Konstantinovka: Naked American Empire's Ticket to Hell

Listen buddy, economic recession is one thing, war on the EU's border is a much more serious thing. And the fact the US is pushing for sanctions during a recession shows they don't give one shit about our economic position or our security. They are willing to sacrifice both for their ends. They just care about a dominant geopolitical position over Russia, and American elites making crooked side deals with Ukrainian oligarchs, like Joe Biden's son for example, getting a position on the board of Ukraine's largest energy company, Burisma. That is just the type of the iceberg on the corruption, I could post many more links

Here's the thing. I disagree with the position taken by both parties that we need to get in the middle of the Ukraine's civil war.

That said, a lot of your rantings are kind of the kook Neo-Nazi stuff we hear on the European fringe.
Sure doesn't sound like it, seems like you are an apologist for American imperialism is favor of Ukrainian chauvinists. I hear nothing but excuses from you for your country's responsibility in fomenting the entire crisis.

It is ironic, I am called the "neo-nazi" when I oppose American interference in Ukraine, yet the Americans are the ones giving billions to protesters in Ukraine, when the muscle for them were actual neo-nazis, without whom, they wouldn't have been successful. The world is upside down here.
Sure doesn't sound like it, seems like you are an apologist for American imperialism is favor of Ukrainian chauvinists. I hear nothing but excuses from you for your country's responsibility in fomenting the entire crisis.

We didn't forment the crisis. If anyone did, it was the EU by offering all these goodies to the Ukrainians if they just rejected what Putin was offering.

It is ironic, I am called the "neo-nazi" when I oppose American interference in Ukraine, yet the Americans are the ones giving billions to protesters in Ukraine, when the muscle for them were actual neo-nazis, without whom, they wouldn't have been successful. The world is upside down here.

Naw, guy, we call you a Neo-Nazi because of all your racist rants here. I used to think you were just a troll, now I think you just got lost on your way to Stormfront.
Sure doesn't sound like it, seems like you are an apologist for American imperialism is favor of Ukrainian chauvinists. I hear nothing but excuses from you for your country's responsibility in fomenting the entire crisis.

We didn't forment the crisis. If anyone did, it was the EU by offering all these goodies to the Ukrainians if they just rejected what Putin was offering.

It is ironic, I am called the "neo-nazi" when I oppose American interference in Ukraine, yet the Americans are the ones giving billions to protesters in Ukraine, when the muscle for them were actual neo-nazis, without whom, they wouldn't have been successful. The world is upside down here.

Naw, guy, we call you a Neo-Nazi because of all your racist rants here. I used to think you were just a troll, now I think you just got lost on your way to Stormfront.
You guys funded the opposition to the tune of 5 billion dollars. And your government officials went to foment unrest by attending the protests, and there after the violent overthrow of the government occurred. You guys have a real problem minding your own business pretty much anywhere in the world.

Victoria Nuland Admits US Has Invested 5 Billion In The Development of Ukrainian Democratic Institutions
In Ukraine Sens. McCain Murphy address protesters promise support - The Washington Post
Top U.S. official visits protesters in Kiev as Obama admin. ups pressure on Ukraine president Yanukovich - CBS News

Yes, the EU played a part, as they are lackeys of Americans, but they aren't the primary actors.

See, more of your apologism and excuses. You claim to oppose American aggression, yet you deny their responsibility in creating the crisis. You are a hypocrite.

The most pathetic thing is that your only response in the face of your government's crimes is to call me a "neo-nazi". Yet the government you support funds neo-nazis who kill ethnic Russians in East Ukraine.
You guys funded the opposition to the tune of 5 billion dollars. And your government officials went to foment unrest by attending the protests, and there after the violent overthrow of the government occurred. You guys have a real problem minding your own business pretty much anywhere in the world.

Victoria Nuland Admits US Has Invested 5 Billion In The Development of Ukrainian Democratic Institutions
In Ukraine Sens. McCain Murphy address protesters promise support - The Washington Post
Top U.S. official visits protesters in Kiev as Obama admin. ups pressure on Ukraine president Yanukovich - CBS News

Yes, the EU played a part, as they are lackeys of Americans, but they aren't the primary actors.

