Zone1 Knowledge, the forbidden fruit

The serpent tempted them by saying, "Eat and you shall be as gods"

In other words, they were relying on their own wisdom for the first time.
A Garden for the Prison Guards

In the myth of Prometheus, who represents the inventor bringing the rest of us out of a jungle existence, the ruling class, which wants to keep us trapped and miserable, discredits him.

There was a war with the previous gods that Zeus won using the brains of Prometheus. Then he betrayed the god of Wonder and What If. The symbolism is exactly parallel with the fact that inventive minds create all the wealth stolen by the plutocracy, then are humiliated and turned into meek Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys, chained to a rock and isolated from society just as Prometheus was.

So Genesis is all that. Knowledge is good; it is the only path to wisdom. Genesis advocates blind obedience to the Power Elite. Adam and Eve chose independence from self-declared omnipotence.
The Bible teaches this 'crap', read it for yourself.

so true and those that use it to persecute and victimize the innocent - all three desert religions ... are the same.
Slavery? God gave Adam and Eve free will from the beginning and yes, they CHOSE to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God counseled them that if they did eat they would die. But they used their free will and chose to partake anyway. Where is the slavery in that? God, to this very day allows all mankind to choose in and of themselves to worship him or not. He doesn't force anyone to follow after him. This is why when the judgment comes, we will all go to the place were we list to obey the laws of that particular kingdom. Only those who are willing to abide by the laws of God's kingdom will be allowed in. The laws of the kingdom of God must be obeyed for one to reside there. Those who choose otherwise will find themselves in a lower kingdom.

Moses sought to bring the children of Israel into the very presence of God but they would not. When he came down from Mount Sinai he held in his hands the greater law. But when he saw that they made an idol to worship, he tossed the plates and broke them to pieces. Only after returning to speak to the Lord, was Moses given a lesser law to give to a hard hearted and sinful generation. Moses did all he could to bring the children of Israel unto God but they would have none of it. For this they received the lesser law and priesthood until John. Moses was a faithful servant of the Lord and this is why it was he, along with Elijah, who appeared to the Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage under the hands of the Egyptians and brought them back into the land of promise.

the convoluted story of humanities beginning claimed by moses as a deception against the heavens and resolent state of an incurable sin is nothing but slavery to a higher authority - moses - as onefour 1 has so unwittingly become entrapped is no less one of the greatest crimes against mankind of all times.

as great as crucifying an innocent person to then write a book in their name for which they sacrificed their life for the very opposite as the crucifiers have depicted them for their own selfish purposes.

self determination is the cornerstone for all life on planet earth for which when accomplished will enable the free spirit through judgement admission to the everlasting.

a&e and jesus are one in the same.
Do you want to discuss why you think that and why I think what I do?

Sure. Judaism came before Christianity, not the other way around for starters. And, if we're gonna discuss this, we should start another thread, as well as agree to be civil. You can have whatever views you wish, so please allow me to have mine. I will back up my claims with sources that explain why I believe as I do, you should do the same. Start a thread, tell me the title, and I'm there to discuss it with you.
Sure. Judaism came before Christianity, not the other way around for starters. And, if we're gonna discuss this, we should start another thread, as well as agree to be civil. You can have whatever views you wish, so please allow me to have mine. I will back up my claims with sources that explain why I believe as I do, you should do the same. Start a thread, tell me the title, and I'm there to discuss it with you.
I've started the thread, "Which came first, Judaism or Christianity".
Sure. Judaism came before Christianity, not the other way around for starters. And, if we're gonna discuss this, we should start another thread, as well as agree to be civil. You can have whatever views you wish, so please allow me to have mine. I will back up my claims with sources that explain why I believe as I do, you should do the same. Start a thread, tell me the title, and I'm there to discuss it with you.
Haven't see you in the new thread so I will check in once in while to see if you show up.

Did everyone know that Adam was a black man! Excellent!


Just kidding

Now on to the subject at hand.

