kristallnacht or Pogrom night …. which term is more descriptive?

i would say…

  • Pogrom night

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While it definitely was the quintessential pogrom, the name they chose is more descriptive. What the Nazis didn't understand at the time was it was THEIR country that was being shattered. The 1000-year Reich is all gone, the Jews are very much alive.
what is your choice?

Kristallnacht. The Kristallnacht was organized from the SS like a military operation. The SS destroyed in this night in Germany the complete production capacity of Europe for one year of shop window glass.
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While it definitely was the quintessential pogrom, the name they chose is more descriptive. ...

“In jener Nacht fuhr ich, im Taxi auf dem Heimweg, den Tauentzien und Kurfürstendamm entlang. Auf beiden Straßenseiten standen Männer und schlugen mit Eisenstangen Schaufenster ein. Überall krachte und splitterte Glas. Es waren SS-Leute, in schwarzen Breeches und hohen Stiefeln, aber in Ziviljacken und mit Hüten. Sie gingen gelassen und systematisch zu Werke. Jedem schienen vier, fünf Häuserfronten zugeteilt. Sie hoben die Stangen, schlugen mehrmals zu und rückten dann zum nächsten Schaufenster vor. Passanten waren nicht zu sehen. (Erst später, hörte ich am folgenden Tag, seien Barfrauen, Nachtkellner und Straßenmädchen aufgetaucht und hätten die Auslagen geplündert.)
Dreimal ließ ich das Taxi halten. Dreimal wollte ich aussteigen. Dreimal trat ein Kriminalbeamter hinter einem der Bäume hervor und forderte mich energisch auf, im Auto zu bleiben und weiterzufahren. Dreimal erklärte ich, dass ich doch wohl aussteigen könne, wann ich wolle, und das erst recht, wenn sich aller Öffentlichkeit, gelinde ausgedrückt, Ungebührliches ereigne. Dreimal hieß es barsch: ‘Kriminalpolizei’! Dreimal wurde die Wagentür zugeschlagen. Dreimal fuhren wir weiter. Als ich zum vierten Mal halten wollte, weigerte sich der Chauffeuer. ‘Es hat keinen Zweck’, sagte er ‘und außerdem ist es Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt!’ Er bremste erste vor meiner Wohnung.”
(aus: Erich Kästner: Notabene 45. Ein Tagebuch, Frankfurt/M 1983, S.140f)


"That night I was in a taxi on my way home, travelling along Tauentzien and Kurfürstendamm. There were men on both sides of the street smashing shop windows with iron bars. Glass was crashing and shattering everywhere. They were SS men in black breeches and high boots, but in civilian jackets and hats. They went about their work calmly and systematically. Each seemed to be assigned four or five house fronts. They raised the poles, struck them several times and then advanced to the next shop window. Passers-by were nowhere to be seen. (Only later, I heard the following day, did barmaids, night waiters and streetwalkers turn up and loot the window displays).

I had the taxi stop three times. Three times I wanted to get out. Three times a police officer stepped out from behind one of the trees and forcefully asked me to stay in the car and drive on. Three times I explained that I could get out when I wanted to, and even more so when there was, to put it mildly, impropriety going on in public. Three times I was harshly told: 'Criminal investigation department'! Three times the car door was slammed shut. Three times we drove on. When I tried to stop for the fourth time, the chauffeur refused. 'It's no use,' he said, 'and besides, it's resisting state authority!' He only braked in front of my flat."
(from: Erich Kästner: Notabene 45. Ein Tagebuch, Frankfurt/M 1983, p.140f)
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While it definitely was the quintessential pogrom, the name they chose is more descriptive. What the Nazis didn't understand at the time was it was THEIR country that was being shattered. The 1000-year Reich is all gone, the Jews are very much alive.
, Kristallnacht was Fake.

Suggest you study this before automatically regurgitating the manipulated narrative .
Of course Deniers will automatically believe the story that the victors wish to be regarded as the official history .

Very well worth the read for those who can manage such an old fashioned way of communicating .
Kristallnacht. The Kristallnacht was organized from the SS like a military operation. The SS destroyed in this night in Germany the complete production capacity of Europe for one year of shop window glass.
not only glass!
not only glass!

That's where from came this name. And I find it stupid to call it "pogrom". First of all is the word per se not a good word for a widespread public use; most people speak out and write "progrom" instead of pogrom - and although right spelling is without any educational hint this causes also arrogant Darwinian attacks from fake-intellectuals. Second: The Nazis propagated after this military operation the people had risen up against the Jews - what was perhaps the days after also partially a self-fulfilling propaganda because we are gregarious animals. But the Nazis on their own arrested in this night also many Jews. Oh by the way what's also important to know; the SS - the private army of the NSDAP - and all policemen in Germany had been under control of only one man: Heinrich Himmler.

