Know Your Anti-Immigrant

Your avatar fits you.

In 2003 when the wallist religion was being developed, some Salvadorans tried to effect an improper entry by trespassing over private land. The Salvadorans were intercepted by a border patrol group called Ranch Rescue. In the altercation the Salvadorans lost, but in court the Salvadorans won. The border patrol guys went to prison; the landowner lost his ranch.

Leiva v. Ranch Rescue

I would rate your criticism half right. For if we say that those foreigners were not trespassers, they were legally right in being able to sue the property owner and having the court uphold the foreigners "civil rights."

You're right on that count, except had the members of Ranch Rescue listened to me, I would have appealed that decision and argued heavily in favor of a property owner to be able to defend their property against trespassers. I do concede to your point.

The flip side to Indeependent's argument is that the United States Supreme Court ruled that it is not a crime for an undocumented foreigner to remain in the United States. Put into the correct analogy, if you make an improper U Turn and the cops don't see you do it, then you're not an "illegal driver." Don't blame me. I didn't write the freaking laws. Neither do I agree with the stances you take once we look at where its logical conclusion goes.
Maybe you’re right.
Every immigration attorney should simply go into another profession.
After all, not one of them has your knowledge base.

I can say this:

Many of them contact me in order to get a feel for what will and will not float in immigration cases.
My friends quote you all the time.
-------------------------------- yep , mine also [aw haw , chuckle] !!
--------------------------- [chuckle] . hey Porter .

Trolling me will be your downfall. I'm presuming that you're either senile or a complete idiot. If you can't answer my questions, this will be a short conversation. Discussion is a two way street. See posts # 5 and # 17. Where do YOU stand?

David Duke organizes Border Watch in 1977:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke and Donald Trump both belonged to the Reform Party at the same time, which demonstrates a unity of ideology:

Duke joined the Reform Party in 1999 while working for Pat Buchanan's 2000 presidential campaign

David Duke - Wikipedia

Donald Trump's presidential campaign of 2000 for the nomination of the Reform Party began when real estate magnate Donald Trump of New Yorkannounced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee on the October 8, 1999 edition of Larry King Live

Donald Trump 2000 presidential campaign - Wikipedia

The Real David Duke This info will become very important to the subject

Trump plays stupid and tries to deny his ideological ties to white supremacy:

Trump dodges on David Duke question: ' I know nothing about white supremacists'Trump dodges on David Duke question: ' I know nothing about white supremacists'

Jim Gilchrist, a former newsman and Chris Simcox become the fathers of the “Secure the border / monitor (sic) the flow of Undocumented immigrants effort:

The Minuteman Project was a vigilante organization started in August 2004[1] by a group of private individuals in the United States to extrajudicially monitor the United States – Mexico border's flow of Undocumented immigrants.[2] Founded by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox,..”

Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

Today, the founder of the wallist religion is proudly displaying his ties to the Tea Party publicly:

Jim Gilchrist's Page

So, who is Jim Gilchrist?

Jim Gilchrist is a former newsman, left of center, who is politically a National Socialist. His views are palatable enough so that Bernie Sanders once voted to Gilchrist’s benefit:

Julian Castro claims Bernie Sanders voted with Republicans to protect a hate group

The top lieutenants of his “Minuteman Project” were exposed as being neo – Nazis and even murderers.

Co-founder Chris Simcox Gilchrist’s most trusted friend) was proven to be both a pedophile as well as a nazi:

Ex-Minuteman Chris Simcox sentenced to 19.5 years in child sex-abuse case

Chris Simcox befriended J.T. Ready who was also mainstream Republican that, on the surface only wanted to fight so – called “illegal immigration,” but was, in reality, a neo-nazi that ended up committing a mass murder before committing suicide:

Jason Todd "J. T." Ready (February 17, 1973[1][2] – May 2, 2012) was a former American Marine, founder and leader of a border militia group[3]and a former member of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement

J. T. Ready - Wikipedia

Gilchrist was a very cunning politician type (learning lessons from his newsman days) so he would deny knowing his own officers when they got into trouble. An article I read had this to say in response to one of Gilchrist’s false claims that he knew one of his own top officers “briefly”:

Well, one of those "brief meetings" with {Shawna}Forde involved a big public Minuteman rally organized by Forde in Everett, Washington, back in 2006, about the same time Forde was appearing onstage representing the Minutemen in public-TV forums, too. Gilchrist was the star attraction at the Everett rally, and he and Forde praised each other onstage.