See, more of your apologism and excuses. You claim to oppose American aggression, yet you deny their responsibility in creating the crisis. You are a hypocrite.

The most pathetic thing is that your only response in the face of your government's crimes is to call me a "neo-nazi". Yet the government you support funds neo-nazis who kill ethnic Russians in East Ukraine.

why, yes, it was our sending aid that caused the problem, not HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF RUSSIAN OPPRESSION OF THE UKRAINE!
You guys funded the opposition to the tune of 5 billion dollars. And your government officials went to foment unrest by attending the protests, and there after the violent overthrow of the government occurred. You guys have a real problem minding your own business pretty much anywhere in the world.

Victoria Nuland Admits US Has Invested 5 Billion In The Development of Ukrainian Democratic Institutions
In Ukraine Sens. McCain Murphy address protesters promise support - The Washington Post
Top U.S. official visits protesters in Kiev as Obama admin. ups pressure on Ukraine president Yanukovich - CBS News

Yes, the EU played a part, as they are lackeys of Americans, but they aren't the primary actors.

See, more of your apologism and excuses. You claim to oppose American aggression, yet you deny their responsibility in creating the crisis. You are a hypocrite.

The most pathetic thing is that your only response in the face of your government's crimes is to call me a "neo-nazi". Yet the government you support funds neo-nazis who kill ethnic Russians in East Ukraine.

why, yes, it was our sending aid that caused the problem, not HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF RUSSIAN OPPRESSION OF THE UKRAINE!

Yes, this was caused by American interference, and no such "oppression" existed. The Americans have been engaging in internal disruption of Ukraine since the fall of the USSR in 1991. Their first try to make Ukraine into an anti-Russian state, with the Orange Revolution in 2005 failed, it took a second try with Maidan for their anti-Russian coup to succeed. All that has happened in Ukraine is one set of oligarchs has replaced another, and these oligarchs including Kolomoisky, Poroshenko, Akhemetov, Pinchuk etc are American backed and willing to use anti-Russian rhetoric to consolidate their wealth and power. Ukraine as it stands is a fake and ahistorical country anyways. Crimea and East Ukraine, including Kiev are part of the historical Russia and the people there have always identified with Russians as brother slavic peoples, part of the same empire for 1000 years. Look up the Kievan Rus and learn your history. If some chauvinist Western Ukrainians, who were part of the Austrian Empire and Poland historically, want to be an American puppet state and part of the EU, they can go ahead and try. However, they sure as hell won't force the East to join their suicide pact. The fact is, Ukrainians, not just those in the East, are getting tired of the current corrupt government and the ongoing civil war. Just look at the low approval ratings of Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk. They are tired of being forcibly conscripted to fight a war against their brothers in the East, while the crooks in charge loot the treasury.
You guys funded the opposition to the tune of 5 billion dollars. And your government officials went to foment unrest by attending the protests, and there after the violent overthrow of the government occurred. You guys have a real problem minding your own business pretty much anywhere in the world.

Victoria Nuland Admits US Has Invested 5 Billion In The Development of Ukrainian Democratic Institutions
In Ukraine Sens. McCain Murphy address protesters promise support - The Washington Post
Top U.S. official visits protesters in Kiev as Obama admin. ups pressure on Ukraine president Yanukovich - CBS News

Yes, the EU played a part, as they are lackeys of Americans, but they aren't the primary actors.

See, more of your apologism and excuses. You claim to oppose American aggression, yet you deny their responsibility in creating the crisis. You are a hypocrite.

The most pathetic thing is that your only response in the face of your government's crimes is to call me a "neo-nazi". Yet the government you support funds neo-nazis who kill ethnic Russians in East Ukraine.

why, yes, it was our sending aid that caused the problem, not HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF RUSSIAN OPPRESSION OF THE UKRAINE!
How about your guys learn to mind your own fucking business?

Your country is becoming a third world kleptocracy. How about you invest the billions in your dwindling middle class instead of giving money to finance coups that benefit corrupt foreign oligarchs?
Ukrainians have not forgotten what the Russians have done to them.