Pogrom is for sure not the best word because in the centre had been an exactly planed military operation from SS and Nazi-police supported from professional Nazi-propaganda structures. And the background of the anti-Semitism of the Nazis had been darwinism and not religion. The Reichskristallnacht had happened in the night and was made from professionals without any public control of the people.

Oh - and not to forget. One of the songs I love most, "Kristallnach", is unfortunatelly wrong in details. The texter seems to be partially also a victim of the Nazi-propaganda which tried to create a self-fullfilling atmosphere of hateful anti-Semitism of the people. Nevertheless is this song not "wrong" - because not only facts exist and also feelings are often true in another way as we often think.

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To call a text from a witness of the time period and specially a text of Erich Kästner "fake news" is more than only strange - but I know that Erich Kästner is under fire from left wingers because he used in his books for example the word "Neger" (negroe). Nevertheless Erich Kästner was an anti-Nazi. Can you tell me why the Russian war propaganda sees in Erich Kästner an enemy?
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“In jener Nacht fuhr ich, im Taxi auf dem Heimweg, den Tauentzien und Kurfürstendamm entlang. Auf beiden Straßenseiten standen Männer und schlugen mit Eisenstangen Schaufenster ein. Überall krachte und splitterte Glas. Es waren SS-Leute, in schwarzen Breeches und hohen Stiefeln, aber in Ziviljacken und mit Hüten. Sie gingen gelassen und systematisch zu Werke. Jedem schienen vier, fünf Häuserfronten zugeteilt. Sie hoben die Stangen, schlugen mehrmals zu und rückten dann zum nächsten Schaufenster vor. Passanten waren nicht zu sehen. (Erst später, hörte ich am folgenden Tag, seien Barfrauen, Nachtkellner und Straßenmädchen aufgetaucht und hätten die Auslagen geplündert.)
Dreimal ließ ich das Taxi halten. Dreimal wollte ich aussteigen. Dreimal trat ein Kriminalbeamter hinter einem der Bäume hervor und forderte mich energisch auf, im Auto zu bleiben und weiterzufahren. Dreimal erklärte ich, dass ich doch wohl aussteigen könne, wann ich wolle, und das erst recht, wenn sich aller Öffentlichkeit, gelinde ausgedrückt, Ungebührliches ereigne. Dreimal hieß es barsch: ‘Kriminalpolizei’! Dreimal wurde die Wagentür zugeschlagen. Dreimal fuhren wir weiter. Als ich zum vierten Mal halten wollte, weigerte sich der Chauffeuer. ‘Es hat keinen Zweck’, sagte er ‘und außerdem ist es Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt!’ Er bremste erste vor meiner Wohnung.”
(aus: Erich Kästner: Notabene 45. Ein Tagebuch, Frankfurt/M 1983, S.140f)


"That night I was in a taxi on my way home, travelling along Tauentzien and Kurfürstendamm. There were men on both sides of the street smashing shop windows with iron bars. Glass was crashing and shattering everywhere. They were SS men in black breeches and high boots, but in civilian jackets and hats. They went about their work calmly and systematically. Each seemed to be assigned four or five house fronts. They raised the poles, struck them several times and then advanced to the next shop window. Passers-by were nowhere to be seen. (Only later, I heard the following day, did barmaids, night waiters and streetwalkers turn up and loot the window displays).

I had the taxi stop three times. Three times I wanted to get out. Three times a police officer stepped out from behind one of the trees and forcefully asked me to stay in the car and drive on. Three times I explained that I could get out when I wanted to, and even more so when there was, to put it mildly, impropriety going on in public. Three times I was harshly told: 'Criminal investigation department'! Three times the car door was slammed shut. Three times we drove on. When I tried to stop for the fourth time, the chauffeur refused. 'It's no use,' he said, 'and besides, it's resisting state authority!' He only braked in front of my flat."
(from: Erich Kästner: Notabene 45. Ein Tagebuch, Frankfurt/M 1983, p.140f)
thanx for posting this

And do not forget to tell Putin to leave the Ukraine with all soldiers. If you did start to do so yesterday then do not hesitate to continue to leave the Ukraine.
Fake Kristallnacht
Typical small IQ commenting before even scanning the support for the assertion .
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

Against all Jews.

And more...

And more...

Responding to thread by Islamist quoting a fake piece by infamous CJ Werleman.
30 Jan 2024

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

In whitewashing HER-Hitler and Nazis' worshipping, Luiza claimed to "deny" Kristallnacht .(Feb 5, 2024).

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