Krauthammer: It's Collusion, Stupid!

Lakhota's OP and title, thus thread, all address one thing: Krauthammer's remarks and thoughts about whether there may have been (be) collusion between Trump and his cronies and the Russians.

Since the Trump jr. emails pretty much prove collusion, there only thing we're arguing about now, like the old joke says, is the price.
Wrong. Always wrong. So sad. Again, he had a meeting. He did not pay for a dossier from Russian intelligence. That would be collusion.
Lakhota's OP and title, thus thread, all address one thing: Krauthammer's remarks and thoughts about whether there may have been (be) collusion between Trump and his cronies and the Russians.

Since the Trump jr. emails pretty much prove collusion, there only thing we're arguing about now, like the old joke says, is the price.
They prove absolutely nothing other than that the Russian lawyer wanted to have a meeting with the Trump campaign.
CNN is a US corporation. Russia is an adversarial government. That anyone cannot see the difference is an indication that they have a two digit IQ.

Now we find out, contrary to Trump Jr's earlier statements, that there were 8 people in the room. Time for everyone in that room to be called in by Mueller for a lengthy and in depth interrogation. What we are seeing here is a clear case of treason.
no old rocks, it does not meet Treason, but it may meet other laws on the books that surround treason. Xelor has a very good thread on this with lots of links explaining in detail....

but I do agree with your sentiments...
I wonder how many trumpanzees here would not care....if it were treason or long as they beat H. Clinton.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
What? When did the story get changed to "The lawyer was a government lawyer?"

She is a lawyer in Russia, not for Russia.

The person setting up the meeting lied to the Trump campaign and said she had information that was from the Russian government. That is not a 'government lawyer'.

He accepted a meeting to hear information on Hilary Clinton.

He accepted nothing from this lawyer and in fact, left when he realized they had lied to him.

I think you clowns on the left need to get your narrative straight. So far, I see no collusion or crime.
CNN is a US corporation. Russia is an adversarial government. That anyone cannot see the difference is an indication that they have a two digit IQ.

Now we find out, contrary to Trump Jr's earlier statements, that there were 8 people in the room. Time for everyone in that room to be called in by Mueller for a lengthy and in depth interrogation. What we are seeing here is a clear case of treason.
no old rocks, it does not meet Treason, but it may meet other laws on the books that surround treason. Xelor has a very good thread on this with lots of links explaining in detail....

but I do agree with your sentiments...
I wonder how many trumpanzees here would not care....if it were treason or long as they beat H. Clinton.
Far fewer than those who would shrug and say nothing if this was Clinton.
these RW fucktards are less than pathetic ... everyone but them lies, with no credibility ....but they cant prove anyone else is lying.

other than themselves who the fuck do they think theyre fooling, Santa Clause?
these RW fucktards are less than pathetic ... everyone but them lies, with no credibility ....but they cant prove anyone else is lying.

other than themselves who the fuck do they think theyre fooling, Santa Clause?
Not everyone but us, but everyone who accuses Trump of "collusion" is a sleazy scumbag liar.
Breaking: Trump Tower cam video of attendees arriving for the meeting

Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.
Oh well then...if your lord and master Putin denies it...............

“This totally undermines a six-month story from the White House.”

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer once again criticized Donald Trump Jr. formeeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in 2016 after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government.

Krauthammer, speaking Thursday on “Special Report With Bret Baier” on Fox News, said the emails Trump Jr. released earlier this week “totally undermine a six-month story from the White House ... that there wasn’t any collusion.”

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

More: Columnist Charles Krauthammer Doubles Down On Trump Jr. Criticism

I'm not a Krauthammer fan - but I totally agree with him on this! It was collusion!

This is my favorite line

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

And Krauthammer of course is correct.

Time for Trump to tweet attacking Krauthammer.

“This totally undermines a six-month story from the White House.”

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer once again criticized Donald Trump Jr. formeeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in 2016 after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government.

Krauthammer, speaking Thursday on “Special Report With Bret Baier” on Fox News, said the emails Trump Jr. released earlier this week “totally undermine a six-month story from the White House ... that there wasn’t any collusion.”

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

More: Columnist Charles Krauthammer Doubles Down On Trump Jr. Criticism

I'm not a Krauthammer fan - but I totally agree with him on this! It was collusion!

Looks like you are now.
Not everyone but us, but everyone who accuses Trump of "collusion" is a sleazy scumbag liar.
Collusion is no longer an accusations. From the emails it's now a proven fact. Especially when you had 400 lbs worth of russians in the room.
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

F'in right.

I hate to keep saying this, but you are dumber than I imagined.

The lawyer is registered with the US government as a "foreign agent" as she was hired by Putin to get the Magitsky Act repealed and she spent her time in Washington lobbying Senators and Congresscritters.

The lawyer was also representing a Russian businessman accused of laundering Mob money by funnelling it into pricey Manhattan Real estate. He was being sued by DOJ for more than $200 million. Certainly Junior wouldn't be interested in a Russian billionaire looking to buy real estate in NY

So you have Junior, Kuchner and Maniforte meeting with an agent of the Russian government, accompanied by a Russian intelligence agent.

Two days before this lawyer's client went to trial, Jeff Sessions settled the $200 million law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Oh and Trump fired the Federal Prosecutor who was trying the case, after asking him to stay on.

And Trump might have known about the meeting before it happened.

Nothing to see here. This doesn't stink like two week old garbage at all. No siree Bob.
Putin denies that she was working for the Russian government, so your claim is bogus on its face. She's not a "Russian agent." She's merely a Russian.
Oh well then...if your lord and master Putin denies it...............
Who supports it?
Not everyone but us, but everyone who accuses Trump of "collusion" is a sleazy scumbag liar.
Collusion is no longer an accusations. From the emails it's now a proven fact. Especially when you had 400 lbs worth of russians in the room.
Wrong, the emails don't support any kind of collusion.