Why did the Bible refer to the forbidden fruit as coming from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Why is the tree named the tree of knowledge and why does it bring forth death?

Most glaze over the story as being insignificant, or even made up, but words have meaning. Regardless of whether you believe the story actually happened, there is a message in the story all the same.

I believe the message is, knowledge without wisdom brings death. Specifically, seeking knowledge apart from the wisdom of God is what brings death.

Now whether you agree with my assessment, that this is at least one of the messages in the story, we have a myriad of examples proving that message is correct. Man has a long list of instances where knowledge brought about, or can potentially bring about, much death and misery, all because man had no wisdom to use it correctly.

One such example are genetically modified plants that are resistant to disease and insects. They usually are bigger and easier to grow. See how wonderful knowledge can be? But there is a small problem, they can't reproduce, and if cross pollinated with plants than do reproduce, they make them unable to reproduce. Hence, unleashing unproductive plants on nature could prevent all those plants from reproducing. Last I checked, plants were needed for survival. Scientists are so concerned about it, they have set aside seeds hoping they be available if the worst happens, that is, they can't grow food anymore.

Or maybe you have heard of the story of Oppenheimer, the man responsible for creating the first nuclear bomb.


Want more stories of knowledge that leads to mass death? How about a futuristic one, namely AI. Artificial Intelligence is just one more technology that is being developed today that has a tremendous potential for unthinkable harm to mankind. The movie "The Terminator" tapped into these fears. Essentially, man is developing an intelligence that is superior to his own. Problem is, that intelligence has no human empathy. Humans without human empathy are referred to as sociopaths. So, what will AI to when it is fed information that human beings are destroying the planet with carbon emissions, something humans hear every day from government and their state-controlled media? Will it seek to terminate humans to save the planet and themselves?

But let's assume AI can be controlled by humans from doing this. What is a despot like Hitler had it to use? Imagine if he had a surveillance state that could watch everything you do and say 24/7. Imagine a world where he used it to calculate every battle to see if he could win, and use it to sway public opinion as AI studies you and learns how to persuade you 24/7. Depots in history have been killing machines, but now their ability has been enhanced to continue to kill in mass by 100 fold or more. Once humanity goes to digital currency, the state will have complete power over you as it will decide if you should purchase what you want to purchase, or if you are even worthy to do so. China now has a social credit system where if they say or do bad things the state does not like, they may not be able to travel or go to the store to buy things, etc. Business today in the US has introduced a similar social credit system, as those who are not woke or environmentally friendly enough have bad scores, which means no one else will want to do business with them or get government perks, etc. Now government and the corporate world have become One, and all held together with AI. Last I checked that is what was used to be called Fascism.

Luckily despots from the past had weaknesses. For example, Hitler was a drug addict and insisted on being in control of military operations, something he was not even qualified to do. This made him more prone to failure. However, what iF AI did most of his tasks, if not all? What if you had a super intelligent bot doing it all for you 24/7? It would have probably let Hitler win the war and the world.

Could AI be the "beast" spoken about in Revelation? And could digital currency be the mark of the beast spoken about in Revelation as people were commanded to take the mark in their right hand or forehead or not be able to buy and sell?

As for many being careful in developing AI, so as to limit it possible harm, that is out of the question because there is an arms race on with it, so caution needs to be thrown to the wind, just like God's wisdom has been thrown to the wind.

Revelation is about the first century.

Did everyone know that Adam was a black man! Excellent!


Just kidding

Now on to the subject at hand.

Why did the Bible refer to the forbidden fruit as coming from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Why is the tree named the tree of knowledge and why does it bring forth death?

Most glaze over the story as being insignificant, or even made up, but words have meaning. Regardless of whether you believe the story actually happened, there is a message in the story all the same.

I believe the message is, knowledge without wisdom brings death. Specifically, seeking knowledge apart from the wisdom of God is what brings death.

