Korea crisis deepens

If Truman hadn't fucked up and fired McArthur there would be NO North Korea just now.

After winning World War II for America he reverted to his Democrat roots. Pity, that.
A war with China over this will probably NOT go nuclear/strategic.

This should not be a war with China. Heck, we are not even sure if there is going to be a war with N Korea. But since Australian navy is not rowing with US navy, it tells me that Aussies may have sense that something serious is cooking.
Yup exactly.

The Auzzies cannot risk losing their entire small fleet to a Chinese backlash.

The Auzzie fleet is safer in Auzzie waters.
A war with China over this will probably NOT go nuclear/strategic.

By the end of this administration the unsubstantial people of this society will be in an even worse state of affairs economically. The corporate state power structure will need lots of distractions to point the masses toward so all this continued societal wealth extraction may continue unabated.

I hope that does not happen as it will mark total betrayal.

This betrayal has been going on for half a century now, and "the people" have no will to take on the system.
It would take a general.

That's probably why the fat boy killed his uncle.

By the end of this administration the unsubstantial people of this society will be in an even worse state of affairs economically. The corporate state power structure will need lots of distractions to point the masses toward so all this continued societal wealth extraction may continue unabated.

Not sure how that has anything to do with the above pard.
Did you not read the agreement was made before the Bush administration? Did you not read the bidding for the reactors took place before Bush and thusly, Rumsfeld?
And the consideration that less than a handful of companies can even, to this day, can meet with approvals.

You need to get your facts straight-
Agreed Framework - Wikipedia
Does Australia know we sold N Korea nuclear reactors a mere two years before we placed them on an "axis of evil list? From company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of? In an utterly bipartisan effort/plan initiated under Clinton and completed under Bush?

The empire lives for war, we are still an economic colonizer on the face of the planet.

Um hmm.

The two faces of Rumsfeld

Rumsfeld Company Sold Nuclear Weapon Equipment to North Korea

Rolling Blunder


Rumsfeld was on ABB board during deal with North Korea

Yes son, hence the "In an utterly bipartisan effort/plan initiated under Clinton and completed under Bush?" line.
A war with China over this will probably NOT go nuclear/strategic.

The best hope seems to be for China to go in and talk with the little General and bribe him in some way? They share a long border.

NK also shares a border with Russia (Trumps buddy?).

View attachment 121073
China has no backbone.

Never have. Never will.

N.Korea is a rabid dog.

China does not want to get bit.

So now we need a war, funny how we always wind up there isn't it. We spend a lot of time and trillions on taking out former partners. Sadam and Osama come to mind.

US needs to be a bit more picky about its prospective partners. It seems that is what you are suggesting :)
Oh I don't know, this has been working pretty well for the power structure, don't you think? A few headlines from the corporate state owned media and a rabid public clamors for war. Rinse, repeat.

I could be wrong but it looks like people are beginning to become a bit more aware of the futile nature of some wars.
If Truman hadn't fucked up and fired McArthur there would be NO North Korea just now.

After winning World War II for America he reverted to his Democrat roots. Pity, that.

Yeah, annihilation; america’s empire must be maintained.

So now we need a war, funny how we always wind up there isn't it. We spend a lot of time and trillions on taking out former partners. Sadam and Osama come to mind.

US needs to be a bit more picky about its prospective partners. It seems that is what you are suggesting :)
Oh I don't know, this has been working pretty well for the power structure, don't you think? A few headlines from the corporate state owned media and a rabid public clamors for war. Rinse, repeat.

I could be wrong but it looks like people are beginning to become a bit more aware of the futile nature of some wars.

Not enough to challenge the power sructure. No population on the planet is more incarcerated or more held under surveillance than the american population. And we do nothing.
I hope this does not affect my Home value, Savings or job prospects. that is all. Back to TV to watch Katlyin does Malibu..........yee haw.
Yup, that's exactly how we got to the place we are in american society.

You may find my disclosure a bit strange but here it is: I have developed a revulsion towards watching TV. I prefer spending my time reading or blogging or posting on the political forums.
I divorced american television during the OJ trial, it's merely a conduit for poison and corporate state power structure indoctrination.
The OJ trial was riveting.

Marsha Clark blew it completely.

But then Vannatter taking a vial of OJ's blood back to the crime scene was dumber than dumb too.

Philip Vannatter dies at 70; LAPD detective in O.J. Simpson case
It was a circus and the first venture into reality tv.
My personal view was that OJ was guilty of a manslaughter brought on by emotional pressure from his bimbo slut x-wife.

If you read his book that is the impression you get.

He should have been more lightly charged rather than overcharged with 2 murder-one's.

Then a plea deal would have put him in prison for up to 5 years.