In an
earlier report, moreover, Steller pointed out that Gilchrist was up to his ankles in communicating with Forde right up to the point of her arrest -- and in fact appears to have tried to tip her off that federal authorities were looking for her:

Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project and an early leader of the movement, said last week that he donated $200 to a member of Forde's group, that he called Forde a few days after the murders as investigators closed in, and that his group removed postings by and about Forde from its Web site after the arrests. But he called Forde and her associates "rogues," and denied that he or his group had a formal relationship with her

Orcinus: Minuteman leader Jim Gilchrist's ties to Shawna Forde's gang of killers finally catch up with him

“Formal relationship?” Shawna Forde was one of his top organizers! And he had a lot of faith in her:

Jim Gilchrist Speaks on Shawna - Justice for Shawna Forde

Evidently, Minutemen Founder Gilchrist Doesn't Like Us

Shawna Forde was convicted of the murder of a nine year old and her father:

Shawna Forde Guilty of Murder: Exclusive Interview with Arizona Minuteman

Also see this:

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Shawna Forde’s co-conspirator, Jason Bush, was a carbon copy of the kinds of people Gilchrist attracted:

“… Bush was also charged for the murder of a Latino man in Washington state in 1997, and in the murder of an Aryan Nations member he considered to be a “race-traitor”…”

The meltdown of the anti-immigration Minuteman militia

Gilchrist knows how to hide the National Socialist trimmings and then deny those who embarrass the effort. Make no mistake. Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are the founding fathers of the wallist religion – where the wall and so – called “illegal immigration” are the ONLY topics they have any concern with. What are the odds that all the founders of the wallist religion ARE proven Nazis and their followers are not? Then again, that might not be a rhetorical question as I’ve been reading that right now is the first time in history where more people without an education are supporting the Republicans than are supporting them.

Be that as it may, the DADDY of the wallist religion IS a Tea Party member:

Jim Gilchrist's Page

Jim Gilchrist: Illegal Alien Children Being Used As Political Human Shields - Tea Party News


The major organizations / think tanks were founded and funded by a single individual by the name of John Tanton. According to Wikipedia:

John H. Tanton (born February 23, 1934)[1] is an American retired ophthalmologist and activist in efforts aimed at reducing immigration levels in the United States. He was the founder and first chairman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), an anti-immigration organization. He was chairman of U.S. English and ProEnglish. He is the founder of The Social Contract Press, which publishes the quarterly journal The Social Contract. He founded the pro-eugenics organization Society for Genetic Education.

FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton, the "puppeteer" of the nativist movement and a man with deep racist roots. As the first article in this report shows, Tanton has for decades been at the heart of the white nationalist scene. He has met with leading white supremacists and associated closely with the leaders of a eugenicist foundation once described by a leading newspaper as a "neo-Nazi organization." He has made a series of racist statements about Latinos and worried that they were outbreeding whites. At one point, he wrote candidly that to maintain American culture, "a European-American majority" is required.”[25]

John Tanton - Wikipedia

So, here is the man responsible for the think tanks and the rhetoric that is generated relative to the wallist religion. But what, exactly is eugenics? I’d be a long time explaining it, but Wikipedia did a balanced article on it, so check it out:

Eugenics in the United States - Wikipedia

I only want to point out that the Rockefellers helped finance eugenics research… and the Rockefellers were all about the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. It’s kind of hard to connect the dots until you figure out how the NEW WORLD ORDER types help finance both sides so that they can take each other out liberals v conservatives, right v left, Constitutionalists v National Socialists, etc. But, I digress. Now that I’ve spent over 15 years spreading my research about the David Duke – John Tanton ideologies (and Tanton supplied Duke his talking points back in the 1970s) other researchers have taken note:

Calling Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke's Bluff

A Look at the Forces Behind the Anti-Immigrant Movement | Democracy Now!

