Konstantinovka: Naked American Empire's Ticket to Hell

And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests.
I agree with you that the overthrow is an American project. But it is necessary to say that the overthrow was quite popular in Western and Central Ukraine.
Groups like Right Sector are just pawns and cannon fodder. They don’t have great popularity. Have a look at the results of the last elections to the Ukrainian parliament.

All one has to do is check the maps. They are out there. I love Wiki. Western Ukraine and the opposition overthrew a duly elected government.

We have no grey here. None at all. West overthrew the Easts government.

Right Sektor as cannon fodder? Svoboda? These were the violent teams that overthrew the government.\\

Pravy Sektor brags about their violence and overthrowing the government.

I know Svoboda's people very well. Did you not see them beating a man half to death?
One of the problems is you American pieces of shit really think the world is your chessboard, that you have the right to rule it and do with it what you will. The rest of us have to pay the price for your recklessness around the world. Thankfully those days of your empire are coming to an end.
It is not "Americans" it is the "American Elite." Hating Americans like hating Russians, is dumb and self defeating...plus the elite love it when we hate each other, because they can more easily manipulate us.

Hating the deceitful acts of the elite, is smart.

A Russian explains it in the following:
“We distinguish between two different things: the American people and the American political elite,” Dugin explained a year ago in a “Letter to the American People on Ukraine.”“We sincerely love the first and we profoundly hate the second.”

“The American people [have their] own traditions, habits, values, ideals, options and beliefs that are their own,” he continues. “These grant to everybody the right to be different, to choose freely, to be what one wants to be and can be or become. It is a wonderful feature. It gives strength and pride, self-esteem and assurance. We Russians admire that.”

Unfortunately, Dugin continues, the American political elite have their own version of the Brezhnev Doctrine under which respect for “diversity” is limited by the “international obligations” imposed by the Empire.

“The American political elite, above all on an international level, act quite contrary to [American] values,” Dugin asserts. “They insist on conformity and regard the American way of life as something universal and obligatory.”

“Let us hate the American political elite together. Let us fight them for our identities – you for the American, us for the Russian, but the enemy in both cases is the same, the global oligarchy who rules the world using you and smashing us. Let us revolt. Let us resist. Together. Russians and Americans. We are the people. We are not their puppets.”

And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests.
I agree with you that the overthrow is an American project. But it is necessary to say that the overthrow was quite popular in Western and Central Ukraine.
Groups like Right Sector are just pawns and cannon fodder. They don’t have great popularity. Have a look at the results of the last elections to the Ukrainian parliament.

You really have to profile Poroschenko. Get back to me later.
And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests.
I agree with you that the overthrow is an American project. But it is necessary to say that the overthrow was quite popular in Western and Central Ukraine.
Groups like Right Sector are just pawns and cannon fodder. They don’t have great popularity. Have a look at the results of the last elections to the Ukrainian parliament.
The point you may have missed, is the American people are overwhelmingly against our government covertly involving itself in affairs of foreign governments. This is why the American government does it very quietly and uses the government owned media to promote propaganda and hide the deceitful acts.
All one has to do is check the maps.
And what will one find after that?

I know Svoboda's people very well. Did you not see them beating a man half to death?
I don’t justify Svoboda or Right Sector or something like that. Why do you think so?

You really have to profile Poroschenko. Get back to me later.

The point you may have missed, is the American people are overwhelmingly against our government covertly involving itself in affairs of foreign governments. This is why the American government does it very quietly and uses the government owned media to promote propaganda and hide the deceitful acts.
Oh, yeah. And also they overwhelmingly enjoy the low prices of gasoline which are the result of American interference in affairs of foreign governments.
Russian propagandist and those brainwashed by them are stuck on the Nazi nonsense. They blame everything on the pitiful small number of extremist. The elected leaders in Kyiv are not Nazi's. They are people who were overwhelmingly elected in national elections that were observed and monitored by over 2,300 certified international observers that included OSCE members from Russia. The elections were judged fair and not a single discrepancy was registered. The current government in Ukraine is that elected government. It officially replaced the temporary President put in place by the Parliament to replace the one that fled the country. The government that replaced the President was the elected Rada, Parliament, of Ukraine. They announced an election to be held and those elections were held on 25 May 2014 for President and 26 October 2014 for the Parliament. The Nazi's constantly brought up as the "leaders" who control the Kyiv government were almost totally rejected and managed to obtain only 6 or the over 400 seats in Parliament.
The point you may have missed, is the American people are overwhelmingly against our government covertly involving itself in affairs of foreign governments. This is why the American government does it very quietly and uses the government owned media to promote propaganda and hide the deceitful acts.
Oh, yeah. And also they overwhelmingly enjoy the low prices of gasoline which are the result of American interference in affairs of foreign governments.[/QUOTE]

Wrong. Low gas prices relative to the rest of the world, is a consequence of the dollar being the world's reserve currency.