Holodomor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's no surprise that most Ukrainians want to be a part of the democratic and enlightened EU rather than oppressive and declining Russia.
You realized over a million people died in Russia during the Holomodor as well? Even your own link says so. But yea, tell us more how the "evil russians" killed Ukrainians when the policy was implemented by the Georgian Stalin and the Jewish Kaganovich. Russians suffered just as much from Soviet Government as Ukrainians. Russians suffered the worst under the inhuman Soviet Union.

If you oppose Communism so much, why do you support communist imposed borders? Donetsk and Crimea were part of Russia until the Soviets annexed them into the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s and 1950s respectively. Basically, you are fighting to enforce the borders the communists you claim to oppose created.

If the EU is so democratic and enlightened, they wouldn't have to force by arms Eastern Ukraine into submission. Even most people in the EU don't want to stay in this superstate, anti EU parties are rising in the UK, France and countries like Greece, Italy and Spain will have to exist because the path of austerity is not a sustainable one for them. The EU has resulted in economic crisis, open borders, and a lack of political sovereignty for the nations involved. The EU is on the road to breaking up. Greece will be the first domino and many more will follow.
Yes, this was caused by American interference, and no such "oppression" existed. The Americans have been engaging in internal disruption of Ukraine since the fall of the USSR in 1991. Their first try to make Ukraine into an anti-Russian state, with the Orange Revolution in 2005 failed, it took a second try with Maidan for their anti-Russian coup to succeed. All that has happened in Ukraine is one set of oligarchs has replaced another, and these oligarchs including Kolomoisky, Poroshenko, Akhemetov, Pinchuk etc are American backed and willing to use anti-Russian rhetoric to consolidate their wealth and power. Ukraine as it stands is a fake and ahistorical country anyways. Crimea and East Ukraine, including Kiev are part of the historical Russia and the people there have always identified with Russians as brother slavic peoples, part of the same empire for 1000 years. Look up the Kievan Rus and learn your history. If some chauvinist Western Ukrainians, who were part of the Austrian Empire and Poland historically, want to be an American puppet state and part of the EU, they can go ahead and try. However, they sure as hell won't force the East to join their suicide pact. The fact is, Ukrainians, not just those in the East, are getting tired of the current corrupt government and the ongoing civil war. Just look at the low approval ratings of Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk. They are tired of being forcibly conscripted to fight a war against their brothers in the East, while the crooks in charge loot the treasury.

Hey, guy, you left out the part where Stalin intentionally caused a famine in the Ukraine in the 1920's millions of people starved to death.

Now, I don't have a problem with Crimea and some of the Eastern provinces joining Russia if that's what their people vote to do. But clearly, the Ethnic Ukrainians don't want any part of Russia.
Yes, this was caused by American interference, and no such "oppression" existed. The Americans have been engaging in internal disruption of Ukraine since the fall of the USSR in 1991. Their first try to make Ukraine into an anti-Russian state, with the Orange Revolution in 2005 failed, it took a second try with Maidan for their anti-Russian coup to succeed. All that has happened in Ukraine is one set of oligarchs has replaced another, and these oligarchs including Kolomoisky, Poroshenko, Akhemetov, Pinchuk etc are American backed and willing to use anti-Russian rhetoric to consolidate their wealth and power. Ukraine as it stands is a fake and ahistorical country anyways. Crimea and East Ukraine, including Kiev are part of the historical Russia and the people there have always identified with Russians as brother slavic peoples, part of the same empire for 1000 years. Look up the Kievan Rus and learn your history. If some chauvinist Western Ukrainians, who were part of the Austrian Empire and Poland historically, want to be an American puppet state and part of the EU, they can go ahead and try. However, they sure as hell won't force the East to join their suicide pact. The fact is, Ukrainians, not just those in the East, are getting tired of the current corrupt government and the ongoing civil war. Just look at the low approval ratings of Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk. They are tired of being forcibly conscripted to fight a war against their brothers in the East, while the crooks in charge loot the treasury.

Hey, guy, you left out the part where Stalin intentionally caused a famine in the Ukraine in the 1920's millions of people starved to death.

Now, I don't have a problem with Crimea and some of the Eastern provinces joining Russia if that's what their people vote to do. But clearly, the Ethnic Ukrainians don't want any part of Russia.
So you justify the US overthrowing the elected Ukrainian government and butting in where it doesn't belong because Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians and and Russians in the 20s, wow, some brilliant logic you have there buddy.

