Koch Brother's fortune soars to over $100,000,000,000, nearly doubles under Obama.

Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

See you are a mental midget, so the continued explaining it to you does no good, but I will give it another shot. The Democrats throw scraps to the poor to keep them an mindless voting class, but they really work for the rich corporations. Their mission is to keep down the middle class and small businessman.

See the Democrats will scream about the evil corporations and the need to pass over-burdensome regulations. The corporations scream foul but secretly push for the regulations (hence why they give so much money to Democrats). See these big corporations can hire lawyers, adjust costs, meet the regulations and then push the cost onto the consumer. The small business ALSO must obey the regulations, but they can't adjust like the deep pocket corporations. They can't move costs easily, they can't afford the lawyers and they aren't able to push the costs onto the consumers, because of their slim margins. They get put at a competitive disadvantage and many go out of business. These same regulations prevent and in many cases make it impossible for entrepreneurs to enter the market as small business owners. In the end the corps adjust, but now have their competition eliminated by the government.

What happens when a company has less competition? Large margins and less of a need to satisfy the customer (cost cutting corners on customer service). Hence see why the cable companies make so much money, but have the WORST customer service!

The Democrats are the party of suppressing the poor and the making the ubber rich richer!
Funny enough though, Democrats consistently out spend and out raise their republican opponents, but still are fixated on the miniscule profits of the Koch Brothers. When will they figure out that they are puppets themselves, played by the hands of George Soros?

Koch Brother have 'miniscule' profits. :lol:
Oh my the far left in this thread continue to prove that evolution was not kind to them.

The fact that if you're middle class Republicans have nothing to offer?

Or the fact that you are one of those 'I Have Mine and Fuck Everyone Else' sociopaths.

Or the fact that actual conservatives are old-Rich-White-Guys; MIDDLE CLASS CONSERVATIVES ARE JUST CHEAP, AND NOT IN THE GOOD WAY.

We offer opportunity, not the bullshit handouts blaming the rich for your problems kind of welfare opportunity but real you can do better on your own opportunity.

Since when is making your money and wanting to hang onto it for yourself and your family sociopathic (I think you meant psychopathic but I will let that pass)? So in your mind if you work your ass off and save, create a business or do well for yourself you're a psycho for not giving it away? You're an idiot. You want the same thing only without the actual working and earning part of it.

I find it hilarious you bring your entire pathetic argument down to conservatives are rich white people. You get racism and class warfare in one simple line of stupid. If the people making money and knowing how to do it are for a certain policy why wouldn't the poor other colored people recognize that as good policy? It obviously works.

Nobody get's rich off of black people in poverty but democrats. Maybe it's time they rethink their position.
Oh my the far left in this thread continue to prove that evolution was not kind to them.

The fact that if you're middle class Republicans have nothing to offer?

Or the fact that you are one of those 'I Have Mine and Fuck Everyone Else' sociopaths.

Or the fact that actual conservatives are old-Rich-White-Guys; MIDDLE CLASS CONSERVATIVES ARE JUST CHEAP, AND NOT IN THE GOOD WAY.

We offer opportunity, not the bullshit handouts blaming the rich for your problems kind of welfare opportunity but real you can do better on your own opportunity.

Since when is making your money and wanting to hang onto it for yourself and your family sociopathic (I think you meant psychopathic but I will let that pass)? So in your mind if you work your ass off and save, create a business or do well for yourself you're a psycho for not giving it away? You're an idiot. You want the same thing only without the actual working and earning part of it.

I find it hilarious you bring your entire pathetic argument down to conservatives are rich white people. You get racism and class warfare in one simple line of stupid. If the people making money and knowing how to do it are for a certain policy why wouldn't the poor other colored people recognize that as good policy? It obviously works.

Nobody get's rich off of black people in poverty but democrats. Maybe it's time they rethink their position.

Pathetic rant from the guy that thinks Ford didn't get a bailout.
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So.. How much does soros make.. Oh you don't care right
Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.
Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

Yes, the wealthy always do well, no matter who's in charge. Since 2007, liberals have held 2 if not 3 of The House, Senate, and White House. How are those policies working out for The Middle Class and The Poor? The Labor Participation Rate is back down to Carter levels and the number of Americans on Food Stamps keeps rising. How is constant demonization of the Kochs and race polarization going to change those trends for out of work Americans?
Meanwhile the U.S. Dollar continues to slide. Democrat sugar daddy Soros smiles down from on high as his little puppet dances, gaily doing all He can to make your money worth less and please His master.

The arbitrage business employs few, makes nothing and rapes your savings. But the majority of Americans love it. At least they did in 2008 and 2012. They're counting on you remaining stupid and in love in 2016.
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The fact that if you're middle class Republicans have nothing to offer?

Or the fact that you are one of those 'I Have Mine and Fuck Everyone Else' sociopaths.

Or the fact that actual conservatives are old-Rich-White-Guys; MIDDLE CLASS CONSERVATIVES ARE JUST CHEAP, AND NOT IN THE GOOD WAY.

We offer opportunity, not the bullshit handouts blaming the rich for your problems kind of welfare opportunity but real you can do better on your own opportunity.

Since when is making your money and wanting to hang onto it for yourself and your family sociopathic (I think you meant psychopathic but I will let that pass)? So in your mind if you work your ass off and save, create a business or do well for yourself you're a psycho for not giving it away? You're an idiot. You want the same thing only without the actual working and earning part of it.

I find it hilarious you bring your entire pathetic argument down to conservatives are rich white people. You get racism and class warfare in one simple line of stupid. If the people making money and knowing how to do it are for a certain policy why wouldn't the poor other colored people recognize that as good policy? It obviously works.

Nobody get's rich off of black people in poverty but democrats. Maybe it's time they rethink their position.

Pathetic rant from the guy that thinks Ford didn't get a bailout.

You got slapped down so hard this is the best reply you could muster? How sad to be you.
Meanwhile the U.S. Dollar continues to slide. Democrat sugar daddy Soros smiles down from on high as his little puppet dances, gaily doing all He can to make your money worth less and please His master.

The arbitrage business employs few, makes nothing and rapes your savings. But the majority of Americans love it. At least they did in 2008 and 2012. They're counting on you remaining stupid and in love in 2016.

Aren't you Canadian?
Good for them, they will have more to donate to good causes.

They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

And the wealthy lib elite don't donate to causes that help their own interests?
WHo in their right mind would donate to a cause that is in conflict with one's best interests?
BTW, does this include the $100 million the Koch Bros donated to that hospital in NYC?

Assets minus liabilities does not equal cash.

Net is the total amount in bank/holding accounts and sometimes real property minus non-living expense liabilities. That's why the Koch Bros are worth billions and their net is 'only' $100 billion. There, you learned something.

Yeah, we learned you aren't an accountant and aren't very good at math. Thanks for the lesson in failure.
Good for them, they will have more to donate to good causes.

They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

And the wealthy lib elite don't donate to causes that help their own interests?
WHo in their right mind would donate to a cause that is in conflict with one's best interests?
BTW, does this include the $100 million the Koch Bros donated to that hospital in NYC?

Because Chucky has prostate cancer? Hint: If you contract a disease, pick one that a lot of rich people have, you're sure to get cured.

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