A John Tanton Connect the Dots « American Border Patrol « Immigration « The Pink Flamingo

Team Trump's ties to white supremacy are even deeper than you imagined

NOTE: It is unfortunate that I have to cite the left, but the Tea Party is never going to admit to who pioneered their political rhetoric. They also make the links to Nazism. Again, I am not getting into the fray over racial issues. I disagree with the current power structure because I oppose National Socialism. And the fact that the right’s think tanks are owned by a guy into eugenics and is pro-abortion signal significant differences of opinion between he and I.

The proposed solutions to the immigration debacle as adopted by those in the Tea Party are National Socialist NOT those of a constitutionalist group
When your wall does not get built, come back and ask me what a winning strategy is going to look like.

Donnie Chump told you Mexico was going to pay for the wall; he lied. Now he wants the military and the elderly to pay??? You're an idiot if you think a wall is going to be built. But, we are still going to have the same cultural issues once the wall goes belly up. Smart folks are thinking about Plan B.
Maybe you’re right.
Every immigration attorney should simply go into another profession.
After all, not one of them has your knowledge base.

I can say this:

Many of them contact me in order to get a feel for what will and will not float in immigration cases.
My friends quote you all the time.
-------------------------------- yep , mine also [aw haw , chuckle] !!
--------------------------- [chuckle] . hey Porter .

Trolling me will be your downfall. I'm presuming that you're either senile or a complete idiot. If you can't answer my questions, this will be a short conversation. Discussion is a two way street. See posts # 5 and # 17. Where do YOU stand?
It’s obvious you know what you’re talking about; that’s why you spend so much time in court and consulting with attorneys.
The idiots who disagree with you just aren’t as ingenious as yourself.
I can say this:

Many of them contact me in order to get a feel for what will and will not float in immigration cases.
My friends quote you all the time.
-------------------------------- yep , mine also [aw haw , chuckle] !!
--------------------------- [chuckle] . hey Porter .

Trolling me will be your downfall. I'm presuming that you're either senile or a complete idiot. If you can't answer my questions, this will be a short conversation. Discussion is a two way street. See posts # 5 and # 17. Where do YOU stand?
It’s obvious you know what you’re talking about; that’s why you spend so much time in court and consulting with attorneys.
The idiots who disagree with you just aren’t as ingenious as yourself.

You can make all the snide remarks you like. What you cannot do is take away the last 15 years worth of losses the wallists have racked up so that ALL they have to show for their efforts is Donald Chump, who has lied to them and NOT gotten Mexico to pay for a damned thing.

What has to be done is to work within the parameters of the law and use the left's momentum against them. Laugh all you like, but no smaller guy can trade equal blows with a bigger one and think he's coming out victorious. When a bigger opponent throws a punch at you, you're an idiot to try and stop it. You grab his arm, pulling him toward you and give him a knee to he midsection or maybe let him go over your body as you bend down and the bigger guy ends up on his ass with you still standing.

In my mind that makes a Hell of a lot more sense than to keep pushing a party line that has sent hundreds to prison, jail, graves, and into the business of being snitch bitches. Are you checking out the many links that I'm leaving, chronicling the losses your side has racked up and they don't have anything to show for it except laws that restricted the average Americans Freedom and Liberty?
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .
The shmuck doesn’t realize my son-in-law’s parents are from Cuba and Columbia and want a wall.