Even the Negroes would have agreed with that.

But Vannatter's bring OJ's blood to the scene changed everything. What a dumbass cop.
Yup, that's exactly how we got to the place we are in american society.

You may find my disclosure a bit strange but here it is: I have developed a revulsion towards watching TV. I prefer spending my time reading or blogging or posting on the political forums.
I divorced american television during the OJ trial, it's merely a conduit for poison and corporate state power structure indoctrination.
The OJ trial was riveting.

Marsha Clark blew it completely.

But then Vannatter taking a vial of OJ's blood back to the crime scene was dumber than dumb too.

Philip Vannatter dies at 70; LAPD detective in O.J. Simpson case
It was a circus and the first venture into reality tv.
My personal view was that OJ was guilty of a manslaughter brought on by emotional pressure from his bimbo slut x-wife.

If you read his book that is the impression you get.

He should have been more lightly charged rather than overcharged with 2 murder-one's.

Then a plea deal would have put him in prison for up to 5 years.

Even the Negroes would have agreed with that.

But Vannatter's bring OJ's blood to the scene changed everything. What a dumbass cop.

I believe that was done with an objective of bringing N Korea into the comity. However, it seems to have not worked for some reason.

So now we need a war, funny how we always wind up there isn't it. We spend a lot of time and trillions on taking out former partners. Sadam and Osama come to mind.

US needs to be a bit more picky about its prospective partners. It seems that is what you are suggesting :)
Oh I don't know, this has been working pretty well for the power structure, don't you think? A few headlines from the corporate state owned media and a rabid public clamors for war. Rinse, repeat.

I could be wrong but it looks like people are beginning to become a bit more aware of the futile nature of some wars.

Not enough to challenge the power sructure. No population on the planet is more incarcerated or more held under surveillance than the american population. And we do nothing.
Speak for yourself.

It would be EASY to raise a million man armed white army from the ranks of American civilians -- even 10 million -- to take over any Fed or State government gone awry. [EDITED FOR CLARITY.]

There are 300 million guns in possession now.

There are 40% of households armed.

There are still about 5% veterans who can provide leadership.

So don't kid yourself honey.
Last edited:
A war with China over this will probably NOT go nuclear/strategic.

This should not be a war with China. Heck, we are not even sure if there is going to be a war with N Korea. But since Australian navy is not rowing with US navy, it tells me that Aussies may have sense that something serious is cooking.
Yup exactly.

The Auzzies cannot risk losing their entire small fleet to a Chinese backlash.

The Auzzie fleet is safer in Auzzie waters.

It seems like you are a firm believer in an inevitability of Chinese intervention. Well, it is not entirely illogical as N Korea is a vital proxy for China. Let us see what happens though. I am still trying to get my head wrapped around this as it came out of nowhere and so fast.
You may find my disclosure a bit strange but here it is: I have developed a revulsion towards watching TV. I prefer spending my time reading or blogging or posting on the political forums.
I divorced american television during the OJ trial, it's merely a conduit for poison and corporate state power structure indoctrination.
The OJ trial was riveting.

Marsha Clark blew it completely.

But then Vannatter taking a vial of OJ's blood back to the crime scene was dumber than dumb too.

Philip Vannatter dies at 70; LAPD detective in O.J. Simpson case
It was a circus and the first venture into reality tv.
My personal view was that OJ was guilty of a manslaughter brought on by emotional pressure from his bimbo slut x-wife.

If you read his book that is the impression you get.

He should have been more lightly charged rather than overcharged with 2 murder-one's.

Then a plea deal would have put him in prison for up to 5 years.

Even the Negroes would have agreed with that.

But Vannatter's bring OJ's blood to the scene changed everything. What a dumbass cop.

Misconduct by 1 single cop can trash an entire trial.
So now we need a war, funny how we always wind up there isn't it. We spend a lot of time and trillions on taking out former partners. Sadam and Osama come to mind.

US needs to be a bit more picky about its prospective partners. It seems that is what you are suggesting :)
Oh I don't know, this has been working pretty well for the power structure, don't you think? A few headlines from the corporate state owned media and a rabid public clamors for war. Rinse, repeat.

I could be wrong but it looks like people are beginning to become a bit more aware of the futile nature of some wars.

Not enough to challenge the power sructure. No population on the planet is more incarcerated or more held under surveillance than the american population. And we do nothing.
Speak for yourself.

It would be small potatoes to raise a million man armed white army from the ranks of American civilians. Even 10 million.

There are 300 million guns in possession now.

There are 40% of households armed.

There are still about 5% veterans who can provide leadership.

So don't kid yourself honey.

So basically the "exceptional" american population can't even pull off a small potatoes operation honey.
A war with China over this will probably NOT go nuclear/strategic.

