Know Your Anti-Immigrant

Supporting a policy is not a religion.

It is when it consumes you to the point that you cannot divorce that issue from the big picture, Correll.

NO, still not really. Could just be a partisan motivation for one example. Partisanship is not religion.

Partisanship is a prejudice / bias in favor of something. Prejudice is predicated on having an opinion without thought, knowledge, or reason.

Just because I dare to challenge the status quo, the wallists have utilized that prejudice to say stuff to me that not a single one of them would have the courage to say to my face. How do I know? I manned the border; I spoke out; I'm an activist. These phony poseurs on the Internet aren't.

They've done nothing but lose over the last decade and a half plus. I've found it hard to make a point on the Internet since Facebook, Twitter, and most podcast servers don't want to be faced with uncomfortable truths. So, the message gets censored and I'm not entering any of those arenas when I at least KNOW they are opposed to anything that is opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

These guys may have you hoodwinked, but take a look at post # 46. Here is a poster who wants you to believe he is the biggest negrophilist among you. Then in post # 66, the same guy is talking about "Brown" people - which is kind of code for what a white racist would say. These guys are minor league political propagandists, but they will work with either side - left or right for the wall. THAT is their religion. Learn how to read between the lines, son.
WTF are you babbling about?
The US has become the default garbage receptacle of the world.
I got $2 sez "Porter Rockwell" is Guno.

I don't know what guno is, but I have a thousand dollars in cash that says you're a loud mouthed, ignorant, chicken shit that runs from his own shadow.

The upside is, you've proven what I've said about wallists on this thread.

Sure ya do, you ain't got $40, STFU with your bullshittin' ass!

The real deal is, most intelligent people realize that I've got more money in my wallet than you have in the bank. Forty bucks is a quick lunch for the wife and I.

I call your bluff. The rest of that conversation belongs in PM...
I voted for the following platform...
Bring careers and jobs back to the US
Eliminate business visa abuse
Eliminate trespassers

I have too many friends whose careers and jobs have been destroyed by globalism.

Feel free to defend those who flee their dictators rather than fight for freedom.

If you believe that, then you'd have no problem supporting legislation that I have written and continue to put forth to my worthless congresscritters.

Before Trump suggested it, I said let people hire whomever they want. Then create substantial tax incentives so that employers choose between low wage foreign workers OR low taxes for hiring an all American staff.

Long before Trump said let California have all the foreigners they want and we won't help them pay for them, most people were hearing me say it.

And if you want a war, stop this pissant, idiotic, stupid, path of bitching about non-existent "illegals" and petition for a military intervention.
You live for cheap labor.
The US has plenty of talent.

I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.
Supporting a policy is not a religion.

It is when it consumes you to the point that you cannot divorce that issue from the big picture, Correll.

NO, still not really. Could just be a partisan motivation for one example. Partisanship is not religion.

Partisanship is a prejudice / bias in favor of something. Prejudice is predicated on having an opinion without thought, knowledge, or reason.

Just because I dare to challenge the status quo, the wallists have utilized that prejudice to say stuff to me that not a single one of them would have the courage to say to my face. How do I know? I manned the border; I spoke out; I'm an activist. These phony poseurs on the Internet aren't.

They've done nothing but lose over the last decade and a half plus. I've found it hard to make a point on the Internet since Facebook, Twitter, and most podcast servers don't want to be faced with uncomfortable truths. So, the message gets censored and I'm not entering any of those arenas when I at least KNOW they are opposed to anything that is opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

These guys may have you hoodwinked, but take a look at post # 46. Here is a poster who wants you to believe he is the biggest negrophilist among you. Then in post # 66, the same guy is talking about "Brown" people - which is kind of code for what a white racist would say. These guys are minor league political propagandists, but they will work with either side - left or right for the wall. THAT is their religion. Learn how to read between the lines, son.
WTF are you babbling about?
The US has become the default garbage receptacle of the world.

That has nothing to do with the point I was making.