WTF does that have to do with the price of beans in China much less the OP? They can be fooled by snake oil salesmen just as easily as anyone else. BTW, did you check out the links or did you ignore them?

One was about a truck driver that was in the militia. He used to march in the local save the Confederate flag rallies. He was black. So, what does all this have to do with what we've discussed except to confirm that even the best of people can be hookwinked by slick sounding political propaganda prostitutes that have studied psychology, psychopolitics and political marketing strategy?
Last edited:
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty
I voted the same way for the same reason, but I am very pleased with my vote. Remember, evil spelled backwards is live.
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty
I voted the same way for the same reason, but I am very pleased with my vote. Remember, evil spelled backwards is live.

You like knowing you voted for a man that violated the Constitution three different ways with ONE Executive Order??? Damn is America bass ackwards!
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .
The shmuck doesn’t realize my son-in-law’s parents are from Cuba and Columbia and want a wall.

WTF does that have to do with the price of beans in China much less the OP? They can be fooled by snake oil salesmen just as easily as anyone else. BTW, did you check out the links or did you ignore them?

One was about a truck driver that was in the militia. He used to march in the local save the Confederate flag rallies. He was black. So, what does all this have to do with what we've discussed except to confirm that even the best of people can be hookwinked by slick sounding political propaganda prostitutes that have studied psychology, psychopolitics and and political marketing strategy?
It’s interesting that Liberals are always blaming Americans for wanting control of our border but never protest in Washington, DC against the scum these trespassers are running away from.

Why do Brown people always flee from Brown leaders?
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .
The shmuck doesn’t realize my son-in-law’s parents are from Cuba and Columbia and want a wall.

WTF does that have to do with the price of beans in China much less the OP? They can be fooled by snake oil salesmen just as easily as anyone else. BTW, did you check out the links or did you ignore them?

One was about a truck driver that was in the militia. He used to march in the local save the Confederate flag rallies. He was black. So, what does all this have to do with what we've discussed except to confirm that even the best of people can be hookwinked by slick sounding political propaganda prostitutes that have studied psychology, psychopolitics and political marketing strategy?
They lived there.
They went to school and came here with an education and never took away anyone’s else job or tax dollars.
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty
You support all the mexicans.
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .

No, I'm not going to ignore you. You cannot answer the questions posed in posts # 5 and # 17 and you wanted to call me a coward. What are YOU afraid of? You haven't seen me dodge, deflect or refuse to answer questions up to this point.

You wanted my attention and you wanted to play the part of an asshole. So, I'm going to give you your opportunity. Are you a coward or just plain illiterate? I asked you some questions in posts # 5 and # 17. Before you get all high and mighty, you may want to remove that halo until you can cobble some sentences together and answer the questions. OR does your limited computer skills not allow you to figure out what posts those are? Shall I repeat the questions?
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty
You support all the mexicans.

I support the presupposition that all people are born with inherent, natural, irrevocable, unalienable, and irreversible Rights that are above the reach of government. For example, your Right to keep and bear Arms is an unalienable Right as it is an extension of your Right to Life.

I support the Right to Life. I support the Right to Privacy. I support the Right to own private property. I support the Freedom of Association. I do not support the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government - POLICE STATE that you seek to bring about.

Since that, in your mind, if that translates to some idiotic notion that I'm "for" the Mexicans, then you are not an intelligent individual. Multiculturalism is destroying our nation. We are locking out people who are promoting our culture. The right likes to whip out the race card and make much ado that there is a non-white here or there with little historical / legal knowledge and that makes their position palatable to idiots, but certainly not to constitutionalists and it makes you look like you're groveling at the feet of people like Kamala Harris.
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .
The shmuck doesn’t realize my son-in-law’s parents are from Cuba and Columbia and want a wall.

WTF does that have to do with the price of beans in China much less the OP? They can be fooled by snake oil salesmen just as easily as anyone else. BTW, did you check out the links or did you ignore them?

