Kraft Zesty Dressing Ad Offends 'One Million Moms,' Sparks Debate

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Kraft Zesty Dressing Ad Offends 'One Million Moms,' Sparks Debate

A new ad for Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing is a little too spicy for one group of "concerned" women.

A "let's get zesty" ad showing a naked man with a strategically placed picnic blanket protecting his modesty allegedly ran as a print ad in a recent issue of People, causing conservative group "One Million Moms" to write a press release calling the ad "disgusting" and saying that the company has "gone too far."

Also, note the line, "silverware optional, let's zesty".

What do y'all think?


My opinion - That salad dressing doesn't go well with the wine, bread, bruschetta, grapes and thou menu.
Why would anyone watch advertising in the first place?

I agree with the OP's assessment; I doubt Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing in any way goes with thlat there setting. People know this. That's why they have to resort to this to sell it.

Advertising is bullshit, by definition.
Kraft Zesty Dressing Ad Offends 'One Million Moms,' Sparks Debate

A new ad for Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing is a little too spicy for one group of "concerned" women.

A "let's get zesty" ad showing a naked man with a strategically placed picnic blanket protecting his modesty allegedly ran as a print ad in a recent issue of People, causing conservative group "One Million Moms" to write a press release calling the ad "disgusting" and saying that the company has "gone too far."

Also, note the line, "silverware optional, let's zesty".

What do y'all think?


My opinion - That salad dressing doesn't go well with the wine, bread, bruschetta, grapes and thou menu.

Why do you hate women?
It's a stupid ad, and they've got reason to complain about it. Whatever happened to modesty and self respect, people?

You've got an almost naked man being showcased in a commercial for freaking salad dressing. Don't people think children might see this dumb ad? Hey, maybe if these guys keep pushing the issue, they can finally start showing naked people when advertising bagels, sauerkraut, you name it.

And people wonder what's happening to the moral fabric of our nation. When do we get to see an almost naked woman advertising Cheerios? Wait, just almost-naked adults? Why not just bring in the teenagers and kids, too? It's not like modesty, self respect and credibility matter any more.
What are kids doing looking at People Magazine? Where is the parental supervision?
And you liberal deviants get offended when you state fact like 2% of the population is responsible for 61% of HIV infections. Facts are offensive! ban them!!!!
Kids only freak out about nudity when they are taught to.

That's odd, dilloduck. Do you think kids shouldn't freak out over nudity, and should perhaps enjoy it?

It's what I would call partial nudity and no. I don't think anyone should freak out over it.

Thanks for the clarification.

Though, as with most things, if you draw a line in the sand, it's human nature to cross it. Do you think progression will stop once everyone is fine with partial nudity, including children. It would not be surprising if there would then be those who pine for full nudity for adults, and then, well, beyond.
@ Wake:

Libs made a move in the 1990s just GLORIFYING pedophelia. Can't remember the exact name. Some Dutch movie about a canadian soldier during WW2 having sex with a 11 year old or something like that. It was even on netflix... Sick, deviant liberals. Such sick fuckers.

Here it is. Look at the comments. One deviant liberal says it's no big deal, another says it is pretty fucked up but tries to explain it away as a cultural thing.

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It's a stupid ad, and they've got reason to complain about it. Whatever happened to modesty and self respect, people?

You've got an almost naked man being showcased in a commercial for freaking salad dressing. Don't people think children might see this dumb ad? Hey, maybe if these guys keep pushing the issue, they can finally start showing naked people when advertising bagels, sauerkraut, you name it.

And people wonder what's happening to the moral fabric of our nation. When do we get to see an almost naked woman advertising Cheerios? Wait, just almost-naked adults? Why not just bring in the teenagers and kids, too? It's not like modesty, self respect and credibility matter any more.

It's an advertisement, hellloooo... ads are intentionally provocative. If they weren't, they wouldn't work.

Morals are not corrupted by ads. More so they're corrupted by people enslaved to the mentality of letting ads and other voices in their heads tell them what to think.

If you're offended, your course of action is simple: don't buy the company's product.
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Where were the protests over the Oikos commerical that used violence against men to be "funny"?
Liberals think that 10 year olds sexting one another and adding in the little pedo across town is a GOOD THING.
That's odd, dilloduck. Do you think kids shouldn't freak out over nudity, and should perhaps enjoy it?

It's what I would call partial nudity and no. I don't think anyone should freak out over it.

Thanks for the clarification.

Though, as with most things, if you draw a line in the sand, it's human nature to cross it. Do you think progression will stop once everyone is fine with partial nudity, including children. It would not be surprising if there would then be those who pine for full nudity for adults, and then, well, beyond.

A slippery slope argument here could get down right nasty.
I don't understand how you can't deny the slipper slope thing? Liberals have extended gay rights to include all this tranny bullshit. Now they are trying to make pedophelia be socially acceptable. What next? They can't not have some cause because they thrive on percieved victimhood.

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