Know Your Anti-Immigrant

Not being a liberal I'm not who you should direct that to. You support more liberalism than I ever have.
It seems you would have preferred the colonists to not have fought for liberty from England.
They should have just ran to Mexico.

You can't fix stupid. I'm a descendant of Arthur Middleton - you know the guy who wrote what became the blueprint for the War of Independence. Apparently I've forgotten more about the subject than you're capable of learning.
You are arrogant and refuse to lay the blame on those responsible for Brown people fleeing their Brown dictators.

You are the one who is arrogant. I lay the blame on where blame is due. You are a typical wallist. Since I have an idea different from yours, you just make up shit as you go along with NO supporting evidence. You don't know what I think and wouldn't listen because you demand that we see it your way and none other.
We gonna build a wall to keep them illegal aliens out 'n stuff, problem?

You traitor piece of shit?

Here's an overview of you once you piss us off enough=done.

STFU you fucking leftist turd piece of shit! You ain't shakin' a damn thing in the US of A, you POS Commie. We weren't scared of real commies with nukes, what makes you think we'll be scared of ones with the same lame philosophy and no balls, bitch? Go squat on a cactus. Sonny Clark

You are either working for the left or you are a complete idiot. Someone would have to be the dumbest mother fucker on the face of the earth to believe what you just posted. And you're a lying coward because the Internet is the ONLY place you'd post such crap.
It’s interesting that Liberals are always blaming Americans for wanting control of our border but never protest in Washington, DC against the scum these trespassers are running away from.

Why do Brown people always flee from Brown leaders?

Not being a liberal I'm not who you should direct that to. You support more liberalism than I ever have.
It seems you would have preferred the colonists to not have fought for liberty from England.
They should have just ran to Mexico.

You can't fix stupid. I'm a descendant of Arthur Middleton - you know the guy who wrote what became the blueprint for the War of Independence. Apparently I've forgotten more about the subject than you're capable of learning.
You are arrogant and refuse to lay the blame on those responsible for Brown people fleeing their Brown dictators.

WRONG. The United States wields enough power to crush dictators if they would just do it. You're a typical wallist.
You’re boring.
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty

Okay, we mine and install movement-sensitive Vulcan cannons along the border, cool?

I bet it would cut illegal immigration by at least 97% ;)
I prefer kicking some dictator ass.

Yet you spend your time kissing a dictator's ass.
I voted for the following platform...
Bring careers and jobs back to the US
Eliminate business visa abuse
Eliminate trespassers

I have too many friends whose careers and jobs have been destroyed by globalism.

Feel free to defend those who flee their dictators rather than fight for freedom.

If you believe that, then you'd have no problem supporting legislation that I have written and continue to put forth to my worthless congresscritters.

Before Trump suggested it, I said let people hire whomever they want. Then create substantial tax incentives so that employers choose between low wage foreign workers OR low taxes for hiring an all American staff.

Long before Trump said let California have all the foreigners they want and we won't help them pay for them, most people were hearing me say it.

And if you want a war, stop this pissant, idiotic, stupid, path of bitching about non-existent "illegals" and petition for a military intervention.
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty

Okay, we mine and install movement-sensitive Vulcan cannons along the border, cool?

I bet it would cut illegal immigration by at least 97% ;)
I prefer kicking some dictator ass.

Yet you spend your time kissing a dictator's ass.
I voted for the following platform...
Bring careers and jobs back to the US
Eliminate business visa abuse
Eliminate trespassers

I have too many friends whose careers and jobs have been destroyed by globalism.

Feel free to defend those who flee their dictators rather than fight for freedom.

If you believe that, then you'd have no problem supporting legislation that I have written and continue to put forth to my worthless congresscritters.

Before Trump suggested it, I said let people hire whomever they want. Then create substantial tax incentives so that employers choose between low wage foreign workers OR low taxes for hiring an all American staff.

Long before Trump said let California have all the foreigners they want and we won't help them pay for them, most people were hearing me say it.

And if you want a war, stop this pissant, idiotic, stupid, path of bitching about non-existent "illegals" and petition for a military intervention.
You live for cheap labor.
The US has plenty of talent.
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty
I voted the same way for the same reason, but I am very pleased with my vote. Remember, evil spelled backwards is live.

