Krauthammer: It's Collusion, Stupid!

Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
When did Trump Jr say how many people were in the room?
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.
Hillary signed off on a deal that sold uranium mines to a Canadian company in which Russian companies had an interest. Later, the Russian bought a controlling interest. However, no uranium from those mines can be shipped out of the US. Sure a different picture than our lying "Conservatives" are painting. In the meantime, the evidence is now overwhelming that the Trump campaign actively sought and accepted help from a foreign adversary. That is treason.
A foreign adversary? Russia is no more an "adversary" than France. I love the use of these loaded terms you scumbags like to use.
Yes he is a lying publicist. He obviously lied about the credentials of the woman he wanted Trump Jr. to meet..

Bingo. Trump didn't agree to meet with a private russian lawyer, but who Gladstone per-ported her to be, an agent of the Kremlin.

Which means it's not just russian collusion, but russian government collusion
An "agent of the Kremlin?" Ooooh, I love the way you worked that spy term into your post.
CNN is a US corporation. Russia is an adversarial government. That anyone cannot see the difference is an indication that they have a two digit IQ.

Now we find out, contrary to Trump Jr's earlier statements, that there were 8 people in the room. Time for everyone in that room to be called in by Mueller for a lengthy and in depth interrogation. What we are seeing here is a clear case of treason.
no old rocks, it does not meet Treason, but it may meet other laws on the books that surround treason. Xelor has a very good thread on this with lots of links explaining in detail....

but I do agree with your sentiments...
Perhaps not, but, as an enlisted man in the Air Force, so many years ago, had I met a Russian agent in similiar circumstances, I would have been in the docket.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
When did Trump Jr say how many people were in the room?

He actually said he never had any contact. Then he said he did with the Natalia chick. Now because it's even more Russian contacts you're trying to make "none" to "alot" no big deal? Lmao!!!!
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
When did Trump Jr say how many people were in the room?

He actually said he never had any contact. Then he said he did with the Natalia chick. Now because it's even more Russian contacts you're trying to make "none" to "alot" no big deal? Lmao!!!!
No, he did not say he never had any contact with any Russians.
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.
Hillary signed off on a deal that sold uranium mines to a Canadian company in which Russian companies had an interest. Later, the Russian bought a controlling interest. However, no uranium from those mines can be shipped out of the US. Sure a different picture than our lying "Conservatives" are painting. In the meantime, the evidence is now overwhelming that the Trump campaign actively sought and accepted help from a foreign adversary. That is treason.
A foreign adversary? Russia is no more an "adversary" than France. I love the use of these loaded terms you scumbags like to use.
Damn, you are a dumb little bastard. The Russian consider us their enemy. And they have aggressively aquired territory by invasion in the last decade. And threatened other nations with the same. Why the hell don't you go to Russia, where you belong.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
When did Trump Jr say how many people were in the room?

He actually said he never had any contact. Then he said he did with the Natalia chick. Now because it's even more Russian contacts you're trying to make "none" to "alot" no big deal? Lmao!!!!
No, he did not say he never had any contact with any Russians.
Again, you are a fucking liar. Here is a video of him saying exactly that.

Trump says his advisers were not in contact with Russia during election campaign. Moscow says otherwise
If france had 800 nuclear warheads pointed at the USA, I would call them an adversary.
How do you know they are pointed at the U.S? I suspect a lot of them are pointed at China.

Because Russia can't point an ICBM with an 8,000 mile range, at a country 2,000 miles away.

Surya missile : Intercontinental-RN, surface-based, solid and liquid propellant ballistic missile. OperationalRange between 12,000 to 16,000 kilometers.
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.
Hillary signed off on a deal that sold uranium mines to a Canadian company in which Russian companies had an interest. Later, the Russian bought a controlling interest. However, no uranium from those mines can be shipped out of the US. Sure a different picture than our lying "Conservatives" are painting. In the meantime, the evidence is now overwhelming that the Trump campaign actively sought and accepted help from a foreign adversary. That is treason.
A foreign adversary? Russia is no more an "adversary" than France. I love the use of these loaded terms you scumbags like to use.
Damn, you are a dumb little bastard. The Russian consider us their enemy. And they have aggressively aquired territory by invasion in the last decade. And threatened other nations with the same. Why the hell don't you go to Russia, where you belong.
How do you support the claim that Russia considers us our enemy?
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.
I see. Putin is such a demonstrably trustworthy source. That you think that indictates how gullible you are.
If france had 800 nuclear warheads pointed at the USA, I would call them an adversary.
How do you know they are pointed at the U.S? I suspect a lot of them are pointed at China.

Because Russia can't point an ICBM with an 8,000 mile range, at a country 2,000 miles away.

Surya missile : Intercontinental-RN, surface-based, solid and liquid propellant ballistic missile. OperationalRange between 12,000 to 16,000 kilometers.
Yes they can, actually. You obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.
Hillary signed off on a deal that sold uranium mines to a Canadian company in which Russian companies had an interest. Later, the Russian bought a controlling interest. However, no uranium from those mines can be shipped out of the US. Sure a different picture than our lying "Conservatives" are painting. In the meantime, the evidence is now overwhelming that the Trump campaign actively sought and accepted help from a foreign adversary. That is treason.
A foreign adversary? Russia is no more an "adversary" than France. I love the use of these loaded terms you scumbags like to use.
Damn, you are a dumb little bastard. The Russian consider us their enemy. And they have aggressively aquired territory by invasion in the last decade. And threatened other nations with the same. Why the hell don't you go to Russia, where you belong.
How do you support the claim that Russia considers us our enemy?
Oh, something to do with several hundred nuclear warheads pointed our way.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.
I see. Putin is such a demonstrably trustworthy source. That you think that indictates how gullible you are.
He's more trustworthy than the fake news you trust.
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.
Hillary signed off on a deal that sold uranium mines to a Canadian company in which Russian companies had an interest. Later, the Russian bought a controlling interest. However, no uranium from those mines can be shipped out of the US. Sure a different picture than our lying "Conservatives" are painting. In the meantime, the evidence is now overwhelming that the Trump campaign actively sought and accepted help from a foreign adversary. That is treason.
A foreign adversary? Russia is no more an "adversary" than France. I love the use of these loaded terms you scumbags like to use.
Damn, you are a dumb little bastard. The Russian consider us their enemy. And they have aggressively aquired territory by invasion in the last decade. And threatened other nations with the same. Why the hell don't you go to Russia, where you belong.
How do you support the claim that Russia considers us our enemy?
Oh, something to do with several hundred nuclear warheads pointed our way.
Who should they be pointing them at, Syria?
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.
For the purpose of mens rea or criminal intent, it depends on who Trump jr thought she was, not who she actually was.

I've posted numerous examples, from somebody buying something he thought was a kilo of cocaine, to somebody aranging to have sex with somebody he thought was a minor.

As they say, its the thought that counts.

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