Krauthammer: It's Collusion, Stupid!

Why was this Russian government connected lawyer in the United States? Who was the idiot that let her in? And why?

Oh my, who was the idiots that met her??

I would be upset if Jr. had gone to Moscow to hook up, but no need. Obama let Ms. Russia in, and Lynch somehow gave her a visa.< Not in Lynch's job description.
So why such special treatment for a Russian with ties to Putin? Let's start at the beginning shall we? Is that the leeway Obama promised Putin? To let his spies infiltrate our country? And was she connected in anyway to the odorous uranium scandal? Let's get to the bottom of this! :smiliehug:

Why not check why she was in this country, if you turn on CNN or Msnbc you'd find out.
Why was this Russian government connected lawyer in the United States? Who was the idiot that let her in? And why?

Oh my, who was the idiots that met her??

I would be upset if Jr. had gone to Moscow to hook up, but no need. Obama let Ms. Russia in, and Lynch somehow gave her a visa.< Not in Lynch's job description.
So why such special treatment for a Russian with ties to Putin? Let's start at the beginning shall we? Is that the leeway Obama promised Putin? To let his spies infiltrate our country? And was she connected in anyway to the odorous uranium scandal? Let's get to the bottom of this! :smiliehug:

Mystery solved,
“Somebody said that her visa or passport to come into the country was approved by Attorney General Lynch, now maybe that’s wrong, I just heard that a little while ago…[that] she was here because of Lynch,” Trump said at a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday in Paris.

Mystery solved? Timeline shows how Russian lawyer got into US for Trump Jr. meeting

and Fox says it like its a fact. It doesn't matter , they met with her, and T Jr. said , I love it.
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What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

"Opposition research" is commonly done by all sides. It's not illegal. So what do you call it?

On the other hand - hacking IS ILLEGAL.

So is conspiring with a foreign government to influence the election outcome.

damn near every Republican in congress said "opposition research" WITH RUSSIA IS NOT COMMON and should have been reported to the FBI
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.

That makes no sense

(psst, it's Penelope)

Is that a card you got for your birthday?
I dont' get cards for my birthday....

I get presents

Really, how sweet. Everyday is my birthday and everyday I get present.
CNN is a US corporation. Russia is an adversarial government. That anyone cannot see the difference is an indication that they have a two digit IQ.

Now we find out, contrary to Trump Jr's earlier statements, that there were 8 people in the room. Time for everyone in that room to be called in by Mueller for a lengthy and in depth interrogation. What we are seeing here is a clear case of treason.
no old rocks, it does not meet Treason, but it may meet other laws on the books that surround treason. Xelor has a very good thread on this with lots of links explaining in detail....

but I do agree with your sentiments...
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.

That makes no sense

(psst, it's Penelope)

Is that a card you got for your birthday?
I dont' get cards for my birthday....

I get presents

dont ask for a key to the chocolate :eusa_naughty:
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

"Opposition research" is commonly done by all sides. It's not illegal. So what do you call it?

On the other hand - hacking IS ILLEGAL.
When did the Trump campaign hack anything?

Who said they did?
You implied it, and don't deny it. I'm not some imbecile snowflake.

You're not a mindreader :lol:

No, I didn't imply it. But the Russians did hack, and if the Trump campaign was involved in assisting the Russians on how to best distribute that material - that's entering some iffy territory.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

"Opposition research" is commonly done by all sides. It's not illegal. So what do you call it?

On the other hand - hacking IS ILLEGAL.
When did the Trump campaign hack anything?

Who said they did?
You implied it, and don't deny it. I'm not some imbecile snowflake.

You're not a mindreader :lol:

No, I didn't imply it. But the Russians did hack, and if the Trump campaign was involved in assisting the Russians on how to best distribute that material - that's entering some iffy territory.
Yes you did imply it. Noting that doesn't require mind reading. It only requires understanding English.

Once again, a snowflake is making up facts. There's no evidence that the Trump campaign assisted the Russian government in any form whatsoever.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
She herself denies that she works for the Russian government, dumbass.

Yes spies never lie.
"Opposition research" is commonly done by all sides. It's not illegal. So what do you call it?

On the other hand - hacking IS ILLEGAL.
When did the Trump campaign hack anything?

Who said they did?
You implied it, and don't deny it. I'm not some imbecile snowflake.

You're not a mindreader :lol:

No, I didn't imply it. But the Russians did hack, and if the Trump campaign was involved in assisting the Russians on how to best distribute that material - that's entering some iffy territory.
Yes you did imply it. Noting that doesn't require mind reading. It only requires understanding English.

Once again, a snowflake is making up facts. There's no evidence that the Trump campaign assisted the Russian government in any form whatsoever.

Suit yourself :)
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
She herself denies that she works for the Russian government, dumbass.

Yes spies never lie.
Yes spies never lie.

and only an idiot would claim to be a spy, when they aren't.
CNN is now reporting that at least EIGHT attended Russia meeting with Trump Jr. How will Junior and Hannity explain that? Holy shit...
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
She herself denies that she works for the Russian government, dumbass.

Yes spies never lie.
So whenever you accuse someone of being a spy, if they deny it, that means they are a spy? You realize, of course, that's they same kind of logic they used in the 15th century to condemn people accused of being witches. If they floated when they were lowered into water with their hands and feet tied, that meant they were witches. If the sank, then they were innocent. They were dead of course, but that's how the sword of justice worked in those days.

You realize, of course, that you just proved you're an imbecile snowflake who is unable to commit logic. You're so fucking stupid it's a wonder you can make your lungs function. When is the American public going to wake up and throw all you savages into a well? You belong in a cage, not walking around free on the public streets.
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CNN is now reporting that at least EIGHT attended Russia meeting with Trump Jr. How will Junior and Hannity explain that? Holy shit...
What is there to explain? When did Trump state how many attended the meeting?
CNN is now reporting that at least EIGHT attended Russia meeting with Trump Jr. How will Junior and Hannity explain that? Holy shit...
You could have just stopped at "CNN is now reporting." That's when we started laughing.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

First, the GPS Fusion "dossier" was not from Russian intelligence.

Second, you must think very little of yourself if you are okay with your side committing a crime just because the other side did.
Yes it was, via their contract employee. He sold it as confirmed by Russian sources, some in the Russian government. That is serious collusion. Very possibly criminal. The timeline on how that dossier was created and who was paying for it is fascinating, but also shows how far the Democrat party was willing to go to collude with Russia.
CNN is now reporting that at least EIGHT attended Russia meeting with Trump Jr. How will Junior and Hannity explain that? Holy shit...

easy, two words ...

what meeting ?

MSNBC earlier reported that we may learn that a small army was at that meeting. Well, we're up from four to EIGHT already. So far - Junior was only off by 100%.

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