You like knowing you voted for a man that violated the Constitution three different ways with ONE Executive Order??? Damn is America bass ackwards!
Follow closely-it is the totality of a presidency that matters-Obama creates DACA illegally, Bush attacks the wrong country-Clinton gets a well you know and lies about it, Bush "read my lips", Reagan and Contra, Carter and malaise, Nixon and Watergate, Johnson, Kennedy, and Eisenhower Pentagon papers. Don't act like Trump is the only president that has ever misled anybody-wait till he finishes this term and THEN we'll judge.

I pretty much know what Trump is going to do based upon the company he keeps. I'm not concerned about a wall and don't buy a ticket on the Titanic. The wall isn't going to happen. So, the next logical question ought to be, why do I care about idiots who lobby for one?

The price tag to chase so called "illegals" has been 2 TRILLION DOLLARS in taxes, gutting the Constitution, creating a government so big that the next generation can never resist tyranny when socialists come to power, and those doing it pretending they don't understand the peripheral costs associated with their stupidity.
Not being a liberal I'm not who you should direct that to. You support more liberalism than I ever have.
It seems you would have preferred the colonists to not have fought for liberty from England.
They should have just ran to Mexico.

You can't fix stupid. I'm a descendant of Arthur Middleton - you know the guy who wrote what became the blueprint for the War of Independence. Apparently I've forgotten more about the subject than you're capable of learning.
You are arrogant and refuse to lay the blame on those responsible for Brown people fleeing their Brown dictators.

WRONG. The United States wields enough power to crush dictators if they would just do it. You're a typical wallist.
You’re boring.

So leave the thread. Find something that entertains you.
It seems you would have preferred the colonists to not have fought for liberty from England.
They should have just ran to Mexico.

You can't fix stupid. I'm a descendant of Arthur Middleton - you know the guy who wrote what became the blueprint for the War of Independence. Apparently I've forgotten more about the subject than you're capable of learning.
You are arrogant and refuse to lay the blame on those responsible for Brown people fleeing their Brown dictators.

WRONG. The United States wields enough power to crush dictators if they would just do it. You're a typical wallist.
You’re boring.

So leave the thread. Find something that entertains you.
And not let everyone know I’m not an Open Borders, cheap labor loving, Libertarian scumbag?
It’s interesting that Liberals are always blaming Americans for wanting control of our border but never protest in Washington, DC against the scum these trespassers are running away from.

Why do Brown people always flee from Brown leaders?

Not being a liberal I'm not who you should direct that to. You support more liberalism than I ever have.
It seems you would have preferred the colonists to not have fought for liberty from England.
They should have just ran to Mexico.

You can't fix stupid. I'm a descendant of Arthur Middleton - you know the guy who wrote what became the blueprint for the War of Independence. Apparently I've forgotten more about the subject than you're capable of learning.
You are arrogant and refuse to lay the blame on those responsible for Brown people fleeing their Brown dictators.

WRONG. The United States wields enough power to crush dictators if they would just do it. You're a typical wallist.
--------------------------------- let the third worlders crush their own 'dictators' Porter .
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty
I voted the same way for the same reason, but I am very pleased with my vote. Remember, evil spelled backwards is live.

You like knowing you voted for a man that violated the Constitution three different ways with ONE Executive Order??? Damn is America bass ackwards!
Follow closely-it is the totality of a presidency that matters-Obama creates DACA illegally, Bush attacks the wrong country-Clinton gets a well you know and lies about it, Bush "read my lips", Reagan and Contra, Carter and malaise, Nixon and Watergate, Johnson, Kennedy, and Eisenhower Pentagon papers. Don't act like Trump is the only president that has ever misled anybody-wait till he finishes this term and THEN we'll judge.

I pretty much know what Trump is going to do based upon the company he keeps. I'm not concerned about a wall and don't buy a ticket on the Titanic. The wall isn't going to happen. So, the next logical question ought to be, why do I care about idiots who lobby for one?

