Kremlin threatens to expel all UK media if Britain shuts down Russian broadcaster.

When an act is so blatant and done with no regard to hide it has to wonder if it was done to frame a show them in a bad light...If Putin wanted this guy dead I doubt he would have done it in broad daylight with the fore knowledge that everyone will be looking to him as the guilty party...He is ruthless but not stupid...

and May is an idiot...regardless of what happened she is a tool....

Who knows really? I have lived long enough to think the simplest solution is often the right one, but also that it is really dangerous to assume/speculate just because the assumption/speculation seems so obvious. Did Russian intelligence put out a contract on those people? I wouldn't be surprised but do we really know that? I'm pretty sure our own government is not above a clandestine assassination here and there in the interest of national security or whatever.

But isn't the normal response of law enforcement to look for and arrest the person committing the murder and go from there rather than just blame a foreign country for it?????
It just seems too deniability...that is not how nations do their dirty deeds...I'm not convinced Russia had anything to do with this but we will see...There are great forces aligned against Russia for a lot of reasons including Hillary losing...So who knows...many in the world with the know how and ability to carry this out and make it look like Russia was involved could have done this. It's just too obvious...

That's what raised my eyebrows--the so quick conclusion without offering any evidence of who the murderer(s) is. It just seemed so convenient. But I am prepared for the initial version of the story to be the correct one too. I just don't pretend to know what the truth is at this point.

But it sure would make a great spy novel plot. :)

Reeks of John Le Carré.

Indeed. I'm looking at a copy of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold on my office bookshelf now. A Tom Clancy novel or two as well as Lee Childs' "Jack Reacher" there too.

But honestly, some of the fiction the media drums up and is tossed around on social media and message boards, etc. probably gives them a lot of plot ideas. :)

I'm into Jack Reacher's latest right now. What a page turner!
Speaking of Hillary, the Russians probably leave her pretty much alone as she manages to create chaos and division without any help from them. Even the Huffington Post and other Democratic surrogate publications are grumbling about her cringeworthy remarks in India. The states that voted for her are more economically advanced and progressive thinking than those that didn't? The states that voted for Trump oppress black people, Native Americans, women, etc.? White married women vote as their husbands or bosses or other male authority figures tell them to vote? She must have never read Dale Carnegie. But she sure provided some great sound bites for the GOP to use in this year's midterm campaign. :)

But the Russians are delighted to pit us against each other. Based on where they ran them, even those mostly anti-Hillary ads they ran on Facebook and other social media were intended to generate anger, mostly Democratic anger at Republicans. Apparently there was a lot of fake news in the Russian ad campaign in our election. And I am sure they are giggling and enjoying it a lot every time there is a new speculation about who Mueller is closing in on or every time somebody like Adam Schiff or Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters gets in front of a microphone these days. And they snicker in glee that the Democrats are worthless as their sole focus is to make Trump look bad even if that means not serving the people who elected them, and the Republicans are worthless as they scramble to counter the Democrats plus protect their own status quo.

And if a couple of dead Russian spies can add to the chaos they intended and intend to generate, well that's a really good thing for them.
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At one point, Hilary wouldn't shut up about the Russians, ad nauseum.

And now, with a wonderful opportunity to spout off about them again, she's gone stum.
Will Putin turn off the gas tap, and the Brits will freeze?

My God!

It's all happening in England.

Nerve agents attack, a strangling in London, a partially exploded bomb on the Tube. Expletives flying back and forth between London and Moscow.
Got a real pleasure of reading you.
Good to realize there are people in west able to think logically without blind believing to all that propaganda in your mass media.

That nerve agent was created in the USSR. Main laboratory was in Uzbekistan and it got out of Russian control in 1991. The USA took all that laboratory with everything in its warehouse and 2 chief specialists to America.
That nerve agent was fully eliminated in Russia. It is not the most efficient so it was not supposed to be useful at any case. And this agent “novichok” was mentioned in TV-serial not long it is familiar to western public.
Ok, brits faced that agent, were impressively professional to identify it... But why they didn’t ask Russia for antidote to cure sufferers? Antidote is always created while creating agent.
And you all are absolutely right - no proves, no any material, no invitation for co-investigating. And no wish to move forward according to legal international rules for such cases.
Besides London is full of video cameras. You can’t visit toilet there without being witnessed. And there is no any video material on how Skripals got to the park, who was near and so on.

All that story repeats usual anti Russian scenarios.
A lot of blaming without proves, making conclusions, a lot of one-sided info in mass media and absolute unwillingness to seek truth. Same as with gas attacks in Syria and Boeing fallen in Donbass.
'One should not threaten a nuclear power,' a foreign ministry spokesperson said.

Russia says that "not a single British media outlet" will be able to work in the country if the UK shuts down Russia Today.

Its foreign ministry made the threat amid suggestions from British regulator Ofcom that it could not renew the license of the state-funded TV channel. Ofcom's announcement came amid increasing tensions between the UK and Russia following the poisoning of a spy on British soil with a nerve agent.