Interfering in foreign governments only benefits the oligarchy. The American people suffer with dead and wounded...and lots of debt.
Wrong. Low gas prices relative to the rest of the world, is a consequence of the dollar being the world's reserve currency.
And why is the dollar the world’s reserve currency?

Interfering in foreign governments only benefits the oligarchy.
Oh, please. Come to Russia or Ukraine and try to make ends meet having an average salary in one of provincial towns. I assure you that you will be very happy to come back to your oligarchs.
Wrong. Low gas prices relative to the rest of the world, is a consequence of the dollar being the world's reserve currency.
And why is the dollar the world’s reserve currency?

Interfering in foreign governments only benefits the oligarchy.
Oh, please. Come to Russia or Ukraine and try to make ends meet having an average salary in one of provincial towns. I assure you that you will be very happy to come back to your oligarchs.
Well...it used to be because the American economy was so strong and the Fed follow policies that protected the currency. No longer the case, but all the other world's currencies aren't any better. It is a race to the bottom.

My statement on foreign interventions still stands. The American people are NOT benefiting from our government's constant interventions. In fact, they are being harmed greatly as our government imposes a Soviet style policy state, bankrupts the nation, and destroys the currency.

Just because our oligarchs are not as corrupt as your oligarchs, does not mean our foreign interventions benefit the American people.
Ronald Reagan made America's power elites true oligarchs. His policies destroyed the middle class and gave immense power to the obscenely wealthy. While doing so he fooled the public into thinking he defeated the USSR while all he did was turn over the depressed and oppressed costly Russian controlled east European nations to a newly created group of oligarchs. Note that the cold war seems to be still with us. The main difference is that the US, thanks to Reagan, has a dozen new countries to defend and finance.
The Ukrainians didn't. The opposition did. With financial aid and political support from the US Canada and Britain.

All one has to do is look at the map of the last legal election. The country is split down the middle.

Our countries backed an illegal coup. Plain and simple.

what would constitute a "legal coup", exactly? What is obvious is that the government backed by the Russians couldn't run the place. even the Russians still aren't pretending he's the legit president anymore.
So you justify the US overthrowing the elected Ukrainian government and butting in where it doesn't belong because Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians and and Russians in the 20s, wow, some brilliant logic you have there buddy.

We didn't overthrow the elected government, the Ukrainians did.

Maybe it was a mistake to be so keen on recognizing that coup government, but the European Unions- which was offering all sorts of goodies to them, was well ahead of us on that one.
Yes you guys did overthrow the government, as it has been already established and admitted proudly by your government officials such as Victoria Nuland, you gave billions to these protest movement NGOS and have been doing so since the nineties. I showed this all in previous posts. It was the US government that picked the leaders of the interim government as well, including the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk.

So they controlled this and directed this coup from the start.

And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests. They violently overthrew the government after Yanukoych had agreed to early elections. So much for democracy.

So this is your tactic now, to repeat bullshit arguments even after I debunked it? You re stubborn little dumbass aren't you?

More Russian propaganda bullshit.

The Ukrainian Parliament voted 269-0 to oust Putin's lapdog, 10 votes short of impeachment, including a third of Yushenko's own party. He'd lost the moral authority to govern after dozens of protestors died at his hands. Plus, he was corrupt as shit.

"Nazis in Kiev." What a fucking joke, particularly when the President of Russia is ex-KGB and communist.

It staggers me that any so-called "conservatives" in America buy this garbage.
My statement on foreign interventions still stands. The American people are NOT benefiting from our government's constant interventions. In fact, they are being harmed greatly as our government imposes a Soviet style policy state, bankrupts the nation, and destroys the currency.

Just because our oligarchs are not as corrupt as your oligarchs, does not mean our foreign interventions benefit the American people.
I see. What kind of benefits would you want to receive? And would it give the US Gov a right to bomb other nations?
And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests.
I agree with you that the overthrow is an American project. But it is necessary to say that the overthrow was quite popular in Western and Central Ukraine.
Groups like Right Sector are just pawns and cannon fodder. They don’t have great popularity. Have a look at the results of the last elections to the Ukrainian parliament.
I agree Right Sector are pawns and cannon fodder, and the government of Yanukovych was unpopular in the west. But the coup would not have been successful despite their muscle, irrespective of their later electoral results.
One of the problems is you American pieces of shit really think the world is your chessboard, that you have the right to rule it and do with it what you will. The rest of us have to pay the price for your recklessness around the world. Thankfully those days of your empire are coming to an end.
It is not "Americans" it is the "American Elite." Hating Americans like hating Russians, is dumb and self defeating...plus the elite love it when we hate each other, because they can more easily manipulate us.