The price tag to chase so called "illegals" has been 2 TRILLION DOLLARS in taxes, gutting the Constitution, creating a government so big that the next generation can never resist tyranny when socialists come to power, and those doing it pretending they don't understand the peripheral costs associated with their stupidity.
Where do you get two Trillion in taxes? What line item is that? What part of the constitution is gutted? He actually reduced government size You side stepped the point-Trump is NOT the only president to do things people did not like. Hard to believe isn't it. I get you don't like Trump-neither do I, but I judge him fairly-try it.
Okay, we mine and install movement-sensitive Vulcan cannons along the border, cool?

I bet it would cut illegal immigration by at least 97% ;)
I prefer kicking some dictator ass.

Yet you spend your time kissing a dictator's ass.
I voted for the following platform...
Bring careers and jobs back to the US
Eliminate business visa abuse
Eliminate trespassers

I have too many friends whose careers and jobs have been destroyed by globalism.

Feel free to defend those who flee their dictators rather than fight for freedom.

If you believe that, then you'd have no problem supporting legislation that I have written and continue to put forth to my worthless congresscritters.

Before Trump suggested it, I said let people hire whomever they want. Then create substantial tax incentives so that employers choose between low wage foreign workers OR low taxes for hiring an all American staff.

Long before Trump said let California have all the foreigners they want and we won't help them pay for them, most people were hearing me say it.

And if you want a war, stop this pissant, idiotic, stupid, path of bitching about non-existent "illegals" and petition for a military intervention.
You live for cheap labor.
The US has plenty of talent.

I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty
I voted the same way for the same reason, but I am very pleased with my vote. Remember, evil spelled backwards is live.

You like knowing you voted for a man that violated the Constitution three different ways with ONE Executive Order??? Damn is America bass ackwards!
Follow closely-it is the totality of a presidency that matters-Obama creates DACA illegally, Bush attacks the wrong country-Clinton gets a well you know and lies about it, Bush "read my lips", Reagan and Contra, Carter and malaise, Nixon and Watergate, Johnson, Kennedy, and Eisenhower Pentagon papers. Don't act like Trump is the only president that has ever misled anybody-wait till he finishes this term and THEN we'll judge.

I pretty much know what Trump is going to do based upon the company he keeps. I'm not concerned about a wall and don't buy a ticket on the Titanic. The wall isn't going to happen. So, the next logical question ought to be, why do I care about idiots who lobby for one?

The price tag to chase so called "illegals" has been 2 TRILLION DOLLARS in taxes, gutting the Constitution, creating a government so big that the next generation can never resist tyranny when socialists come to power, and those doing it pretending they don't understand the peripheral costs associated with their stupidity.
Where do you get two Trillion in taxes? What line item is that? What part of the constitution is gutted? He actually reduced government size You side stepped the point-Trump is NOT the only president to do things people did not like. Hard to believe isn't it. I get you don't like Trump-neither do I, but I judge him fairly-try it.

The wallists have been claiming the front page headlines for over 15 years. Trump isn't the only swinging Richard to have been involved in this clusterphuck. But, he keeps showing that your side are experts at getting your asses kicked. I'm embarrassed for you.

You suck up to liberals, kiss their ass, then sling skeet at me that NONE of you have the balls to say in public where you can personally be accountable for that kind of slander (if you said it in public.)

You're Keyboard Commandos that have lived up to what I described a wallist as... and I'll repeat it so you can see it. See my next post.
1) They worship the idea of a wall around America to the exclusion of any other solution

2) If you fail to chant the mantra that America needs a wall, they get their tighty whiteys in a bunch and start accusing you of being for "open borders"

3) Due to the their extremism, you cannot tell them that it is illegal - even unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic policies. Furthermore, they lose it when you show them that precedent was solidified in recent years when sheriffs began saying they would not enforce the Brady Bill nor any other scheme to force local and state police to enforce federal laws ESPECIALLY when they were aimed at negating constitutional Rights

4) Wallists defend every aspect of National Socialism while trying to use plausible deniability from association with those who develop the talking points for the wallist religion

5) NOBODY can be concerned with the issue without bowing down to the wall idea. If another path is offered, it is dismissed before it is explained. Wallists only want the wall and nothing else

6) Wallists put the wall above the Constitution, Liberty, God given unalienable Rights, and even common sense

7) Wallists will violate the Constitution, even to their own detriment if it gets a wall put up

8) Wallists are oblivious to the inherent consequences of their actions

9) Wallists have an intense hatred for their Constitution... ESPECIALLY the Right to private property, the Right to Liberty and the Right to civil disobedience toward unconstitutional acts

10) Wallists tend to be uneducated, unwilling to engage in civil discourse, prone to make idiotic allegations and stupid assumptions without having enough common sense to ask questions. Or, as a wise man once said, Better to put brain in motion before putting mouth in action.