Now whether you agree with my assessment, that this is at least one of the messages in the story, we have a myriad of examples proving that message is correct. Man has a long list of instances where knowledge brought about, or can potentially bring about, much death and misery, all because man had no wisdom to use it correctly.

One such example are genetically modified plants that are resistant to disease and insects. They usually are bigger and easier to grow. See how wonderful knowledge can be? But there is a small problem, they can't reproduce, and if cross pollinated with plants than do reproduce, they make them unable to reproduce. Hence, unleashing unproductive plants on nature could prevent all those plants from reproducing. Last I checked, plants were needed for survival. Scientists are so concerned about it, they have set aside seeds hoping they be available if the worst happens, that is, they can't grow food anymore.

Or maybe you have heard of the story of Oppenheimer, the man responsible for creating the first nuclear bomb.


Want more stories of knowledge that leads to mass death? How about a futuristic one, namely AI. Artificial Intelligence is just one more technology that is being developed today that has a tremendous potential for unthinkable harm to mankind. The movie "The Terminator" tapped into these fears. Essentially, man is developing an intelligence that is superior to his own. Problem is, that intelligence has no human empathy. Humans without human empathy are referred to as sociopaths. So, what will AI to when it is fed information that human beings are destroying the planet with carbon emissions, something humans hear every day from government and their state-controlled media? Will it seek to terminate humans to save the planet and themselves?

But let's assume AI can be controlled by humans from doing this. What is a despot like Hitler had it to use? Imagine if he had a surveillance state that could watch everything you do and say 24/7. Imagine a world where he used it to calculate every battle to see if he could win, and use it to sway public opinion as AI studies you and learns how to persuade you 24/7. Depots in history have been killing machines, but now their ability has been enhanced to continue to kill in mass by 100 fold or more. Once humanity goes to digital currency, the state will have complete power over you as it will decide if you should purchase what you want to purchase, or if you are even worthy to do so. China now has a social credit system where if they say or do bad things the state does not like, they may not be able to travel or go to the store to buy things, etc. Business today in the US has introduced a similar social credit system, as those who are not woke or environmentally friendly enough have bad scores, which means no one else will want to do business with them or get government perks, etc. Now government and the corporate world have become One, and all held together with AI. Last I checked that is what was used to be called Fascism.

Luckily despots from the past had weaknesses. For example, Hitler was a drug addict and insisted on being in control of military operations, something he was not even qualified to do. This made him more prone to failure. However, what iF AI did most of his tasks, if not all? What if you had a super intelligent bot doing it all for you 24/7? It would have probably let Hitler win the war and the world.

Could AI be the "beast" spoken about in Revelation? And could digital currency be the mark of the beast spoken about in Revelation as people were commanded to take the mark in their right hand or forehead or not be able to buy and sell?

As for many being careful in developing AI, so as to limit it possible harm, that is out of the question because there is an arms race on with it, so caution needs to be thrown to the wind, just like God's wisdom has been thrown to the wind.
Look, the violation was not in the Knowledge, it was in doing what they were told not to.
And it wasn't Knowldedge in general , it was Knowledge of not only Good but also EVIL
And no one in the story agrees with you, not the serpent, the man or the woman

So you are arguing a non-position. And a funny one : It would have been GOOD if they had eaten the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. (but then what of the evil ???) You probably go apopleptic when you read the story of Pandora
Look, the violation was not in the Knowledge, it was in doing what they were told not to.
And it wasn't Knowldedge in general , it was Knowledge of not only Good but also EVIL
And no one in the story agrees with you, not the serpent, the man or the woman

So you are arguing a non-position. And a funny one : It would have been GOOD if they had eaten the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. (but then what of the evil ???) You probably go apopleptic when you read the story of Pandora
Eating the fruit was a 'pandora's box'. But, it was God's plan all along.

Did everyone know that Adam was a black man! Excellent!


Just kidding

Now on to the subject at hand.

Why did the Bible refer to the forbidden fruit as coming from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Why is the tree named the tree of knowledge and why does it bring forth death?

