Koch Brother's fortune soars to over $100,000,000,000, nearly doubles under Obama.

Good for them, they will have more to donate to good causes.

Why not pay their employees who created that wealth more instead of hoarding it all for themselves? The employees are & have great causes. The $million they skimmed from each of their employees during their careers would have done the economy much better than Koch Brother's did with it.

They paid their employees what they were worth to do the job needed.

A million dollars per employee? Are you fucking kidding me? If you are an employee making me a million a year I'm fucking paying you 800k and not even blinking, as a matter of fact I'm looking for more people like you. Nobody skimmed anything from the fucking janitor you moron, he was worth the 8 bucks an hour he got paid and had absolutely nothing to do with making millions other than making sure the Koch's got to shit in a clean toilet.

You being me a million I will pay you, you clean my fucking toilet and you're lucky to have that job. You obviously need me far more than I need you. I have thousands of qualified toilet cleaners but very few that can make me a million.

I never said a million a year. :cuckoo: $25k a year is a $million over a 40 year career & I guarantee they were worth every penny. Hell their health insurance was likely $15k a year. Working in the petroleum business is not cleaning toilets. It is a hard, dangerous, extreme weather environment, long hours, far from home, high skill job. $8/hr ain't enough to clean toilets, because that means tax payers are paying the other $4/hr to keep the worker coming back. Anyone paying under $12/hr is a thief.
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Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

Uh-huh? AND? Tell us about SOROS again?:eusa_hand:
I'm happy for the Koch brothers. I thought they only had a couple billion dollars in worth.
Good for them, they will have more to donate to good causes.

Why not pay their employees who created that wealth more instead of hoarding it all for themselves? The employees are & have great causes. The $million they skimmed from each of their employees during their careers would have done the economy much better than Koch Brother's did with it.

It's very clear you have never signed the front of a paycheck. When you put your own resources at risk to build a company you don't expect to walk away with little or nothing, it's better to just put your money in the bank, then no one gets a job.

You know nothing about economics. Putting money in the bank does not mean no one gets a job. It just gets invested by someone else. Also employees are more at risk than the business owner. Also the employee is taxed twice as hard on the wealth created by the employee than the owner. I pay my employees well.
Why not pay their employees who created that wealth more instead of hoarding it all for themselves? The employees are & have great causes. The $million they skimmed from each of their employees during their careers would have done the economy much better than Koch Brother's did with it.

It's very clear you have never signed the front of a paycheck. When you put your own resources at risk to build a company you don't expect to walk away with little or nothing, it's better to just put your money in the bank, then no one gets a job.

You know nothing about economics. Putting money in the bank does not mean no one gets a job. It just gets invested by someone else. Also employees are more at risk than the business owner. Also the employee is taxed twice as hard on the wealth created by the employee than the owner. I pay my employees well.

I'm glad you pay your employees well and I know they appreciate it.

But, you probably have a private business owned by you, whereas, The Koch's business's are publicly owned and they have to deal with their shareholders for making a profit. Let's not forget that 401K's buy that stock and are depended on for retirement.
LOL.......Romney's speech to the Olympian contenders had zero to do with people building a business.

You rabid Obamabot's are a riot. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Zero? Isn't that your IQ?
GOOD GRIEF! Deen is trolling his own thread.:lol:

when you throw something at him that he cant answer....what else can he do?....and then he wonders why 90% of the people her treat him with such respect.....
Soooo...Deany...this Partisan Wealth Envy crap your dredged up just didn't pan out, did it? Go back and tell your masters...you failed AGAIN.

wait a minute....i thought Dean claims he thinks for himself?....sure you got the right Dean?...
They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

you mean like curing prostate cancer?....
These guys want to tell us how to live and we know practically nothing about them because in spite of their interest and effort in making America into their image they still act as if they are private citizens and mostly disinterested in politics.
Really??? :doubt:

Really, don't you care that two secretive shadowy figures are so deeply involved in what you see, hear and think in conservative media and politics and yet so seldom comment on camera? wouldn't you like to see the source of your opinions on TV every so often to answer a few questions?

you think they are the only ones?....i bet even the Democrats have "shadowy" figures in the background....
Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

Obama has talked a lot about going after the wealthy, returning the wealth to it's rightful owners, blah, blah.

It's clear by the example you gave that the top 1% are doing quite well and no one is going after them.

Look at the middle class people and small businesses paying more. It's the middle class that is in danger. Small businesses are where most jobs get created.

Obama is most definitely destroying middle class. He's following the rules for tearing down capitalism and bringing in socialism to the letter. Take over healthcare. Done. Control energy. Almost done. Control information. Doing a fair job. Destroy middle class. Almost done.
Don't be a shitstain. Obama said no one build their business ALONE. Even Mitt Romney agreed.

Mitt Romney “You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power,” said Romney, “For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them.
LOL.......Romney's speech to the Olympian contenders had zero to do with people building a business.

You rabid Obamabot's are a riot. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Come one Olympic champions. Business. Totally the same thing:)


Business, built on infrastructure - roads, sewers, energy, workers, engineers and investment

Olympic athlete, trained on infrastructure - facilities, coaches, parents and investment

Nothing happens in a vacuum. I really thought that was obvious. I really did.

Billionaires buy politicians with a promise laws will be changed to allow the billionaire to do something that used to be illegal. Like derivatives or appealing some costly safety policy.

So those billionaires scam the system doing what was formally illegal and they crash the system.

Republicans scream, don't be jealous. They are only making money. They didn't do anything illegal.
LOL.......Romney's speech to the Olympian contenders had zero to do with people building a business.

You rabid Obamabot's are a riot. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Come one Olympic champions. Business. Totally the same thing:)


Business, built on infrastructure - roads, sewers, energy, workers, engineers and investment

Olympic athlete, trained on infrastructure - facilities, coaches, parents and investment

Nothing happens in a vacuum. I really thought that was obvious. I really did.

nothing?.....what would happen to you if you were in a vacuum?....

Billionaires buy politicians with a promise laws will be changed to allow the billionaire to do something that used to be illegal. Like derivatives or appealing some costly safety policy.

So those billionaires scam the system doing what was formally illegal and they crash the system.

Republicans scream, don't be jealous. They are only making money. They didn't do anything illegal.

And those billionaires just happen to be supporting Democrats.

Billionaires buy politicians with a promise laws will be changed to allow the billionaire to do something that used to be illegal. Like derivatives or appealing some costly safety policy.

So those billionaires scam the system doing what was formally illegal and they crash the system.

Republicans scream, don't be jealous. They are only making money. They didn't do anything illegal.

And those billionaires just happen to be supporting Democrats.

A small percentage do, but the majority support Republicans.

Billionaires buy politicians with a promise laws will be changed to allow the billionaire to do something that used to be illegal. Like derivatives or appealing some costly safety policy.

So those billionaires scam the system doing what was formally illegal and they crash the system.

Republicans scream, don't be jealous. They are only making money. They didn't do anything illegal.

And those billionaires just happen to be supporting Democrats.

A small percentage do, but the majority support Republicans.

Which explains why Obama never raised as much money as McCain or Romney.
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Billionaires buy politicians with a promise laws will be changed to allow the billionaire to do something that used to be illegal. Like derivatives or appealing some costly safety policy.

So those billionaires scam the system doing what was formally illegal and they crash the system.

Republicans scream, don't be jealous. They are only making money. They didn't do anything illegal.

And those billionaires just happen to be supporting Democrats.

A small percentage do, but the majority support Republicans.

The sad thing is you actually believe that nonsense.

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