America has become the world's cesspool because we choose to naturalize a million new citizens each year. Within a generation those human leeches begin destroying our country and turning it into a dangerous shithole. Let me give you a few examples:

Kamala Harris is a second generation "legal" (as you erroneously call it) immigrant. How much power has she wielded in the shaping of your government?

Omar Mateen's father had political aspirations in a foreign country. He radicalized his son. That turned out really well for 49 Americans... unless you take the view that they were sodomites and Mateen did a public service. I think the wallists should weigh in and tell us which position they have on that one

There was Nidal Hasan. He got vetted so many times that even the most optimistic background check advocate ought to have cold chills running down his spine. There is another second generation "legal" (as you erroneously call them) immigrant who murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers. You gotta love that "legal" path. NOT.

America has become the world's cesspool because the posterity of the founders have become lazy, ignorant, apathetic, self absorbed, and wholly dependent on government. Rather than man up, step up, and volunteer for active service in defense of Liberty, most would rather hide behind the wallists. They think their little government / god can protect them from their own stupidity with liberals like Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Chucky Schumer having a vote in that process.

You fight me because I know who, on this issue, is a bitch for the left and who has taken the time to research the facts... and act accordingly. I practice what I preach. My home and car are paid for. My credit rating is over 800. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I did pretty damn good for a kid that left home at 14 and built his life. For that the wallists want to talk shit, but look at their leadership. When caught, they usually turn out to be low class criminals without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out.
If you believe that, then you'd have no problem supporting legislation that I have written and continue to put forth to my worthless congresscritters.

Before Trump suggested it, I said let people hire whomever they want. Then create substantial tax incentives so that employers choose between low wage foreign workers OR low taxes for hiring an all American staff.

Long before Trump said let California have all the foreigners they want and we won't help them pay for them, most people were hearing me say it.

And if you want a war, stop this pissant, idiotic, stupid, path of bitching about non-existent "illegals" and petition for a military intervention.
You live for cheap labor.
The US has plenty of talent.

I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.
You live for cheap labor.
The US has plenty of talent.

I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.
So you are saying it is up to the individual to change these things at whatever level as opposed to a political party offering solutions?
You live for cheap labor.
The US has plenty of talent.

I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.

You some kind of Chinese /Russian spy? Wtf is your deal for real? It's not straight forward, I guarantee that.
Supporting a policy is not a religion.

It is when it consumes you to the point that you cannot divorce that issue from the big picture, Correll.

NO, still not really. Could just be a partisan motivation for one example. Partisanship is not religion.

Partisanship is a prejudice / bias in favor of something. Prejudice is predicated on having an opinion without thought, knowledge, or reason.

Just because I dare to challenge the status quo, the wallists have utilized that prejudice to say stuff to me that not a single one of them would have the courage to say to my face. How do I know? I manned the border; I spoke out; I'm an activist. These phony poseurs on the Internet aren't.

They've done nothing but lose over the last decade and a half plus. I've found it hard to make a point on the Internet since Facebook, Twitter, and most podcast servers don't want to be faced with uncomfortable truths. So, the message gets censored and I'm not entering any of those arenas when I at least KNOW they are opposed to anything that is opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

These guys may have you hoodwinked, but take a look at post # 46. Here is a poster who wants you to believe he is the biggest negrophilist among you. Then in post # 66, the same guy is talking about "Brown" people - which is kind of code for what a white racist would say. These guys are minor league political propagandists, but they will work with either side - left or right for the wall. THAT is their religion. Learn how to read between the lines, son.
WTF are you babbling about?
The US has become the default garbage receptacle of the world.

That has nothing to do with the point I was making.

America has become the world's cesspool because we choose to naturalize a million new citizens each year. Within a generation those human leeches begin destroying our country and turning it into a dangerous shithole. Let me give you a few examples:

Kamala Harris is a second generation "legal" (as you erroneously call it) immigrant. How much power has she wielded in the shaping of your government?