The warning came in a press conference in which a foreign ministry spokeswoman responded to recent tensions by saying "one should not threaten a nuclear power", according to state news organisation RIA.

Kremlin threatens to expel all UK media if Britain shuts down Russian broadcaster
How dare the Brits make accusations against a country with a history of killing it's adversaries with poisonous substances....(But really Putin prefers radiation)

They are accusations and assumptions at this stage.

Why on earth would Putin risk stuff like this, with the World Cup coming up, which Russia is hosting?

And Mrs May has bungled so many things since becoming Prime Minister, this latest may be a misjudged attempt at being seen as strong.

Issues an ultimatum to Russia? That's a joke. As if Putin could care less.
What are your guesses as to who has done these things in the past couple weeks, if not Putin?
When an act is so blatant and done with no regard to hide it has to wonder if it was done to frame a show them in a bad light...If Putin wanted this guy dead I doubt he would have done it in broad daylight with the fore knowledge that everyone will be looking to him as the guilty party...He is ruthless but not stupid...

and May is an idiot...regardless of what happened she is a tool....
It didn't stop him when he poisoned and killed that other guy ten years ago. Put it right in his tea, he did.
'One should not threaten a nuclear power,' a foreign ministry spokesperson said.

Russia says that "not a single British media outlet" will be able to work in the country if the UK shuts down Russia Today.

Its foreign ministry made the threat amid suggestions from British regulator Ofcom that it could not renew the license of the state-funded TV channel. Ofcom's announcement came amid increasing tensions between the UK and Russia following the poisoning of a spy on British soil with a nerve agent.

The warning came in a press conference in which a foreign ministry spokeswoman responded to recent tensions by saying "one should not threaten a nuclear power", according to state news organisation RIA.

Kremlin threatens to expel all UK media if Britain shuts down Russian broadcaster
How dare the Brits make accusations against a country with a history of killing it's adversaries with poisonous substances....(But really Putin prefers radiation)

They are accusations and assumptions at this stage.

Why on earth would Putin risk stuff like this, with the World Cup coming up, which Russia is hosting?

And Mrs May has bungled so many things since becoming Prime Minister, this latest may be a misjudged attempt at being seen as strong.

Issues an ultimatum to Russia? That's a joke. As if Putin could care less.
What are your guesses as to who has done these things in the past couple weeks, if not Putin?

It's all intriguing conspiracy theories at present. I can think of many. But there is still no conclusive evidence of anything pointing to anyone.

For instance, the other Russian guy in London. Was it suicide? Or was he strangled by another person? Still no definite proof one way or the other on that.
Britain is really a place of strange deaths.
Skripals (attempt) and Glushakov now, Berezovsky and Litvinenko several years ago.
And each time we got blaming of Russia without any real proves.
Each time the only prove is that victim was Russian government’s enemy.
When an act is so blatant and done with no regard to hide it has to wonder if it was done to frame a show them in a bad light...If Putin wanted this guy dead I doubt he would have done it in broad daylight with the fore knowledge that everyone will be looking to him as the guilty party...He is ruthless but not stupid...

and May is an idiot...regardless of what happened she is a tool....

Who knows really? I have lived long enough to think the simplest solution is often the right one, but also that it is really dangerous to assume/speculate just because the assumption/speculation seems so obvious. Did Russian intelligence put out a contract on those people? I wouldn't be surprised but do we really know that? I'm pretty sure our own government is not above a clandestine assassination here and there in the interest of national security or whatever.

But isn't the normal response of law enforcement to look for and arrest the person committing the murder and go from there rather than just blame a foreign country for it?????
It just seems too deniability...that is not how nations do their dirty deeds...I'm not convinced Russia had anything to do with this but we will see...There are great forces aligned against Russia for a lot of reasons including Hillary losing...So who knows...many in the world with the know how and ability to carry this out and make it look like Russia was involved could have done this. It's just too obvious...

Again, I have absolutely no reason to believe Russia doesn't carry out assassinations as expedient because I'm pretty sure the USA and Britain and probably most countries carry out assassinations as expedient. And most do so quietly and without any fanfare except in high profile cases such as bin Laden.

But when we don't know who did it but indict based on who we knew might have a motive, how do we know these guys weren't killed by somebody who wanted Russia to get blamed? How many people in the USA or Britain for that matter want it to be Russia because it is important that Russia look like the world's worst villain right now?

See? The plot is already thickening in that speculative spy novel taking form in my head. :)
Putin shall EXPEL ALL WESTERN LYING PRESSTITUTES because they write only sh.. about Russia here.RT is enough for coverage true information from Russia
In this case it was a threat. One with teeth? Dunno. But I wouldn't be surprised. It will be interesting to see if PM May blinks.
Oh, the Kremlin has so much teeth that any shark can envy this ammount :)


Putin is not such an idiot as you... think :)
In this case our own presstitute would look even more ugly :) So get your fucking hands off our freedom of speech!!

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