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Koch Brothers deep pockets are supporting .... TADA!!!

Congratulations, Mr. Cain!

Long ties to Koch brothers key to Cain’s campaign - The Washington Post

Cain’s campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, which lobbies for lower taxes and less government regulation and spending. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his “9-9-9” plan to rewrite the nation’s tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of loyal grassroots fans.

The once little-known businessman’s political activities are getting fresh scrutiny these days since he soared to the top of some national polls.

His links to the Koch brothers could undercut his outsider, non-political image among tea party fans who detest politics as usual and candidates connected with the party machine.

Lord, I do love the internet. It's hard to pull the wool over people's eyes when they have instant access to full disclosure. :D

And in other news;

Herman Cain Newsweek Profile: Calls Obama 'Terrible,' Fires Back at Critics - The Daily Beast

Cain has spent most of his life individualizing the message of the civil-rights movement and insisting color should not play a role in modern politics. But such a view may begin to sound naive if his candidacy continues to alienate African-Americans. In the past week, Cain has had to fend off challenges from multiple black luminaries, including Cornell West, who accused Cain of “coldness toward poor people,” and Syracuse professor Boyce Watkins, who on CNN called him “the perfect racist.”

Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson told Newsweek he thinks of Cain as “Jimmy Stewart in blackface.” “He’s Mr. Smith goes to Washington. The good ol’ boy you just love. He’s the black man white people would prefer over Obama, and he’s the black man that is more like them and who thinks like them. He makes them feel they aren’t racist because they support him at this level and not Obama.’’

Singer and civil-rights activist Harry Belafonte, who made headlines when he called Cain a “bad apple” during a recent interview with Joy Behar, says it’s impossible to accept Cain as a black candidate with those politics. “I’m pretty sure African-Americans don’t take Cain seriously, but I’m not sure about white people,” Belafonte tells Newsweek. “They believe this black man is the real deal. He isn’t. Anyone who says what he says isn’t.”

Cain has fired back at his critics—and in doing so, only inflamed the controversy. “He’s been on that banana boat too long,” he says in response to Belafonte, accusing the 84-year-old performer of trying to “intimidate” people of color who might even consider supporting his candidacy. “Harry Belafonte called me a bad apple. Now he knows he’s not going to shut me up.” And speaking to other media outlets earlier this week, he said West had “been in academia too long” and was hung up on “symbolic stuff.”

Oh, yeah. This is going to be oodles of fun. :)

Who cares? Soros is supporting Obama.
Surprise surprise someone is in the pocket of billionaires. Interesting how Soros gets a pass for the same behaviour on the other side. Condemn it in both parties or don't bother raising the issue, it just makes you look like a tool.

Ah, Soros isn't running for President, Cain is. Soros is a billionaire, Cain is in the pocket of billionaires. Also, Soros earned his money, the kochroaches inherited theirs.

Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

However, since the Kochroaches created the tea party, their income has - well, here's a pretty picture.

Here we go more "jealousy" talk over the success of others. I'm getting rather tired of this analogy: "child of a rich parent, who would rather throw a tantrum and take from someone else's success over learning how to do it themselves." Perhaps it might serve the left better to take all that research (how much more everyone ELSE has than me) and educate themsleves on how to take an idea and be profitable with it. Maybe then they would understand what it's like to earn the lifestyle they want, instead of looking for the easy way out . . believing they are simply "entitled" to this silver platter lifestyle of living off of what the government provides for you. No, it's too much hard work and effort for that, I'm sure.
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Then why is there only one in the top 10?

Top Overall Donors | OpenSecrets

Ok , we will go there , How about the top 15 donors are to democRATS
1 ActBlue $55,745,059 99% 0%
2 AT&T Inc $47,571,779 44% 55%
3 American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $46,167,658 94% 1%

4 National Assn of Realtors $40,718,176 47% 49%

5 Service Employees International Union $37,634,367 75% 2%

6 National Education Assn $37,051,378 82% 5%

7 Goldman Sachs $35,790,579 60% 39%

8 American Assn for Justice $34,715,804 89% 8%

9 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $34,292,471 97% 2%

10 Laborers Union $31,876,950 89% 7%

11 American Federation of Teachers $31,681,366 91% 0%

12 Teamsters Union $31,285,842 89% 6%

13 Carpenters & Joiners Union $30,769,258 86% 9%

14 Communications Workers of America $30,192,447 94% 0%
15 Citigroup Inc $28,842,146 49% 49%

First percentage is for democrats , second is to the rep

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012 | OpenSecrets

So? Are you now suggesting corporations can't donate money? Aren't they people with a constitutionally protected right to free speech?