Hating the deceitful acts of the elite, is smart.

A Russian explains it in the following:
“We distinguish between two different things: the American people and the American political elite,” Dugin explained a year ago in a “Letter to the American People on Ukraine.”“We sincerely love the first and we profoundly hate the second.”

“The American people [have their] own traditions, habits, values, ideals, options and beliefs that are their own,” he continues. “These grant to everybody the right to be different, to choose freely, to be what one wants to be and can be or become. It is a wonderful feature. It gives strength and pride, self-esteem and assurance. We Russians admire that.”

Unfortunately, Dugin continues, the American political elite have their own version of the Brezhnev Doctrine under which respect for “diversity” is limited by the “international obligations” imposed by the Empire.

“The American political elite, above all on an international level, act quite contrary to [American] values,” Dugin asserts. “They insist on conformity and regard the American way of life as something universal and obligatory.”

“Let us hate the American political elite together. Let us fight them for our identities – you for the American, us for the Russian, but the enemy in both cases is the same, the global oligarchy who rules the world using you and smashing us. Let us revolt. Let us resist. Together. Russians and Americans. We are the people. We are not their puppets.”

When I say "Americans", I mean the elite and the muppets who support their agenda, obviously not Americans who oppose their agenda. Though from what I see online, while their are a higher proportion of thinking people, thinking Americans, the russophobia among Americans is still disproportionately high and they are clearly falling for their media propaganda.
My statement on foreign interventions still stands. The American people are NOT benefiting from our government's constant interventions. In fact, they are being harmed greatly as our government imposes a Soviet style policy state, bankrupts the nation, and destroys the currency.

Just because our oligarchs are not as corrupt as your oligarchs, does not mean our foreign interventions benefit the American people.
I see. What kind of benefits would you want to receive? And would it give the US Gov a right to bomb other nations?
You fail to comprehend.

I do not want benefits. Do you want benefits?

I want my government to stop foreign interventions entirely, along with closing all foreign military bases and bringing all our military and intelligence personnel home.

Unfortunately this is not likely to happen. I believe the American Empire is in it's waning days and predictably following in the footsteps of the Roman Empire, because of constant military interventions.
So you justify the US overthrowing the elected Ukrainian government and butting in where it doesn't belong because Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians and and Russians in the 20s, wow, some brilliant logic you have there buddy.

We didn't overthrow the elected government, the Ukrainians did.

Maybe it was a mistake to be so keen on recognizing that coup government, but the European Unions- which was offering all sorts of goodies to them, was well ahead of us on that one.
Yes you guys did overthrow the government, as it has been already established and admitted proudly by your government officials such as Victoria Nuland, you gave billions to these protest movement NGOS and have been doing so since the nineties. I showed this all in previous posts. It was the US government that picked the leaders of the interim government as well, including the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk.

So they controlled this and directed this coup from the start.

And it wasn't a popular coup, it was a violent overthrow by a small cadre of neo-nazis by the name of Right Sector, who were the muscle behind the protests. They violently overthrew the government after Yanukoych had agreed to early elections. So much for democracy.

So this is your tactic now, to repeat bullshit arguments even after I debunked it? You re stubborn little dumbass aren't you?

More Russian propaganda bullshit.

The Ukrainian Parliament voted 269-0 to oust Putin's lapdog, 10 votes short of impeachment, including a third of Yushenko's own party. He'd lost the moral authority to govern after dozens of protestors died at his hands. Plus, he was corrupt as shit.

"Nazis in Kiev." What a fucking joke, particularly when the President of Russia is ex-KGB and communist.

It staggers me that any so-called "conservatives" in America buy this garbage.

If you had the votes, your boys could have won in the elections, it is that simple. Thsi is how democracy works. Both sides agreed to the new elections, and just days after, protestors led by right sector stormed government buildings and Yanukoych had to leave the country.

You think the current governing elite isn't corrupt? Heck many of them were part of the old Yanukovych government. They are just opportunists who took advantage of American destabilization and switched sides implementing russophobic rhetoric. Just look at President Poroshenko and Gennady Kernes(mayor of Kharkov) for example, both were in the old government, now they hold prominence in the new regime and are some of the most "patriotic"(read russophobic) of the bunch, only to expand their power and purse. Honestly, if you think the pro-Western forces aren't corrupt, even more so, I have a bridge to sell you.

