Koch Brother's fortune soars to over $100,000,000,000, nearly doubles under Obama.

Good for them, they will have more to donate to good causes.
And causes the Left and the moochers among us think Gubmint should be doing.

Good form.
Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

Here's the amazing thing you left wing retards never seem to figure out.

In the obie economy only the wealthy are able to grow their fortunes, they have the cash to take advantage of the situation. Yet you are pissed off at them for doing so and are DEMANDING more obie economics. You were told by the left that this kind of thing is wrong and parrot the line like a dutiful, useless, idiot.

The conservative rich you hate so fucking bad are telling you it's not good and are supporting measures to make things better for everyone and less for themselves yet you run around like an idiot pushing for more of the obie system.

In the meantime the lefty top earners are sitting back doubling their wealth and letting you retards keep screaming for policies that make them even more. Hell they even donate to your causes and support your ideas without so much as a whimper of how they are getting rich because this is the kind of public fucking they live for.

So ask yourself, if the evil Koch brothers are so happy to fuck the US citizen under the the rules of the obie administration why are they against those rules? The second question to ask is if the Soro's clan is so unhappy with this inequality and really are out to help you then why are they pushing for more of the same policies?
Especially when a good lot of them are POLITICANS being bought and sold.

Obie, reid, pelosi...all doing just fine in this system. Their costituents? Not so much. Yet they have the sheep in line don't they?
Koch Brothers Net Worth Tops $100 Billion as TV Warfare Escalates - Bloomberg

Rags To Riches: How Sheldon Adelson Went From A Poor Paperboy To A $35 Billion Casino Magnate | Celebrity Net Worth

In 2009, Sheldon Adelson was worth less than 2 billion. Now he's worth more than 38 billion and spent a hundred million trying to defeat Obama. He said Obama is ruining his business.

I mean, come on. The wealthy have never done better than under Obama and they are screaming he is ruining business?

I think it has to be race. It can't possibly be because they aren't making money fast enough. It's not possible. It just isn't.

A list of New York’s largest political donors put out by the New York Public Interest Research Group reveals that out of the top 178 donors in 2013, with gifts that range from $50,000 to $1.5 million, 15 come from billionaires or from companies in which billionaires have major stakes. Of the 15, an astounding 12, or 80% of the donations went to either the Democratic Party or Governor Andrew Cuomo’s reelection campaign. Only three donations — two from billionaires and one from a billionaire-backed company — were made to the Republican Party. The list was published on Tuesday by Crain’s New York.
read more at: Top Billionaire Political Donors in New York - Forbes
Don't be a shitstain. Obama said no one build their business ALONE. Even Mitt Romney agreed.

Mitt Romney “You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power,” said Romney, “For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them.
LOL.......Romney's speech to the Olympian contenders had zero to do with people building a business.

You rabid Obamabot's are a riot. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Zero? Isn't that your IQ?
GOOD GRIEF! Deen is trolling his own thread.:lol:
Good for them, they will have more to donate to good causes.

They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

Right, that's why the commies protested them giving 100 million to a hospital. I don't think they have any interest in health care other than having products to blow your nose in. Pull your freaking head out.
Ok so they are getting money hand over fist and are still not satisfied, what are they after then? Power of course, serf city here we come.
Good for them, they will have more to donate to good causes.

They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.
They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

So you're saying they are human. They spend money on things that advance self interest, just like you do.
They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.
:rolleyes: Like cancer centers and hospitals? Like museums and art and culture?
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They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

These guys want to tell us how to live and we know practically nothing about them because in spite of their interest and effort in making America into their image they still act as if they are private citizens and mostly disinterested in politics.
They're no Bill and Melinda Gates. My sense is that the only good causes in the eyes of the Koch Bros are the ones that help to advance their own interests.

Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

So what in your eyes are only the good causes? You obviously don't agree with theirs but seem to think you have better ideas so list them.
Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

These guys want to tell us how to live and we know practically nothing about them because in spite of their interest and effort in making America into their image they still act as if they are private citizens and mostly disinterested in politics.
Really??? :doubt:
Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

These guys want to tell us how to live and we know practically nothing about them because in spite of their interest and effort in making America into their image they still act as if they are private citizens and mostly disinterested in politics.
Yet you seem to have a better idea of how people should live and want the control of the money to expand your idea. That's your ideology at work right?

They spend way too much money on things they like but you have a much better grasp on where that money should be spent. I personally think you should have your money taken from you because you're not doing the right things with it.

See how totalitarianism works?
Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

These guys want to tell us how to live and we know practically nothing about them because in spite of their interest and effort in making America into their image they still act as if they are private citizens and mostly disinterested in politics.
Do YOU understand that it is POLITICS, and making EVERYTHING under the Sun POLITICAL is what is ruining this Nation? But YOU just fail to see it...YOU deny it and play your petty political crap. Spare US:eusa_hand:
I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

These guys want to tell us how to live and we know practically nothing about them because in spite of their interest and effort in making America into their image they still act as if they are private citizens and mostly disinterested in politics.
Really??? :doubt:

Really, don't you care that two secretive shadowy figures are so deeply involved in what you see, hear and think in conservative media and politics and yet so seldom comment on camera? wouldn't you like to see the source of your opinions on TV every so often to answer a few questions?
Might want to do some research on their charities before the knee jerk reaction.

I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.
:rolleyes: Like cancer centers and hospitals? Like museums and art and culture?

Like tax write-offs and an ego for ones name on a building?
I'm not suggesting that they don't give money to any charitable causes at all. What I'm saying is that in THEIR eyes, I think the only GOOD causes are ones that help advance their interests and their agenda. But I also have little doubt that tax deductible charitable contributions and some good press also helps as an inducement to give.

With that said, I have done research, and the Kochs DO spend a lot of money on foundations (which they just so happen to control, by the way). Those foundations give money for ideological purposes and to promote like-minded thinking in others. That's self-interest at its core.

These guys want to tell us how to live and we know practically nothing about them because in spite of their interest and effort in making America into their image they still act as if they are private citizens and mostly disinterested in politics.
Yet you seem to have a better idea of how people should live and want the control of the money to expand your idea. That's your ideology at work right?

They spend way too much money on things they like but you have a much better grasp on where that money should be spent. I personally think you should have your money taken from you because you're not doing the right things with it.

See how totalitarianism works?

Not after totalitarianism, the opposite in fact, I deeply distrust the motives of anyone who accumulates political power without public accountability.

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