It was the Democrats who blew up when legislation was passed to allow corporations to donate, not the GOP. Besides, you guys should be happy, Obamas in bed with more corporations than Bush was.
I am not saying that at all. Its you guys who keep saying about the Koch brothers and donations we are just trying to point out how hypocritical you guys are:cuckoo:

It's not hypocritical.

I don't want to see two brothers be allowed to funnel an unlimited amount of money into our elections. That is totally separate from how much money was funneled into elections 20 years ago.

Now you know how the rest of us feel when about $400 Billion dollars vanished in 2009 for political kick backs and will ultimately be filtered back into Democrat Campaigns this year. Don't sweat it bro, your candidates will at least have $300 Billion to play with and bribe with.
The problem with left leaning Democrats the last 10 years has been that they want to play dirty and do what they can to have all the advantage in the world, but when someone else tries to have an advantage then all hell breaks loose. God forbid.
I am not saying that at all. Its you guys who keep saying about the Koch brothers and donations we are just trying to point out how hypocritical you guys are:cuckoo:

It's not hypocritical.

I don't want to see two brothers be allowed to funnel an unlimited amount of money into our elections. That is totally separate from how much money was funneled into elections 20 years ago.

A president with a supermajority in congress shoulda done something about this....

....I wonder who.....:eusa_whistle:
He would have cut his own throat if he did, which explains why he didn't. He is in bed with way more corporations than any GOP'er.
It's not hypocritical.

I don't want to see two brothers be allowed to funnel an unlimited amount of money into our elections. That is totally separate from how much money was funneled into elections 20 years ago.

Come back and bitch when your team stops accepting funds from Soros. Until then, you're just another hypocrite.

We can't control election money from the 90s. We can't control it from the 00s. We can control it now, and if you look at it now, which was the link I posted originally, you see only 1 union in the top 10. Which was my point.

So because the tides are turning now, all of a sudden it must be controlled? Hypocrite.
It's not hypocritical.

I don't want to see two brothers be allowed to funnel an unlimited amount of money into our elections. That is totally separate from how much money was funneled into elections 20 years ago.

Oh like Soros does... Hmmm Pot is still calling Kettle:cuckoo:

Why do you keep assuming my stance on Soros? It looks like you're just trying to de-rail the thread and not talk about the Koch brothers and Cain.

Why don't you want to talk about the Koch brothers and Cain?

Because noone cares, because they have a right to donate to who'm they want to. And you must be a racist for not agreeing with it.

The Black Democrats have used color as their power, not by what Martin Luther King advocated which was;
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Herman Cain is more in tune with the message of MLK, not what the left have been doing since MLK"s death.

If the Koch brother's were supporting Cain, then where is the money?
It's not there because they haven't given him any money.

Good points.
Uncle Tom Cain strikes again. Why doesn;t he just shut his mouth. He has no clue what the hell he is talking about. If he could only hear himself the way the other 99% of Americans do. Sheesh, when he looks in the mirror he must see someone else than we do. Clueless.
Oh like Soros does... Hmmm Pot is still calling Kettle:cuckoo:

Why do you keep assuming my stance on Soros? It looks like you're just trying to de-rail the thread and not talk about the Koch brothers and Cain.

Why don't you want to talk about the Koch brothers and Cain?

If the Koch Brothers want to donate to Cain that is their business. But when are you left wingers going to admit that the Unions use their money for political gain all the time. That George Soros gives to the certain candidates all the time but your ok with it

It's different, because he is their guy, kinda like Obama committing troops illegally to wars all over the world, it's okay for him to do it, because he is their guy. You dont see code pink marching on Washington do you?
Why do you keep assuming my stance on Soros? It looks like you're just trying to de-rail the thread and not talk about the Koch brothers and Cain.

