Krauthammer: It's Collusion, Stupid!

the lawyer was a government lawyer

Wrong. The closest she has ever been to the Russian government is that she used to be married to the Deputy Transportation Minister for Moscow. Boy, that sure places her in Putin's inner circle!

Jr worked for the campaign

So? It's called Opposition Research

he was offered dirt on an opponent

So, See debunk #2

he accepted the offer

So, See debunk #2

he met in private with the government lawyer

Private citizen meets with private citizen. Show me where, when, and how the 1st Amendment was repealed, specifically the "Right to Assemble".

I always thought that the Left was anti 1st Amendment. Siete just proved it

collusion or conspiracy

Neither. It's nothing more than Don Quixote-esque jousting at windmills by the Left

So is conspiring with a foreign government to influence the election outcome.

Objection! Facts not in evidence!

The lawsuit filed by Obama'a myrmidon lackey lawyers is no nothing more than a frivolous, lame attempt to keep the "Pot Stirred".

Gotta keep throwing shit against a Teflon wall trying to get something, anything to stick!
CNN is now reporting that at least EIGHT attended Russia meeting with Trump Jr. How will Junior and Hannity explain that? Holy shit...

easy, two words ...

what meeting ?

MSNBC earlier reported that we may learn that a small army was at that meeting. Well, we're up from four to EIGHT already. So far - Junior was only off by 100%.
When did Jr. state how many people were in the room?
Russians on how to best distribute that material

So, you're saying that the Russian had no idea WikiLeaks existed, and Trump told them post the emails there for the best effect?

Okay, I'll buy that! /sarc

On the other hand, I'm still convinced Russia had anything to do with it since the Assaunge interview and our finding about the Ukraine involvement. There a little too much conficting evidence to know for certain.
CNN is now reporting that at least EIGHT attended Russia meeting with Trump Jr. How will Junior and Hannity explain that? Holy shit...

easy, two words ...

what meeting ?

MSNBC earlier reported that we may learn that a small army was at that meeting. Well, we're up from four to EIGHT already. So far - Junior was only off by 100%.
When did Jr. state how many people were in the room?

Didn't you watch his interview with Hannity on Fox News? Hannity asked him if he left anything out.

CNN is now reporting that at least EIGHT attended Russia meeting with Trump Jr. How will Junior and Hannity explain that? Holy shit...

easy, two words ...

what meeting ?

MSNBC earlier reported that we may learn that a small army was at that meeting. Well, we're up from four to EIGHT already. So far - Junior was only off by 100%.
When did Jr. state how many people were in the room?

Didn't you watch his interview with Hannity on Fox News? Hannity asked him if he left anything out.

Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar? I love this new standard that no Democrat politician could possibly ever meet.
CNN is now reporting that at least EIGHT attended Russia meeting with Trump Jr. How will Junior and Hannity explain that? Holy shit...

easy, two words ...

what meeting ?

MSNBC earlier reported that we may learn that a small army was at that meeting. Well, we're up from four to EIGHT already. So far - Junior was only off by 100%.

Sorry, I stopped reading ag "MSNBC reported because I know it is nothing more than alt-Left moon bat conspiracy propaganda.

FYI, I usually make liberal use of mu mouse's scroll wheel when I a post from you. I only stopped on this one because I had to re-position my finger from scrolling other loons.

I might reconsider by-passing you if you ,imit the quotes and link fro the dailyKOS, msnbc, the HuffPo, or Mother Jones, etc. Try and find credible websites would go a long way in convincing people you're not a Friutcake.

Just sayin'...
the lawyer was a government lawyer

Wrong. The closest she has ever been to the Russian government is that she used to be married to the Deputy Transportation Minister for Moscow. Boy, that sure places her in Putin's inner circle!

Jr worked for the campaign

So? It's called Opposition Research

he was offered dirt on an opponent

So, See debunk #2

he accepted the offer

So, See debunk #2

he met in private with the government lawyer

Private citizen meets with private citizen. Show me where, when, and how the 1st Amendment was repealed, specifically the "Right to Assemble".