Omar Mateen's father had political aspirations in a foreign country. He radicalized his son. That turned out really well for 49 Americans... unless you take the view that they were sodomites and Mateen did a public service. I think the wallists should weigh in and tell us which position they have on that one

There was Nidal Hasan. He got vetted so many times that even the most optimistic background check advocate ought to have cold chills running down his spine. There is another second generation "legal" (as you erroneously call them) immigrant who murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers. You gotta love that "legal" path. NOT.

America has become the world's cesspool because the posterity of the founders have become lazy, ignorant, apathetic, self absorbed, and wholly dependent on government. Rather than man up, step up, and volunteer for active service in defense of Liberty, most would rather hide behind the wallists. They think their little government / god can protect them from their own stupidity with liberals like Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Chucky Schumer having a vote in that process.

You fight me because I know who, on this issue, is a bitch for the left and who has taken the time to research the facts... and act accordingly. I practice what I preach. My home and car are paid for. My credit rating is over 800. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I did pretty damn good for a kid that left home at 14 and built his life. For that the wallists want to talk shit, but look at their leadership. When caught, they usually turn out to be low class criminals without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out.
The reality is that the US has become a cesspool of lesser talent, starting from Reagan’s Business Visas and Illegals replacing Americans in the workforce policy, and allowing them to eventually become US citizens, despite their mediocre skills.
The other issue is that Reagan and Patrick Moynihan made sure, back in the early 80s, that upwardly mobile minorities would be blocked from entering Wall Street by eliminating quotas that forced any entity’s workforce to reflect the region it was in.
I personally saw many talented minorities let go from firms and replaced by Chinese and Japanese work visas.
In the late 90s, the workforce was inundated with India Business Visas who sucked even more than the Japanese and the Chinese.
I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.

You some kind of Chinese /Russian spy? Wtf is your deal for real? It's not straight forward, I guarantee that.
You guys are driving him NUTS and he is taking it out on me!
I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.
So you are saying it is up to the individual to change these things at whatever level as opposed to a political party offering solutions?

The political parties are united in giving you a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Take a look at post # 5. Donald Trump is a friend of Rupert Murdoch:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Murdoch is the primary stockholder in Fox News (see above link) and Murdoch is on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations:

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations - Wikipedia

Do you really think Fox News is going to support an effort that leads America back to constitutional principles? Do you know what psychopolitics consists of?

Most real solutions begin at the local level. But be warned. The globalists have NO intention of allowing you to win this issue. BEFORE the wallists screwed the pooch, the right did a have a plan to incrementally get out of this. That is why the FAIR Tax originated in my neighborhood - my former Congressman introduced it. That bill would have eliminated the IRS, the income tax, and nullified the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

On immigration, if you don't out think the globalists, they will continue to win until there is no more America.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.

You some kind of Chinese /Russian spy? Wtf is your deal for real? It's not straight forward, I guarantee that.
You guys are driving him NUTS and he is taking it out on me!

Nobody's driving me nuts. I'm simply sick of the poseurs and am calling them out. They are slinging shit in desperation.
I pay people more per hour than over 85 percent of the employers doing the same or similar work. The real slavemasters are the guys with gas hogs with six wheels that make a quarter of a mil while paying their people - at the MOST $15 or so. People working for me get an average of $23 an hour. Ironically, white guys won't apply for the damn jobs and it only requires a high school equivalency and the ability to show up and work.

What you don't want to admit is that the wallists sit here and say things about "brown" people while some are bragging about their non-white relatives that think Donnie Chump hung the moon? Those who want us to believe that other cultures and races back the loony wall idea are out of touch with reality. The reality is we have one Hell of a lot of worthless pieces of shit (some have 100,000 posts under a couple of different board names) AND they have no education, no job skills, no driver's license, live in mommy's basement, have a smoking habit, a weed habit, pop pills, do illegal drugs, have a criminal record, have most of their money tied up in tattoos, body piercings, and video games. Hell Yeah. That's some talent!

