Kremlin names Comrade Trump Employee of the Month!

Kremlin Names Trump Employee of the Month

HILARIOUS! Just another media outlet for Donnie to shut down when he takes office.

Why would he shut it down? Expect him to shut down The Onion as well? Trump has a sense of humor too.

He will do whatever Moscow tell him. They have some ugly stuff on him.

Wait a you actually believe this article is true? You don't understand that it's just a joke?
Kremlin Names Trump Employee of the Month

HILARIOUS! Just another media outlet for Donnie to shut down when he takes office.

Why would he shut it down? Expect him to shut down The Onion as well? Trump has a sense of humor too.

He will do whatever Moscow tell him. They have some ugly stuff on him.
So you plant a fake story and expect us to believe these lines? my my

You know how liberals are, they don't read stories, they just read headlines. If he read the story, he would have caught this at the bottom:

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for
Kremlin Names Trump Employee of the Month

HILARIOUS! Just another media outlet for Donnie to shut down when he takes office.

Why would he shut it down? Expect him to shut down The Onion as well? Trump has a sense of humor too.

He will do whatever Moscow tell him. They have some ugly stuff on him.
So you plant a fake story and expect us to believe these lines? my my

You know how liberals are, they don't read stories, they just read headlines. If he read the story, he would have caught this at the bottom:

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for

You dumb a@s! The New Yorker has been writing stuff like this and skewering thin skins for years. Grow a Brain!
I have been asking this question for awhile now and not a single leftard can answer it....what has Putin done over the last four years besides actually taking on ISIS/CIAl-qaeda that has you pussbags so upset with him that you want to start WWIII????

Let's debate and discuss this....prove to me that you are not the uninformed pussies I already know you to be.....
Kremlin Names Trump Employee of the Month

HILARIOUS! Just another media outlet for Donnie to shut down when he takes office.

Why would he shut it down? Expect him to shut down The Onion as well? Trump has a sense of humor too.

He will do whatever Moscow tell him. They have some ugly stuff on him.
So you plant a fake story and expect us to believe these lines? my my

You know how liberals are, they don't read stories, they just read headlines. If he read the story, he would have caught this at the bottom:

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for
Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation
It is going to be fun to see Trump's reaction after 20Jan17, when he becomes President, and target for laughs on his every gaffe.
Kremlin Names Trump Employee of the Month

HILARIOUS! Just another media outlet for Donnie to shut down when he takes office.

Why would he shut it down? Expect him to shut down The Onion as well? Trump has a sense of humor too.

He will do whatever Moscow tell him. They have some ugly stuff on him.
So you plant a fake story and expect us to believe these lines? my my

You know how liberals are, they don't read stories, they just read headlines. If he read the story, he would have caught this at the bottom:

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for
Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Please stay on topic.
It is going to be fun to see Trump's reaction after 20Jan17, when he becomes President, and target for laughs on his every gaffe.

It certainly will. He has shown he cannot take a joke.
Why would he shut it down? Expect him to shut down The Onion as well? Trump has a sense of humor too.

He will do whatever Moscow tell him. They have some ugly stuff on him.
So you plant a fake story and expect us to believe these lines? my my

You know how liberals are, they don't read stories, they just read headlines. If he read the story, he would have caught this at the bottom:

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for
Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Please stay on topic.
Wasn't talking to you dumb %%%
Kremlin Names Trump Employee of the Month

HILARIOUS! Just another media outlet for Donnie to shut down when he takes office.

Adolf Trump wins another award. Wow!

He and Eric and Jr. should be very proud. Oh, and also his autistic son.
You post crap like this and call ray a dumb %%%.

Do you know the history of the New Yorker? Geeesshh, you would think I planted Russian Malware!

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