Krauthammer: It's Collusion, Stupid!

the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.

That makes no sense
CNN is a US corporation. Russia is an adversarial government. That anyone cannot see the difference is an indication that they have a two digit IQ.

Now we find out, contrary to Trump Jr's earlier statements, that there were 8 people in the room. Time for everyone in that room to be called in by Mueller for a lengthy and in depth interrogation. What we are seeing here is a clear case of treason.
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.
If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.
Havent' you been paying attention?

Hillary could shoot Bill, and never see the inside of a jail cell.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

Who did that?

If you mean the Steele Dossier? No one paid anything to Russian Intelligence for it. The Jeb Bush campaign hired a retired MI5 agent to get the Intel. The material given them was so explosive they gave it to the FBI.

You've got nothing.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

"Opposition research" is commonly done by all sides. It's not illegal. So what do you call it?

On the other hand - hacking IS ILLEGAL.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer

he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.

Actually...there is nothing really wrong with that - it's all the lying and cover up that's problematic, AND if there was any Trump campaign involvement in the hacking or release of information.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer

he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.

Actually...there is nothing really wrong with that - it's all the lying and cover up that's problematic, AND if there was any Trump campaign involvement in the hacking or release of information.

enough to warrant probable cause ... legal or illegal pending
Why was this Russian government connected lawyer in the United States? Who was the idiot that let her in? And why?

Oh my, who was the idiots that met her??

I would be upset if Jr. had gone to Moscow to hook up, but no need. Obama let Ms. Russia in, and Lynch somehow gave her a visa.< Not in Lynch's job description.
So why such special treatment for a Russian with ties to Putin? Let's start at the beginning shall we? Is that the leeway Obama promised Putin? To let his spies infiltrate our country? And was she connected in anyway to the odorous uranium scandal? Let's get to the bottom of this! :smiliehug:

“This totally undermines a six-month story from the White House.”

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer once again criticized Donald Trump Jr. formeeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in 2016 after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government.

Krauthammer, speaking Thursday on “Special Report With Bret Baier” on Fox News, said the emails Trump Jr. released earlier this week “totally undermine a six-month story from the White House ... that there wasn’t any collusion.”

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

More: Columnist Charles Krauthammer Doubles Down On Trump Jr. Criticism

I'm not a Krauthammer fan - but I totally agree with him on this! It was collusion!

Krauthammer is #neverTrump. Enough said.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
She herself denies that she works for the Russian government, dumbass.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer

he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.

Actually...there is nothing really wrong with that - it's all the lying and cover up that's problematic, AND if there was any Trump campaign involvement in the hacking or release of information.
There is no lying or coverup. There's only fake news making bogus claims.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

"Opposition research" is commonly done by all sides. It's not illegal. So what do you call it?

On the other hand - hacking IS ILLEGAL.

So is conspiring with a foreign government to influence the election outcome.

You mean like Obama did in Israel? And Egypt? Libya, and Syria?

I don't recall conspiring with foreign governments to influence an election outcome. Do tell.
The ironic and perhaps humorous thing is that Fox would no doubt be accused of "collusion" if they didn't talk about "collusion". The increasingly unstable democrat party seems to think that chasing a phantom issue is the way to govern. Be careful what you wish for when Bill Clinton's "foreign outreach" comes under scrutiny.

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