Koch Brother's fortune soars to over $100,000,000,000, nearly doubles under Obama.

A San Francisco Billionaire Just Bought Obama and Delayed the Keystone XL Pipeline

While the media is obsessed with the Koch brothers this campaign season, a billionaire hedge fund manager from San Francisco just bought off the White House to the tune of $100 million in order to delay the Keystone XL pipeline decision.
From Fox News:
The Obama administration once again has punted on a final decision for the Keystone XL pipeline, announcing ahead of the holiday weekend it is extending a key review period indefinitely — a move that could push off a determination until after the midterm elections.

Republicans, as well as red-state Democrats who want the proposed Canada-to-Texas pipeline approved, slammed the administration for the delay. Democrats even threatened to find ways to go around the president to get the project approved.

“It’s absolutely ridiculous that this well over five year long process is continuing for an undetermined amount of time,” Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., said in a statement.
What you won’t hear about in mainstream media is how Billionaire Tom Steyer drove the decision by promising to spend $100 million to help Democrats in the midterm election who help defeat the project:

The Kochstone pipeline SHOULD be delayed/eliminated. It's nothing more than a conduit to China for Canada.

Are you really not smart enough to comprehend an article YOU posted,quoted and highlighted?

If so that is some special kind of stupid you have going on.
A San Francisco Billionaire Just Bought Obama and Delayed the Keystone XL Pipeline

The Kochstone pipeline SHOULD be delayed/eliminated. It's nothing more than a conduit to China for Canada.

Are you really not smart enough to comprehend an article YOU posted,quoted and highlighted?

If so that is some special kind of stupid you have going on.

Are you really not smart enough to comprehend the avatar you posted is a lie?

Again, the Kochstone pipeline SHOULD be delayed/eliminated. It's nothing more than a conduit to China for Canada.
Why not pay their employees who created that wealth more instead of hoarding it all for themselves? The employees are & have great causes. The $million they skimmed from each of their employees during their careers would have done the economy much better than Koch Brother's did with it.

You do realize that their wealth IS paper wealth, right? I mean you just can't be so ignorant to think otherwise......or can you?

It's NET. NET is CASH.

Koch Brothers Net Worth Soars Past $100 Billion

Net worth is not cash, twit.
Imagine how well they could have done had not Obama screwed things up so badly!

Aren't you Canadian?

What's up with your Hockey team's? Pretty sad eh?

So we agree that Your New Messiah has screwed things up! We must agree as you do not contest my assertion, merely engage in a child-like display of liberal civility at its most glorious!

Say, are you a man-child like your Kenyan liege-lord?
LOL.......Romney's speech to the Olympian contenders had zero to do with people building a business.

You rabid Obamabot's are a riot. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Come one Olympic champions. Business. Totally the same thing:)


Business, built on infrastructure - roads, sewers, energy, workers, engineers and investment

Olympic athlete, trained on infrastructure - facilities, coaches, parents and investment

Nothing happens in a vacuum. I really thought that was obvious. I really did.

Nothing happens in a vacuum.

But enough about your head.
Come one Olympic champions. Business. Totally the same thing:)


Business, built on infrastructure - roads, sewers, energy, workers, engineers and investment

Olympic athlete, trained on infrastructure - facilities, coaches, parents and investment

Nothing happens in a vacuum. I really thought that was obvious. I really did.

Nothing happens in a vacuum.

But enough about your head.
Good form.

Billionaires buy politicians with a promise laws will be changed to allow the billionaire to do something that used to be illegal. Like derivatives or appealing some costly safety policy.

So those billionaires scam the system doing what was formally illegal and they crash the system.

Republicans scream, don't be jealous. They are only making money. They didn't do anything illegal.

Billionaires buy politicians with a promise laws will be changed to allow the billionaire to do something that used to be illegal. Like derivatives

Derivatives have been trading on Chicago exchanges for a long, long time.
Are you really not smart enough to comprehend an article YOU posted,quoted and highlighted?

If so that is some special kind of stupid you have going on.

Are you really not smart enough to comprehend the avatar you posted is a lie?

Again, the Kochstone pipeline SHOULD be delayed/eliminated. It's nothing more than a conduit to China for Canada.

Ford didn't get a bailout that wasn't forced on them. You must not get that.

China get's it's oil from Iran and Russia, why would they ship from Canada through the US when that costs more? They could just build a pipeline to the Canadian coast and not have to load it onto ships that must traverse the Canal. How the fuck do you think that building a pipeline to Texas makes the oil get to China faster and cheaper than using their own ports?

The Koch's have nothing to do with this pipeline or did you not understand that in your previous article?
Jealousy is a mortal sin you know.
So is greed but you don't have any problem with 100 people controlling the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of the world's population.

You can't choose which sins are evil.

Probably because we aren't greedy. If we were greedy we would be incredibly jealous of what they have and continually be trying to take them down. But we recognize that simply because a man makes more money or less money than us, he is still our brother. Why should I steal from a rich man when I would never think of stealing from anyone else?

By the way, if you are really concerned about greed, you cannot stop it in other people. Only in yourself. Look inward and be a good example. Robbery doesn't fix the problem of greed.
Jealousy is a mortal sin you know.
So is greed but you don't have any problem with 100 people controlling the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of the world's population.

You can't choose which sins are evil.

Probably because we aren't greedy. If we were greedy we would be incredibly jealous of what they have and continually be trying to take them down. But we recognize that simply because a man makes more money or less money than us, he is still our brother. Why should I steal from a rich man when I would never think of stealing from anyone else?

By the way, if you are really concerned about greed, you cannot stop it in other people. Only in yourself. Look inward and be a good example. Robbery doesn't fix the problem of greed.

I hate it when you guys talk stupid. Billionaires fund politicians to change laws and deregulate so what was illegal becomes legal and moronic right wingers can then say, "But they didn't break any laws so you must be jealous". Surely these right wingers can't be so damn stupid, they don't understand the reason someone like Sheldon Adelson would spend a hundred million dollars? He wasn't trying to do what is best for America.

Sheldon Adelson's Sands Targeted in Money Laundering Investigation - Forbes

If Romney had been elected, you can bet the entire investigation would have gone away.

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