What you want is a scapegoat because you're too much of a mouse to take back your country. You need a pathetic third world shit hole pissant to bitch at and claim they "stole" your job - and it's YOUR fault if all you qualify for is a janitor position or MickeyDs. I paid taxes for you to have an education. You could still make $25 an hour here with a couple of lawnmowers, a ladder and a pick up truck. That's 50 grand a year before taxes. Put into perspective, any dumb ass can make more than the average Licensed Practical Nurse (and that requires an education) if they want to work.

Translation: I kick ass, take names and reclaim what is legitimately mine. All you wallists do is act like trained monkeys for the rich boys that lead you around like a puppy on a leash.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.

You some kind of Chinese /Russian spy? Wtf is your deal for real? It's not straight forward, I guarantee that.

I called your bluff once. Like the coward you are, all you're going to do is post horseshit. The real issue is, who are you trying to convince... me or you?

When a man looks me in the eye, face to face he can then determine whether or not I'm for real. You're not and you've been called out and exposed.
Wow. Somebody mistreated you as a child. You have far more rant than fact in your post-I can't tell if what you say has any validity. Slow down, take the hate out of your post and we'll see if we can have a good discussion.

I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.
So you are saying it is up to the individual to change these things at whatever level as opposed to a political party offering solutions?

The political parties are united in giving you a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Take a look at post # 5. Donald Trump is a friend of Rupert Murdoch:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Murdoch is the primary stockholder in Fox News (see above link) and Murdoch is on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations:

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations - Wikipedia

Do you really think Fox News is going to support an effort that leads America back to constitutional principles? Do you know what psychopolitics consists of?

Most real solutions begin at the local level. But be warned. The globalists have NO intention of allowing you to win this issue. BEFORE the wallists screwed the pooch, the right did a have a plan to incrementally get out of this. That is why the FAIR Tax originated in my neighborhood - my former Congressman introduced it. That bill would have eliminated the IRS, the income tax, and nullified the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

On immigration, if you don't out think the globalists, they will continue to win until there is no more America.
Sean Hannity put his career on the line by endorsing Trump.
Fox did not want Trump to win and the fact that you don’t know this is no surprise to me.
Your echo chamber is apparent to all.
So guys and gals, we seem to have a psycho here who wants open borders and claims the entire world is Americans and yet doesn’t want these people to cross our border to become naturalized.

Did I mention he’s a hypocritical psycho?
I see you're into projection.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.
So you are saying it is up to the individual to change these things at whatever level as opposed to a political party offering solutions?

The political parties are united in giving you a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Take a look at post # 5. Donald Trump is a friend of Rupert Murdoch:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Murdoch is the primary stockholder in Fox News (see above link) and Murdoch is on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations:

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations - Wikipedia

Do you really think Fox News is going to support an effort that leads America back to constitutional principles? Do you know what psychopolitics consists of?

Most real solutions begin at the local level. But be warned. The globalists have NO intention of allowing you to win this issue. BEFORE the wallists screwed the pooch, the right did a have a plan to incrementally get out of this. That is why the FAIR Tax originated in my neighborhood - my former Congressman introduced it. That bill would have eliminated the IRS, the income tax, and nullified the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

On immigration, if you don't out think the globalists, they will continue to win until there is no more America.
Sean Hannity put his career on the line by endorsing Trump.
Fox did not want Trump to win and the fact that you don’t know this is no surprise to me.
Your echo chamber is apparent to all.

You are simpleton that don't bother reading what I post or looking at the links. That bullshit reply was answered in one of the links.
OK, you have thin skin-answer the question-you seem intelligent, do you want further discussion or not? There are plenty of other people here willing to debate issues and I don't want to waste my time-or yours.

The one thing I don't have is thin skin. There are half a dozen phonies attacking me on this thread and NONE of them have done anything save of proving my observations of who and what they are.

What is there to discuss when they continue to prove my point? What is there to debate? My points are simple:

* Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply
* America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet
* For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison
* Children in the United States are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over children in the UK

Unless and until you are a strong, healthy, vibrant, educated, and committed people seeking independence, while wanting to be Free, self sufficient and self reliant, you cannot change the dynamic of America. You have to take ownership in your part of the status quo.
So you are saying it is up to the individual to change these things at whatever level as opposed to a political party offering solutions?