I always thought that the Left was anti 1st Amendment. Siete just proved it

collusion or conspiracy

Neither. It's nothing more than Don Quixote-esque jousting at windmills by the Left

So is conspiring with a foreign government to influence the election outcome.

Objection! Facts not in evidence!

The lawsuit filed by Obama'a myrmidon lackey lawyers is no nothing more than a frivolous, lame attempt to keep the "Pot Stirred".

Gotta keep throwing shit against a Teflon wall trying to get something, anything to stick!

she was presented in the email as The Crown Prosecutor by Goldstone ...

The term "Crown Prosecutor of Russia" is synonymous with "Attorney General of the United States". This is the most important information in the email because it indicates that the source providing the information to Donald Trump Jr. is at the highest level of the Russian Government.

now, a friend of Trump or some partisan shitstick on an internet message board ... who do I believe ???
Who cares if it's collusion or not. No law was broken. CNN colluded with the democrats, no one seems to care. Why should I care if trump or trump's son colluded with some Russian chick?!

Because colluding to effect an election with a foreign govt is illegal, stupid.

When will you move the goal post again to say "so what it's illegal, it wasn't murder!"?
the lawyer was a government lawyer

Wrong. The closest she has ever been to the Russian government is that she used to be married to the Deputy Transportation Minister for Moscow. Boy, that sure places her in Putin's inner circle!

Jr worked for the campaign

So? It's called Opposition Research

he was offered dirt on an opponent

So, See debunk #2

he accepted the offer

So, See debunk #2

he met in private with the government lawyer

Private citizen meets with private citizen. Show me where, when, and how the 1st Amendment was repealed, specifically the "Right to Assemble".

I always thought that the Left was anti 1st Amendment. Siete just proved it

collusion or conspiracy

Neither. It's nothing more than Don Quixote-esque jousting at windmills by the Left

So is conspiring with a foreign government to influence the election outcome.

Objection! Facts not in evidence!

The lawsuit filed by Obama'a myrmidon lackey lawyers is no nothing more than a frivolous, lame attempt to keep the "Pot Stirred".

Gotta keep throwing shit against a Teflon wall trying to get something, anything to stick!

she was presented in the email as The Crown Prosecutor by Goldstone ...

The term "Crown Prosecutor of Russia" is synonymous with "Attorney General of the United States". This is the most important information in the email because it indicates that the source providing the information to Donald Trump Jr. is at the highest level of the Russian Government.

now, a friend of Trump or some partisan shitstick on an internet message board ... who do I believe ???

All that proves is what Goldstone said. It proves nothing about Trump. Goldstone is a "publicist," which means he's a bullshit artist. Only fools take the statements of such a man at face value. It's no surprise that all the snowflakes treat his email as gospel.
Who cares if it's collusion or not. No law was broken. CNN colluded with the democrats, no one seems to care. Why should I care if trump or trump's son colluded with some Russian chick?!

Because colluding to effect an election with a foreign govt is illegal, stupid.

When will you move the goal post again to say "so what it's illegal, it wasn't murder!"?
Wrong, it's not illegal if no campaign laws are broken, and none were broken by the Trump team. However, there was no collusion, so your statement is meaningless.
the lawyer was a government lawyer

Wrong. The closest she has ever been to the Russian government is that she used to be married to the Deputy Transportation Minister for Moscow. Boy, that sure places her in Putin's inner circle!

Jr worked for the campaign

So? It's called Opposition Research

he was offered dirt on an opponent

So, See debunk #2

he accepted the offer

So, See debunk #2

he met in private with the government lawyer

Private citizen meets with private citizen. Show me where, when, and how the 1st Amendment was repealed, specifically the "Right to Assemble".

I always thought that the Left was anti 1st Amendment. Siete just proved it

collusion or conspiracy

Neither. It's nothing more than Don Quixote-esque jousting at windmills by the Left

So is conspiring with a foreign government to influence the election outcome.

Objection! Facts not in evidence!

