warming trend and then a flat trend without any cooling, followed by another warming trend that starts where the last warming trend left off.

Apparently you slept through the 1970s and the climate change alarmists telling us that the planet was about to plunge into another glacial period.
Deniers were the "climate change alarmists" who were claiming global cooling in the 1970s and they were as wrong then as they are now. Then as now, the majority of scientists predicted global warming.

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