Most glaze over the story as being insignificant, or even made up, but words have meaning. Regardless of whether you believe the story actually happened, there is a message in the story all the same.

I believe the message is, knowledge without wisdom brings death. Specifically, seeking knowledge apart from the wisdom of God is what brings death.

Now whether you agree with my assessment, that this is at least one of the messages in the story, we have a myriad of examples proving that message is correct. Man has a long list of instances where knowledge brought about, or can potentially bring about, much death and misery, all because man had no wisdom to use it correctly.

One such example are genetically modified plants that are resistant to disease and insects. They usually are bigger and easier to grow. See how wonderful knowledge can be? But there is a small problem, they can't reproduce, and if cross pollinated with plants than do reproduce, they make them unable to reproduce. Hence, unleashing unproductive plants on nature could prevent all those plants from reproducing. Last I checked, plants were needed for survival. Scientists are so concerned about it, they have set aside seeds hoping they be available if the worst happens, that is, they can't grow food anymore.

Or maybe you have heard of the story of Oppenheimer, the man responsible for creating the first nuclear bomb.


Want more stories of knowledge that leads to mass death? How about a futuristic one, namely AI. Artificial Intelligence is just one more technology that is being developed today that has a tremendous potential for unthinkable harm to mankind. The movie "The Terminator" tapped into these fears. Essentially, man is developing an intelligence that is superior to his own. Problem is, that intelligence has no human empathy. Humans without human empathy are referred to as sociopaths. So, what will AI to when it is fed information that human beings are destroying the planet with carbon emissions, something humans hear every day from government and their state-controlled media? Will it seek to terminate humans to save the planet and themselves?

But let's assume AI can be controlled by humans from doing this. What is a despot like Hitler had it to use? Imagine if he had a surveillance state that could watch everything you do and say 24/7. Imagine a world where he used it to calculate every battle to see if he could win, and use it to sway public opinion as AI studies you and learns how to persuade you 24/7. Depots in history have been killing machines, but now their ability has been enhanced to continue to kill in mass by 100 fold or more. Once humanity goes to digital currency, the state will have complete power over you as it will decide if you should purchase what you want to purchase, or if you are even worthy to do so. China now has a social credit system where if they say or do bad things the state does not like, they may not be able to travel or go to the store to buy things, etc. Business today in the US has introduced a similar social credit system, as those who are not woke or environmentally friendly enough have bad scores, which means no one else will want to do business with them or get government perks, etc. Now government and the corporate world have become One, and all held together with AI. Last I checked that is what was used to be called Fascism.

Luckily despots from the past had weaknesses. For example, Hitler was a drug addict and insisted on being in control of military operations, something he was not even qualified to do. This made him more prone to failure. However, what iF AI did most of his tasks, if not all? What if you had a super intelligent bot doing it all for you 24/7? It would have probably let Hitler win the war and the world.

Could AI be the "beast" spoken about in Revelation? And could digital currency be the mark of the beast spoken about in Revelation as people were commanded to take the mark in their right hand or forehead or not be able to buy and sell?

As for many being careful in developing AI, so as to limit it possible harm, that is out of the question because there is an arms race on with it, so caution needs to be thrown to the wind, just like God's wisdom has been thrown to the wind.

Sorry can't read the whole thing,...

Is there an interesting question?
"Knowing" good and evil means buying into the binary illusion aspect of our existence. That creates the state in which the "God" who is one is divided, obliged to deal with the consequences of this creation's action. Humanity begat a reality. It isn't for nothing that Jesus called himself the son of Man.
Why did the Bible refer to the forbidden fruit as coming from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Why is the tree named the tree of knowledge and why does it bring forth death?
It can't be lacking Wisdom, cuz the Bible states that is what we were given by eating the forbidden fruit??? Or maybe she just thought it would give her wisdom???

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it” (Genesis 3:6).
Oh, and wasn't it actually eating more meat that makes our brains grow in size and make us more knowledgeable in the end, and not a fruit??? ;)

God didn't say it gave us simply knowledge, He specifically states it was a tree that gave us THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.