That's an overview of a wallist.
I got $2 sez "Porter Rockwell" is Guno.

I don't know what guno is, but I have a thousand dollars in cash that says you're a loud mouthed, ignorant, chicken shit that runs from his own shadow.

The upside is, you've proven what I've said about wallists on this thread.
I got $2 sez "Porter Rockwell" is Guno.

I don't know what guno is, but I have a thousand dollars in cash that says you're a loud mouthed, ignorant, chicken shit that runs from his own shadow.

The upside is, you've proven what I've said about wallists on this thread.

Sure ya do, you ain't got $40, STFU with your bullshittin' ass!
I prefer kicking some dictator ass.

Yet you spend your time kissing a dictator's ass.
I voted for the following platform...
Bring careers and jobs back to the US
Eliminate business visa abuse
Eliminate trespassers

I have too many friends whose careers and jobs have been destroyed by globalism.

Feel free to defend those who flee their dictators rather than fight for freedom.

If you believe that, then you'd have no problem supporting legislation that I have written and continue to put forth to my worthless congresscritters.

Before Trump suggested it, I said let people hire whomever they want. Then create substantial tax incentives so that employers choose between low wage foreign workers OR low taxes for hiring an all American staff.

Long before Trump said let California have all the foreigners they want and we won't help them pay for them, most people were hearing me say it.

And if you want a war, stop this pissant, idiotic, stupid, path of bitching about non-existent "illegals" and petition for a military intervention.
You live for cheap labor.
The US has plenty of talent.

I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.
Supporting a policy is not a religion.

It is when it consumes you to the point that you cannot divorce that issue from the big picture, Correll.

NO, still not really. Could just be a partisan motivation for one example. Partisanship is not religion.

Partisanship is a prejudice / bias in favor of something. Prejudice is predicated on having an opinion without thought, knowledge, or reason.

Just because I dare to challenge the status quo, the wallists have utilized that prejudice to say stuff to me that not a single one of them would have the courage to say to my face. How do I know? I manned the border; I spoke out; I'm an activist. These phony poseurs on the Internet aren't.

They've done nothing but lose over the last decade and a half plus. I've found it hard to make a point on the Internet since Facebook, Twitter, and most podcast servers don't want to be faced with uncomfortable truths. So, the message gets censored and I'm not entering any of those arenas when I at least KNOW they are opposed to anything that is opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

These guys may have you hoodwinked, but take a look at post # 46. Here is a poster who wants you to believe he is the biggest negrophilist among you. Then in post # 66, the same guy is talking about "Brown" people - which is kind of code for what a white racist would say. These guys are minor league political propagandists, but they will work with either side - left or right for the wall. THAT is their religion. Learn how to read between the lines, son.
Yet you spend your time kissing a dictator's ass.
I voted for the following platform...
Bring careers and jobs back to the US
Eliminate business visa abuse
Eliminate trespassers

I have too many friends whose careers and jobs have been destroyed by globalism.

Feel free to defend those who flee their dictators rather than fight for freedom.

If you believe that, then you'd have no problem supporting legislation that I have written and continue to put forth to my worthless congresscritters.

Before Trump suggested it, I said let people hire whomever they want. Then create substantial tax incentives so that employers choose between low wage foreign workers OR low taxes for hiring an all American staff.

Long before Trump said let California have all the foreigners they want and we won't help them pay for them, most people were hearing me say it.

And if you want a war, stop this pissant, idiotic, stupid, path of bitching about non-existent "illegals" and petition for a military intervention.
You live for cheap labor.
The US has plenty of talent.

I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.

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