The lawsuit filed by Obama'a myrmidon lackey lawyers is no nothing more than a frivolous, lame attempt to keep the "Pot Stirred".

Gotta keep throwing shit against a Teflon wall trying to get something, anything to stick!

she was presented in the email as The Crown Prosecutor by Goldstone ...

The term "Crown Prosecutor of Russia" is synonymous with "Attorney General of the United States". This is the most important information in the email because it indicates that the source providing the information to Donald Trump Jr. is at the highest level of the Russian Government.

now, a friend of Trump or some partisan shitstick on an internet message board ... who do I believe ???

All that proves is what Goldstone said. It proves nothing about Trump. Goldstone is a "publicist," which means he's a bullshit artist. Only fools take the statements of such a man at face value. It's no surprise that all the snowflakes treat his email as gospel.

Goldstone isnt a lying publicist ... you are a lying partisan piece of shit ..

see the difference?
the lawyer was a government lawyer

Wrong. The closest she has ever been to the Russian government is that she used to be married to the Deputy Transportation Minister for Moscow. Boy, that sure places her in Putin's inner circle!

Jr worked for the campaign

So? It's called Opposition Research

he was offered dirt on an opponent

So, See debunk #2

he accepted the offer

So, See debunk #2

he met in private with the government lawyer

Private citizen meets with private citizen. Show me where, when, and how the 1st Amendment was repealed, specifically the "Right to Assemble".

I always thought that the Left was anti 1st Amendment. Siete just proved it

collusion or conspiracy

Neither. It's nothing more than Don Quixote-esque jousting at windmills by the Left

So is conspiring with a foreign government to influence the election outcome.

Objection! Facts not in evidence!

The lawsuit filed by Obama'a myrmidon lackey lawyers is no nothing more than a frivolous, lame attempt to keep the "Pot Stirred".

Gotta keep throwing shit against a Teflon wall trying to get something, anything to stick!

she was presented in the email as The Crown Prosecutor by Goldstone ...

The term "Crown Prosecutor of Russia" is synonymous with "Attorney General of the United States". This is the most important information in the email because it indicates that the source providing the information to Donald Trump Jr. is at the highest level of the Russian Government.

now, a friend of Trump or some partisan shitstick on an internet message board ... who do I believe ???

All that proves is what Goldstone said. It proves nothing about Trump. Goldstone is a "publicist," which means he's a bullshit artist. Only fools take the statements of such a man at face value. It's no surprise that all the snowflakes treat his email as gospel.

Goldstone isnt a lying publicist ... you are a lying partisan piece of shit ..

see the difference?
Yes he is a lying publicist. He obviously lied about the credentials of the woman he wanted Trump Jr. to meet.

I'm willing to give you credit for not being a liar. You're just a congenital dumbass who believes whatever the fake media tells you to believe.
Who cares if it's collusion or not. No law was broken. CNN colluded with the democrats, no one seems to care. Why should I care if trump or trump's son colluded with some Russian chick?!

Because colluding to effect an election with a foreign govt is illegal, stupid.

When will you move the goal post again to say "so what it's illegal, it wasn't murder!"?

Then why do we do it all the time ?
Oh, so that means that any new detail the fake news discovers means he's a liar?

The story changes more often than the channels on someone with ADD;s TV,

How many people were in the room? First Trump Jr said 4, then it comes out it was 6, and now it may have been 8.

Two more and it's a basketball game.
Yes he is a lying publicist. He obviously lied about the credentials of the woman he wanted Trump Jr. to meet..

Bingo. Trump didn't agree to meet with a private russian lawyer, but who Gladstone per-ported her to be, an agent of the Kremlin.

Which means it's not just russian collusion, but russian government collusion
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.
Hillary signed off on a deal that sold uranium mines to a Canadian company in which Russian companies had an interest. Later, the Russian bought a controlling interest. However, no uranium from those mines can be shipped out of the US. Sure a different picture than our lying "Conservatives" are painting. In the meantime, the evidence is now overwhelming that the Trump campaign actively sought and accepted help from a foreign adversary. That is treason.

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