Why don't you want to talk about the Koch brothers and Cain?

If the Koch Brothers want to donate to Cain that is their business. But when are you left wingers going to admit that the Unions use their money for political gain all the time. That George Soros gives to the certain candidates all the time but your ok with it

Actually, no. Cain is running for president. If two brothers are pouring money into his "grass roots" campaign, then it is ALL our business. This is our election. We should all care about the money and where it comes from.

And AGAIN, you make an assumption about my views! When are you going to stop assuming and actually talk about the issue?

Was you barking up this tree in 2008 with Obama and the hundreds of millions he raised for that campaign? Somehow I doubt it.
Actually, no. Cain is running for president. If two brothers are pouring money into his "grass roots" campaign, then it is ALL our business. This is our election. We should all care about the money and where it comes from.

And AGAIN, you make an assumption about my views! When are you going to stop assuming and actually talk about the issue?

Yes we should care but your side doesnt. Several excellent examples have been given.

You guys didnt even mind secrets being thrown in.

Last I checked, "my side" is in favour of campaign finance reform. "Your side" is the one that opened the flood gates.

As long as it's reformed to your sides advantage, yes you are correct.
Keep assuming guys. It's fun to watch.
Ass-u-ming seems to be your job Toofuckingstupid. Either everyone gets to donate to campaigns, or nobody gets to donate.

That is called equality.

And I agree.

Which is why it's fun to watch you guys get bent out of shape thinking I don't agree.

He may not be lying, and he’s indeed not stupid – it could be yet another aspect of his ignorance.

Cain seems to be appealing to the Palin/TPM crowd: voters who see ‘virtue in ignorance.’ One need not know about foreign policy or other peoples and nations, Supreme Court decisions, or read books and newspapers, just know your job and bible. Cain does fit that bill and many on the right may perceive Cain as a replacement for Palin in that regard.

Did you not elect Obama based on domestic issues with the economy? I would like to hear about what foreign policy experience does a "community organizer" have?

Are you serious? They voted for him for "hope and change", bringing the military home and closing Guantanimo.

Domestic issues maybe. Economy? No.

George Sorros, code pink, and other left wing groups believed it was more important to invest in the United States and domestic issues over international policies. Then the issue soon after became companies that were hand picked and "chosen" as being 'Too Big To Fail' through TARP, focusing on union jobs, and the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which started the whole down turn of the US economy.
Ass-u-ming seems to be your job Toofuckingstupid. Either everyone gets to donate to campaigns, or nobody gets to donate.

That is called equality.

And I agree.

Which is why it's fun to watch you guys get bent out of shape thinking I don't agree.
Dood... I've watched you shit your own brainstem because someone else had a different opinion than you. If your hypocrisy was water, you couldn't reach bottom. You bitch about the Koch Brothers, but ignore Soros. You complain about W but worship Obama who does most of the same policies on steroids. You whine about Citizens United, but you ignore the contributions of the unions. You claim republicans desire to suppress the vote but turn a blind eye to blatant voter fraud from ACORN.

What sickens me most? You're a Packer fan.
HAHAHA!!! I know right? When I seen the avatar it about blew my mind too!
I sure am not lying. You're a hypocrite. We hold these truths to be self evident.

Oh this will be fun.

Why don't you prove to everyone how I'm a hypocrite.
you're here defending whining about the Kock Brothers. You going to condemn George Soros too for corrupting the political process? Or the unions? Or ACORN? Or the Clinton Foundation?

I shall wait for you to hang yourself.

And let's not forget about Soros trying to buy and pay for Liberal States attorney generals in every state also. Which is another way to circumvent the peoples wishes when it comes to shitty legislation like Obamacare, I bet stupid isn't even upset about that either.
No surprise. Cain is just a temporary flavor.

Is that what they told you to think? Because he has been steadily gaining for over a month now, and in some states leads the pack, and the more people here about him the better off he is doing. I wouldn't exactly call that temporary.

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