Koch Brother's fortune soars to over $100,000,000,000, nearly doubles under Obama.

Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

Here's the amazing thing you left wing retards never seem to figure out.

In the obie economy only the wealthy are able to grow their fortunes, they have the cash to take advantage of the situation. Yet you are pissed off at them for doing so and are DEMANDING more obie economics. You were told by the left that this kind of thing is wrong and parrot the line like a dutiful, useless, idiot.

The conservative rich you hate so fucking bad are telling you it's not good and are supporting measures to make things better for everyone and less for themselves yet you run around like an idiot pushing for more of the obie system.

In the meantime the lefty top earners are sitting back doubling their wealth and letting you retards keep screaming for policies that make them even more. Hell they even donate to your causes and support your ideas without so much as a whimper of how they are getting rich because this is the kind of public fucking they live for.

So ask yourself, if the evil Koch brothers are so happy to fuck the US citizen under the the rules of the obie administration why are they against those rules? The second question to ask is if the Soro's clan is so unhappy with this inequality and really are out to help you then why are they pushing for more of the same policies?

Bravo! Very well said.
Jealousy is a mortal sin you know.
So is greed but you don't have any problem with 100 people controlling the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of the world's population.

You can't choose which sins are evil.

Billionaires buy politicians with a promise laws will be changed to allow the billionaire to do something that used to be illegal. Like derivatives or appealing some costly safety policy.

So those billionaires scam the system doing what was formally illegal and they crash the system.

Republicans scream, don't be jealous. They are only making money. They didn't do anything illegal.

And those billionaires just happen to be supporting Democrats.
And we note HE will never speak of the other side doing what he accuses others of doing. It's the Statist way.
Jealousy is a mortal sin you know.
So is greed but you don't have any problem with 100 people controlling the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of the world's population.

You can't choose which sins are evil.

You have not proven those people guilty of greed simply because they have more. But those that resent others simply because they have more are guilty of envy.
A San Francisco Billionaire Just Bought Obama and Delayed the Keystone XL Pipeline

While the media is obsessed with the Koch brothers this campaign season, a billionaire hedge fund manager from San Francisco just bought off the White House to the tune of $100 million in order to delay the Keystone XL pipeline decision.
From Fox News:
The Obama administration once again has punted on a final decision for the Keystone XL pipeline, announcing ahead of the holiday weekend it is extending a key review period indefinitely — a move that could push off a determination until after the midterm elections.

Republicans, as well as red-state Democrats who want the proposed Canada-to-Texas pipeline approved, slammed the administration for the delay. Democrats even threatened to find ways to go around the president to get the project approved.

“It’s absolutely ridiculous that this well over five year long process is continuing for an undetermined amount of time,” Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., said in a statement.
What you won’t hear about in mainstream media is how Billionaire Tom Steyer drove the decision by promising to spend $100 million to help Democrats in the midterm election who help defeat the project:

Jealousy is a mortal sin you know.
So is greed but you don't have any problem with 100 people controlling the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of the world's population.

You can't choose which sins are evil.

If you live in the US and make 10k a year you are richer than 84% of the world. If you make 50k congrats, you are a 1%er in the world.

Perspective goes a long way.
Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

are you going to start a thread on how much money George Soros has and how much he made under obama?

is your point that obama favors the rich and wants to make them richer?
Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

are you going to start a thread on how much money George Soros has and how much he made under obama?

is your point that obama favors the rich and wants to make them richer?
Don't count on an answer...Deany will start another thread of idiocy.
Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

You bed wetters are sooo incredibly mindless.

First you wail, flagellate yourselves, terrorize people and spin every lie you can about "the rich getting richer" under Reagan and how absolutely immoral and un-American that was.

Yet when it supposedly happens under your moonbat messiah, you still love him but hate the "rich" even more for doing what they're good at--- getting richer.

The fact that you would still gag on his scrotum tells me it's all about race. You pinko commie bed wetters love little mulatto cock.

Instead of putting guys like Adelson on a pedestal for overcoming all odds and making a fortune, you loathe him because his political agenda is in opposition to the party that keeps EVERYONE in poverty, rather than let the most motivated rise to the top.


a complete blithering idiot said:
I think it has to be race.

You have absolutely zero ability to think. You're merely regurgitating propaganda that makes you feel justified in complaining about your inability to achieve anything in life, because you refuse to do anything of significance to enhance your own standard of living.

The fact that you hold those in contempt who do have what it takes too succeed makes you such a vile and detestable worm I really cannot articulate just how repulsive I find you sniveling dumb fucking parasites.

A San Francisco Billionaire Just Bought Obama and Delayed the Keystone XL Pipeline

While the media is obsessed with the Koch brothers this campaign season, a billionaire hedge fund manager from San Francisco just bought off the White House to the tune of $100 million in order to delay the Keystone XL pipeline decision.
From Fox News:
The Obama administration once again has punted on a final decision for the Keystone XL pipeline, announcing ahead of the holiday weekend it is extending a key review period indefinitely — a move that could push off a determination until after the midterm elections.

Republicans, as well as red-state Democrats who want the proposed Canada-to-Texas pipeline approved, slammed the administration for the delay. Democrats even threatened to find ways to go around the president to get the project approved.

“It’s absolutely ridiculous that this well over five year long process is continuing for an undetermined amount of time,” Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., said in a statement.
What you won’t hear about in mainstream media is how Billionaire Tom Steyer drove the decision by promising to spend $100 million to help Democrats in the midterm election who help defeat the project:

The Kochstone pipeline SHOULD be delayed/eliminated. It's nothing more than a conduit to China for Canada.
Obama said that no one built their business.

This is evidence that Obama built it for them.

All hail Obama. ... :cool:

Obama didn't say that.

If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.- Obie

Learn something;

?You Didn?t Build That,? Uncut and Unedited

and there's more!

Ford Would Have Shut Without Auto Bailouts, Rattner Says - Bloomberg

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts

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