They do support the fact that you're a fucking moron, however.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
What? When did the story get changed to "The lawyer was a government lawyer?"

She is a lawyer in Russia, not for Russia.

The person setting up the meeting lied to the Trump campaign and said she had information that was from the Russian government. That is not a 'government lawyer'.

He accepted a meeting to hear information on Hilary Clinton.

He accepted nothing from this lawyer and in fact, left when he realized they had lied to him.

I think you clowns on the left need to get your narrative straight. So far, I see no collusion or crime.
The person/friend of Jr that set up the meeting SAID SHE WAS A GOVERNMENT one from the Democratic side made that up....

and side by side in the meeting, a possible quid pro quo is, ''we will supply dirt on Hillary if you help get the sanctions removed so we can start Russian adoptions again.''
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the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
What? When did the story get changed to "The lawyer was a government lawyer?"

She is a lawyer in Russia, not for Russia.

The person setting up the meeting lied to the Trump campaign and said she had information that was from the Russian government. That is not a 'government lawyer'.

He accepted a meeting to hear information on Hilary Clinton.

He accepted nothing from this lawyer and in fact, left when he realized they had lied to him.

I think you clowns on the left need to get your narrative straight. So far, I see no collusion or crime.
The person/friend of Jr that set up the meeting SAID SHE WAS A GOVERNMENT one from the Democratic side made that up....

and side by side in the meeting, a possible quid pro quo, is we will supply dirt on Hillary if you help get the sanctions removed so we can start Russian adoptions again
Well, if he said it then it must be true, right? I mean, it's not possible that he lied.
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
What? When did the story get changed to "The lawyer was a government lawyer?"

She is a lawyer in Russia, not for Russia.

The person setting up the meeting lied to the Trump campaign and said she had information that was from the Russian government. That is not a 'government lawyer'.

He accepted a meeting to hear information on Hilary Clinton.

He accepted nothing from this lawyer and in fact, left when he realized they had lied to him.

I think you clowns on the left need to get your narrative straight. So far, I see no collusion or crime.
The person/friend of Jr that set up the meeting SAID SHE WAS A GOVERNMENT one from the Democratic side made that up....

and side by side in the meeting, a possible quid pro quo, is we will supply dirt on Hillary if you help get the sanctions removed so we can start Russian adoptions again
I am not certain what email your reading, but the one I read was this one:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

Take note of the language. Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father (This means the guy who was giving him the information. NOT the person who met with Jr.). It goes on to detail that they had information that pertained to Clinton and "Her dealings with Russia..." We still have no mention that the person meeting Jr is a Russian government lawyer. It then goes on to ask the question highlighted in red.

At no point was the person to meet Jr going to be an lawyer for the Russian government. It turned out to be a woman who was a lawyer IN Russia. Understand?

So, someone from the left is making it up.

Oops.....I see where Goldstone did say that.


Hope all is well

Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.


Rob Goldstone

I missed that reply.

My apologies to ClosedCaption.
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the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
What? When did the story get changed to "The lawyer was a government lawyer?"

She is a lawyer in Russia, not for Russia.

The person setting up the meeting lied to the Trump campaign and said she had information that was from the Russian government. That is not a 'government lawyer'.

He accepted a meeting to hear information on Hilary Clinton.

He accepted nothing from this lawyer and in fact, left when he realized they had lied to him.

I think you clowns on the left need to get your narrative straight. So far, I see no collusion or crime.
The person/friend of Jr that set up the meeting SAID SHE WAS A GOVERNMENT one from the Democratic side made that up....

and side by side in the meeting, a possible quid pro quo, is we will supply dirt on Hillary if you help get the sanctions removed so we can start Russian adoptions again
Well, if he said it then it must be true, right? I mean, it's not possible that he lied.
But whether Goldstone lied or not, Junior and Manafort and Kushner agreed to be at the meeting, as if it were true and this was a meeting with a lawyer of the Russian government...

junior's responses show that he was aware of the meeting before the email chain he gave us, and aware already the Russian govt was giving their support to his father....
the lawyer was a government lawyer
Jr worked for the campaign
he was offered dirt on an opponent
he accepted the offer
he met in private with the government lawyer

collusion or conspiracy

either way, what was said and who said it, is irrelevant.. the BASIC FRAMEWORK is all there in the eyes of the law ... legal, or illegal definition pending.
What? When did the story get changed to "The lawyer was a government lawyer?"

She is a lawyer in Russia, not for Russia.

The person setting up the meeting lied to the Trump campaign and said she had information that was from the Russian government. That is not a 'government lawyer'.

He accepted a meeting to hear information on Hilary Clinton.

He accepted nothing from this lawyer and in fact, left when he realized they had lied to him.

I think you clowns on the left need to get your narrative straight. So far, I see no collusion or crime.
The person/friend of Jr that set up the meeting SAID SHE WAS A GOVERNMENT one from the Democratic side made that up....

and side by side in the meeting, a possible quid pro quo, is we will supply dirt on Hillary if you help get the sanctions removed so we can start Russian adoptions again
Well, if he said it then it must be true, right? I mean, it's not possible that he lied.
But whether Goldstone lied or not, Junior and Manafort and Kushner agreed to be at the meeting, as if it were true and this was a meeting with a lawyer of the Russian government...

junior's responses show that he was aware of the meeting before the email chain he gave us, and aware already the Russian govt was giving their support to his father....
It proves that political campaigns will go out of their way to get dirt on the opposition. I was reminded earlier today that the DNC met with an actual government official from the Ukraine in order to receive information on Trump, but I don't see the media or the left getting bent out of shape on that.

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