You just exposed that you know nothing of the history of the Soviet government, or the fact it killed far many more Russians than it did Ukrainians overall during its history. But go on, tell us more about how "Russians" killed Ukrainians in the Holomodor when over a million Russians died in that event as well, and Stalin was a Georgian, not a Russian himself, and his policy of collectivization was carried about by Kaganovich, an ethnic jew, not a Russian himself. But go on, keep demonizing Russians for crimes they were also victims of you dense piece of shit.

For a guy that doesn't "have problems" with East Ukraine breaking from the anti-Russian government in Kiev, you sure have a lot of of excuses to justify the current war of aggression against them.

Honestly, you are in over your head here, you don't have any idea of international affairs and should just stick to your own country.
I'm glad to see that the Russian government is employing you to repeat this propaganda... but no one in America really cares.

Fuck you Joe. Many of us do.

Propaganda that you get is from Poroschenko's channel 5 out of Kiev. You know.

The new President you bastards fucking installed.

My family is from the west. I know the Nazi lovers quite well. :) Stepan's fans in Kiev. Your bastard that Obama installed over an illegal unconstitutional impeachment has waged war in the east killing over 6,000 to date.
So you justify the US overthrowing the elected Ukrainian government and butting in where it doesn't belong because Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians and and Russians in the 20s, wow, some brilliant logic you have there buddy.

We didn't overthrow the elected government, the Ukrainians did.

Maybe it was a mistake to be so keen on recognizing that coup government, but the European Unions- which was offering all sorts of goodies to them, was well ahead of us on that one.
Sure doesn't sound like it, seems like you are an apologist for American imperialism is favor of Ukrainian chauvinists. I hear nothing but excuses from you for your country's responsibility in fomenting the entire crisis.

We didn't forment the crisis. If anyone did, it was the EU by offering all these goodies to the Ukrainians if they just rejected what Putin was offering.

It is ironic, I am called the "neo-nazi" when I oppose American interference in Ukraine, yet the Americans are the ones giving billions to protesters in Ukraine, when the muscle for them were actual neo-nazis, without whom, they wouldn't have been successful. The world is upside down here.

Naw, guy, we call you a Neo-Nazi because of all your racist rants here. I used to think you were just a troll, now I think you just got lost on your way to Stormfront.

Oh steinlight doesn't need to go to Stormfront. Anyone who backs the illegal US installed regime in Kiev can just waltz on over.

Look up Stepan Bandera. He is the Ukrainian Nazi that the west loves

We're not pulling American bullshit here calling someone a Nazi

Bandera actually fought for the Nazis. No fucking kidding. He is the hero of Western Ukraine. His crew killed over 70,000 Poles for crying out loud. .Western Ukrainians believe in ethnic cleansing.

Crimea was smart to bail. Eastern Ukraine are running from Kiev for a reason. Kiev would kill most of them.

You supported the overthrow of a duly elected government and Presidential impeachment that was completely unconstitutional.

Kiev is now under the rule of nazi lovers.
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Fuck you Joe. Many of us do.

Propaganda that you get is from Poroschenko's channel 5 out of Kiev. You know.

The new President you bastards fucking installed.

My family is from the west. I know the Nazi lovers quite well. :) Stepan's fans in Kiev. Your bastard that Obama installed over an illegal unconstitutional impeachment has waged war in the east killing over 6,000 to date.

so it's Obama's fault that the Ukrainians threw out the Russian puppet who won the election?

Is there anything you don't blame Obama for?

So you justify the US overthrowing the elected Ukrainian government and butting in where it doesn't belong because Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians and and Russians in the 20s, wow, some brilliant logic you have there buddy.

We didn't overthrow the elected government, the Ukrainians did.

Maybe it was a mistake to be so keen on recognizing that coup government, but the European Unions- which was offering all sorts of goodies to them, was well ahead of us on that one.

The Ukrainians didn't. The opposition did. With financial aid and political support from the US Canada and Britain.

All one has to do is look at the map of the last legal election. The country is split down the middle.

Our countries backed an illegal coup. Plain and simple.
Fuck you Joe. Many of us do.

Propaganda that you get is from Poroschenko's channel 5 out of Kiev. You know.

The new President you bastards fucking installed.