Why good and specifically mentions the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL.... WHY oh why oh why, good and evil???

Does knowing good and evil represent having a Conscience? And before that we were like most animals without a conscience or doing things via instinct, or living blissfully naively? :dunno:
Oh, and wasn't it actually eating more meat that makes our brains grow in size and make us more knowledgeable in the end, and not a fruit??? ;)

God didn't say it gave us simply knowledge, He specifically states it was a tree that gave us THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.

Why good and specifically mentions the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL.... WHY oh why oh why, good and evil???

Does knowing good and evil represent having a Conscience? And before that we were like most animals without a conscience or doing things via instinct, or living blissfully naively? :dunno:
Good points. Also, the word wise is translated as a verb in the KJV. If it had been translated as an adjective it would be more understandable.

Make one wise: Verb; wise, prudent.
Make a wise one: Adjective; crafty, cunning.

I think the adjective is a better translation although that would indicate that Eve sought the same craftiness and cunning possessed by the serpent. She likely thought it would give her the wisdom of 'good'.
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Oh, and wasn't it actually eating more meat that makes our brains grow in size and make us more knowledgeable in the end, and not a fruit??? ;)

God didn't say it gave us simply knowledge, He specifically states it was a tree that gave us THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.

Why good and specifically mentions the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL.... WHY oh why oh why, good and evil???

Does knowing good and evil represent having a Conscience? And before that we were like most animals without a conscience or doing things via instinct, or living blissfully naively? :dunno:
More Evidence That the Jews Are Not a Race But an IQ Percentile

Back in Sumeria around 4000 BC, the Jews were persecuted for being intelligent, so they rejected their own creativity and concentrated on the mental masturbation of theology.

"Knowledge of Evil" doesn't mean "finding out how to commit evil." It means finding out about it in order to avoid it.

In Judaism, yetzer hara (Hebrew: יֵצֶר הַרַע‎, romanized: yēṣer haraʿ) is the congenital inclination to do evil, by violating the will of God. The term is drawn from the phrase "the imagination of the heart of man [is] evil" (Biblical Hebrew: יֵצֶר לֵב הָאָדָם רַע, romanized: yetzer lev-ha-adam ra), which occurs twice at the beginning of the Torah (Genesis 6:5 and Genesis 8:21).

The Hebrew word yetzer having appeared twice in Genesis occurs again at the end of the Torah: "I knew their devisings that they do".[1] Thus from beginning to end the heart's yetzer (plan) is continually bent on evil. However, the Torah which began with blessing[2] anticipates future blessing[3] which will come as a result of God circumcising the heart in the latter days.[4]

In traditional Judaism, the yetzer hara is not a demonic force, but rather man's misuse of things the physical body needs to survive. Thus, the need for food becomes gluttony due to the yetzer hara. The need for procreation becomes promiscuity, and so on.

The Jewish concept of the yetzer hara is similar to the Christian concept of a "sin nature" known as concupiscence, which is the tendency of humans to sin. However, concupiscence stems explicitly from original sin, while the yetzer hara is a natural part of God's creation.

Also, the only other animal to speak in the Torah was Balaam's donkey.
Sure. Judaism came before Christianity, not the other way around for starters. And, if we're gonna discuss this, we should start another thread, as well as agree to be civil. You can have whatever views you wish, so please allow me to have mine. I will back up my claims with sources that explain why I believe as I do, you should do the same. Start a thread, tell me the title, and I'm there to discuss it with you.

The Judaism of Abram and Moses came before Christianity, i.e. the OT pre Ezra traditional theology, but most modern 'Judaism' post dates Christianity; rabbinical 'Judaism' came along over a 100 years later, after the failure of the Bar Kokhba Revolt failed, and the Hasidic cults are 18th century fabrications. The oldest extant Judaism is probably the Samaritans, followed by the Christians.

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