Don't believe me, even your own State Department a admits he is corrupt.
Wikileak Cables Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Washington s Pocket Since 2006 SCG News

Also, look at the sweetheart deal Ihor Kolomoisky, governor of Dnipropetrovsk, who funds neo-nazi Azov battalion, the "defenders " of Mariupol, is getting from the IMF for his bank PrivatBank, the largest in Ukraine.
The IMF Is in Bed with Ukraine s Oligarchs - Russia Insider

Americans are now the the imperial bully in Europe, taking the role previously held by the Soviets. Now the tables have completely turned and Americans are dishonest brokers and hawkish in their attitudes. Expanding NATO beyond Germany, counter to their agreement with Russia, and destabilizing the traditional russian sphere countries like Ukraine to militarily surround Russia, isolate it politically and economically, and give kick backs to certain American businesses and complying oligarchs in Ukraine.

The EU was willing to comply with this expansionist plan for a while. However, now realizing the price we have to pay to be your guinea pig, your puppet on this matter. These sanctions are hurting our economies, and it is being more felt by the day as Russia was a principle trading partner.

Now you guys are going too far. Thankfully Merkel is a somewhat rational actor on this, and despite going against the wishes of American hawks in control of your government, there is thankfully a ceasefire in Ukraine. If it were up to you guys, there would still be an ongoing war in the East to forcibly reintegrate it by force, and deny the regions even any level of autonomy. Hopefully the peace stands, without American obstruction. I wouldn't bet for that though. I think the Americans will bate Ukrainians to break the Minsk Deal and their will be war in late spring/summer.
Germany Concerned about Aggressive NATO Stance on Ukraine - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Putin's hand are not clean, but it is very clear Obama's hand are very dirty...as it applies to Ukraine.
He doesn't think about how to hide this dirt. Obama serves his own masters as Poroshenko serves him
Obama serves the oligarchy and the oligarchy appears to want war with Russia.
The war with Russia they do not need.
Their goal - to Putin.

Task №1 - to achieve his resignation from the post of president.
Task №2 - discredit him in the eyes of the world.
Why Putin.
Putin said that the US has no partners. The US has only vassals.
Putin offered Europe a new format.

US far. Why do you need the US? Russia and China are close to you. Let's build a normal relationship. We have the resources.
Relationships that are based on real partnership and not on the dictatorship of the dollar.

The truth is that many people hate Americans. It's true. Nobody likes when his house strangers come and dictate the terms. Americans ride around the world from country to country and overthrow leaders. Everyone can see it.

The US Government **** all in the ass. Including Americans. Do not think that what makes Bush, Obama is in the interests of "the people," the Americans.

Putin can create a new union in Europe. He has a lot of supporters in Germany and France. What will happen to the US?

US becomes an outcast. Germany, France, China and Russia. We can agree to live peacefully here in our part of the world.
And the US will remain with Canada and Mexico.
Now the task of the United States ... to provoke Russia. To close this way ...
Putin's hand are not clean, but it is very clear Obama's hand are very dirty...as it applies to Ukraine.
He doesn't think about how to hide this dirt. Obama serves his own masters as Poroshenko serves him
Obama serves the oligarchy and the oligarchy appears to want war with Russia.
The war with Russia they do not need.
Their goal - to Putin.

Task №1 - to achieve his resignation from the post of president.
Task №2 - discredit him in the eyes of the world.
Why Putin.
Putin said that the US has no partners. The US has only vassals.
Putin offered Europe a new format.

US far. Why do you need the US? Russia and China are close to you. Let's build a normal relationship. We have the resources.
Relationships that are based on real partnership and not on the dictatorship of the dollar.

The truth is that many people hate Americans. It's true. Nobody likes when his house strangers come and dictate the terms. Americans ride around the world from country to country and overthrow leaders. Everyone can see it.

The US Government **** all in the ass. Including Americans. Do not think that what makes Bush, Obama is in the interests of "the people," the Americans.

Putin can create a new union in Europe. He has a lot of supporters in Germany and France. What will happen to the US?

US becomes an outcast. Germany, France, China and Russia. We can agree to live peacefully here in our part of the world.
And the US will remain with Canada and Mexico.
Now the task of the United States ... to provoke Russia. To close this way ...
And what about another close neighbors? I mean Venezuela Nicaragua etc. Latin America hates the US dictatorship and they are the first to ally Russia


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