Krauthammer: It's Collusion, Stupid!

the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer

he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.

Actually...there is nothing really wrong with that - it's all the lying and cover up that's problematic, AND if there was any Trump campaign involvement in the hacking or release of information.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.

The lawyer was registered with the DOJ as an "agent of a foreign government". She was actively lobbying US Senators and Members of Congress on Putin's behalf, to repeal the Magitsky Act and to lift sanctions against Russia.

Putin also says those Russian speaking guys wearing camo fatigues with no insignia in the Ukraine, with Russian army equipment, driving Russian trucks are not Russian soldiers, they're patriotic Ukrainians. No one believes that lie either.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
When did Trump Jr say how many people were in the room?

He actually said he never had any contact. Then he said he did with the Natalia chick. Now because it's even more Russian contacts you're trying to make "none" to "alot" no big deal? Lmao!!!!
Trump Sr did not attend the meeting with the Natalia chick.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer

he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.

Actually...there is nothing really wrong with that - it's all the lying and cover up that's problematic, AND if there was any Trump campaign involvement in the hacking or release of information.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.

The lawyer was registered with the DOJ as an "agent of a foreign government". She was actively lobbying US Senators and Members of Congress on Putin's behalf, to repeal the Magitsky Act and to lift sanctions against Russia.

I don't recall anyone saying it was on Putin's behalf other than some dumbass lying snowflakes.

Putin also says those Russian speaking guys wearing camo fatigues with no insignia in the Ukraine, with Russian army equipment, driving Russian trucks are not Russian soldiers, they're patriotic Ukrainians. No one believes that lie either.

What does that have to do with the Natalia chick?
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The lawyer was registered with the DOJ as an "agent of a foreign government". She was actively lobbying US Senators and Members of Congress on Putin's behalf, to repeal the Magitsky Act and to lift sanctions against Russia.

I don't recall anyone saying it was on Putin's behalf other than some dumbass laying snowflakes.

Putin has been actively doing everything possible for the lifting of the sanctions because of the Magitsky Act, Putin even stopped Americans from adopting Russian children in retaliation.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
When did Trump Jr say how many people were in the room?

He actually said he never had any contact. Then he said he did with the Natalia chick. Now because it's even more Russian contacts you're trying to make "none" to "alot" no big deal? Lmao!!!!
No, he did not say he never had any contact with any Russians.
Again, you are a fucking liar. Here is a video of him saying exactly that.

Trump says his advisers were not in contact with Russia during election campaign. Moscow says otherwise
He said "to the best of his knowledge." He also said "contact with Russia," not contact with some floozy Russian lawyer. By "Russia," he means the government of Russia. Anyone who says he means contact with any Russian of any kind is simply a douche bag who is trying to deceive.
F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.
I see. Putin is such a demonstrably trustworthy source. That you think that indictates how gullible you are.
He's more trustworthy than the fake news you trust.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
When did Trump Jr say how many people were in the room?

He actually said he never had any contact. Then he said he did with the Natalia chick. Now because it's even more Russian contacts you're trying to make "none" to "alot" no big deal? Lmao!!!!
Trump Sr did not attend the meeting with the Natalia chick.

No Daddy wasn't there, but he says he "might" have known about the meeting before it happened. This is comfirmed by his statement two day before the meeting which was to take place on a Friday, that he would have new information about Clinton on Monday.

Knowing about the meeting makes him complicite and involves him in s conspiracy to collude with Russia.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.
I see. Putin is such a demonstrably trustworthy source. That you think that indictates how gullible you are.
He's more trustworthy than the fake news you trust.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
When did Trump Jr say how many people were in the room?

He actually said he never had any contact. Then he said he did with the Natalia chick. Now because it's even more Russian contacts you're trying to make "none" to "alot" no big deal? Lmao!!!!
Trump Sr did not attend the meeting with the Natalia chick.

No Daddy wasn't there, but he says he "might" have known about the meeting before it happened. This is comfirmed by his statement two day before the meeting which was to take place on a Friday, that he would have new information about Clinton on Monday.
That confirms nothing since it didn't mention the meeting.

See, you don't get to make up the facts just because that would help the credibility of your fake news.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?
I call it talking about something other than the thread topic.
The thread is about collusion. For some reason you guys keep ignoring facts.
Actually, no, it's not a thread about collusion in general. Lakhota's OP and title, thus thread, all address one thing: Krauthammer's remarks and thoughts about whether there may have been (be) collusion between Trump and his cronies and the Russians.

“This totally undermines a six-month story from the White House.”

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer once again criticized Donald Trump Jr. formeeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in 2016 after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government.

Krauthammer, speaking Thursday on “Special Report With Bret Baier” on Fox News, said the emails Trump Jr. released earlier this week “totally undermine a six-month story from the White House ... that there wasn’t any collusion.”

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

More: Columnist Charles Krauthammer Doubles Down On Trump Jr. Criticism

I'm not a Krauthammer fan - but I totally agree with him on this! It was collusion!

Next up from the trump WH....full blown effort to destroy Krauthammer.
We have to wonder about what would happen to the left if Trump admitted it was collusion....

Lakhota's OP and title, thus thread, all address one thing: Krauthammer's remarks and thoughts about whether there may have been (be) collusion between Trump and his cronies and the Russians.

Since the Trump jr. emails pretty much prove collusion, there only thing we're arguing about now, like the old joke says, is the price.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?
I call it talking about something other than the thread topic.
The thread is about collusion. For some reason you guys keep ignoring facts.
Actually, no, it's not a thread about collusion in general. Lakhota's OP and title, thus thread, all address one thing: Krauthammer's remarks and thoughts about whether there may have been (be) collusion between Trump and his cronies and the Russians.
Kraut is wrong. Feel better now?

“This totally undermines a six-month story from the White House.”

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer once again criticized Donald Trump Jr. formeeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in 2016 after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government.

Krauthammer, speaking Thursday on “Special Report With Bret Baier” on Fox News, said the emails Trump Jr. released earlier this week “totally undermine a six-month story from the White House ... that there wasn’t any collusion.”

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

More: Columnist Charles Krauthammer Doubles Down On Trump Jr. Criticism

I'm not a Krauthammer fan - but I totally agree with him on this! It was collusion!

Washington Redskin, you suck far too much Hildabeast ass....
stay out of the fucking fire water... chief. Lol

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