One was about a truck driver that was in the militia. He used to march in the local save the Confederate flag rallies. He was black. So, what does all this have to do with what we've discussed except to confirm that even the best of people can be hookwinked by slick sounding political propaganda prostitutes that have studied psychology, psychopolitics and political marketing strategy?
They lived there.
They went to school and came here with an education and never took away anyone’s else job or tax dollars.

So your position is that jobs belong to the public sector and not the employer who creates the job?
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .
The shmuck doesn’t realize my son-in-law’s parents are from Cuba and Columbia and want a wall.

WTF does that have to do with the price of beans in China much less the OP? They can be fooled by snake oil salesmen just as easily as anyone else. BTW, did you check out the links or did you ignore them?

One was about a truck driver that was in the militia. He used to march in the local save the Confederate flag rallies. He was black. So, what does all this have to do with what we've discussed except to confirm that even the best of people can be hookwinked by slick sounding political propaganda prostitutes that have studied psychology, psychopolitics and and political marketing strategy?
It’s interesting that Liberals are always blaming Americans for wanting control of our border but never protest in Washington, DC against the scum these trespassers are running away from.

Why do Brown people always flee from Brown leaders?

Not being a liberal I'm not who you should direct that to. You support more liberalism than I ever have.
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .
The shmuck doesn’t realize my son-in-law’s parents are from Cuba and Columbia and want a wall.

WTF does that have to do with the price of beans in China much less the OP? They can be fooled by snake oil salesmen just as easily as anyone else. BTW, did you check out the links or did you ignore them?

One was about a truck driver that was in the militia. He used to march in the local save the Confederate flag rallies. He was black. So, what does all this have to do with what we've discussed except to confirm that even the best of people can be hookwinked by slick sounding political propaganda prostitutes that have studied psychology, psychopolitics and political marketing strategy?
They lived there.
They went to school and came here with an education and never took away anyone’s else job or tax dollars.

So your position is that jobs belong to the public sector and not the employer who creates the job?
My position is that you are ignoring entire areas of legislation that concern non-US citizens.
Heck, I’m your opinion, Business Visas are citizens.
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .
The shmuck doesn’t realize my son-in-law’s parents are from Cuba and Columbia and want a wall.

WTF does that have to do with the price of beans in China much less the OP? They can be fooled by snake oil salesmen just as easily as anyone else. BTW, did you check out the links or did you ignore them?

One was about a truck driver that was in the militia. He used to march in the local save the Confederate flag rallies. He was black. So, what does all this have to do with what we've discussed except to confirm that even the best of people can be hookwinked by slick sounding political propaganda prostitutes that have studied psychology, psychopolitics and and political marketing strategy?
It’s interesting that Liberals are always blaming Americans for wanting control of our border but never protest in Washington, DC against the scum these trespassers are running away from.

Why do Brown people always flee from Brown leaders?

Not being a liberal I'm not who you should direct that to. You support more liberalism than I ever have.
You are an arrogant person who has no regard for the law or anyone else’s opinion of it.
and here i thought that i was being IGNORED .
The shmuck doesn’t realize my son-in-law’s parents are from Cuba and Columbia and want a wall.

WTF does that have to do with the price of beans in China much less the OP? They can be fooled by snake oil salesmen just as easily as anyone else. BTW, did you check out the links or did you ignore them?

One was about a truck driver that was in the militia. He used to march in the local save the Confederate flag rallies. He was black. So, what does all this have to do with what we've discussed except to confirm that even the best of people can be hookwinked by slick sounding political propaganda prostitutes that have studied psychology, psychopolitics and and political marketing strategy?
It’s interesting that Liberals are always blaming Americans for wanting control of our border but never protest in Washington, DC against the scum these trespassers are running away from.

Why do Brown people always flee from Brown leaders?

Not being a liberal I'm not who you should direct that to. You support more liberalism than I ever have.
It seems you would have preferred the colonists to not have fought for liberty from England.
They should have just ran to Mexico.

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