This should not be a war with China. Heck, we are not even sure if there is going to be a war with N Korea. But since Australian navy is not rowing with US navy, it tells me that Aussies may have sense that something serious is cooking.
Yup exactly.

The Auzzies cannot risk losing their entire small fleet to a Chinese backlash.

The Auzzie fleet is safer in Auzzie waters.

It seems like you are a firm believer in an inevitability of Chinese intervention. Well, it is not entirely illogical as N Korea is a vital proxy for China. Let us see what happens though.
I have no idea what China will do.

I'm just saying that Trump should not bet on no Chinese response.

I would use submarines not surface ships.

Surface ships are vulnerable to air power.

China is the air power king in East Asia.

Submarines are less vulnerable to air power.

China does not have the submarine power to track American subs.
A war with China over this will probably NOT go nuclear/strategic.

The best hope seems to be for China to go in and talk with the little General and bribe him in some way? They share a long border.

NK also shares a border with Russia (Trumps buddy?).

View attachment 121073
China has no backbone.

Never have. Never will.

N.Korea is a rabid dog.

China does not want to get bit.

What makes you think China has no backbone?
US needs to be a bit more picky about its prospective partners. It seems that is what you are suggesting :)
Oh I don't know, this has been working pretty well for the power structure, don't you think? A few headlines from the corporate state owned media and a rabid public clamors for war. Rinse, repeat.

I could be wrong but it looks like people are beginning to become a bit more aware of the futile nature of some wars.

Not enough to challenge the power sructure. No population on the planet is more incarcerated or more held under surveillance than the american population. And we do nothing.
Speak for yourself.

It would be small potatoes to raise a million man armed white army from the ranks of American civilians. Even 10 million.

There are 300 million guns in possession now.

There are 40% of households armed.

There are still about 5% veterans who can provide leadership.

So don't kid yourself honey.

So basically the "exceptional" american population can't even pull off a small potatoes operation honey.
You have misunderstood. Perhaps I should not have used "small potatoes".

It would be easy for the American civilian public to take militia control over any government Federal or State.

The Constitution intended it that way and Scalia agreed.
A war with China over this will probably NOT go nuclear/strategic.

The best hope seems to be for China to go in and talk with the little General and bribe him in some way? They share a long border.

NK also shares a border with Russia (Trumps buddy?).

View attachment 121073
China has no backbone.

Never have. Never will.

N.Korea is a rabid dog.

China does not want to get bit.

What makes you think China has no backbone?
Because in their history China has only attacked helpless people like Tibet.

N.Korea is a rabid dog and China does not have the backbone to deal with it.
I divorced american television during the OJ trial, it's merely a conduit for poison and corporate state power structure indoctrination.
The OJ trial was riveting.

Marsha Clark blew it completely.

But then Vannatter taking a vial of OJ's blood back to the crime scene was dumber than dumb too.

Philip Vannatter dies at 70; LAPD detective in O.J. Simpson case
It was a circus and the first venture into reality tv.
My personal view was that OJ was guilty of a manslaughter brought on by emotional pressure from his bimbo slut x-wife.

If you read his book that is the impression you get.

He should have been more lightly charged rather than overcharged with 2 murder-one's.

Then a plea deal would have put him in prison for up to 5 years.

Even the Negroes would have agreed with that.

But Vannatter's bring OJ's blood to the scene changed everything. What a dumbass cop.

Misconduct by 1 single cop can trash an entire trial.

As long a the masses can be distracted from the economic colonialism being perpetrated by the corporate state power structure, and the societal concentration and redistribution of wealth can be continued under the cover of endless distractions, who minds really.
Oh I don't know, this has been working pretty well for the power structure, don't you think? A few headlines from the corporate state owned media and a rabid public clamors for war. Rinse, repeat.

I could be wrong but it looks like people are beginning to become a bit more aware of the futile nature of some wars.

Not enough to challenge the power sructure. No population on the planet is more incarcerated or more held under surveillance than the american population. And we do nothing.
Speak for yourself.

It would be small potatoes to raise a million man armed white army from the ranks of American civilians. Even 10 million.

There are 300 million guns in possession now.

There are 40% of households armed.

There are still about 5% veterans who can provide leadership.

So don't kid yourself honey.

So basically the "exceptional" american population can't even pull off a small potatoes operation honey.
You have misunderstood. Perhaps I should not have used "small potatoes".

It would be easy for the American civilian public to take militia control over any government Federal or State.

The Constitution intended it that way and Scalia agreed.

Bwa ha ha ha, yeah, Scalia wanted it that, Jesus. The american public simply cannot face how unfree they really are, that's all.

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