*Kohl's Next*

Sorry bout that,

1. Ok here you go, the next lucky contestant for the Gay Game comes to bat.
2. Three strikes and out!
3. I think its hilarious how many major brands want to be clipped.
4. Their CEO's will end up being thrown out.
5. LINK:

I get it. When you go to the dept store, you head straight for the gay section.
These boycotts are going to lose their steam. People are getting tired of the manufactured outrage.

I'm not outraged, I just see something I don't agree with so I don't support it. Takes little of my energy or thought to do that so I can keep it up indefinitely.

"Well that companies morals and values are dogshit so I'll go over here instead". It's not hard to do.
I'm not outraged, I just see something I don't agree with so I don't support it. Takes little of my energy or thought to do that so I can keep it up indefinitely.

"Well that companies morals and values are dogshit so I'll go over here instead". It's not hard to do.

But the list of stores and companies is in the 100s, how do you keep up with them all?
I'm not outraged, I just see something I don't agree with so I don't support it. Takes little of my energy or thought to do that so I can keep it up indefinitely.

"Well that companies morals and values are dogshit so I'll go over here instead". It's not hard to do.
Exactly. It’s not like consumers don’t have multiple choices on where to shop. Or products to choose from.
The fuck it's not.
It’s not. People are just pushing back against having things they disapprove of being shoved in their face.

If the LGBTQXYZ crowd would just mind their own business and stop acting like pushy clowns, no one would care.
Sorry bout that,

1. Our boycott takes a little while to get ginned up, get back to me after the first week.
2. Wait for it, they will be crushed.
3. Taking the gay stuff out of view won't matter now.
4. Disney = Crumbling. Major drop in ticket sales.
5. Bud Light = Crumbling. 18 cans for 2.99 now...how much lower will they go, free isn't that far away.
5. (a). Target = Crumbling. Lost 9 Billion in a week, i'dd say that might hurt a little!
6. Markets have a way of finding its level, seems more big brands want to test the water, they will do their level best but in the end, they will not even be close to the bubble, they are going down.
7. Crash diving their ships into the rocks for gays seems to be somewhat, how you say, *stupid*?

If someone bought at say 100 a share and the woke company did something stupid and share price drops to say 85 the shareholder loses money.

It's real money
Not until it's sold. I have several stocks in my portfolio valued at less than I paid for them. I have not lost anything yet. Stocks go up, stocks go down. Until you sell you have not made/lost money.
It’s not. People are just pushing back against having things they disapprove of being shoved in their face.

If the LGBTQXYZ crowd would just mind their own business and stop acting like pushy clowns, no one would care.
Let's take a step back and look at what's happening here. The people outraged over this and demanding the boycott aren't angry because they're being forced by Target to buy Pride stuff or transgender products. They're not angry because Target dropped products that they like in favor of Pride or transgender products. They're not angry because Target put out a poster that said "no conservatives allowed." They're angry because Target is marketing to the LGBTQ community and treating them like a legitimate customer base.

What else is driving this other than bigotry? We have a group of people who believe that society, including big corporations, should ostracize the LGBTQ community, particularly transgender people, because it is "wrong" to normalize them existing. The fact that Target is not only accepting them but also marketing to them has "conservatives" up in arms. Certainly, right-wingers have a right to boycott (despite what the Republican clowns on the Eighth Circuit said when the shoe was on the other foot), but we also have a right to point out why they're doing it.
It’s not. People are just pushing back against having things they disapprove of being shoved in their face.

Nobody's shoving anything in anyone's face. At this point, I think you all are actively looking for things to be upset about.

If the LGBTQXYZ crowd would just mind their own business and stop acting like pushy clowns, no one would care.

You mean...

If the LGBTQ crowd would just shut up and accept that they're sick and just stay in the closet, no one would care.
It’s not. People are just pushing back against having things they disapprove of being shoved in their face.

If the LGBTQXYZ crowd would just mind their own business and stop acting like pushy clowns, no one would care.
Now now… I’m sure all a woke leftist like multivita-man would hold the same stance and continue watching Disney movies if they suddenly had pro-life stances, referenced Christ as the savior, and had happy Donald Trump cameos in them.

I’m SURE he’d have nothing to say, and would continue to buy Disney and speak highly of it
Nobody's shoving anything in anyone's face. At this point, I think you all are actively looking for things to be upset about.

You mean...

If the LGBTQ crowd would just shut up and accept that they're sick and just stay in the closet, no one would care.
They need to stop marketing their pride crap to kids.

Other than that no one gives a shit.
Let's take a step back and look at what's happening here. The people outraged over this and demanding the boycott aren't angry because they're being forced by Target to buy Pride stuff or transgender products. They're not angry because Target dropped products that they like in favor of Pride or transgender products. They're not angry because Target put out a poster that said "no conservatives allowed." They're angry because Target is marketing to the LGBTQ community and treating them like a legitimate customer base.

Exactly - and they don't want gays or trans to be treated as legitimate customers. Beyond that the normalization of boycotting is an attempt to roll back civil rights gains.

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