Krauthammer to GOP: Give up on Benghazi

A little disclosure on my part: in 2006, when the Hiz'ballah / Lebanon war broke out in the summer and all sorts of ugliness was happening toward Israel on it's northern border, I read an outstanding column by Krauthammer in, I believe, the NYT. I emailed him and he responded to me and an email exchange of about 10 emails ensued. He is a smart guy and actually very level-headed. We don't agree on politics very much, be we agree on strategemas that work, and those that don't work.

But Krauthammer is also a flip-flopper. When Putin invaded N. Ossetia (Georgia) in 2008, he wrote in a number of columns that there was essentially nothing that the then-Bush adminstration could do, but when Putin took the Crimea in 2014, Krauthammer went pretty ballistic. So, he's a partisan team-player, which makes this video even more amazing.

I would think that Krauthammer would be about the last guy in the world to scold his own team.

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