Know the difference between the Jewish genocide and the Palestinian genocide

There are still Jews in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Libya, Morrocco, etc.
In fact, there are over 30,000 Jews in Tehran alone.

There were 200,000 Jews in Iran when I was a kid. There were Jews in Tripoli until 1973. Zionism has been a curse.
Yea we heard that khazar myth before. Next.

It is ridiculous to claim the Khazars were a myth.

The Khazars were a nomadic Turkic people that in the late 6th-century CE established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan.[10] They created what for its duration was the most powerful polity to emerge from the break-up of the Western Turkic Khaganate.[11] Astride a major artery of commerce between Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, Khazaria became one of the foremost trading empires of the early medieval world, commanding the western marches of the Silk Road and playing a key commercial role as a crossroad between China, the Middle East and Kievan Rus'.[12][13] For some three centuries (c. 650–965) the Khazars dominated the vast area extending from the Volga-Don steppes to the eastern Crimea and the northern Caucasus.[14]
The ruling elite of the Khazars was said by Judah Halevi and Abraham ibn Daud to have converted to Rabbinic Judaism in the 8th century,[18]

The point is mostly that you can trace hereditary ancestry through language.
And the Ashkenazi spoke Yiddish and not Hebrew.
So it is extremely unlikely they had any Mideast ancestry.
Yiddish is Germanic.
The Germanic tribes originated from Iran, not Germany.
So what?

But almost a million were ethnic cleansed by Arab supremacy racism

First of all Abu Mazen Mahmoud Abbas stated repeatedly that no Jews shall live in his envisioned Palestine state. Real ethnic cleansing.

And the exodus of Jews from Arab lands began since 1941 Arab Nazi farhoud
.. where children were thrown into the water in front of parents.

More like 500,000 Arab Jews and they left between 1948 and 1973.
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The reality is that the Jews in Germany were almost all Ashkenazi converts who have no Mideast connection.
Their native language is Yiddish, which is Germanic and not Semitic.
That is not an argument. Only rabbis knew Hebrew well, and there are Hebrew words in Yiddish.

The children and especially grandchildren of immigrants to the US usually do not speak the language of their ancestry.

Plus if you claim they were Khazars, then they should have Turkish words in their vocabulary, if not flat out be fluent in Khazar, according to your explanation.
No point about ABC of the holocaust to even mention here..


Abbas on ethnic cleansing Jews in an envision state



Abbas 2023 historical distortion are also stupid not just Islamic antisemitism.


Genocide erases the memory of a People ... like Turkey not allowing their southeast parts to be called Armenia ... they want us to forget there was ever a non-Turkish People who lived there for 20,000 years before the Turks showed up ... we most certainly would have forgotten except for Adolph Hitler's quote "Who remembers the Armenians" ...

No one is tryng to get us to forget the Palestinians even existed ... the main threat here is "forced relocation" ... once Hamas is destroyed and all the underground fortifications backfilled ... will Israel allow Palestinians civilians back into Gaza City? ...

The "Two State Solution" has lead to One War ... here it is ... maybe this time we try the One State Solution ... it's healthier for the typical Arab to be a second-class citizen in Israel than cannon fodder for Fatah or Hezbollah ... because Hamas is dead by this time ...
They don't want a one state solution either. The Arabs will outvote them.
That is not an argument. Only rabbis knew Hebrew well, and there are Hebrew words in Yiddish.

The children and especially grandchildren of immigrants to the US usually do not speak the language of their ancestry.

Plus if you claim they were Khazars, then they should have Turkish words in their vocabulary, if not flat out be fluent in Khazar, according to your explanation.

Khazar, also known as Khazaric, was a Turkic dialect group spoken by the Khazars, a group of semi-nomadic Turkic peoples originating from Central Asia. There are few written records of the language and its features and characteristics are unknown.
That is not an argument. Only rabbis knew Hebrew well, and there are Hebrew words in Yiddish.

The children and especially grandchildren of immigrants to the US usually do not speak the language of their ancestry.

Plus if you claim they were Khazars, then they should have Turkish words in their vocabulary, if not flat out be fluent in Khazar, according to your explanation.

First of all, even if a small group are connected to "khazar" that only proves that the idea of the State of Israel is not about "race." Because Judaism considers you Jewish even if you are Arab or "aryan" by ethnicity, if you convert ..

In any case.

That khazar myth was long debunked anyway. But look at this story of a racist-Arab who played it both contradictory ways push for Khazar-lie ONLY when it suited her...

How she taunted a Holocaust survivor after she claimed to "deny" it...

(The source is a radical lefty site. Not my type. But the story is horrific)



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That myth was long debunked anyway. But look at this story of a racist-Arab who played it both contradictory ways push for Khazar-lie ONLY when it suited her...

How she taunted a Holocaust survivor after she claimed to "deny" it...

(The source is a radical lefty site. Not my type. But the story is horrific)

You are obviously not beyond hate either. This forum is a cesspool of neo-fascists. Some support Israel, some hate it.

Not to mention some may be Russian trolls paid to agitate both sides.
More like 500,000 Arab Jews and they left between 1948 and 1973.
Some claim:

Arabs expelled over a million Jews from Arab countries and confiscated their land and assets totaling over 15 trillion dollars. The Jewish exodus from Arab lands refers to the 20th century expulsion or mass departure of Jews, primarily of Sephardi and Mizrahi background, from Arab and Islamic countries.
Human shields file 1983-2023 by anti-Israel Islamo-Arab terror "Palestinian"


  • Human shields ENG Hamas.pdf
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The myth is mainly attributing it to "most" ashkenazi.
No need to copy entire wiki text BTW. It doesn't make the point better.

The very UNBROKEN CHAIN of persecution for 2,000 years, proves: Jews are the same, Israelite, Hebrews. Etc.

Do you know what a Jew is called in Italian (AKA Roman empire descendents) ?

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Some claim:

Arabs expelled over a million Jews from Arab countries and confiscated their land and assets totaling over 15 trillion dollars. The Jewish exodus from Arab lands refers to the 20th century expulsion or mass departure of Jews, primarily of Sephardi and Mizrahi background, from Arab and Islamic countries.

That's a gross exaggeration, but fairly typical. Arab Jews left in waves from 1948-1973 in response to Zionism in Palestine.
The myth is mainly attributing it to "most" ashkenazi.

No need to copy entire wiki text BTW. It doesn't make the point better.

The very UNBROKEN CHAIN of persecution for 2,000 years, proves: Jews are the same, Israelite, Hebrews. Etc.

Do you know what a Jew is called in Italian (AKA Roman empire descendents) ?


They were universally fair skinned with reddish hair.

The Khazars constituted one of the two great furnishers of slaves to the Muslim market (the other being the Iranian Sâmânid amîrs), supplying it with captured Slavs and tribesmen from the Eurasian northlands.

It profited from the latter which enabled it to maintain a standing army of Khwarezm Muslim troops.

The capital Atil reflected the division: Kharazān on the western bank where the king and his Khazar elite, with a retinue of some 4,000 attendants, dwelt, and Itil proper to the East, inhabited by Jews, Christians, Muslims and slaves and by craftsmen and foreign merchants.

Israel certainly isn't a democracy.
Really? They don't hold elections, eh?

This is where you call Gaza an open air prison death camp where Bibi bites the heads off Palestinian children for fun.

Israel certainly isn't a democracy.

Yemen had a Jewish king. Have you forgotten the burning of the Christians at Najran?
Israel certainly isn't a democracy.

Yemen had a Jewish king. Have you forgotten the burning of the Christians at Najran?

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