My family is from the west. I know the Nazi lovers quite well. :) Stepan's fans in Kiev. Your bastard that Obama installed over an illegal unconstitutional impeachment has waged war in the east killing over 6,000 to date.

so it's Obama's fault that the Ukrainians threw out the Russian puppet who won the election?

Is there anything you don't blame Obama for?

America is directly responsible for the civil war in the Ukraine because the USA backed the coup.

Russian puppet was by the way duly elected under the eyes of the EU watchdog.

He was elected fair and square. Check out the electoral data and maps.

Now Poroschenko. Nazi lover. Bandera lover. This is what you have given the Ukrainian people.

And Obama has given them civil war.

He keeps fucking up every where he decides to mess with a country.
So you justify the US overthrowing the elected Ukrainian government and butting in where it doesn't belong because Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians and and Russians in the 20s, wow, some brilliant logic you have there buddy.

We didn't overthrow the elected government, the Ukrainians did.

Maybe it was a mistake to be so keen on recognizing that coup government, but the European Unions- which was offering all sorts of goodies to them, was well ahead of us on that one.
Yes you guys did overthrow the government, as it has been already established and admitted proudly by your government officials such as Victoria Nuland, you gave billions to these protest movement NGOS and have been doing so since the nineties. I showed this all in previous posts. It was the US government that picked the leaders of the interim government as well, including the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk.

So they controlled this and directed this coup from the start.

And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests. They violently overthrew the government after Yanukoych had agreed to early elections. So much for democracy.

So this is your tactic now, to repeat bullshit arguments even after I debunked it? You re stubborn little dumbass aren't you?
One of the problems is you American pieces of shit really think the world is your chessboard, that you have the right to rule it and do with it what you will. The rest of us have to pay the price for your recklessness around the world. Thankfully those days of your empire are coming to an end.
So you justify the US overthrowing the elected Ukrainian government and butting in where it doesn't belong because Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians and and Russians in the 20s, wow, some brilliant logic you have there buddy.

We didn't overthrow the elected government, the Ukrainians did.

Maybe it was a mistake to be so keen on recognizing that coup government, but the European Unions- which was offering all sorts of goodies to them, was well ahead of us on that one.
Yes you guys did overthrow the government, as it has been already established and admitted proudly by your government officials such as Victoria Nuland, you gave billions to these protest movement NGOS and have been doing so since the nineties. I showed this all in previous posts. It was the US government that picked the leaders of the interim government as well, including the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk.

So they controlled this and directed this coup from the start.

And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests. They violently overthrew the government after Yanukoych had agreed to early elections. So much for democracy.

So this is your tactic now, to repeat bullshit arguments even after I debunked it? You re stubborn little dumbass aren't you?

The nightmare for me. I take out Harper and all I would be left with is Mulcair or Justin up here.

For those that don't understand or know Canuck politics, to be a player doesn't require the monies that the US does. We're pretty cheap up here :lol:

I'm walking a very fine political line. Just so you know, my family Bokla came from Bukovina. Still Ukrainian then the lines have been mershed over the years.

My great grandfather brought his three girls to the new world.My great grandmother stayed behind with my one great aunt because she was about to give birth.

I am that hehehehe white privileged kid of those white privileged dudes who were ordered into the mines in Kirkland Lake so they could get their citizenship.

White privileged kid of those white privileged dude who thought it would be a swell thing to set up a little house on a prairie land so brutal in her winters and hack a life out of these barren lands.

I am a descendant of white privilege they tell me.

I digress.

I knew from the moment the student teeny tiny protest was hijacked by Pravy Sektor and Svoboda all hell would break loose because the ONLY way this could happen was with American money and power.

Some days I cry so hard because so many of my people love Bandera and I do not understand this. I don't understand my own who could try to say "we're only a little bit pro Nazi".

I don't get it. I don't get it at all. But now we have Kiev. Nazi collaborators of the world backed by America, Canada, United Kingdom.

I want to bazooka barf.
And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests.
I agree with you that the overthrow is an American project. But it is necessary to say that the overthrow was quite popular in Western and Central Ukraine.
Groups like Right Sector are just pawns and cannon fodder. They don’t have great popularity. Have a look at the results of the last elections to the Ukrainian parliament.

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