The political parties are united in giving you a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Take a look at post # 5. Donald Trump is a friend of Rupert Murdoch:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Murdoch is the primary stockholder in Fox News (see above link) and Murdoch is on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations:

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations - Wikipedia

Do you really think Fox News is going to support an effort that leads America back to constitutional principles? Do you know what psychopolitics consists of?

Most real solutions begin at the local level. But be warned. The globalists have NO intention of allowing you to win this issue. BEFORE the wallists screwed the pooch, the right did a have a plan to incrementally get out of this. That is why the FAIR Tax originated in my neighborhood - my former Congressman introduced it. That bill would have eliminated the IRS, the income tax, and nullified the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

On immigration, if you don't out think the globalists, they will continue to win until there is no more America.
Sean Hannity put his career on the line by endorsing Trump.
Fox did not want Trump to win and the fact that you don’t know this is no surprise to me.
Your echo chamber is apparent to all.

You are simpleton that don't bother reading what I post or looking at the links. That bullshit reply was answered in one of the links.
Your self-indulgent run on posts are not worth reading after the first paragraph.
You proudly insist that everyone who sets foot on American soil is an American and you complain that the globalists say the same thing.
Get to the point in one paragraph and stop boring us to laughter.
So guys and gals, we seem to have a psycho here who wants open borders and claims the entire world is Americans and yet doesn’t want these people to cross our border to become naturalized.

Did I mention he’s a hypocritical psycho?

Did you also mention that you are a liar, a hypocrite and an idiot? FWIW this is the same POS that plays negrophilist one moment and racist the next. On this thread he factually has at least TWO personalities and not a damn fact to back his personal attacks with me.

The wallist religion is the most dangerous position on this planet.

Open borders my ass... you love that wholesale citizenship shit. You missed that post too. You're about the dumbest, non-reading troll alive.
So guys and gals, we seem to have a psycho here who wants open borders and claims the entire world is Americans and yet doesn’t want these people to cross our border to become naturalized.

Did I mention he’s a hypocritical psycho?

Did you also mention that you are a liar, a hypocrite and an idiot? FWIW this is the same POS that plays negrophilist one moment and racist the next. On this thread he factually has at least TWO personalities and not a damn fact to back his personal attacks with me.

The wallist religion is the most dangerous position on this planet.

Open borders my ass... you love that wholesale citizenship shit. You missed that post too. You're about the dumbest, non-reading troll alive.
Answer Yes OR No...
You have stated that anyone who steps on US soil shall be treated as a US citizen.
Supporting a policy is not a religion.

It is when it consumes you to the point that you cannot divorce that issue from the big picture, Correll.

NO, still not really. Could just be a partisan motivation for one example. Partisanship is not religion.

Partisanship is a prejudice / bias in favor of something. Prejudice is predicated on having an opinion without thought, knowledge, or reason.

Just because I dare to challenge the status quo, the wallists have utilized that prejudice to say stuff to me that not a single one of them would have the courage to say to my face. How do I know? I manned the border; I spoke out; I'm an activist. These phony poseurs on the Internet aren't.

They've done nothing but lose over the last decade and a half plus. I've found it hard to make a point on the Internet since Facebook, Twitter, and most podcast servers don't want to be faced with uncomfortable truths. So, the message gets censored and I'm not entering any of those arenas when I at least KNOW they are opposed to anything that is opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

These guys may have you hoodwinked, but take a look at post # 46. Here is a poster who wants you to believe he is the biggest negrophilist among you. Then in post # 66, the same guy is talking about "Brown" people - which is kind of code for what a white racist would say. These guys are minor league political propagandists, but they will work with either side - left or right for the wall. THAT is their religion. Learn how to read between the lines, son.

Partisanship is a bias in favor of a certain side. That is NOT predicated on "without thought, knowledge, or reason"

I could go on for DAYS for my thoughts knowledge and reasons of being a partisan republican.

DIdn't get your point about post 46. I have some people on ignore. Perhaps, my post count is different than yours?

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